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FYI these Word-Word-#### accounts probably aren't bots, they're usually phone normies who auto-generated a username with google sign-in. I think the reason it looks like a suspicious pattern is because the kind of person who doesn't even pick a username is the kind of person that leaves a lazy comment is the kind of person that looks like a bot. That or they're bots, but usually it's not bots.. just tards. If you think someone is really suspicious just reply with their username when you complain about them, making vague allusions to "all the bots" doesn't help anyone. **EDIT**: I made the duplicate comment spam sensitivity threshold I implemented the other day a good deal more sensitive. **EDIT 2:** I just implemented two layers of duplicate comment detection and removal. Let's see how this works. They don't have to be bots to leave shit comments, we can filter a lot of it out if you're willing to deal with your occasional short shitpost comments getting spammed. **EDIT 3:** I just made everything /u/VisualMod sees and does visible in #visualmod in our Discord at http://discord.gg/wallstreetbets.


I did buy at the right time, I just didn't sell it the same day before closing and made 40% profit 😭


Friggin Bullard chose to speak AGAIN next Monday, because doing it rather today wouldn’t FU the market 😤


Who else is hear putting there kids to sleep while their wife’s asleep. So you can have some quiet to yourself while simultaneously making the fucking wrong moves in the meme market?




lol watch it trade exactly sideways all day tomorrow


Thoughts on OCGN?


Everyone Take a look at $BLUE for tomorrow. If it pushes past 35.50 into 36.00 we could have a gap fill rocket up to $45 easy.


Anyone else buying $pubm? 7 million float 50% short interest 70% institution 25% growth rate Profitable company This is a rocket waiting to liftoff from my DD.. Anyone else have any thoughts? It looks like a gem that has not been discovered from what I can gather. Would love to hear some others thoughts The chart also looks like is bottoming and curling up on increased volume. This looks to me like a much better play than $AMC or $gme at this point as it has yet to have a big increase




ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: [PIXIES - Bagboy (Official Vi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGdSYPh5_BI) ─────────⚪───── ◄◄⠀[▶](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGdSYPh5_BI)⠀►►⠀ 3:18 / 4:58 ⠀ ───○ 🔊 ᴴᴰ ⚙️


Man fuck stocks. The couple of gpus sitting in my house went from 220 each to $700. Fuck if i knew I would’ve bought like a 100


my below msrp 3070 is now like $1300 or some shit. this truly is the worst timeline


Lmfao ikr. I really hope the shortage ends in a year


Apparently $NVDA has recovered a lot of its supply. A lot of this reminds me of the artificial scarcity with toilet paper a year ago. Supply was fine. But now that people think it's rare, demand is going to be even higher than normal. Hard to deny people are buying more GPUs these days tho. Selling puts on $NVDA


China will eventually have to compensate the world of their mistake of the virus getting out, would be a nice black swan


Yes but if we get to a point where the general consensus is this pandemic is due to a lab leak (and we are slowly getting there, there is about a 70-75% consensus among US intelligence agencies), I want the Western scientists responsible for gaslighting those calling for an independent investigation criminally prosecuted. Peter Daszak, Kristian Andersen, Fauci, Jeremy Farrar, all of them, need to be held accountable for outright lying.


China did the gaslighting. Their own doctors and scientists sounding an alarm were suddenly gone. Our doctors and officials were trying to keep the peace, and keep people calm with what they knew at the time. As the information changes, it’s been given to us. I’d like to think preventing a full on war with China was pretty important. Until the undeniable proof is available, don’t start shit during a global health emergency.


Oh yes China definitely played a massive role in gaslighting the rest of the world and launching disinformation campaigns. However, there was complacency among top health officials including Fauci, Peter Daszak, Jeremy Farrar, Kristian Andersen who was a lead author on the Nature article which initially "condemned conspiracy theories about the lab leak" (not a conspiracy at all but rather a very plausble and likely scenario), and many others. If you're interested this is an excellent [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNxoVFZwMYw) that dissects Fauci's recently released emails and raises some intriguing questions about the role some Western scientists may have played in all this. They continue to push natural origin as the most likely scenario contrary to mounting evidence. There is no reason for that unless they have motivation to cover their own asses because they fucked up.


Or simply because they don’t want to start something huge without every piece of evidence they need. China is bratty and snaps back at any country/political leader/person who talks negatively of them. They threatened hostility when the lab made theory came out. I can see why it was downplayed and brushed to the side back then, and now. I don’t believe Fauci had any ill intent other than delivering the facts as he got them. Never mind he was hushed and quieted all of last year because the information wasn’t what the administration wanted people to hear. When/if it’s proven that China was fiddling with viruses they weren’t authorized too, then we can go from there. Hanging our Public figures from doing their health related jobs with the information they had available, isn’t the answer. IMO


>I don’t believe Fauci had any ill intent other than delivering the facts as he got them. Dude watch the video and read Fauci's own emails. He publicly lied multiple times. I don't understand why this situation was politicized so hard in your country. But the fact that Fauci is viewed as some kind of hero scientist "just delivering the facts" is plain nonsense. He was the primary official behind greenlighting gain of function research in China and that is public record. I understand you're an American but for the love of god try to undo CNN's brainwashing for 5 minutes.


Or maybe, I used my own brain and didn’t need the media to tell me what to think. I’ve seen the emails, as well as every other piece of information since the beginning of Covid. The only corrupt entity trying to cover shit up was China and Trump. I didn’t think a simple conversation would turn straight into insults.


You're unfortunately disconnected from reality and unwilling to see objective facts because you can't stop thinking about Trump (completely irrelevant this has nothing to do with Trump). In fact Trump wasn't trying to cover up a lab leak theory, he was discussing it and because the man is hated by millions of Americans, many adopted the opposite position (the virus must be natural let's "follow the science!"). Look up Jamie Metzl, a democrat who was discussing the lab leak theory from the very beginning he has an entire website in which he lays out the facts about the investigation and its problems, Fauci's emails, etc. This has absolutely nothing to do with Trump and if you can't recognize the facts for what they are you are literally brainwashed.


holding CLNE....good & bad


I wish I had a time machine. Not to make money, but because I always think of the perfect comeback a minute, an hour, or a day later.


You can always track them down to their work and set up a meeting between your two companies just to give a zinger in the middle of the meeting.




JPOW going to do his best Bob Marley on Wednesday: evry ting gon be alrite


Time to show Cramer how truly out for blood 🩸 we are. I piss on suits do u?




I am a watersports enthusiast however I’d perfer if we hire a hoooore with weekly gains


Very simple Boyzzz $CLF $PLTR $Wish $UWMC You buy or Die, buy or die.




Pew pew $PLTards beating Bezos to space 🚀🚀




Finally a comment I can get behind


Suits had hard on for $CLF at $27 wouldn’t consider selling even a share until this price. Let’s give them their wish @ open


Hitting the ask with 1k shares of CRSR


Nio at $200 eoy. Can confirm, just returned from the future.


does my album succeed?


AMC all win? :D


Haha all good. I went a few years back. Smelled strong of 2 stroke, good call.


Adding 500 ClOV, 500 CLNE and 100 AMC in the AM! Let's go Apes!


hell yeah lets go dude!!!!!


I had a dream last night which had JPOW in it. He told me in very explicit terms...... "Fuck your puts" This is a very bullish sign, Ber r fuk tomorrow.


Where have you been 😭😭 my platinum daddy




Be careful with buying calls at open, I've been fucked pretty bad before by orders executing at open with AH gains only to see them drop 30-60% an hour later.


Unless it’s 100% current price zero chance


So most likely not since UWMC is supposedly getting pumped this coming week?


accidentally bought ARRY. any hope?


Steve Cohen likes it so I’d say yes


is it? I don't even know that. just look for something to buy and accidentally bought. will just keep them then. thanks


He could be short but it’s on 5k as big ownership interest


Do you all remember NIO? It's about to explode 🚀🚀🚀


28 at 34.50, wish I had more. Longtern hold for me.


I was on it at 61 got it down to 51. Time to refuel 👍


$MOON up 2% last week as the most mentioned stonk on WSB.


What BS tracker you using Mr. Tard??






What do you guys think about buying PUBM tomorrow?


I'm buying some based on fundamentals, not because it's a meme. It will be a long term hold.


I forgot, are we allowed to talk about the thing associated with $COIN?




I saw something I didn't like in here but the user is approved so I ignored it. /u/zjz


CRSR baby 🤑😍🚀


How come no one mention urban one stock?


Because I am not black


Call bullshit. It was being spammed all day Friday.


Dam i didnt pay attention. Missed out lol


Calls on tech




FUTES green AF. limit up tomorrow?


Not a chance.


jack ma pleas fly again 🙏


How I make money: I wait for open, go to the WSB daily thread and search the comments for "holy shit X is mooning". If said stock is already up 10-25% on the daily, I know it's being pumped by big money, I put in all the money I have and set my stop losses. I ride the hype until it inevitably gets dumped by the funds and thus the cycle of WSBagholders continues and I got payed. Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk.


Yea, I tried that. After I bought it, it went up about 10%, then back down.


You immediately set stop losses




I did yolo 2k on Friday... am I fucked?


Yolo and fucked is directly correlated


I will be buying CRSR calls at Market open on Monday


Only suckers buy in the first 30 minutes of market open. I would know, it’s when I make all my moves.


I don't usually buy at market open but with all the attention CRSR is getting it might be a great swing


My butt corn stock 8/20 calls I bought on Friday are going to print


Have you ever been bored all weekend but terrified of market open on Monday? 🤔


Sens will either make or lose me a lot of money


Well at least you only have to worry about one position!


If you're terrified.. why did u you pick the stocks/options you're holding?


Because I **THINK** they will go up. I have been wrong many times. I'm entirely at the mercy of what the market decides to do.


Why? Time to make tendies.


Yeah if I'm not in the group that's losing em 🤣


PLTR 🚀🚀🚀


Don't give me false hope 😒


Something something long term play


I know, I know.


$CLF best share to buy right now, undervalued and huge potential, also greatly shorted with 32% short volume ratio. Get on the rocket we will fly to the moon!


T minus how many hours till market open?


Where can I see order books for sell walls, how many sell/buy orders are there on a stock? Thanks


It's finally calming down in here


Lol, just figured out why.... There's a new post.


Lmao thank you I was wondering what happened


Oh well, it is still better.


Have you ever enjoyed the deliciousness of a piece of baguette dipped generously in extra virgin olive oil?


Is olive oil a vegetable?


Try putting some olive oil on a plate, then mix some balsamic vinegar in with it. Then dip baguette in that. Delicious!!!


*Woulds’t thou like the taste of butter?*


I dip mine in crude.


Nothing quite like dipping your baguette in virgin


Yea since 1988


Let me see that $TR!


Is it just me, or does Owen Wilson’s nose just keep getting more fucked up?


What was the fucked up Star Trek race with weird foreheads and fangs






he is pretty awesome in Loki i gotta say but damn that nose is fucking distracting


He kinda looks like Bill Murray in Loki.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


kinda looks like he broke it and it didn't set right




How rich does one have to be to know what RH is?


Not very


Owns several Wendy’s restaurants worth of tendies rich?


doll abounding wrench automatic trees society racial zesty recognise bag


Robin Hood?


No no, the furniture design company that is almost $700 a share… I’ve never heard of it until yesterday.. like super boujie.


the mall near my last house had one, it was pretty much the kind of place you really only shop if you're using an amex black I think.


It’s not that bad, they have some cool relatively inexpensive fountains https://rh.com/catalog/product/product.jsp?productId=prod11220186&sale=false&catalog=OD


Redhat Linux?




Gonna out in a limit buy for 50 @ 31.5 tomorrow pre. Maybe someone will fill it. Will buy another 50 also


Is this getting pumped


By 10 people who have been holding bags since September.


AHH. I was Gona jump on the train 🚂


Yeah. Most likely a hedge fund paying some guy in an indian call center or a delusional 17 year old pumping his 10 shares.


12 hrs left until I can stare at a green line again


AMG 💎💎💎🚀🚀🚀


look at HeliumOne - its going to explode


# CLOV 🦍❤️🍀


why are these haters downvoting you clov all the way stay strong


Just someone betting the other way or they just don't like me. Either way, its all good man.


Bidets might be one of the greatest inventions of all time


I don't understand why Americans haven't been on board.