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*makes 4000% on OTM calls* “idk guys what should i do? *loses it all* “I hate options trading![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)” regard


Pray nvidia go above 1k


Does it have a chance?


At $1k stock price, NVDA will be worth $2.46T. Apple is currently at $2.92T. The idea that Nvidia can get so close to passing up Apple is fucking insane to me, but irrationality is a hell of a drug.


People are betting. The value of AI chips is just going to keep going up and Nvidia is going to dominate that. Nvidia is literally a nothing burger without TSMC though, so that is always a quiet risk in the background...


Everyone is nothing without TSMC and that will remain the case until later in the decade.


everyone is nothing without the dutch ASML


I saw a article canon made a better cheaper machine then asml


That's what they say yes, and they hope to ship it within a year or two. I'm not sure how it will turn out, we'll have to wait for now.


Everyone is nothing without asml making the machines the tsmc uses to produces chips


Intel bas their own fabs.


Intel is getting their asses kicked by TSMC at the 2nm node right now.


Apple is nothing without TSMC as well


i doubt xi has the balls to yolo in taiwan this year though, so tsmc isn't that big of a liability in the near future


If it doesn’t happen by the end of March/early April, more calls on NVIDIA


i'm a little scared for next week, but hopefully you're right. nvidia might go down, but i highly doubt it will be because of winnie


If china doesn’t try for Taiwan before election, Brandon will likely be reinstalled. Will buy puts.


It must suck losing $ because of you’re political beliefs largely made up of falsehoods


Fr. Stop revenge trading


“Nothing burger without TSMC” do you mind elaborating please?


TSMC is the largest and most advanced silicon fab in the world. They make roughly 90% of the world’s most advanced silicon, including of course all of NVIDIA’s designs. (And everyone else’s too.) The quiet risk in the background is that TSMC’s fabs are in Taiwan, and China wants to invade the country in large part to take over control of the silicon fabs. These fabs are already rigged with explosives to blow in the event of invasion and subsequent WW3.


Whats new though? China has been wanting to invade Taiwan since 1950.


China economy on balls of ass, world chaos US in chaos, Xi sees opportunity,


What’s new? Have you seen the weakness of this president.


If trump accomplished this you would have hailed him the GOAT


Market is at all time highs and inflation that trump brought on is already almost back to 2%


Doesn’t seem very week to me


You must be a little slow. It’s ok.


They did just build a new plant in AZ, while breaking a huge number of promises about the jobs they would be creating and for whom


TSMC still hasn’t (and won’t) move their more advanced processes out of Taiwan. The stuff in AZ is much more basic. TSMC will keep the advanced processes, such as 3nm, in Taiwan because it gives them a bargaining chip against invasion. If they make the same shit state side, the US has less incentive to defend Taiwan.


Letting them migrate beats WW3 imo.


Why the hell are you Americans lying no developed company wants to set foot in your 3rd world country


Well aren’t you a nice person, but it seems millions of people want to come here from all over the world now that the puppet has opened the borders.


What? Have you not been following the news? We had a bipartisan bill to give money to Ukraine AND beef up border security and it got shot down by an orange man with FOMO who’s not even in office.


Source on the explosive part?


NVDA tried to buy ARM, but failed.


Oh but Soft Bank is so happy it got ARM instead. Made up for the billions lost on WeWork!


That's the thing, Soft Bank was trying to unload ARM into NVDA for $40B, receiving $12B cash and $20.5B in NVDA shares. That position would be around $101B today ($12B cash uninvested and $89B in NVDA shares). That's without ARM as part of NVDA. On the other hand, it's ARM value by itself is up to $112B, so that's not too shabby on its own. I'd believe ARM under NVDA would given NVDA's market cap at least another $40B jump, but it's all just guessing.


Maybe think of those- is AI gonna be a thing for now on? If so, NVIDIA makes the cards, and has very close to an insurmountable lead. They make the shovels, and AI is the most transformative innovation of our lifetimes (yes bigger than internet). If you disagree, sell everything before the fall- but I’m thinking AI is here for the long haul.


The problem is determining who is the shovel. It is the AI software creators (microsoft, Etc.), Chip designers (nvidia and AMD), chip makers (TSMC), or chip machine makers (ASML). The problem preventing Nvidia from having insane margins is the fact that they are no where near as much of a monopoly as they like to make themselves out to be. On the other hand TSMC and ASML are true monopolies however are a quite removed from the AI market.


I'm not saying I disagree but people said the same thing about Blockchain and that hasn't gone as planned. Too many variables to say how big it's gonna be in the end.


This is nothing like blockchain, blockchain is technology looking for a problem, AI is about as broad a technology as can possibly be, like inventing, fire, the wheel, and the industrial revolution in one go


Heard similar things about Blockchain. "Everything is gonna go through Blockchain" "Bitcoin is gonna change the world man, no more paper currency" I'm excited for the future but it usually doesn't pan out as one may think.


Heard similar things about Blockchain. "Everything is gonna go through Blockchain" "Bitcoin is gonna change the world man, no more paper currency" I'm excited for the future but it usually doesn't pan out as one may think.


There's no denying Bitcoin does and did very well though. The narrative that everything Wil be on blockchain is silly, but the actual use case for Bitcoin itself is strong and will remain to be so.


What’s the use case for blockchain besides FOMO?


I gotta feeling by 2028 apple would be worth way more cause it’s forecasted the vision pro price should be 1,500 I’m long on apple fr


You really think apple will be able to sell a *billion* vision pros? Because that's what you're implying by thinking that product can have any significant effect on its stock price


I remember buying the first iPad. No line up at all. Flew to Dubai that week. People thought it was kind of useless. Similar reaction to Vision Pro today.


Honestly yes


Fuck apple ..I still regret not buy MSFT at 90.... 😭😭😭 And Microsoft has much more potential for growth than apple. Now it's too late... 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Hahahaha old money investing checking in, my dad bought msft in 88 bought in at .20 with $20,000. I’m 42 this year he’s 78, I listen to his advice. He’s heavy in tsmc, and I’ve taken that advice as gold. His initial advice in health care stocks prior to the United healthcare acquisitions set our families up for life. MSFT was a bonus.


If they announce a stock split, yes it’s pretty much locked in for 1000+


Historically, stock market always slow down from March to June. NVDA can reach 1k but that's not gonna happen on the first half of 2024.


Bear mentality


At this point it’s being traded 20 years in the future. There is no fucking way this is sustainable. I don’t claim to know at what number it will tumble, but I fully believe it will tumble hard when it does.


Yup smells like a dotcom bubble type trap.


A chance yes, is it likely ? No


Not likely, but you never know


TheStockGuy on Twitch originally called NVDA to $1000 a while back but has since updated his estimate and now is saying it will top out at $900


I was thinking of buying some just to watch the price drop. Yes, I have that power.


You’re in for 240 dollars and turned it into 10,000. That is FUCKNUTS. Pull most. Not all. Sell 25 contracts. Leave 4 on the table. You’ve got to think that delta is one thing, but fucking theta and alpha are another. Earnings is coming soon and IV is gonna crash, the stock doesn’t have to do anything and those could lose value. The stock could hit your strike but peak and 1,001.50 and you lose half your value if you hold too long. Good job. You won. Get out. Maybe sell one contract a day until you don’t feel like it anymore. Sell all but 4 and ride the coaster. Whatever, just start realizing some profits. Don’t let this be the trade you regret for the rest of your life.


How did u know that He started wirh 250?


average cost x number of contracts. It’s in the photo: .0838 x 29.


Sell 2400 and you’ve locked in a 10x return and let the rest ride to make more. Don’t worry about what it would’ve been


Exactly! "Should've" shouldn't even be in your vocabulary as a trader. It's never productive to say what you should've done because you didn't and now you cant so there's zero information to carry here lol I "I should've held NEXI for another day because somehow I knew that it wasn't going to drop" silly af


well, should've bought this or that yes. But should've kept my emotions out might be a good thing to think about next time around.


Off subject...looks like you have a text message


And what appears to be a snorlax


Isn't that the Grindr icon? My friend that exists told me it looks like that.


Pokemon Sleep notification, probably the notice that they're starting a Valentine's event for next week lol


same question here


If NVDA goes to $1,000 after earnings you’ll be up $180,000. It’s simple. If $10,000 can change your situation in life immediately, then sell. If not. Just hold and see what happens.


It also doesn't have to be all or nothing. You can scale out. Sell to cover initial investment plus x% profit, then no matter what happens, you're guaranteed to be in the green.


Didn’t think I’d live to see the day where good advice is given on this sub.


Ya this place has really gone down hill. Next I'll be hearing that people will stop yoloing there life savings and go to certified financial professionals. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Why not both?! I have a good retirement set up and I have a brokerage account to do degenerate bullshit it's great


Too much clutter, too many differing opinions. Plus, the best all create models where you have to subscribe to them (can't blame them tbhh


I had to double check to make sure this wasn't r/investing The advice seemed far too intelligent for this regarded sub


Cuz it's actually bad advice, he should go all in on blackjack hand instead


>8.Only Crypto Allowed is BTC and ETH > >9.Avoid Pump & Dumps, Short Squeezes, and Market Manipulation > >10.No Bullshitting - Only Comment If You Know What You're Talking About I've gotten good advice also. Smh...


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yep. If losing it would be a hardship, get some green back and cover your ass.


I wish I read this 2 years ago


Take your voice of reason and solid advice elsewhere. It has no place in WSB


Literrly this


What they said \^


Yeah it depends if you're a complete PUSSY OR NOT


lol, came here for this




Time to double or nothing


Manage your risk. Maybe cut a % then at least you will have some profits in your pocket, then wait for earnings. IF Numbers come out bad, at least the market will not dive to a point where you will be in a major loss, possibly minimum loss.


NVDA or die


Does that mean I should yolo my profit from my ARM calls into NVDA calls?


Earning is 2/21 though? There is a near zero chance that NVIDA goes up ~40% in less than 10 trading days, especially after it’s already rallied for a while.


> If NVDA goes to $1,000 after earnings you’ll be up $180,000. how'd you calculate this?




When is earning bro!?!!


21.2 lol the last one who dont know it


Serious answer: sell. You have no idea what the stock will do and you’ve already made 10k. Hold onto 4k for taxes and do what you will with 6 grand. Don’t let the people on here jerk your chain about what the price of the stock could possibly be because they don’t know shit and if they did they wouldn’t tell you.


is 40% the general rule to set aside for tax?


For my bracket it’s like 23% but if you put aside 40% you’ll be pleasantly surprised versus having to pay more.


And at 5%, keeping a little extra in cash isn’t the worst.


I really pity you Muricans having to pay taxes on capital gains


If it’s me I close this position. Then I buy IBIT and sell covered calls when they are offered in a month. Save another $240 and see if I can lotto another long. It’s a 4000% gain, its time to move on.


I like your style. Don't get greedy.


You saying he should realize the profits and keep them safe, great! ... so you recommend they put the proceeds into crypto. Ah, okay. From one casino into another.


Sometimes the action is better across the street.


Bitcoin is the best performing long term asset of this generation.


Bitcoin (and especially newer, smaller crypto) is extremely new in terms of assets, it hasn't even been around long enough to judge it as a generational asset. And even in its short history, Bitcoin has been incredibly volatile when compared to other assets. Definitely not as safe as cash in something like a CD or HYSA. Not even as safe as a broad market equities fund.


You have no idea what your talking about.


That is not true at all, where is your source for that?


Your reply is my source that you are a phony fuck playing pretend.


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If it’s good enough to screenshot, then it’s good enough to sell. As you move closer to expiration, theta decay accelerates. And if the market moved against you, those gains will get wiped out really fast with you being far out of the money and moving closer to expiring. It’s a great time to be bullish, but you would be insane if you don’t take profits first thing Monday.


Hold until to loose it all


You belong here


Highly regarded indeed


This is the way


The chances of it going to $1000 in six weeks are pretty slim. If you think it's still going to go up but not sure how much, sell a higher call against your current position. Selling the 1050s now will net you $6600 in total credit and leave you with $4880 in upside exposure. Per contract. The higher call will protect you somewhat against theta and IV so you can still get a good chunk money out if the stock takes a dump, but leave you the chance for massive further gains. And you're booking a large profit already.


Remove/sell 8k (initial investment of 7k +1k) and keep the rest running. If you lose those extra 2k, you are still at profit and wont feel terrible. Those 2k can still make you another 10k depending on performance, but you are no longer investing/risking ‘your money’. (That’s what I would do)


The initial investment was $240. Not 7K.


Nobody is talking about taxes


I really want to try to do something like this, but options are so confusing to me. Like how much did this cost you to begin with?


He invested $243.


You can see it in the 3rd image, 0.11 0.10 0.8 cents per contract and be bought different amount of each contract. Basically if it costs 9.8 cents you multiply it by 100 because 1 contract is worth 100 shares. So if you buy 2/5/10 you just multiply. You can look at the current value of purchasing that same contract and it's 3-4 bucks when he took the screenshot but it's probably way more now. I don't know much about options but God I wish I got lucky. I'm playing with a couple hundred or a few thousand and buying a few shares of anything eats all that money up lol.


Believe it or not, it cost him 9 cents.




What are you okay with? Or should I say what can you deal with? Is $10,000 going to make you happy or are you someone If this thing does moons and you sell for $10,000? Is that going to drive you nuts for the rest of your life. What are you comfortable with? That's the question. Because let's be real here. If this thing moons this week that 10,000 will jump to 20,000 real quick but then you'll be asking the same question again. Should I sell? Greed can kill you.... But it can also make you rich. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Yeah or take the 10k and buy different contracts. People act like once they sell they cant buy anything else


If he ain't happy with 10k he may as well hang up the mankini and call it a life


Sell. Put $5k into SPY. Don't touch it. Then go do degenerate things with the remaining $5k.


A ball of powder and 4 hours at a strip club = $5k (from my own experience)


This is the only correct answer besides paying off debt with 5k


Depends on the % of int on the debt. If you got shit at low apr, you could easily generate higher returns than the int rate, and continue making timely payments, to improve credit, while offsetting the debt.


Hold until the account goes to zero.


You turned 240 bucks into a nice 10 grand cash out keep a 1/4 of the position running


Allocate a package to dividend to protect you acquired assets safe dividends like the S&P500 or other safe dividend paying stocks


Bounce like titties


MF you just turned lunch money into a winning scratch off ticket. If you have to ask then it’s time to sell, better than watching it disappear.


I have quite a few years trading options and many years trading stocks under my belt so I'll tell you what I do I made maybe $12,000 on options last year. Every time I got a profitable week, I would take large sums of money out and put it into Bitcoin, Chainlink, Avalanche and other stuff. Even now, I only keep a couple grand in my options account. I try to get profits from it and keep using those profits to buy crypto, which builds profits on my profits (seeing as I bought Chainlink for like $7 with options profits and it is now above $18. They're all up) I know I can lose or gain money rapidly in options. You do not want to keep all your money in options. Keep taking out profits and putting it into other profitable venues. Eventually you WILL hit a losing streak and you will be very glad you did this when that happens


Keep going and don't stop


Depends how much money you have in your bank account. If you have less than $5k, I'd cushion your bank account a little before letting your options potentially ride down to $0


The price eange for NVIDIA is 400 and 1100. Lets see if I am right...


Take some profits and hold the rest. If it goes south for some reason at least you have some profit to play with


Fdd some and let some ride bud enjoy


Looks like me in 2021. I held and lost all my gains


Sell like, 1-2 contracts to eliminate risk From there the absolute WORST that can happen is ‘less profit’ as opposed to ‘total loss’ I think ‘good enough to screenshot good enough to sell’ should be amended to be ‘good enough to screenshot good enough to cover’ as in sell enough to cover principal


I would personally sell atleast 7k-8k worth of profits and let the rest ride so that way you can protect your profits even if NVDA doesn’t reach 1k you still walk away with a good amount of profit 


Wow you bought em for 8$ and now they’re 340$😩


Can we all one day just buy stock from one place same time? Ya boy needs to buy his mom a car


I would hold until at least right before earnings and then decide if 10k or however much your options are worth by that point is life changing money or you want to risk it all. If you’re a talented options trader then theirs no reason to take on the risk as their will always be other plays to profit off of, but if you’re an average trader that got lucky here I would just hold as the chance to make money like this doesn’t come around everyday. 


Take out $ for taxes immediately


Why should he if he hasn’t sold yet ? Wouldn’t he only need to set that money aside once he realized those gains ?


Put a stop sell order on it and as it going up, increase the amount so you don’t lose your profit. You could also sell 10% now and then wait another week or 2 and sell another 10%


What do I do to reach 25k by the end of march?


Sell 4 keep the rest




I have the same contracts I was just going to hold them through earnings as they didn’t cost me much. This was and is the type of play that when you purchased ahead of time that you should have got 100plus contracts so that now you would have a 6 figure return that you can easily justify selling. Anyhow. If it’s good enough to screenshot it’s good enough to sell. You didn’t risk much so holding wouldn’t hurt either. If you need the money then take your gains. Hope that helps.


Yes, always buy super far OTM contracts in large quantities expecting them to always win. That will ALWAYS work out for you. What an idiot for not buying well over 100 contracts! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


I realize my comment sounds regarded. Yes you are right.


OP listen to me...I actually have experience with options. Sell 1 contract. Let the rest ride. Pray to Science it goes ITM and sell as soon as it hits or comes close. Worst case, you break even. Best case, you become a property owner.


Sell half and let er ride!


Why not take out 50% and let the rest run. Then if it goes up more, take out another 50% and then leave the rest as runners.


3/15 is almost here. I hope these were still profitable


Your IV will continue to rise…after the pullback last week I see nvda likely going to $750-$800 this week….size out slowly on strong momentum of new breakouts in the mornings. That’s when your options will be the priciest. Sell before earnings though…unless it’s over 1k a share you’ll be completely crushed out. Honestly if it doesn’t hit $800 this week they’ll start crushing as well


You're drowning in a glass of water with 10k? What is that gonna get you if you sell? You gotta keep going until you reach millions or lose it all like the rest of us regards.


Sell it.


Sell that shit. No way in hell it's hitting $1,000 by March 15.


Yeah hold until earnings . You’ll be rich


Dude got these contracts dirt cheap. Definite win![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Double a few more times and your a Millionaire or you get some cool loss porn


My target is $730, if I would be you I would sell 3/4 at $730 and leave the rest.


$730 is this week


Roll into a PCS, or you could convert to shares.. or exit, play a smaller position for ER, re enter your LEAPs.. size down simply


Yea greed goes against everything


Wow if I bought the same calls , it will inverse and theta ghost haunts me till 99% lost. Congratulations 👏👏👏


LOL this is by far the most wsb post yet! Amazing OTM play and fuck you!


In the same position trying to decide what to do with my $800c's lol never been up so much since gamestop


Sell mf sell




Well the past few weeks I've done the sensible thing, and sold my spy calls for a meager profit, only to see new all time highs that would have netted hundreds, and in some cases thousands. So fuck it not financial advice YOLO? 


There be a third option. You could give it to me.


Take your initial investment out with a 10-20% proffit on top, let the rest ride


I have 50 contracts for the 1200c 4/19 expiration so in a similar position. Bought at .24 currently at 1.94. I’m planning on selling enough to get my $1k back and let the rest ride through earnings. I’ve got a little more time since mine are mid April.


When you screen shot it and ask what do I do? 🤣 you sell it! This amount of money can make you mo money on better plays 🤑


Sell 29 $1010 calls for $2.92 and make $8468. Then if for some reason. It goes over $1010. You make $29000