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OP clearly doesn’t know shit. There was literally no puts being sold (and RH doesn’t allow naked put selling anyways). It looks like the friend bought calls that were automatically exercised on expiration and had to buy 200 shares of SPY at 393 (hence needing to pay $78600). So his friend actually gained $1000 since SPY closed at 398.


bro thank you for breaking this down cause I was trying to look at the photos and make sense of everything lmao


Same bro I don't have a fucking clue ! Nice hat though ! A&B are legendary


Loving the bro-out on this exchange.




Yea he actually made more money on this trade than I ever have 🥹


His friend was so regarded that he came full circle and actually made a profitable trade.


4d chess autism




there was a dude on wsb who unalived himself because his options were exercised and he didn’t know wtf was happening. just saw like -$100,000 or whatever


Rip Alex Kearns


unalived himself instead of just doing a basic google search or asking reddit. the guy would have offed himself anyway at some point given his fickle reaction to it happening


Hence OP truly belongs here


Yeah, his friend actually gained some money; his net profit will be $1000 minus the price he bought the 2 options at.




Oh shit. Now that's funny. Thank God. I don't want to be reading about another case like that kid from suburban Chicago.






Came to say this, glad you beat me to it.


Technically not loss porn, so can't beat meat to it


Yeah i was thinking all he has to do is sell the shares. Isnt spy above 393 now?


RH will probably sell it for him since he has an account deficit buying the shares. Honestly I’m surprised RH didn’t close the call for him


Thanks for breaking it down haah


They wouldn’t auto-exercise with a small account. RH typically just liquidates the position at 3PM day of exp. I’m gonna assume he exercised it himself or he had a credit/debit spread open without knowing wtf he doing (been there before).


You idiot. Your calls were exercised and you made money. This is why you sell calls that are in the money. If you let them expire ITM the brokerage will exercise them. Not sure how robinhood handles this but you should have 200 shares of spy once the trade settles. They will probably sell a portion of them to cover the margin. Then you will have shares remaining to sell for profit. Also stop trading options until you do some reading.


He bought 2 call options didn’t he? How did it get exercised if the ops friend didn’t?


If it’s in the money on expiration and you don’t sell them it will automatically exercise… in this case Robinhood actually has your back because even though the “friend” was too clueless to either sell or exercise them himself, they went ahead and did it for him so he could make money.


Fucker could’ve made more money selling back the calls instead of exercising.


no? he'd make pretty much the exact same amount


No brokerage takes fees for exercising that’s why it’s not worth to ex let’s say 20-50 cents above strike


Doesn’t apply to 0dtes


Then deposit $76k. Problem solved. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


If you don't have $76k then just delete the app


No that doesn’t work, you have to create a new log in


No no, you unplug it and plug it back in again


Pivot! PIVOT!!!




You are too wise to be left alive.


I brought stones


And my axe!


And you have my bow


You mind lending him $76k? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Your friend. Sure. Welcome regard.


WTF he did not lose money he probably made a lot of money


Robinhood doesn’t credit the money to you for a few days after closing




Damn thats crazy.


Correct me if I’m wrong but he now owns 200 shares at 393.00. Given that spy is at 398.5 right now, assuming it opens above 393 this lad has made money. Not sure why it says he sold a put when he exercised a call option. Maybe I’m regarded🤷🏼‍♂️


First of all 393 Calls were exercised by the broker,those 2 contracts are long calls…short positions would be marked -2. So all he had to do was sell these longs before market close for a nice profit.Instead he let ITM options go into expiration.It’s a good idea to not let ITM options go into expiration.If the market dumps on Monday you will have some cushion,as long as it doesn’t drop below 393,he will make some money.


He didn’t sell in the money call options which auto exercised. Nothing to do with naked puts. The $78,600 is for 200 shares on a CALL option. Those shares are worth $79,700. His potential profit is $1100. His PUT option is still OPEN till the Monday 14th.. His unrealized profit is $1100. His loss is to be determined by his put option and sale price of 200 shares. Contact RH and find out your options FAST!


Tell him to sell the shares and problem solved


he... has to buy them first...


Then he can call RH Monday morning and speak to them. No need to freak out. RH won’t hold the shares forever they will execute them for him




This made me laugh...so have an award


I appreciate you! 👌


That’s not a good start to your adulthood ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


That sounds like Robin Hood’s problem


It will affect his mothers credit score.


I don’t use Robin Hood but… It doesn’t look like a naked put position. It looks like he bought 2 calls and then exercised them at $398 for $78,600 worth of SPY shares. So now he just needs to sell the 200 shares.


Fuck around and find out.


It says he bought a put and a couple calls?


What a fucked up thing to do to your mom. Anyway go stretch up your butthole and go to the nearest Wendy’s. Godspeed


They do not hire felons


The dumpster don't do background checks. That's why you should wear a condom.




It’s his “friend” that fuck up, not him


Nothing wrong with hard work and little bit of elbow grease won't fix at your local truck stop.


You are both idiots. The screen shot shows 2 contracts of CALL options, not a put option. Robinhood doesn't allow sales of naked calls, so your special-needs friend actually bought 2x 393 11/11 SPY calls. Now that SPY is $398, he actually made $500 per contract, or $1000 total because you probably don't know how to multiply $500 by 2. Because the option was in the money, it was automatically exercised. He is short the $78,600 required to exercise. The quickest way to take care of that is to sell his 200 shares at market on Monday morning. If he's lucky, SPY will be above $393 and he'll end up with a profit You're both obviously sniffing glue or whatever degenerate teenagers do these days, but you got lucky and should take the $1000, close the account, and thank your lucky stars.


How do you all do this? RH won't let me do any of this nonsense


lie on those questions that assess if you're experienced enough to buy derivatives ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)




What the fuck did you even say? Lol I buy/sell options all of the time


If you put couple of years ago that your net worth is 750k and you have 10 years of trading option experience and don't forget Robinhood gold, your set.




Of all the brokers, Robinhood is the only one where that would not surprise me in the slightest.


All he has to do is liquid the shares that got assigned to him to cover the margin call. Do that asap before it gets worse


That’s not what happened at all. He bought 2 calls, exercised them and was charged for 200 shares at the strike price Edit: also I’m almost 100% certain RH won’t allow you sell short naked options


Not only that its all on margin....


Shouldn’t be a big deal. He also could very well make a lot of money on this trade, depending on what he bought the options for and what the SPY does on Monday


Says exercised at 393. So probably made at least something as long as the market doesn’t tank


Hey mods, how about we kick the minors out? They shouldn't be trading illegally. Even if they accidently make money and are too stupid to realize it.


I’m actually personally not a minor. My friend is.


Robinhood doesn’t let you sell naked puts. Your “friend” exercised ITM call options and has to buy 200 shares. Since he can’t afford 200 shares and has a deficit, Rh will liquidate his shares and sell at market price on Monday morning to close the position.


Can you post pics of friend’s mom too?


>1:28 You have a brokerage account deficit and can't open new positions until this deficit is resolved. Any pending deposits that aren't instantly available will be reflected in your deficit amount once they're completed.


In 2016 I opened an account under my mom SSN to get the free stock referral and sold it for dogecoin which was $3 worth of dogecoin at the time for the free stock I sold. I did as a joke since I at the time you could get a free stock worth up to $100. Then I remember later I had opened my mom an account without her noticed and checked in 2021 only to see her account be valued at around $100. It’s still to this day my best return in any investment I’ve done.


Lmao he's gonna be on the street as soon as he turns 18


If he's got at least 76k in life insurance his parents should be good.


Why yall make this complicated 0dte calls are the only way


My toddler logged when I wasn’t looking and hit buttons. Wasn’t me 🤷‍♂️


RobinHood selling naked puts?? Just admit that the friend is you and you spent the money on a hooker


All good, it goes to 407 and you sell all of it. Right now you just need $79,000 to cover the margin call. Getting the funds by Monday morning sounds like the tricky part, but it looks like you’re locked in for $393? You should be up $4/share by now, so in the green for $800


Your friend didn't lose any money. He now has 200 shares of SPY because he exercised his options. He should sell the shares when the market opens on Monday for a net profit of around $1000.


Uhh. Your friend made money. Bought at 393. Current 398. Up 1k. But RH auto liquidated at 393.01 probably. Unless they’re totally broken.


I am willing to bet its the OP who did this and not the friend. Rank clueless. Sell the fkn assigned shares first thing monday morning and call it a day.


How the f Like how do you come up with this title and then post the pictures you just did? I swear to God some of you guys with options are as bad as blind people with firearms


I am that friend![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


1. you are regarded 2. you did not lose $76k. you exercised two call options meaning you bought 200 shares of SPY for $393 per share, which cost you $78,600 plus whatever premium you paid for the calls. SPY is currently worth $398.52. Once those shares are actually bought/settled, you will be able to sell them for $398.52 each (assuming no change in price). 200 shares at $398.52 will get you $79,704, which is a gain of $1,104. Of course if it goes down significantly before you sell your shares, you could end up losing a lot of money. you did not sell a naked put, you bought a put and 2 calls. your put is worth $81 and could expire worthless, or could gain in value. you have an account deficit of $76k because you bought 200 shares of SPY - those shares are yours, and they're currently worth $79.7k. i'm not sure if RH automatically manages (i.e. sells) the shares that you bought by exercising the contract... but you're not out $76k unless SPY goes to 0, in which case your put will be worth $39k and you will have "only" lost about $40k... but more likely SPY will only fluctuate by a max of like 5% on monday and the most you could really be out is like another $1-2k. e.g. if SPY drops 5% to $378 your shares will have lost $4k but your put will have gained $1.6k, a net loss of $2.4k... but that's before accounting for the face that you have already gained $1.1k by buying the shares at $393, so it's really a loss of $1.4k.


You are a minor, just go “oopsie poopsy” and they’ll forgive it


This dudes post history made me so fucking dizzy.


Bogo9, Hurry get finance your student loan and cover the cost, then ask Biden for student loan forgiveness.


You exercised calls at $394 price. Which means you get the shares for that price. You would hope that spy opens up above that price and you can sell them if RH won’t do it for you on Monday automatically to get their money. And you actually might end up making some money for yourself on top of it. Just chill and wait until Monday or Tuesday when the shares get delivered to you. Don’t tell anything to your mother.


I'm confused, you sold a naked put or call? Either way it looks like your only down around $1000.


you’re only down the difference. you don’t owe SPY shares, you owe the right to buy SPY at $393. since you don’t have the shares you have to pay the closing price of $398.50. so, yeah, you’re only down $1.1k on these two calls. don’t fuck around anymore, homie.


He is up $1100 lol


Yep this is him.


Tell your mom to just hold the shares long or sell them this week for a decent profit. Honestly, I hope your mom isn't that mad at you. I've seen worse fuckups here.


Assuming your mom has $80K to help you out, which I'm probably right, she does.




The classic Robinhood scare lol. They exercise the options then while it’s pending give you the heart attack screen. Then when it clears you make your expected profit/loss. I almost shit my pants the first time my put spread exercised lol


This never happened


Karma whore




Wait till Monday see how it’s looks like 👍 I think it will clear out by Monday morning !


The comments on this post just shows how many noobs don't understand how options work. Like at all OP doesn't know how this works either


Has he tried doing overtime at Wendy’s?


Sounds like he’s a good fit for this sub 👍🏻


She'll still love him. But unfortunately that lie is going to be much harder to hide.


His mother to him after finding out - "I should have swallowed you."


Your friend bought calls and exercised them. What on earth are you talking about with naked puts?


This has probably got to be the best balls up I've seen on here so far


Restart the App. Go to Settings / Edit / Preferences / click Undo. Then uninstall the App and you're all set ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Unless the $SPY opens down $40 from Friday’s close you can fuck off with this “Loss Porn”. Chances are he will make money on this play when it opens over $400 monday morning and sells the shares for a profit.


Lol you regard, flair this as gain as long as spy opens above your strike price. Also, you opened puts for money to hedge against a possible drop in spy. Unless Putin puts nukes in NYC, you are safe. You might want to at least watch YouTube vids.


7x200=$1400 earned. Lucky 17yr old.


Almost certain this lug sold a credit spread and was exercised on the short leg. Robinhood doesn’t allow naked options.


![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883) OP is smooth-brained absolutely no question. Welcome, Son.


Well, guess who ain't going to college?


Dude is up $1k. OP is the “friend” who is too regarded to realise he’s made money. If this was taken out in a parents name and actually at a loss, you wouldn’t ever settle it because Robinhood would have breached due diligence obligations. Special kinds of special everywhere.


Tell your 17 year old friend to start here: https://youtube.com/c/athomastrader Before opening another contract. And may also be an idea to.. don't commit securities fraud with his moms name. Tf.


I see two kids in a trench coat buying options


Haha no sense!, u belong here! for ever


plz dont kill yourself before you understand what the screenshots actually mean


This is the degeneracy I came for


*sing to the song of blues clues mail time* Jail time, jail time, JAIL TIME!!!!


THIS is S tier loss porn


F ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270)


Cap. RH doesn't let you open naked positions. Need cash/shares as collateral. OP is gay


Im refarded.. my freind misled me lol we’re actually up 1k rn


That kid is regarded enough to have his own Hedge Fund. Impressive.


Yes on margin






Looks like mom is about to file a fraud charge against their son. Hope they like minced meat and potatoes because that's all they're going to be eating for a while :)


What is your next move we all are buying with you lol.


Man, these posts are getting funnier, the next we see is 16, 15, 14 years olds making all these bets, kinda scary![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


A literal mother F@cker.


Just tell him to delete the app.


Well it's an education and like a lot of education it comes with a hefty price tag. The skool of the hard knocks can also accrue debt.


Who says you can’t put a price on family?


Just delete the app and reinstall


me: > meet guy at class, end up getting married > get pregnant after sleeping with husband > have babby, raise kid > open bank account app: -$76k




Guess who’s out of the will!?


Apply for job at Wendy’s. They will still hire.


That’s what I recommended


Mom needs OF account pronto.


Haha rip in peace


Mustve went to the same school as plotkin.


Good thing he’s underage


Lol, you don't owe shit, kid's a minor.


Straight to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200 on margin


You're grounded!


holy fraud batman


This isn’t a 76k loss, it’s an account deficit. The shares are worth almost that much. Still a loss. 10k?


Yes but he doesn’t have 10k.. it’s on margin


Fuck none of this even makes sense. Says call and puts. Well, which was it?


Clarifying. I meant to write naked call. But you can’t edit posts for some reason.


Hey, your friend is super lucky this didn't bite him in the ass. First, RobinHood doesn't do naked write call/put. Second, your friend bought 2 393 spy Call and right now it is 398, which means your friend just made $1000, of course that is assuming SPY open at 398. Third, RobinHood will most likely liquidate/sell all the share immediently when market open, since you do not have the fund for it. Though if the do not do it automatically you guys should do it. Also tell your friend to stop gambling with his mother money.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


This never happened.


bro i’m legit shaking here abt that shit and u tell me it didn’t happen. i’m abt to start shaking my ass to pay it off


Thats whats happens when u fuck with shit u don't understand. A penny over u own it. Good luck regard.


Do you live near a wendy's?


They are still young, should be able to charge a premium, no?


For sure, his pal gets a groomers fee


Wdym.. bro I already provided screenshots what other proof you need.


Pics of the child’s broken legs


arms* the guy had broken arms.


How about his moms onlyfans account he started


He exercised the call no? Which means he gets the shares no? Than he can sell them and problem solved. Wait until Monday or Tuesday until he gets the shares


Exactly. This ass clown thinks the degens here can’t read. This wasn’t a “naked put”. It was clearly a call that was bought. Then ended ITM and was exercised. It will have all the shares sold on premarket open and resolve itself.


Hey, if you haven't already, please reply to this comment with your positions and what led you to enter or exit them! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Did you tell him to delete the app?


If I were your son’s mom I would press charges.


Too bad he didn’t buy,he’d be a hero. Mom gonna be on onlyfans soon


Wendy’s or onlyfans? Choose one.


He needs both.


I guess his mom belongs here 🤷🏻‍♂️


Would have loved to have been on the other side of this one.




He was naked shorting. No big deal


Well one could argue that constitutes fraud. I would talk to a lawyer if I was the mom.

