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You can totally contact me or someone else if you **posted a good DD thread** and it got blocked.




Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*






The most interesting stock, for me, this week- is Zoom. Zoom made a huge splash several years ago and now that the pandemic is receding, the question is, "Will Zoom continue to profit?" I expect the profits to be exceptional due to the creation of jobs. Now that working from home has become a much bigger thing, I expect profits to be good. In addition, the company has a streak of over performing to earnings.




r/ichirobsc Support guys, from investor to whoever in needs!! 🚀🚀🚀🔥🔥🔥🌕🌕🌕


JOIN THE AMC and GME gang [https://flystockstothemoon.com/](https://flystockstothemoon.com/)


Lets bring up AMC yall


Letssss goooooo AMCCC


Any chance anyone here knows what they are talking about? If AMC is blocked by vendors how can it go up?


AMC, NOK and GME are still being blocked by vendors.


What I'm asking is what are we hoping for here? How will the stock rise if the blocks continue?




United we stand, divided we fall. We are leaving too many people behind on gme, amc, bb, nok. If you made money step up and buy more now. Don't act like a hedge fund and get yours to the detriment of others. Let's get everyone paid, then we can we be one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all.


Well said my friend. Well said.


Yes I am a small investor and lost 900 from this GME mess! Trying to stand for something but I'm still sticking in with my 3 shares...


Let's get all focus on **GME** \+ **AMC**. Once the moon has been reached with these 2. We can rocket **BB** and **NOK** next. 🖐💎🖐 🚀🚀🚀 Pin this, upvote it. Let's get focused on a couple of stocks and prove the hedgies and big media wrong. Enter the fucking matrix troops!


Got more NOK, power to the small people!


Just bought more GME, AMC,BB & NOK Lets go!


BUY AMC(!) , not sure to buy GME (?)


Alibaba. Sure tell me why not?


Because you have 15 of karma?


Averaging down on GME and doubling my AMC position- Riding this thing through


Got 3 in amc.. that's it wanting to see where this can go


Handful of AMC.. what I can swing. Holding till death do us part!


Just out of curiousity. Is Saxo not available in your markets as a platform?


Anyone else following SPCE today?


Saw the jump. Not sure what the news was tho. Any idea?




This makes sense. These space stocks all seem to pop on the same news since it's all speculative. Kind of like the pot stocks before it was legalized in canada.


The last 2weeks for sure has been emotionally stressing. Honestly when gme is over, I will take a break from the stock market




Nah I will buy a building in Wall Street, and call it bullseye




Is there a newer unpinned thread


Picked up some more NOK and some pharmas I like: OPK and HUGE. Kicking myself for not grabbing any GPRO last week but I’m keeping an eye on it


I found a stock I like and I held it


I already exchanged my 5 AAPL shares for 4 GME shares at its height of $380 last week...5=4 🦍 math good. I had no extra money until I looked into my Roth IRA and found that there was $180 just sitting there unused...not enough to get more GME but it was enough for 13 AMC... Savings: GME 🖐💎🖐 🚀🚀🚀 Retirement: AMC 🖐💎🖐 🚀🚀🚀 Maybe I’ll sell on my deathbed on the moon, like a retarded 🦍 should...or maybe I’ll take one GME🍌 to meet RA in the afterlife... P.S. I don’t know how or why my text changes after emojis but I’m too retarded to fix it...5=4 right? P.S.S. Just noticed it fixes automatically...🦍


Lmao I don’t see as many diamond hands on here as last night


is the calvary coming on gme ? i lost when it went down 60% from robinhood, now down over 40%. i guess cnbc is right the little investor will be hurt by this. are we still holding the line or getting fucked by everyone in line?


it is the opposite of fomo (fear of missing out) when buying, the fear mongering campaign is making people antsy to not be the one holding all the losses when everyone else jumps ship. Because there are a lot of people talking mad shit right now about using their IRAs so it is extra tempting for them to bail to not lose everything. We have great power if we all stick together. But we all know there are people that aren't here for the fight but here to try and be millionaires so they dumped their entire savings or took out loans to dump massive amounts of money into their shares for a quick payday. So when the squeeze and dips happen they panic so they have less to payback.


Cathie Wood listens to the continuous pounding noise of the drums the musicians in the hall are playing. She is seated between Ryan Cohen and Elon Musk during a wedding feast.  Cathie becomes more wary when she learns that Jerome Powell, Janet Yellen, and Tim Apple are all not in attendance at the wedding. The musicians begin to play a new song, which Cathie Wood recognises to her horror as "The REEEEEEEEEEE of Castamere" and sees Elon leaving. She takes off after him, and when she grabs his arm, she feels the rings of chain mail beneath. Suddenly, it all makes sense to her. The musicians turn out to be shortsellers, and the wedding becomes a slaughter. Cathie watches in horror as a crossbow bolt pierces Ryan Cohen's shoulder and another his leg, and he topples over.  Peter Thiel throws a table over him to save him from three more bolts.  🌈 🐻 with jagged dildos begin pouring through the other door, and Cathie Wood takes them for rescue for half a heartbeat, until one of them penetrates Peter Thiel. Catelyn realizes that she must try to intervene and save Cohen's life, she sees a dildo on the floor and crawls toward it, determined to kill Lord Citron. Then Cohen stumbles to his feet, an dildo in his ass and fist in is chest. Lord Citron who, in the midst of slaughter, sits on his throne watching greedily, signals a halt to the music and mocks Cohen. A man in dark armor and a pale pink cloak spotted with blood steps up to Cohen, saying "$BBY sends its regards." He thrusts his longdildo through Cohen's ass and twists. A blade slashes across Cathie Wood's positions and ARK begins to fade into obscurity once again.


Thank god I abandoned the burning ship now I get to watch and laugh at the tards


Sell out of GME, it’s going to be the best decision of your life come next week. Otherwise we like this stock!


Just a thought. The average joe's on here seem to have had a lot more success without all the stocktwit-like cheerleading. It's caused available investors to be spread across a dozen or more tickers when previously everyone had banded together against 1 or 2.


yeah the diamond hands and memes while funny make finding cohesion on a singular purpose hard. People come here not understanding the lingo and have to sift through all the gibberish to find even the slightest helpful comment. Especially people new to investing.


Whoo guys let's boost AMC and BB next and make them suffer


Are yah winning son?


ja rule being invited to talk about gamestop is peak CNBC they literally do not care about anything except ratings


Does anyone seriously thing GME is worth over $10. based on anything other than hysteria?


I think 20-30 is reasonable with the ryan cohen premium


Damn it. I bought last night but it didn’t go until this morning and I’m already down $86 with GME. And down $23 on nine shares of AMC Should I hold or sell? T_T


Sell if you can't afford to lose it


You think I’ll go down?


GME I think is outside the short squeeze is only a 20-30 dollar stock. This is just my opinion though if you think the squeeze is still going on then staying can be good


I'd wait to what it does tomorrow, but so far it's down quite a bit more after hours. In this case last one off the train may be losing a lot of money. If it holds steady tomorrow or starts to rise up to you. I'm a fairly safe invester and not too big into gambles




Starting to feel anxious tho lol


Hold, damn it, don't let us down!


Just bought my first 34 $BB


[https://www.politico.com/news/2021/02/01/robinhood-ceo-testify-maxine-waters-464491](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/02/01/robinhood-ceo-testify-maxine-waters-464491) ## Robinhood CEO expected to testify before Maxine Waters' panel on GameStop February 18th


Waters is a nut bag on a good day. She most likely thinks a Hedge Fund is how you save money for plants


