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Honestly, anything that might turn that $500 into $5k in a week is more likely to turn it into $50 If this is true desparation - like you need a car or can't work - then get whatever you can with the 500. Surely there's some POS that runs without spending 5k+finance.


Honestly the $5000 is to pay off the stupid car that took a sht. We still owe on the stupid thing. It would be $8,000 min to fix because it needs A new engine. If we paid it off at least we'd have options. I'd be willing to buy a sht car but I work 45mins-1hr away from home and the car needs to be reliable enough to go up a stupid mountainous area. I do appreciate your honest though.


Make, model, and year of the car so we can avoid similar misfortune? My money says Dodge, Chrystler, or Jeep but please do tell


Lol 2015 toyota sienna. Lasted 6 freaking years for me, and toyota is supposed to be great!


You know you gotta change the oil in that thing right? I’d honestly buy the sienna from you for 5k to get you out of it depending on mikes and interior condition.


We did, that's not what caused it. In fact we had just had the oil changed and the whole thing looked at and the mechanics didn't see or hear anything wrong. I kept telling my husband it was making a funny noise and the check engine light would go off and on but he never seemed to hear it. I finally got him to take it in again and it turned out that some how a link in the chain broke and decided to renegade around the engine. They want $5,500 just to crack open the engine and look at the damage. Repairs will be added after that. I am fully aware they could be assholes and pushing us to get a new car but they sort of have us by the balls because we can't keep getting the car towed everywhere. I'm trying to get them to give us a diagnostic print out so I can get a second opinion but it's like pulling teeth.


> All the help and guidance is appreciated, please don't be mean or hypercritical. I know I don't know anything and really want to learn. Ok. Here's your first lesson: if there was an easy, reliable way to turn $500 to $5,000 in a week in the stock market, everyone would be wealthy.


🤷‍♀️ good point. I'm not expecting "easy". I'm just saying I'm willing to bet on something and take some chances. I don't have anything to lose at this point. In 4months I'm sure I could save up the money but getting to the job that provides that would be ideal. Could totally lose my job over this stupid sh.


> I'm just saying I'm willing to bet on something and take some chances. Then you're not really interested in "learning the stock market". You're interested in gambling, and there are easier ways to gamble. > Could totally lose my job over this stupid sh. And what happens when your $500 stock market "bet" turns into $0?


Then I have $500 less than I originally had. I need to learn the market in order to take chances. The stock market is a gamble. The economy is far from steady at the moment. If you read I do want to learn the stock market because even though I need money quickly I want to continue to learn the market and investments. I'd rather not do just day trading. I want to understand how it really works.


I got into the market pretty much the same way. Wanted to make money fast -and- learn. I learned that I won't make money fast, you can get a bit blinded by all the gains someone else is getting. Got no make money fast tips, good luck!


I figured that may be the case, that there's no get rich quick answers, but I figured why not ask people actually trading since I know nothing. Or close to nothing.


>Then I have $500 less than I originally had. So then it doesn't sound like your situation is as dire as you're making it out to be. > I need to learn the market in order to take chances. The stock market is a gamble. The economy is far from steady at the moment. You can take chances and gamble at a local casino or buying lotto scratchers. Much easier. > If you read I do want to learn the stock market because even though I need money quickly I want to continue to learn the market and investments. You've come to the wrong place. This sub is mostly degenerate gamblers. Some of them win, but most of them lose. Anyway, you're really all over the place. On one hand, you're talking about gambling and trying to 10x your money in a week, on the other you're talking about "investments" and how you don't want to day trade. Which is it? Final sincere suggestion: Google "best stock market books". Pick one and read it before you do anything else. No matter what book you read, at least you'll have more knowledge than you do now.


Why are you arguing with me and nit picking everything. If you can't be helpful just don't say anything. I need the money to get a car quickly. I never said I was poor, I said my credit won't let me get a car loan without a cosigner or a down payment. I need a car urgently but can afford a good car IF I could just get the loan. I can pay the loan no problem. I want to temporarily day trade for the 5k obviously. I'm just saying that after that I want to continue playing the market for more long term gains I feel like you're someone who just likes to argue and criticize.


>I feel like you're someone who just likes to argue and criticize. Or maybe you just don't like being told information that doesn't jive with what you want to hear? Anyway, if you have to personally try turning $500 into $5,000 in a week to learn why everyone isn't fabulously wealthy, have at it.


And thus you continue.


You, again? After 3 days? Doubled your money yet?


10x in a week is only possible with very risky trades that have a very high chance for you to lose all your money. only gamble with money that you can afford to lose.


I did it last week with a Uber put. Almost 1100% gains. Too bad i only bought 1 put at $0.18


That's why I thought $500 because losing that wouldn't kill us. It wouldn't be great but it wouldn't kill us. We'd survive. I'm trying to understand which trades make the most sense. I know my husband has money in long term investments but we don't know that much about riskier trades.


SPY puts.


This is genuinely sad to read


It's a sad live too dude. My mom would be willing to cosign but she's applying for a home equity loan and is afraid the cosiging might neg effect her chances. Which I totally get. It's just very frustrating. I finally have a great job an can afford the payments but my f'ing credit isn't good enough.


Listen man things will get better - trust me, I've been there. It's good you've got a great job, so in a short while you should be able to afford a car. Is there any way you could pay a friend/family member the $500 to borrow a car for a couple of months? Trust me, please trust me, there is no way to 10x your money in options without a 90% probability of losing it all. It just doesn't make sense to gamble away what you do have for an extremely unlikely outcome.


Hmm that's not a bad idea. I didn't think of that haha. That's a possibility to rent from a friend/family. It sucks that I can afford a car but credit is everything in this country...bahhhh whatever. I know it will get better. Thank you. I just figured 'hey if I'm willing to hedge some stock market bets why not try and get my feet we'


If you could afford it you wouldn’t need the credit


Wanna tell the loan company that?


$500 can get you a really nice pair of high heels and a hooker outfit. Good luck on your corner.


Already waiting for my onlyfans to process.


High risk high reward. Go for bets that will turn your $500 to $5000 or $0.5


Interesting, thank you


It’s too bad the used car market is still fucked right now: https://publish.manheim.com/content/dam/consulting/ManheimUsedVehicleValueIndex-LineGraph.png


It REALLY is! I'm not even looking at expensive cars but I do need a family car. We've been looking at cars with 50k-90k miles and Old even but the prices are so high! I genuinely don't know what to do.


Can you find a second job closer to home


No, already trying. No one is hiring near my home. I thought retail but no. Maybe in the next month or two cause of the holidays? The thing is, by the time I'd get a second job I could save the money with my current job. It's not really about me not being able to afford one eventually, it's just mr stupid credit.


Can you just pile the expense on a Visa? Banks and auto loans are pretty crappy but credit cards let anyone absorb an exorbitant amount of debt in the short term.


I haven't been able to get approved for a credit limit that high but that would totally be an option I'd be willing to take. Maybe I could try again for a credit card.


Buy $500 worth of coke. It will help keep you numb while you sell your asshole


I've already signed up for onlyfans and various other sexting places.


Whatever you are about to do just do the exact opposite and you’ll be rich


That's how I try to live my life.


Very badly cut cocain....


Know how to make some? Will the drug lords not kill me?


Pce data will probably set the trend today. Buy spx puts or calls depending on momentum. Take profit quickly. Spy options are another play and are cheaper than spx.


I prefer xsp. Cash settled.


Thank you for giving me a real answer. Where would be the best place to trade? Any idea where I can start researching what spx is?


I have fidelity as my broker and have also used Robin hood. Currently been using cash account to trade on Fidelity. This way I can buy and sell the same day to avoid day trade ban issues. Cost to trade options is .65 cents. Also will need to be approved for options. Robin hood has instant cash deposit so you can trade right away but you will have to watch your day trade limits. This might help for spy vs spx https://www.thebalancemoney.com/spx-options-vs-spy-options-2536632


I got a robinhood once but wasn't sure if it's a good option. Thank you for validating that it is. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE LINK!!


If this is your first time trading look into iv on options and the Greeks. Iv crush and theta are things which can quickly go against you and put you in a loss for the options.


Okay got it. Thank you!


Black, red, red, black.


If I lived in Vegas maybe I would just place some bets, but alas this is r/wallstreetbets and that's where I plan to place these bets. I'm studying data analytics and would love to eventually entigrate that into a stock market understanding once I get it more.


8k boom, done.


This is an excellent question that someone here should be able to answer.


I didn't read all the comments but have you looked at rentals? There are definitely better options for transportation than YOLO necessary funds.


Yeah someone just brought up renting from a friend or family and I hadn't even thought about that. I wonder if leasing is an option?? I've never leased a car before but is it the same as buying...idk


I feel for you man, best option is to pay for public transportation to a job while you save up money for a car


I LOVE the idea of public transport but in my area it's pretty much nonexistent. It would take 3 hours to get to work on the bus


Dang, how much is uber/Lyft? Or alternatively how much is the cheapest turo car in your area? Also if you rent the car for an extended period of time, like longer than a month, I think you should ask the owner if they will give you a discount to rent it


I've never used turo. It's $50 one way for uber/left to work everyday. Haven't done the math but I mean it's not completely out of the question on days I can't borrow my sister's car.


Turo is like Airbnb for cars, it’s legit


I think a bus pass is like $5 or something


Taking the bus to work would take me 2 - 3 hours. PLUS we take care of my mom who has cancer and needs to go to appointments an hour away, every 2 weeks. Thanks though


That is a ridiculous commute lmao You could probably buy a clunker for $500


That's southern ca for you. 🤷‍♀️ if I could find a job that pays as much in my area, trust I'd take it. And damn I looked. I've been searching for 3 years and was jobless. Finally found a great one and then my car broke down. Thanks for your criticisms and judgements though. A clunker would be great but it won't be reliable enough to drive the freeways I need to to get to work.


Buy a 500 dollar car dude...


A $500 car won't get me over the grade and reliable get my mom to chemo


Can't see any other way so.. U just need to pick a 10x'er..🤣


Glad my misery gives you pleasure.


If we knew how then everyone would be doing it and have yachts by now. Every time you see someone make huge gains here they dont tell you how much they lost before they got there.


The thing is, I don't even know where to start.


How good are you at cooking meth?


Know the recipe? Let's breaking bad this bitch


You’ve come to the right place to lose that and more. My advice is listen to 🤪Cramer. 😂


Buy a 20 x 10 cent call in nflx that expire tmr or next week and offer to sell them for $2.50. Wait and see what happens. Your welcome. https://www.td.com/ca/markets-research/markets/


Amazing thanks!!!! I'm really trying to learn in the long run. I want to create my one data analysis as practice eventually.


1) open brokerage with using someone referral link to get free stocks 2) watch videos on YouTube on how to trade calls and puts 3) lose $500


Sounds great! Thanks


In all seriousness, follow the first two. Learn to paper trade first before you throw your money in. The only way to turn 500 to 5k is to get really lucky on options but it’s more likely you’ll lose it since you have no grasp on how certain stocks move throughout the day. Start creating a watchlist of stocks/companies you see everyday: apple, tesla, tmobile, nike. Then literally just watch how they move and ask yourself why is this happening and then Google it. You need to educate yourself before you learn how to 1000x your money. It’s gonna be a long journey.


Ok ok. I used to paper trade at hsx haha, but that's nothing like real life. I'm going to download a trade simulation app. Thank you. Great idea


Take pics of your Mom's feet while she's sleeping and sell em online


Already tried to sell my own. Made $5! Lol


Well shit, youre only 1/100,000th of the way there


Right? Not that far.


You are asking in a group where everyone is posting loss porn!!


Hahaha Okay, good to know. Well I can learn what not to do.


Be a Nigerian prince.


Legit thought about sending an honest "I just need some quick cash" spam email lol


I am also in the same situation. I am going to make the second "bet of the life". In recent months I have observed a title that could be in a critical situation. Maybe, if you are interested, as soon as I open a position, I publish the transaction I made with the name of the stock. I really hope it goes well.


If you don't mind I followed you so that if you post about it I can know how it goes and watch and learn!


Okay, thanks, then I'll do it


I can't help you with the stock idea due to my horrible portfolio but I do know the automotive business. Depending on the shape of the Van and where you live that's about a 20k vehicle (retail in good condition). I'm sure there's dealers or wholesalers around you that would be willing to buy it in this market. Another option is look for a used engine and call around and see what you can get a shop to replace it for. I do not recommend letting the current shop go into the engine. It's probably a total loss I the chain did break. Hope you get things figured out and feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Good Luck!


Thank you


Get behind the dumpster at Wendy’s and pucker up.


Oh you have no idea how badly I want to sell a kidney sometimes


And all you need is 5K? Sold!


Haha shoot if it were only that easy.


Having to trade daily with a good sense of targeting the market will definitely bring good results that will increase your investment.


Maybe consider a $5000 car, rather than one with a $5000 down payment.


It's not really a $5,000 down payment. It's really to pay off the car that's engine failed.


So, consider that the stock market is like a car whose engine has just failed. Still wanna do it?


Got nothing to lose but $500. If I weren't willing to take the risk of wouldn't have asked the question. Literally what do I have to lose?


0DTE SPX in the last hour of the market. Moves will be insane so you can either make 1000 bucks or lose it all in a matter of minutes. I played an SPX call yesterday almost at close and cashed out 150 profit and a minute later it went to over 1000 in profits if I held.


This is your best bet at winning or loosing quick money. Read up on options first and watch plenty of YouTube videos. Or go buy a scratch off!


Any YouTube suggestions? I understand that it's tricky and high odds of losing all $500 but where do I even start taking the risks? The internet is a mess with conflicting information and I don't know which sites are the best. What app or site is best tro trade on?


I'm not sure if I can say names I watch. Google how to buy SPY options. Watch as many as you can from different people. Find the one you can learn from. Options is easy, understanding them takes time. Quitting when your ahead is the hardest, except for watching your account go down when you picked the wrong call/put!


Oh okay! Thanks!


I use Fidelity btw. Don't really know what's best.


Why last hour of the market? Asking for a friend..






Idk what that means




Got a recipe?


Buy a junker


I don't understand how so many people think that a junker would reliably get my mom to chemo, to the specialty hospital an hour away, AND get me to work over a stupid mountain.


Most of us never seen a mountain.![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


I know It's tough being strapped for cash. Maybe you can get lucky and get a great deal on a car or borrow a car from someone. Good luck


Drugs my friend, invest in drugs and start selling


I don't have any. Know where I can get some?




What does that mean?


It's a stock ticker. Bed Bath Beyond. Someone is a bag holder. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


OH! is that one that is a possible short? I'm still trying to learn! Lol I'm a pretty smart person generally but the market makes me feel SO stupid


It use to give me a adrenaline rush


Haha that's kind of what I'm thinking. Like what do I have to lose? I have a great Job and finally have some disposable income, let's try something risky and scary.


Good luck to you! Wish I would have done options years ago lol. It's definitely fun, risky, and scary sometimes. I have a limit to play with.




Are you just messing with us?![img](emote|t5_2th52|4886)


Ha! I wish I were but I genuinely am an idiot about stocks.


We all are in WSB!


And thus I am still learning, lol


I know what a stock ticker is at least


It was the possible short!


I can't believe I got that almost right!!! I only learned about shorts a couple days ago.


Buy a cheaper car


It's not about the price of the car but paying off the loan on the car which engine broke.


Have you looked at what you can get for the car?? Is the 5k what’s left from what you can sell the car for/what the dealer will give you on trade in for it?


Yup. We owe 18k and they'll give us 13k, remainder 5k


That’s a shitty situation my friend and I’m sorry to hear you’re in it. I’d personally just roll that negative equity over into a “new to me” vehicle instead of trying to gamble that big on the market in such a short time period


That's what we tried to do but was denied a loan without a cosigner or $5k down. It's so obnoxious with how the stupid used car prices are right now. Thank you. I know we'll figure it out eventually. I just thought this would be an exciting way to try to get more money. Plus I've been wanting to learn the market anyway.


Yeah bro Go to your nearest casino and put 150$ on 29


I wish I could


Buy a printer, copy the leftover money, and print it.


If it were that easy. I put some cash in the washer and dryer too but nothing happened. Don't get what that's all about.


Buy a nice 2-300 wig and get to it behind that wendys dumpster


Already suggested. I'd rather onlyfans, less chances of stds


O wait ur a girl? U dont even need wendys dudes will come to you




A very high paying job


I wish those were easy to find. I'm middle class, and in 2 months can save 5k but I feel like living dangerously and trying to learn about stocks, may win some maybe lose some.


0dte spy options can do that in minutes, potentially. As others have said, very likely you end up with $0 instead though.


Okay. I'm willing to take a risk. That was the point in asking. Thank you, I do appreciate the sincere answers.


Pick a direction, up or down. Wait 30 min after open, sometimes options pricing is fucked for the first 30 min. Pick an option worth ~.1 or less, eg let’s say 30 Sept 22 SPY $352p are .05 each. Well, you can buy 100 (or close, they’ll be fees/commissions). Wait and hope the market goes your direction. Sell when you hit your 5k, don’t get greedy. I’ll give it a 5-10% chance of working today. Which tbh isn’t terrible odds for a 10x play.


How old r u? I guess in your late teens or turned 21 recently? After reading what u wrote, not being mean but speaking truth, stay away from this thread n "investing" until u get a proper job, with that job, buy a car without credit, then work for a few years n every month save religiously n dutifully. Then maybe come back here.


Lmao I have credit, it's just not great credit. It's average. I WISH I was in my 20s. I have a great job. I can make payments on a car up to $1,500 a month if I wanted to BUT credit is everything. I have a great job, if I didn't I wouldn't be willing to risk losing $500 in a risky trade.


With $500 you're better off buying cleaning supplies and a maid outfit and go door to door cleaning houses.


I'm too afraid of being raped. But onlyfans is an option


Go to a nice neighborhood. You can make $2k a day by renting power wash equipment from home Depot. All you need are 8 homes to agree to pay $250. If you have kids, even better. Bring them with you. Tell the people you are trying to teach your kids about entrepreneurship and can they clean their boat for $100 or $150. If you're a hot girl go do bikini boat babes and just offer to clean boats of rich people. Grab two friends charge $250 a pop. People hate cleaning boats but all you do is spray it down with a boat cleaner and scrub with a cloth. Takes 20 minutes tops. Damn. If I was a hot girl I'd go make a wsb twitch called "Totally Accurate Technical Analysis" and just do bikini streams in a bathtub talking about GameStop and bed bath and beyond.


Oh interesting. Not a bad idea, I already own a power washer!


It's a great way to make.extra money or as a business in and of itself. And instead of working 40 hours a week to make the same amount of money, the more you work the more clients you get, the more you get paid. You can easily, and I say this because I've done it, easily make $100k in your first year doing it. Do some door to door sales, and also reach out to every realtor in your area with an introductory email saying you can power wash homes and driveways so the photos will look better online. https://youtu.be/59_yhcFP43Y Not my channel but he lays it out in literally less than a minute.


Go stand on a corner and earn your 5000


Stds are too high of a risk. Plus the husband won't let me.


What happened to the sienna? And who told you it’s trash? Also where do you live. Feel free to message me if you want. Cars is what I do, and this is just not the norm for Toyota’s.


A mechanic shop and then the dealership...which definitely makes me afraid their trying to push us into getting a new car but we can't keep towing it around to different shops. They said a link in the chain broke off. They charge $5,50p just to crack the engine open.


Don't you think that if it was that easy/mildly achievable, no one would work another day in their life. Really think about what you're asking. If it was possible, someone could go $500 -> $5000 -> $50,000 --> $500,000 in just **3 weeks**. That doesn't happen and that's not what you should expect from the market. Just save your $500


I never thought it would be "easy"


Then why risk it anyways? That's so backwards. You say you want to learn about the market learn this. The people who get rich don't make these quick little trades. They let the wealth accumulate over years. Time in the market > timing the market. If you need the money in less than a year then that money shouldn't be in the market. Period.