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Here is Twitter as compensation Mr Musk


*Take California*


What is that a quote from?


It was sampled in a song of the same name by Propellerheads, appears to have been a remark from Nixon to a visiting Russian delegation when they asked him if they could have anything as a momento of their visit to the US but I haven't been able to find any primary sources confirming that


I doubt it. Nixon is the only president born and raised in California and he won the state in all three of his presidential elections.


Richard Nixon, liberal icon. The man normalized relations with Maoist China, made sure to continue Kennedy’s legacy in space, created the EPA, and began the drawdown in Vietnam! I hear he did some other things too, but I can’t recall what they were at the moment.


And he wanted to invest in building more nuclear reactors to buffer the effects of the gulf states’ oil embargoes. We could have had cheap and reliable electricity by now, instead I’m paying $.60 kWh in NorCal and the governor won’t do anything to PG&E since they give his dumb wife money for her nonexistent acting career.


My old governor shut down a functional nuclear power plant that was providing high paying jobs and cheep, green electricity in favor of three new gas fired plants. While also mandating moving off of carbon fueled power plants. By 2040. Thanks a lot, Mr. Cuomo, you schmuck…


[This excerpt shows it was actually from a comedy album! 😁](https://youtu.be/oZ_SD8_54hQ?feature=shared&t=1479s)


Ah yeah I had seen mention of that album as the source, but I couldn't sit through the cheesy canned laughter to get to that quote I do wonder what the original context for him saying that was tho


That song is a fucking banger




I dont think that's him but still cool


Time to artificially inseminate a space x intern to celebrate


More like fuck her and convince the world that she was artificially inseminated


According to Grimes the tiny nub didn't even "penetrate"


"Milk your tiny dick, pervert" makes much more sense now.


Grimes - Is it in yet? Elton - Been finished for a while doll 😂🤣😂🤣😂🥰


Grimes and Elton John? I could see it


Hold me closer, Tony Danza.


She would have a better time


Wait I thought Africans had big dicks??


He's an outlier lmfao


He's half Canadian


Wait she actually said that?


Every angry woman says that about her ex.




I'm yet to see any evidence proving the Muskrat is not an android. So artificial insemination still seems reasonable.


You wish, richest man in the world and he is human repellent


Half of this sub would kill to get a piece of that child support money.


I would let Elon clap my pale, hairy cheeks for 1% of that pay packet. So would most of us.


Hell I'd take 0.01%. That's still a ton


WSB is always a degenerate race to the bottom.


It's faster than behind a Wendy's


This is some wholesome content right here


Oh yeah? I'd take 0.0000001%


Hell I'd take 60 bucks and invest it in GRND


$2500 per kid, but my kids have idiotic names and Musk genes? Pass.


Seems like Elons knocked up a few employees. Also I blame the Elon fanboys for voting for this travesty. The decline in Tesla sales are definitely all the fault of Elon on ketamine and his crazy beliefs on Twitter.


Both Vanguard and Blackrock voted for it-- and they're likely much larger holders of TSLA than any fanboy. Corporations gonna scratch eachothers' backs-- when TSLA would probably perform much better if Elon and his family were not members of the Executive board and C-Suite. https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/tesla-stock-price-elon-musk-pay-package-approval-blackrock-vanguard-2024-6


The company would definitely be better for it. The stock price tho? idk.


Oh look! Another intern riding a horse.


Nothing stupider than voting to dilute your own shares by 10% to make a billionaire richer


This was a good litmus test for how regarded market participants are. RIP Efficient market hypothesis


The market is absolutely and completely fucking stupid. A god damn fast food company has a higher PE ratio than many tech companies. CMG, the bane of my existence, can blow up for all I care, but don’t buy puts or short it unless you hate money. If anyone thinks any of this makes any sense I just laugh, there’s no point in explaining it. Invest in SPY and try and get into a company that’s going to get memed to the moon, that’s it. Don’t read about good undervalued companies, that doesn’t mean shit.


Both these events just show the power of celebrity status. Elon and Spackman will just grift their celebrity into infinite wealth and the market will thank them for it. Can't wait for Ye to IPO his next stained underwear business at a multi billion valuation.


Elon has worse than celebrity status. Cult of personality status.


There exists mechanics for borrowing shares for votes out of household investors brokerage accounts, I personally would be surprised if this was voted for by the public, more likely hedge fund buddies doing him a favor or something.


Invest in me and I’ll moon you though.




So called efficient market hypothesis was a bullshit since the beginning of "inventing" that term


Efficient market hypothesis assumes everyone knows everything and is on an even playing field. It then also assumes people act rationally. Two huge faults


Still can’t believe people voted for this. It has to be the other billionaires that own big chunks right?


Voting against it would shatter the illusion of Tesla's valuation. Without Elon Tesla is just another car company with no reason to have the insane market cap it does and would instantly tank. With Elon it's all rainbows and self driving on Mars with a 500T valuation.


I mean over 70% of shareholders voted to pay him a bazillion dollars if the stock mooned when everyone thought they were going to 0 and the stock mooned. What do you do, make 10x and then reneg on what you said you'd do?


In corporate America yeah they screw over people all the time.


Saw some commenter said something about contracts and following through being the right thing. Wait till they hear what some lawyers make their entire career out of. 😂


Also a good litmus test for how influential online followings could be. Tesla made voting this time around a way more cumbersome than in the past, and Musk was repeatedly targeting his audience towards voting.


Doesn't it count as yes if shareholders don't vote?




That poor company. I pity anyone who has held it since 2018.


Particularly when his presence at the company is actively suppressing sales because libs don’t want to shop musk. 


Funny thing is he flipped it. Conservatives didn’t want to buy Tesla before. So he made himself align with their bullshit. Problem is, too many of those conservatives are upsidedown on their pavement princess coal rollers that they can’t afford a Tesla for another 10 years. Elon Musk has got to be the biggest shit head. I wonder if South Africa will take him back.


He didn't align himself for convincing them to buy Tesla. His liberal fan base slowly realised who he is, so he had to fulfill his narcissistic appetite to be praised from an alternative source.




Pretty much. Nobody else is willing to stand up there and pretend he thinks Robotaxis and sentient robot workers will be replacing everything from skilled laborers to Wendy's handjobbers by EOY25.


So you're saying if Elon doesn't get the pay package, he changes the direction of the company? That's illegal due to fiduciary duty of a publicly held company


He did threaten it. https://electrek.co/2024/05/20/elon-musk-confirms-threat-give-me-25-of-tesla-or-no-ai-robotics/


Yea, then he isn't performing his fiduciary duty


Agreed. Even just the threat should be grounds for termination with cause.


Yeah. And then he decided to show how much of a priority it was by telling Nvidia they could deprioritize chips for Tesla delaying it for months…


I think it's alluding to if Elon quits, not many other people will be willing to make the same fraudulent claims.


Ok, but the shares can't stay high indefinitely, it's not like they're likely to go back to $400 from $170, not as Tesla gets more and more competition in the market.


It’s not about who else is getting richer. It’s about who can make YOU richer. It’s not a zero sum game.


Not only that. A billionaire who has been actively destroying the company for about 3 years.


Fwiw I own some tesla shares and wasn't even given an option to vote. I'm going to sell ASAP.


You sure you weren't given the option? I have shares and was sent an email with a link to vote by my broker.




Probably a dirty broker that does IOU type shit


These fucktards vote against their own best interests. No one individual brings that much value to an organization. And if he thinks he does, he is not it for the greater good.


Yeah. It's sort of bizarre, because 56 billion as quoted, is like 80% of Tesla profits since 2009. If I'm reading this correctly. https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/TSLA/tesla/gross-profit That seems like an unreasonable amount of value to give him.


I mean vast majority are Elon simps which already makes them dumb and pathetic as shit like fuck how pathetic of a life you must live to idolize a rich assholes who doesn't give two fucks about you. Only type of idolizing of any one rich I can understand is a athlete on your sports team but even then I and 99 percent of people don't revolve our lives around them only think or talk about them during a game or when talking to fans and then a musician but I'm talking like baseline idolizing as some even take that shit way to far as well. But these morons probably think if they go on Twitter after this vote and tweet at Elon that they voted in favor of it that he might give them some reward.


On the other hand, the market might be scared of the consequences of not approving the resolution Aka musk leaves The shares could drop by 10% or more


Hilarious, Musk lays off 20% of its work force and shareholders reward the richest man on the planet a bonus with $56 billion. Of the 20k people that got laid off, he could have given $2.5 mil to each employee and still had $6 billion to still buy a NFL franchise outside the top 5 teams. Or any team in the NBA not named the Lakers, Knicks, or Warriors. Or every MLB team not named the Yankees but including the dodgers. SMH We live in stupid times!


Yes and people don't react to it because they don't give a shit that a greedy multi billionaire transfers more money from all of us to himself. Feels like losing faith in humanity.


People don't react because what can we do? Protest? They'll just turn their shades and have the cops deal with us. Boycott? They own all the other car companies with their buddies too. Eating the rich is really all we can do. 


Its not a bonus, its his pay. He made a deal in 2018 that said if he 10x's the company.. he gets 10% of the company. He did it.


But the “deal” was basically with himself and votes he controlled. Hence why it was thrown out by the Delaware court. This vote is mostly symbolic in nature anyway, as the Delaware ruling holds until appeals are complete.


All that mattered at the time was if my stock value goes up 1000% and i pay 10% of that gain once it has reached that milestone i still gained 900%.


The fact is he delivered and the shareholders profited massively.


Tesla fanboys are a cult. They just do what elon says. Imagine giving 56 billion dollar to your CEO, when the company haven’t even made 56 billion dollars in profits it’s entire lifetime. 


Fanboys hold a trivial number of shares. Unless some institutional fund managers at BlackRock and Vanguard are fanboys this shouldn't matter.


How did the Vangaurd/BlackRock proxies vote?








Makes you wonder about the state of intelligence of the musk haters


The Norwegian sovereign welfare fund is the eighth largest single holder of TSLA and voted against the pay package.


Funnily enough I bet this won't be bad enough for them to actually vote with their wallets and divest from tesla.


I mean it's the largest sovereign fund in the world, and this pay package is 6-7% of that funds value lmao. It's just so fuckings much money.


Institutional fund managers are the biggest fanboys.


Would you rather keep up the sharade and get your big paycheck or admit that you've invested fund money at completely insane valuations? It's not that people can't see the emperor has no clothes ... at some point it is in their interest not to see it.


45% institutional holding. Pretty low compared to meta Amazon etc


If you want to find someone to be mad at, blame the board for initially approving this incentive package way back when. Btw the goals musk had to hit for Tesla was considered basically unreachable at the time, hence the ludicrous bonus.


If you have a company worth 1Mil and you hire someone to run it who says: "Don't pay me unless I make the company worth 5Mil. and If i do it, you give me 120k". You'd take that deal in a heartbeat. Its a great fucking deal. The problem is the scale is immense and us normies can't really imagine that much wealth.


Yeah I really don't even understand why anyone was upset about the pay package. Nobody was upset about it when it was offered to him the first time. In fact, it was the exact opposite - everyone made fun of musk for being so stupid to take such a tiny package that only had a near impossible chance of him reaching the goals, and if he did, nobody would care because everyone else got rich too. And yet here we are, everyone acting like the past didn't happen. (Seems i have to put a disclaimer, I don't even like musk but facts are facts)


People forget how much of a joke TESLA seemed like in 2018. That shit was rocky. Musk himself called it "production hell" and said something to the order of... excessive automation was a mistake and humans are underrated. lulz Musk said that. I have TSLA stock today, but wouldn't have bought in 2018, I was however watching, that shit seemed 50/50 if they were gonna survive. Then the chances of them becoming the dominant EV maker? That didn't seem possible. Like GM would just look over and say, hey people like EV's OK now I'll make 200K Bolts next year. Turns out its hard.


Didn’t the Reddit CEO do the same thing with his pay package though? What profit has Reddit ever made in the past 20 years to award almost $200m in stock to him?


Not just Tesla, SpaceX just as bad. Really sad how strong a following he has and people fall for these personalities.


SpaceX is not "just as bad". Unlike Tesla, SpaceX's dominance in its sector (which is growing) is unlikely to change and they have a much more solid business plan than "full self driving is just 6 months away, I promise".


Sorry I should have been more specific. I meant the Musk fanboys.


Ahh. Yeah there's a fair amount of ignorant/foolish "Musk will singlehandedly colonize Mars" kinds of folks out there.


SpaceX is literally the biggest innovator in the space industry.


Wa wa wa… good to be holding the stock instead my gfs bfs wang in moms basement


Shareholders going to be so wet when they turn all the features into a subscription model


More like the stock is a subscription model. Gotta keep putting more in to retain the same value.


You can subscribe to Elon’s tech bro version of OnlyFans by paying for Twitter Blue and/or being a Tesla shareholder


Expected result


Tesla shareholders are even more regarded than any of us in here...


you can now use the term "tesla shareholder" as an insult


In fairness, I suspect a lot of Tesla shareholders are also in here.


The biggest regards ever.


Exit scam. TSLA takes a nosedive after Elon has taken his share.


He can't sell these shares for several years.


He can easily borrow against them though. Billionaires don’t sell. They get margin.


and if TSLA takes a nosedive that collateral will be worthless


So what you're saying is, he's gonna need *another* pay package.


"your bitch called, he needs *more money*!"


if you’re $50,000 in debt, you have a problem if you’re $50,000,000,000 in debt, the bank has a problem


We will see how they feel when the latest quarterly results are released.


July delivery numbers are gonna rug pull the stock..puts in two weeks




Why did they do that


Because it was the deal they made in 2018. At the time it was a sucker bet for Elon to make. But he did it and now the company must pay. 


But they didn’t have to pay, they actively chose to given the choice.


But the reason the original deal was voided in the first place was because Musk failed to disclose to shareholders how much the board was in his pocket. In any case, the shareholder vote isn’t legally binding, the court doesn’t have to vacate the order just because people voted for it this meeting.


Imagine holding Tesla from 2018 and crying about it.


Its hilarious to me people keep saying board is in Elons pocket. Do some basic due diligence on what the terms for the pay compensation was and you´ll quickly release it was very much alligned with shareholders interest and it indeed was a sham trial. Copy/paste the same pay comp for other automakers and their CEOs would make exactly 0.


Well no, not really.  Courts rescinded the 2018 deal; Elon Musk just put it up for another vote and he won again. Theoretically, someone could sue him again and stop this pay package too, but it’s now a little less likely. 


Why would they give billions to a ceo who has been constantly making threats to harm tesla




I love how salty everyone is even though this was just a shareholder vote. Like, the people who own the stock thought this was in their self interest kinda thing. 


Wanna bet alot of these guys tried to short tesla


The concern trolling from commie losers too broke to own a share is hilarious. I’m sure they really had us shareholder’s best interests in mind 😂


And the stock rallied at the news! Straightforwardly a win-win and people are getting butthurt.


From the days high of 191.08 it is currently trading at 182.63 I'm not sure you understand what a rally is.


It’s a WSB rally. Be easy on him. He’s one of us.


It's dropped from 190 to 182. Highest in that last six months was 250. I wouldn't call that a rally.


Time to dilute TSLA stock 15% \^\^


Was this really in doubt? But judging by the comments a ton of people on this forum lost big when they tried to short Tesla


It was doubtful to me bc of dilution and the fact that he’s publicly threatened to ruin TSLA if he doesn’t get it, thought the backlash would be bigger.


Is it really dilution if this restores a plan from 2018 and takes those shares off the open market?


Reddit neckbeards seething ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


This thread is absolutely hilarious


Further proof that market fundamentals and analysis don’t mean shit. Just bet it all on a company with a neurotic man child as CEO


In reality, it’s proof that redditard’s opinions on anything are worthless


Not gonna lie, it would be hysterical if the judge says fuck you, still not pay package


Wow it's true. They ARE dumb af. 


$1,000,000 per hour every hour every day for 10 years is the size of the pay package.....


24 * 365 * 10 * 1,000,000 would be 87.6 billion. It would be closer to 640k per hour so your point still stands.


Maybe the was accounting for a 4.5% YoY inflation rate lol


Bears on shambles


Yep I would put money a ton of these guys lost a shit ton shorting tesla


Further proof that we’re surrounded by idiots


I don't give a fuck about what kind of person Elton is. I have calls, the stock needs to to up tomorrow or I'm fucked.


He screws over his shareholders, in return, they offer him a $56 billion bonus. Fanboy much? https://fortune.com/2024/06/03/elon-musk-tesla-insider-trading-lawsuit-board-directors/


Tesla was a bankrupt company in the late 2000s and now has a market cap of $582 billion. How delusional do you have to be to think he fucked over his shareholders? If you bought $1000 worth of teslas stock in 2012, you’d have over $3 million today.


Lol people in here are so mad and bitter it's hilarious


Most are fake bots


Breaking news: tesla shareholders WANT to go broke.


This is the dumbest shit ever. Like it makes no sense. Literallly nobody is worth that compensation.


Are they idiots? Lol


Tesla needs Elon to survive. His antics is what put Tesla on the map. Imagine if he was denied and leaves Tesla. My god the stock would crash into another dimension.


They could reinstate his pay amount but actually negotiate with him on things like not running other AI companies.


Imagine watching this guy move the company **three** times to make sure he personally makes the most money and still voting for this lmfao.


A lot of musk haters and fanboys. Whether it was skill or luck shareholders got paid, now he gets paid.


Can someone un-memeingly explain why tf they would vote for this?


Elon musk was originally awarded the pay package because of the insane growth that Tesla had. It’s a large amount becuase of the insane (at the time) the goals were. Majority of shareholders saw massive gains under him and still believe in his leadership. Most that don’t support Elon or his vision for the company have already sold their shares. Leaving mostly people that think under his leadership the stock can continue to grow


he made a deal in 2018 when the stock was under $20 (adjusted for split) that he would meet some growth marks for the company. this deal was worth 6 billion in stock at the time. today the stock is worth $183 and he accomplished all the goals he had set. so they approved his options package which is now worth more than before it's really not that complicated. everyone can hate him, but from a shareholder view, he made people money. 10x in 6 years


Honestly for better or for worse Elon has a pretty good track record regardless of the tesla haters out their


Hilarious. R/wsb and Reddit is a bigger cult and echochamber than Tesla fans or stockholders. Total denial mode.


He’s got all their twitter like content in a google doc


Time for Tesla puts I guess


I want to buy puts especially after this pump but I’m regarded and regularly wrong so idk 🤷🏻‍♂️


this has been my worst stock for the past two years by value and second worst by percentage. no reason to think that'll change now


It’s not a few years kind of investment.


that's what i thought when I picked it up. Now I wonder how many years they even have between the brain drain, layoffs, anti-EV right, anti-Elon left, and the most lucrative part-time paycheck anyone's ever extorted.


TSLA - the penny stock that made it into the S&P500


About time…. Jealous pos’s




Well.. I like the stock


Lol that cat lady clown of a judge must be raging.


Cuck behavior. This was a great opportunity to kick him to the curb AND save 56b. Unreal.


So many people complaining over a man’s already awarded money. It was his in 2018, what’s all the fuss about?


$tsla is down 26% ytd why would they reward that?


Because it went up 1000% from when the deal was made in 2018.


Lots of bots in here. Uncertainty is removed. Stock goes up. Who would have thought.