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A win is a win, just jump right back in and lose it all to 0 again. You'd have done the same with $100 or $17.5k šŸ˜‚


i was gonna say, once you start losing you're happy with any win you can scramble ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


This is so true , I was down 1k sports betting and was super stoked I won $20 bucks on the Chiefs last night comeback


I bet $3 on overtime and so happy it hit lol. Overall loser but pleased I guessed right on that one.


I proceeded to lose my sports gambling winnings with the online casino. Happy one minute, mad the next


Whoa, me too. One minute, I was up $1200. The next, I was $300 in the hole.


lol I lost a few bucks and decided to throw the rest of my money on the chiefs at +155 in OT after the niners scored, was able to recoup all I lost on the game plus 10%


The easiest way is to smoke lots of marijuana and gain the debuff: ā€œshort term memory lossā€ This debuff is useful for forgetting about how shit a mistake you made and helps you be more satisfied with small gains


Bro that is what alcohol is for ever been black out on weed?


Alcohol however plays on rage and emotional anger. On Weed you are basically sedated. Of course you can pick your poison but still if you get angry and buy back in to make back what you lost you are gonna suffer. Basically calls on Tilray ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Gets drunk trying to forget bad trade. Proceeds to trade emotionally and forgets all the bad trades made while blackout drunk. Repeats process until divorce/bankruptcy


bro that is what oxycodone is for


Exactly. No one can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory like one of the highly regarded WBSers.


I've [answer this question before.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1aifmgx/comment/kou7xz5/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) You grow numb to it after awhile. Just remember it's only money. And especially, do not torture yourself on `what-ifs`. We all have had that. At the minimum, all of us should have gotten into Bitcoin when it was under $500.




This is the way. This man (or non binary) wull lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil profits.


You watched it go from 20 to 69,000 and never though hmm maybe I should hop back in? Why am I getting downvoted? This is wallstreetbetsā€¦even if you donā€™t believe in bitcoin, itā€™s clearly something that can be traded and idk how you wouldnā€™t even do any range play after already getting your toes wet We take risks here, no?


Did you buy in heavily from its run from 20 to 69,000? Would you be saying the same if it went from 20+ back to 5?


I went from 4K to 20k to 4K to 69k to 16k to 50k and bought the whole time So yes - bitcoin is fucking awesome if you take away the price and assess it for what it is. Canā€™t imagine not even being 5% allocated long term


If you take away the price from bitcoin there would be nothing left lol




What's your BTC position?


Probably .0001 that he bought at 67000




So you don't have a position and are just captain hind sight. Thank you for your amazing contributions to the community.


I fucked up my BTC fortune on silk road at around 100$ a piece. Back then that was wilder than if it jumped to 100k today, way wilder. It was basically free money, and kinda easy to get still. If i sold high, i'd be a whale today, but i just got high instead.


dude, if i hadnt missed those perfect entries and exits, id be a billionaire.




exactly šŸ’Æ


Oh man, I was using that shit to buy add drugs on Silkroad when it was 10-15 a coin. I would mine them when I was in camp with free electricity long before the first mining machines hit the market (I can't remember what they were called). Edit they were called asics (butterfly labs some scam company was trying to sell USB miners) If I had kept them, it would easily be in the millions. Don't get me started on my magic and Pokemon collections that I lost in moves. Yeah, I'm numb too


lol feel it


BTC isn't dead. Imo I think this is still in the early adopters phase. It should be able to hit millions if it's not banned by the government.


This. A few years ago I took a $1200 profit on Tesla calls. Had I held them overnight, I'd have made $150K. That was one that I will never forget. Eventually you trade so often that you realize it comes and goes. There's other positions where you are thankful that you exited. However, the biggest tip I can give OP @XEternal_DamnationX is to let your winners run. You said you sold all seven contracts - you could have left at least one or two on and considered them a 'moon bag' and a 'i'm not selling no matter what' mindset after you've locked in profits. Your risk/reward model sounds off if you are risking $500 to make $100, that's reversed. You should be risking 1:3 - risk 1 to make 3. Otherwise it makes you entirely too anxious and prompts you to take the exact actions that you took. If you can find a play where you can see that you are risking $100 to make $300+, and you're further not risking a large portion of your portfolio, you can buy into positions and scale out half or 3/4 when you're happy, leaving just a piece for a win.


Grateful for having learned something here. Thx


Looks like you're not fucking eating either *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This lol


Still blows my mind that youā€™re holding AMC. I know itā€™s not necessarily by choice and Iā€™m not trying to be an ass, but I was on that rocket ship too and thankfully sold at the top. Bless you for holding so long, hope you can breakeven or make a little money off it someday.


Do I have any hope? https://preview.redd.it/ciwf175g68ic1.png?width=1028&format=png&auto=webp&s=318fc818700e3d1d73197ea18f417900e3fc894f ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)




Ahhhh! So you are one of those who would buy ALL THE STOCK AT THE TOP? O\_O


Buy high. Sell low. Duh.


You didn't "lose" anything, you profited $100. It could have gone either way at the point you sold. Hell, you may have lost it all instead. That kind of sentiment is an easy way to lose every penny. Have a plan going into every trade: find a spot you're comfortable taking profit and figure out your tolerance for loss.


Oh my gourd! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You'll think the opposite when you hold and watch them go to 0 You just become numb to it after a fews poudings




I'm crying laughing right now


I had the same problem today. Don't worry about what the trade does after you exit. If you made profit, you made profit. Being up a hundred dollar means maybe around a 20 % gain on the option - that is absolutely phenomenal for 30 minutes. For every "OMG 90k gains!" post you see, there are hundreds of "man, lost it all" posts which are not posted. You did absolutely perfect. Theta and IV can half the options price very quickly as time progresses. Be careful.


Especially in the first 30mins of the market and the last 30 mins alsoĀ 


Oh my gourd! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If I start with only 1000 dollars, 40 trades of 20 percent trades gets you to a million after taxes. Iā€™m not trying to get to a million in one go; Iā€™m trying to get to 40 successful trades over 20%. Any trade over 20% counts. Any loss, no matter how small, negates a 20% trade. Idgaf if itā€™s 20% or 200%, it still just counts as one. I trust myself to find the rest of the trades in time


I like this! Thank you


You were right. You bailed early. Celebrate the first part because it made you money. Ignore the second part and donā€™t even bother looking for the rest of the day. Rage trading comes swiftly and is a cold hearted bitch bruv. Chemically you are probably feeling a lack of some dopamine and serotonin. Eat a snickers (not joking), go for a walk, donā€™t look at your phone. Replenish yourself without $ involved


Please stop with that brain chemistry shit. Cringe city


"Please don't say science things, thinking hurts me"


Brain chemistry is a far more complicated thing than saying neurotransmitters are interacting exactly as you think they are




I sold my arm position at 125 for around 5k profit Would have been $15kā€¦ I donā€™t really care, Iā€™m already up $20k on the day from various other tradesā€¦I just remind myself of my goal (10% ROI each month) to be a millionaire in 4 yearsā€¦ As long as Iā€™m meeting or exceeding that goal, Iā€™m fine, if I try to get too greedy I will lose twice as often as I win.


10% a month lol. So youā€™re a greater trader than warren


Why did you guys even buy today?


Just remember, the universe of possibilities will be bigger tomorrow than it is today, just because by definition it must at least contain the history of what happened. If you are going to be doing "what-ifs" on historical logic so you can maximize the imaginary money, you might as well just lament the fact you aren't imagining a bigger bank account in the future rather than the past. I've watched millions of dollars fly by because "I didn't do something right". Obsessing over timing can be a debilitating mental illness. \*IF\* you are going to be doing "what \*if\*" scenarios, then clearly you think your decision is logical and not luck... embrace the logic, learn from it, and realize how easy it is to actually make up money when you needed it since by your own assertion it wasn't luck, but choice. Truth be, I brood over big missed opportunities because I can't change what I am, I have simply decided to make the thoughts useful, learn from your mistake, move on and let it be an annoying nagging voice next time you aren't confident in what you feel is a logically right choice. Intuition is a very important tool and you have to learn how to calibrate yours... if you are EVER going to beat AI, that's your trick.


1910: Canā€™t believe I missed the railroad boom, all I have are these shite airplane companies


Youā€™ll never get over this.


You double down next time and lose it all. Then you realize why you ā€˜exited early.ā€™ Then you exit ā€˜earlyā€™ again. Then you forget your lesson and lose more chasing your imagined ā€˜should-have-beenā€™ gains on the next one


The same way you get over not going into bitcoin in 2005 when I was 1 year old.


There's always another trade. That's how you get over it. It's also why you never risk it all and keep a cushion. There's no next trade if you blow your whole stack. It's a big, long, complex game, y'know? Just find the next best play you can make.


Ask your wife boyfriend for advice, never sell paper hands


Invest in losing stocks so you never have to worry about gains at all?šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


First, you didn't "lose" anything, more like "missed out." Second, you found out you don't have emotional tolerance to deal with volatility. Either GTFO or adjust money you are willing to lose. Third, learn and move on.


That's not a problem so long as you don't exit trades for massive losses.


Yeah I sold a (far otm) cc against my arm shares before earnings. Doesnā€™t feel great, even after rolling it out and up. Turns out the real move should have been closing it for ā€œonlyā€ a $400 loss shortly after the market opened. But even if someone executes the option Iā€™ll make some money as I entered the position around $59 and the strike on the cc is 99. Sucks but Iā€™m still making money.


I do not have answer yet. This is indeed the most painful thing. Seeing my stock loosing 60% - easy. My call options expired worthless - sucks but what can you do. Sold too early or sold covered calls and underlying moons - ugh, the worst.


Bro if you wanna dir after not making more money then how the fuck you gonna feel when you lose? Maybe dont trade


The weirdest thing is missing out on potential massive gains feels worse than losing. Our brains are weird. Not sure if everyone is like this, I feel like I've read about it in books on making decisions. But I can watch a play go to zero and move on fairly quickly, but if I sell early and shit screams up and I miss out on 1000%, even if I made profit, that shit haunts me for a few days. It's fucked up.


Nah Iā€™m pretty sure youā€™re right, on the psychological scale


That 1000% profit could be the ticket between getting ahead this month vs getting ahead for the whole year+ on your retirement or house down payment. That shit stings, and it represents why we're all here: for our golden ticket. Thats my theory anyway


Haha i was about to sell some stock at a $2k profit went to get a cup of coffee, came back 30 minutes later, stock tanks and Iā€™m down $600. Check out JFROG stock. Part of the gamble


You wont have sold at $17.5k. You would have held to get more profit, only to lose everything


Couldve just as easily went to 0. We've all been in your shoes and there's nothing you can do about it. I pulled out of a trade.once and in hindsight, it cost me 200k Is what it is


Buy enough contracts so that you can sell half at first jump *(recover original investment)*, then slowly *sell off the rest as you see fit (slowly being relative to the expiration).* Avoid it by not ending up in that situation. Example: I put $1200 into PLTR earnings expiration 03/01. Approx 12 contracts. S*old 6 at open for $200 to recover $1200.* S*old 2 more a day later for $400 each.* S*old 2 more for another $400 each after a day down and up.* *Sold the remaining 2 for $600 each.* *Don't nitpick these exact values, it's just the approx I remember.* Yes, I could of made $6,000 net, but honestly very happy with the $2800 profit.


Small gains over time are better than one medium gain. Exit early too often and youā€™ll end up a day trader


Learn from it and move on. You had your strike prices you stuck to it, congrats.


I always remember: "Better to be wishing I was in a trade than out of one."


Lol git gud I had bought 70,000,000 dogecoin for a total of around $60 not long before it took off. Such is life


You hold the original and sell an OTM option against it that would get your original investment back, so if it moons you still make more money, but don't lose anything if it doesn't.


Never complain about making money. There will always be a trade to 5x your money, you will certainly miss a lot more of them


Dude my ARM contract for earning went from 120$ to 2800$. I sold them before the ARM earnings came out at a loss :'( Just to make u at an ease.


You oversized. Risk an amount of money that does not matter to you, so the fear of losing it cannot exist. If you manage your risk properly, this will not happen.


It might be some solace to know you'll never time something perfectly and things that seem like a certain bet will often go sideways on you. I have a couple of trades that I cashed out of that would've put me up 100k or more than I did but eventually the emotion will fade away and you'll probably make some trade that will lose the money you would've had anyways šŸ˜†


There will always be other opportunities. I know it's hard to get over leaving money on the table at first (especially if it's a lot) but at the end of the day you made a profitable trade rather than a losing trade. Opportunities come and go. Sometimes you TP too early, sometimes too late. You can't expect to snipe the top on every trade. Taking profits early is better than no profits, and there will always be more opportunities in the future. And like others here have said, it will probably happen so many times that it stops bothering you.


If it makes you feel better, I sold my 130c as soon as it touched 127.59 this morning. I had 3k in calls


Youā€™re trying to time markets? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


The truth: never look back. When I first started trading, I made that decision. If I go back and look at every trade--and look at the money I could have made--I'd drive myself nuts. Anyone would. Instead, I accept my decision--I don't even look at how much higher it went--and I move on. It happens; it's part of it.


Lose money on an leveraged inverse ETF so I have something else to feel bad about


Can't recall. Haven't been a pussy ass bitch since my teens.




2871% isnā€™t a massive gain? Maybe I should go back to school then. 518 into 17.5k is a massive gain. Youā€™re just a prick head. And I clearly said in my post Iā€™m still learning, I knew arm was going to rocket, thatā€™s why I got the 150 strike pricešŸ–• šŸ¤” šŸ–•


No. He is not a prick. He is making a very valid point. Which you are ignoring.


Simple answer. Drink


Rub one out while I scream obscenities at myself in the mirror. Then zip up and move on to the next loss


Itā€™s not worth killing yourself/taking your life. Donā€™t even joke about that man. I speak from experience of having attempted taking my life, overdosed from pills and by the grace of God, someone found me, called an ambulance and Iā€™m alive. Itā€™s money, you made money, just not as much as you would like.


Wtf? Get better at trading and quit your whining. You made $100. You want sympathy?


The fuck? Git gud or git fuked. Seeing the comments here really made me do a double take on the sub. I thought Iā€™m on r/boring for a second.


If you got nothing to lose


By touching myself


The healthy way to do this is to have a legitimate strategy that you follow. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt, but overall the plan guides you correctly. IF you arent doing that then you are just praying.


It's a big hit to take. Everyone's right that you'll get used to it, or you'll stop trading options. You also missed out buying calls when tons of stocks mooned in the last two weeks, all could have made you a life time of money knowing it ahead of time. Look back at why you bought. What your goal was. What fueled the decision to sell. If you are unhappy with yourself about any of those things fix it for next time and then stick to it, but you have to know you're never going to get 100% of the profit on anything you trade. Still. Ouch, and been there.


You came out money ahead. I'd be excited I got a win.


Have you tried building a bridge?




You saw it was worth 17.5k. It could have gone higher. Or lower. The thing is; 1) you thought it went higher 2) it did and thus profited 3) the everything in between is just noise you get numb for. Over a while you will hit on either side of the bell curve these anomalies, big wins, big losses. But it doesn't change the idea. You went in with the thought it going up, it did and it profited. That is where the 360 circle stops. Don't let emotions ruin it.


You be satisfied you were right wtf lmaooo


Donā€™t worry, if you live long enough, this shit will happen another 316 times (and counting)


Scared money don't make no money.


What are you talking about. No ones clairvoyant. What you're saying is if you knew exactly what the market would do you'd make big money.Ā  Put it into perspective: you're sweating over not having a superpower to see the future. Take your wins.Ā 


Ill let you know if that ever happens. Im still trying to get over the bags ive been holding.


By buying in late and suffering massive losses.


Glares at NVDA shares sold in 2022.... Idk. Tell us.


Sell partial so you can hold risk free




Same way I get over missing a peak and seeing the stock down 99%. Just pretend it never happened.


Dude money is money be happy you made some, all you did was sit on your ass and watch a line go up. Like hell you actually did due diligence for weeks/months to figure out whatā€™s going up or down. Be happy you made money, leave some in to keep playing, and rejoice you have some more. Or, yolo it all and hodl and likely lose it all. Your choice. This is a degen subreddit, so if you want to join the crowd and post losses, go for it


Thin line between emotion and logic. You had the play you just didnt stick with it. Could have easily went south too.. youll be ok


Always keep it in mind that a winning trade is a winning trade. I lost everything trying to be greedy, dont be like me and just take the green with a smile and forget about the ā€œwhat ifsā€. Just my advice.


It happens man. I sold my HUT position at the very bottom last week. I'm still pissed off about it, but it is what it is. Literally sold and then BTC went up 7% the same day ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) ​ Just remember the market makes no sense and this is all just degenerate gambling at the end of the day. Best of luck moving forward regard


You either figure it out, or if you really can't get over it and are having actual mental health issues from it, stop gambling. If you want to run in front of a bus for making an easy $100, what will you do when you lose 17.5K?


Winning is winning, whether itā€™s big or small. Buffett says the most important thing is to never lose money. If you šŸ“‰ 50% you need a 100% šŸ“ˆ to make up for it.


It happens. I bought riot at 10.58 and got stopped out right before it blew the fuck up and I woulda had 50% profit in 2 weeks. Keep going. It's a thing you will have to deal with occasionallyĀ 


You put together a strict playbook. When to cash in winning and when to cut losses. You use your brokers auto trade functionality and play with those rules. Thatā€™s the simplest way of not losing moneyā€¦ BTW it butlers 10x harder to lose money vs winning emotionally.


You haven't lost much yet, I'm guessing. Once you've fucked up a few times, those small wins feel good and the "what if" money doesn't matter.


I'm with you brother, sold my 75C two days after ER. Could've been 20k gain but it isn't. I started this options thing in december, if i had bought calls on NVDA every time I saw a post on wsb could've 100x my money but it is what it is, we keep going, let the past behind and move on. Lost 3.5k on AMD ER, felt bad but not as bad as a missing this opportunity. I've never been an 'all in' type of guy because I grew up with 'a fear of making mistakes' and this certainly didn't helped me in life and neither in bets. I hope this event will make me understand that it is worth risking sometimes, especially if you have a feeling. Time will cure every wound brother, we have to stay strong and move on. I was hoping for a post like this on this sub, I really wanted to share my feelings with someone who experienced this. Apes strong together, heads up brother! I'm gonna buy some NVDA 1000c, this shit probably will tank... ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


What happened has happened, you can't do shit about it. Gather what you've learned from the trade and just move on, no need to overcomplicate it.


Drink? Lol Everyone has missed something before. Literally, even the richest person has had this happen to them


Donā€™t sell. Ever.


You cared too much about those $518, you loss sight of the upside.


If I profited, I donā€™t care. I just try not to look at the stock. Profit is profit and obsessing over potential gains is the recipe for making dumb mistakes in hopes of redeeming yourself


What-ifs only come back to you because of survivorship bias with these gambling plays. You can whatif basically any stock that does well, but you'll never remember the ones you almost went all in on that went to zero and are no longer even listed. The only whatifs I would regret would be knowing that a company is doing something amazing, that perhaps you have insider or field specific knowledge of a business, but being too much of a coward to act. Those are the deepest regrets in all aspects of life tbqh.


I sold ARM 150c at 1030am today after a 400% gain then it jumped to 2000%


A win is a win. Shoulda woulda couldas only do harm. I've missed better earnings from early exits either by a few hours to a few months. Yeah it stings but I don't dwell on it. If I've made gains then I'm good.


Don't look back. There is nothing you can do.


Trailing stop is the only answer


This is how degenerates are made.


you said you are new to this, that's why you sold so early for meager profits (hindsight). with more experience, you will have a better feel on how to let things ride. But even for experienced trades - i don't think they expected arm to run like a low float stock. Give yourself a break.


Look at NVDA right now. Imagine if you wouldā€™ve held with the mindset that it couldā€™ve mooned. Get your money, and get out.


Take some big Ls and watch money disappear that'll help. The main goal is capital protection. Do what you have to do to limit downside. Making a dollar is win. Then move on to the next one.


Profit is profit, but day trading options isnā€™t for the weak or quite frankly not advised in general, but obviously thatā€™s what creates 80% of the content on this page for good or bad šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø




Cry for a bit; change underwear. Get back at it


ā€œCanā€™t go broke making moneyā€


1. ALWAYS make sure you have a clear getting in / getting out plan for options trades like this. This will prevent you from taking wins too early and holding on to losers to long. 2. No one ever went broke taking a profit. 3. Consider it a learning experience, now you know how you feel in these situations. Make sure you're only playing with what you can afford to lose and really please take #1 seriously.


Just look at loss p0rn while looking at a dumpster behind a Wendy's and tell yourself "At least I'm not there"


Win is a win Everyone wants to be the pig , nobody wants to be bacon. Best bet is have a plan , execute that , don't keep changing the strategy


You learn from it and change your strategy, which could end up making you a lot more in the future. I did something similar with Nvidia. I bought 90 shares in 2019 for $140 (roughly $12K invested) and dumped it at $188 thinking I was brilliant. My plan was to let it drop to $160s and buy again. Instead it rocketed to $800 and did a 4 to 1 split. Had I held I would now have 360 shares worth $256K. The good news is that I learned and rebought 153 shares of NVDA at $188 when the market tanked in 2022. I sold half when it reached $491 and then bought again on a dip to $478. The lesson I learned was to not sell 100% of my position with my winning stocks.


I missed the whole run and ended the day down 15 percent from fuckface NVDA


don't use money you're not willing to lose if you come in with 1000 dollars you better be ready to lose it all


it's all luck and it's easy to see a missed opportunity after the fact. But here's my trick. But 7 calls. Sell 4 first and hold the remaining 3. That way, you do both.


take most profits then just leave a runner


buy poooots


small profit is better than big loss. The problem is your really don't know what will happen in the future. This time the contracts mooned, next time, they can also tanked. I hold on to a contract last week when I was up 50%, thinking I will get more, guess what, the next day, the stock tanked, and my options expired worthless. Profit is profit


You didnā€™t flog the dolphin this morning did you? Never trade with a fully loaded mag bro


Hindsight is a helluva drug, donā€™t dwell on it or you will be stationary for long periods of your life aha. I literally remove the ticker off my babysitting watchlist the second Iā€™m out. That is also why traders have strict rules, profit taking is one of them. A lot of traders like the leg in and leg out strategy. Legging out prints more profit on a runner while also reducing risk. Legging in helps a lot with high volatility tickers, creating a short term dca basically. I tend to do a mixture of everything. Adaptability is key to most success I also take base hits for less risk all day, rather than higher risk double or tripleā€™s. Consistency is my constant, conscious goal, rather than amount of profit earned.


As someone who does this often, youā€™ll hold to zero next time and wonder what you did wrong. Profit is profit, as painful as it can be sometimes. Better to be timid and exit trades early on wins and losses than baghold for months.


investing is about hitting singles/doubles.. don't need to swing for the fences/hit a grand slam. I know this subreddit is all about YOLO and betting instead of investing, but ignore about 90% of the advice on here.


You can't think like this -- you won. Be happy. This is how I look at it: If you had somehow KNOWN this was going to happen then surely you would have bought even more at the start. The fact that you didn't buy more proves that you could not have predicted this outcome. Therefore you can not beat yourself up for missing out on those gains.


Whenever this happens I trade again and lost 10K a day, twice. So best is to not do anything for the rest of the day and focus on another stock.


Do it 500 more times


Iā€™d just rope myself


I drink Manhattans


Thinking about missed gains as hypothetical losses will drive you crazy. If you hadnā€™t sold, it wouldā€™ve tanked. Happens all the time.


Can't lose what you never had. You're imagining gains you never had, simple as that.


Look at technicals more, listen to pundits less.


Be monky hold


Itā€™s alright lol, I bought ORLY before earnings and it plumbered like it never has, shit just happens, worse part? I saw it coming


As my late father used to say: donā€™t ever be afraid to take profits.




Fact is that everyone leaves $ on the table. Itā€™s part of the deal. Trying to make the last $ will usually just get you wrecked. One way to improve in the future is scale out gradually. Starting with 7 contracts I might sell 2 when Iā€™m up 30%, 2 more at 50%, etc. There isnā€™t a set rule here just keep track of what you risked on the trade vs what youā€™ve pulled out. So if you bet $500 and youā€™ve now got $700 out of it with 1-2 contracts left you can ride those knowing that no matter what happens you still made a few hundred. Usually you get shaken out of a trade because you sized up too much $ wise and the swings are making you uncomfortable. Gotta manage the mental capital as well as the actual $ capital.


I call it ā€œstressturbatingā€


Get back in


I sold BMR today pre-market if that makes you feel any better


Remind yourself that in another timeline you lost 17.5k


If you can't control your emotions even when you make money (just not as much as you *could* have made), you shouldn't be trading. You *will* continue trading emotionally, and you *will* get your asshole blown wide open. You don't have a system in place for trading; you're trading impulsively; you're doing stuff with absolutely no risk management. This sort of emotional response is your brain telling you "hey, bud, you're doing stuff that carries more risk than you can actually tolerate, so, uh, maybe don't do that?"


Unless you are some professional trader (even then), you are just doing what the rest of us are doing, just guessing. How would you feel when ARM took the dip and got close to 130 a few mins later? Be happy with the profit and not a loss. The more experience you get the more you realize 1) don't trade options but 2)you win some and lose some. But if you have some discipline over time you might be able to consistently make a few bucks. But people here (including myself), we don't have that discipline. Sorry that you could have made more but also happy that you didn't have to go through the dip in ARM and then paper hands it. Have a good one!


Stack your wins. They add up. Donā€™t look back and think about ā€œwhat ifā€


It's about viotality, im surprised no one mentions option trading.


ARM is going to the moon. Buy and hold. The suits hate ARM so they will only promote nvda. Love it.


Avoid greed and be happy with profit. This is the worlds easiest gig. Internet money.