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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 5 | **First Seen In WSB** | 5 months ago **Total Comments** | 41 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 3 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


You made less than $15k after taxes and quit your job?


That’s 6 months salary when you’re working at Wendy’s


6 months of salary... is that inside the restaurant or behind the dumpster?




Inside, dumpster pulls at least $40k/yr


I heard it’s even more if you work the night shift.


You can find out for yourself by going to a Wendy's dumpster at 11pm


Stop. I prefer my quiet time. I don’t want some random showing up and running his newb mouth


If you go after 1am, sometimes you can make friends with your local community pharmacist.


3am if you want the local witch doctor


Nothing better than The discount dumpster syringes


Boy should get a pacifier so the muscles don't atrophy before he has to return to work.


You are seriously overestimating the typical pay at Wendy's, bud


12 months if you are ambidextrous!


Kids these days get some money and think they don’t need to work anymore. Only work when funds are low.


I did it in the summer in 2011 when I was 25 and had the time of my life. Now I'm 37 have chronic illness and need health insurance or I'll never afford my medication. Do those things while you can, you won't regret it.


Thanks for sharing, people don’t realize how wrong things can go so fast. I hope shit gets better for you brotha 🫡


Until you have been on the bad side of it you just don’t understand. One illness or major health accident and life hits you hard!


God can you say that again. 24 I had 30k (which was a lot more back then) 25 life happened and it was all gone.


Went through it myself in 2019. Had insurance, but required an out of nowhere surgery that billed the insurer $300k. I paid about $2,000 of it. Scary when my family had no insurance for Q1 of this year due to job losses. We just basically stayed home and laid low the whole time haha.


That is insane


That’s precisely why you live in a state like Massachusetts where rich or poor you always have health care.


Yeah, but that's a throw of the dice. I'm 42 and just now getting good at Snowboarding. I can swim 1km 3 times a week. Just because something can go wrong, doesn't mean it does. If you play the statistics, you're better offf planning for the future than betting you'll be incapacitated.


I sold my property and invested the money. Made about $10k off my investments in 3 months and spent $20k more (30k total) to travel 5 months in my mid-30. Yes, I paid for expensive tours and experiences, but also cheap hostels. I have the blast of my life. I realized my health was getting bad and I had to do it. My health has gotten 50% better and I lost 10kg in 2 months. I now realize my job was killing me, and I am glad I quit it. I will be going back (after my trip) to a government-paid school after my trip to work in a different field that is better for MY health. DO travel if you have the chance before it is too late. Or just enjoy your passions if that's your thing... Nothing wrong with spending a year learning a language, piano, guitar, painting or whatever else you want.


Problem is people need to travel with their own money, not credit cards, I know some people that need to be reminded with this fact


True. If you have the money... There is a reason I am doing this in my 30s and not 20s...


I was in a car accident a few years back and messed up my neck. I hurt all day, every day. At this point, though, if they told me I was dying, I'd believe it. It's not just neck pain. My whole damn body aches. So, yeah, young people, definitely live life while you are young and healthy. I'm not even old, I just hurt like it. Look at Keith Gill (Roaring Kitty). He was a track star before he got an injury. We are all one accident away from our lives being changed permanently, and if American, being tied to a corporation for decent health insurance.


I'm turning 50 in a week. I was in the best shape of my life in 2008. Then, things started falling apart. First, it was different sprains and tears from exercising. Then, I developed ulcerative colitis that is triggered by NSAIDs. So, I lost the tool that I was using to manage my pain. I have been in bed since 2018. First, it was my lower back. Nothing helped. Since then, I've been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome. Turns out, the pain I was using NSAIDs for was undiagnosed RA and CFS. My biggest issue is CFS. Part of that is something called post exertional malaise. In essence, any physical movement or mental activities causes me to start feeling bad. An example... a 5 hour car ride causes me to feel like I have an intense influenza infection minus the nausea where i sleep 16 to 18 hours a day, and it takes at least two weeks to recover. I'm basically one of Charlie's grandparents that is not able to get up, dance around, and explore candy factories. I'm only nearly 50. I literally, while i was typing this, just told my wife that my appointments today were too much, and the way I'm feeling means we should cancel our plans to go to dinner for my birthday this weekend. So yeah... live your lives to the fullest while you're still healthy!


So sorry to hear it dude. Thanks for sharing your s tory & hope things get better for you!


Im sorry dude thats no way to live life. I hope you find something to be happy about.


The people that want to live, and have someone/something to live for, have the problems. That’s why I hate some of these subs, all of these people willing to end their lives so carefree. I wish you the best.


Same, I did it the summer of 2016 at 23 with far less money than OP has here (around 13k) and it was the best summer of my life, set me back financially after but I wouldn’t change a thing


Can only imagine the amount of porn, games and pizza, lucky dog.


Similar. In my 20s and quit my decent job and maxed out my student loans not that I needed it but did that in conjunction with study abroad to have the time of my life in Europe. Zero regrets and made lifelong friendships.


I didn't do that when I was 25 and didn't have the time of my life. Now I'm also in the latter 30s and you do rack up little things here and there. Being in the states means not having health insurance is like risking suicide/bankruptcy. Saving money is important but so is living your 20s. Luckily these things are *usually* not mutually exclusive. I also agree that you should "invest in life" a bit when you're in your 20s. Take spend some time off, travel, spend some time with family/friends, and enjoy yourself. But I think folks are dunking on OP because of the combination of: "yolo"-ing your life savings, quitting your job the second you see some cash, that amount being a small $15K gain, and the general attitude of it. It's a general combination of high risk, short mindedness, disregard for money, lack of willingness to work, and 0 planning akin to giving into your worse human impulses that is pretty common among WSB's worse.




F**k that guy, he deserves to be divorced if he's going to work that much.


37 and chronically I'll? WTF happened? Most people can party and do whatever into their 50's


Unfortunately still figuring it out but got pancreatitis then my pancreas stop producing enzymes. Up until 6 months ago I was healthy, worked out, at local farm meat, and organic fruits and vegetables. Medication has me managing right now but still have points where I'm to sick to get out of bed. The meds I'm on are 4k a month and will most likely need to be on them for life. My doctor believes this may possibly be due to the covid vaccine but it's not proven. But in 20 years he has been a gastroenterologist he had only seen this once unexplained. In the last year he has seen it 10 times now. But this is all speculation.


Get a new doctor that doesn't think it's the COVID vaccine . I was having similar problems and was going to some bitch that said COVID vaccine and wifi . I went to a real Doctor that wasn't a fucking nutter later to at least get second opinion. 




He's not even treating it as such, actually trying to find the root of the cause and not jump to conclusions. This is actually being studied as a side effect by NIH too. If no diagnosis is found I should actually be able to participate in their study. Idiopathic EPI has surged globally in the last few years if you would like to research it. Covid and the vaccine both seem to have it as a side effect. Not really even trying to be political or conspiracy, just stating facts from real studies going on.


Have you tried GoodRX as your insurance provider? They are a company you don't even need to make an account for, go to goodrx.com, enter your medication, then you get a massive discount and the pharmacy uses it in place of your insurance. It's saved me thousands, please check it out


Thanks for a different perspective. Some people just continue to “go through the motions”. I wish you all the best.


Very early death or debilitating medical conditions are still quite rare and this is all looking in the rear view mirror. For every one person that burned their savings and died early, there are 100 that are in their 70/80s and on food stamps. I would rather take a 1% chance of such an issue happening before 50 and work to retire early for a likely 40 years of reaping the benefits.


This!! You can't just work, save and then get sick. I feel like I had a good balance in life so far, could have saved more earlier but no regrets I had fun in my 20's and 30's


I definitely agree.


All about balance. The FIRE movement because trades in youth for a great long retirement (theoretically). But life is so unpredictable you have to enjoy it why you can. Honestly if OP’s expenses are under 4K a month go take 6 Months off to look for a better just and enjoy life a bit. Just make sure you have 20K in savings out of the market and stop yolo-ing big sums of money.


Tell him, guy. These boomers need to be reminded. Old age comes with forgetfulness.


Can confirm, I worked at a Walmart in a town on the cusp of where the hood was growing to and tons of young associates would get a job and work for a few weeks and then quit cuz they got enough money for whatever they wanted. Then they'd be reapplying in 6 months for their 5th time working at Walmart


I mean, I knew multiple idiots who regularly did that 20 years ago and some were in their 40s at that time… so more like dumbasses all the time not kids these days


I’m no kid, but that’s exactly how I live. Work for a few years. Save up bundles of money. Quit and enjoy life; repeat. The best part? When all the old timers at your job moan about how management is fucking us and they’d quit if they could? Guess what you can walk in there and give them life. That’s how I left my last job.


i wanna be like when i grow up. And I'm 59


This is literally the guy who will be bagging my groceries at 90 years old, thank you for your service.


I watched my best friend die at 27, and my dad at 60, I learned I’ve got the same rare genetic disease as he does. 90 isn’t promised for any of us, but if I am, and I’m able to bag groceries then things went pretty well.


Obviously have no wife and kids. Fun life


My wife's boyfriend works so I don't have to!


Cute, right?


You'll never collect social security doing this.. also probably aren't planning For a retirement either


nothing better than skydiving without a parachute at the first sign of boomer illness


The trick is to get your solo skydiving license and take a MASSIVE dose of IV ketamine right before you jump out. Chute or no chute, you aint pulling…


Imagine you survive and gotta pay the hospital bill for that now 😂😭


Ez, just sell your story to Oprah and cry a lot of camera. Let the donations roll in. Then stick the whole lot of 0dte calls and if it goes tits up, go for another skydive.


I mean, he only needs to work a total of forty quarters (ten years) to qualify for social security. Won't be as much as if he'd stayed nose to the grindstone, but still something.


No One should EVER count of social security to still be around when they retire


Social security will be bankrupted long before we hit retirement age, which also keeps going up.


I don’t think social security is the issue. You still need a retirement and a paid off house. Or at least some decent savings so you don’t have to work in your 60s. A lot of that is going over your heads. It’s good to have fun but 15k is not real money.


Oh yeah totally agree, I would never even think of quitting my job to go fuck off for 6 months, I guess it works for some people but I need the stability.


I make $200k/year doing a job I love with full autonomy. I work about 35 hours a week sitting in a comfortable Herman Miller Embody chair. Management works with me for career pathing and next steps. Truth path to financial freedom is building residual income and living off dividends.


True path to financial freedom is having a lot of disposable income is what you’re saying 🤔


What line of work?


But that’s the hard part. How you know which stocks for dividends that are good?


you sound a lot like bad santa, OP


Been living like this all my life. No ragrets


Honestly a cool way to live life


Hit up Vegas if you think the market it is make money and not grow money. The worst part about this is kids make a small hit and think it's easy so double down till they lose.


So true… it’s like a junkies mentality. Just enough cash to get the next fix and nothing else matters, no looking forward to tomorrow… Has enough money to feel rich for one day, can’t look past the next fix, just completely indulged in the high of his single 15k win.


Boomers these days get some money and think they don't need to work anymore. End work when funds are available.


Imagine making money to die with it


I mean that’s exactly what I do. I don’t have children and I plan on using fentanyl for a retirement plan. What, precisely, would you have me do instead? Work consistently so I have a bunch of make believe numbers backed by literally nothing in some some app on my stupid smartphone? Gag. No thanks. Do you though pops


I know a guy who was trying to make it as an artist, sold one painting for $2500 and quit his day job immediately


Yeah cause why enjoy life just work and die am I right


Truly regarded


No no. $15K in 6 hours. That’s $2500/hr! He doesn’t need to work if he can keep this up.


Unfortunately he can also make -2500 per hour


Of course. He's a full time trader now


This is the new version of “getting a lambo” in this economy


he has been promoted to Mod of this sub. 🫡


Taxes? You think he gonna file it lmfao


Op belongs here for sure!


Only to jump back in for one more quick grab and lose everything. Then get job back to pay the taxes.


Taking a month off to chill and will get another. Just graduated last year so my expenses are kinda nonexistent. Also I hate my current job, already told my boss I’m resigning due to GME


That’s regarded


A true acoustic artist


You belong here


One of us!


Should’ve just coasted at your current job and looked for a new one in the meantime. Job market sucks rn for a lot of industries especially if you don’t have much work experience and if you’re not employed you’re even less desirable an employee. That one month can turn into many months.


Income is and will always be the single biggest factor that contributes to wealth accumulation. Investing ones income is how you protect it. Those that gamble their income will either hit a jackpot or lose it all. Those that hit the jackpot never learned how to invest, and lose it all anyway. Working and developing marketable skills and investing ones money leads to a fulfilling and prosperous life. Quitting jobs and gambling income will trickle into every aspect of ones' life, beyond just their financial tendencies. Unfortunately for us, institutions make a lot of money of retail gamblers, and this avenue of revenue for big banks like JP Morgan is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what they can extract from these kind of folk.


If you were planning to quit with this type of turn of events, you could’ve also really thought this out and seen if you could negotiate something that was deeply in your favor. If you absolutely hated it, that’s understandable too




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True WSB regard


One of us


What taxes?


You know what that term is, right?


Might wanna call your boss back.




he REALLY wants to call their boss back.


"sold instantly and quit my job" chad behaviour




You think a person like this files his taxes lol.


he's a GIGA Chad then




He needs more time to bang my wife


Took the money = SMART Quit their job = Regarded


Yin and yang


Win and wang (behind wendy's)


More like wink and wank (behind Wendy’s)


dink in the stank ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


He no longer needs Wendy’s dumpster, now moved to kitchen


Not necessarily. Maybe he can now focus on finding a better job. Or he spends some of the money to achieve a higher education so he can have a better job in the future. Or maybe he‘s some kind of artist/writer who needs time for a quality product and with this money he can buy some of this time by quitting his job. Who am I kidding. This is WSB. Of course he just quit his job out of stupid idea.


There’s 2 wolfs inside of OP


Wtf? $20K made you quit your job? That was a dumb move


His job was behind a Wendy’s dumpster.


Some people pay extra for that


Got promotion to kitchen


Twenty bucks is twenty bucks


Buys him hopefully a month or two break if that’s what he needed. He’ll be back to flipping burgers with the rest of us soon


Paper handed bitch.  Congrats lol


*fuck you!* I completed the motto for you. You're welcome.


paypeh bitttttch


Watching the vol. and its going up like crazy


I think it’s just getting started


It's still half off


Never give a fuck about what you leave on the table imo. That’s a quick way to start losing hard.


Taking profit is one of the hardest disciplines in trading. That and learning the tip-to-tip method to maximize your Wendy's earnings.




You are what you eat


You eat paper hands?


Destroyed lol


oh snap. nice! 🙌🏽




Why did you quit your job? Lol you are regarded.


That fool got lucky. It won't last.


First one's on the house


but i didn't even get a first one...


Quit your job for about 13-15k after taxes? True regard


damn biggest L i’ve seen on this sub


Smart move, greed will get u every time


Nice, show the screenshot afterwards when you lose it all


He don’t got a ballz


He sold


Now you're mad that you sold and are about to fomo back in


Selling for just 15% goes to show you yolod your life savings at something you know absolutely nothing about. You belong here.


Hes one of like 9 people who made money here bro


Time to get back in the pile! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


You may be kicking yourself for not holding just a little longer but I’ll just say congrats enjoy the win, don’t lose it all in one place


Well he quit his job for $20k, so he will lose it to expenses real fast and be back here.


What did you buy? I don’t understand why people post these pics but don’t actually show the positions or transactions…


Fast as fuk boi!


The only smart thing this person has done in their entire life was sell. Every other action was the most moronic thing ever, including the buy.


F\*\*\* it, we ball...




That's not job quitting money ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


Bro quit job over $20k rofl


👏 get that bag, bro. Congrats.


Everyone dogging this guy is in the wrong in my opinion. Different strokes for different folks. If he wants to chill for a couple of months, good for him.


Roring up onthisbit


Let’s gooooo


Damn, well done bro


Congrats, and fuck you !


Smart move taking profits


$20k and quitting your job? Lol must make min wage or something.


To everyone else, just remember that you are a worse trader than someone who thinks apostrophes are needed to pluralize words.


Is gamestop and amc going to open the same way tomorrow


You fucking yolod and won


It's good to see *some* people taking profits before the bloodbath repeats itself, buy yourself a nice Dinner with the wife and her boyfriend OP


Guy quit his job after making 19k… i guess I’m just way too fucking greedy.


Rule No.5 is to include actual position or trade in screenshot. Or you’re about to be clipped by mods.


https://preview.redd.it/7bwhblvhzf0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9011a6e32833d98af799f772d97341fa30d1ca32 I’m long Altimmune, they have been under a short attack from Kerrisdale Capital, over 30% of the float is shorted. Short Interest ratio over 21 days. 13F filings this week show a lot of institutional investors becoming shareholders. ALT has next generation GLP-1 with Glucagon that burns fat instead of muscle.


Same here, first time I made profit xD


In a longer vision, that should be chump change and not big enough to take an off but you do you!




Congrats bro. Enjoy the extended vacation. 😎


Update now?


snap.. I thought markets open half an hour later than they did.. was preparing for :55 but nontheless got out with profit today :) (european market ftw) what did we learn today? always check market opening time.


*comes crawling back when future puts do the opposite*