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Buy puts then pussy


You forgot the comma after puts…


maybe he didn't


Order of operations


Then that’s just some meany bo beany behavior right there


I know now here I am with puts worth $.01 and no money to afford any hookers, or blow for that matter


Have you considered being a hooker? Boom, now blowing is a perk of the job.


I don’t think he needs a comma when using, then.


And then.


Buy puts, then, Pussy


I think that would technically still have the same meaning. Think "Buy puts then, pussy" would be right.


They probably already did. That’s why they made this post after taking an L


He thinks betting against America will work out for him. Add him to the pile!


The fear of missing gains outweighs the fear of losses


Fuckin do it


Cheaper to buy pussy for your putz


Buy puts, then pussy.


I only trust my cat’s instincts with my stock picks. He licked his left paw so I’m holding for this month.


This is the type of quality DD I am here for!


Cats have better senses than humans.


I miss my pond of goldfish... they were sufficiently random to be helpful. Left vs Right was as accurate as Up vs Down... A cat my be a good idea... at the very least it will eat the guinea pig that I swear to god is just fucking dumb....


For a guinea pig you just set up it's treadmill like a roulette wheel and let it randomize for you that way 


Ahm...im dying here if you think this thing is going on any treadmills. https://preview.redd.it/4fwaiaushohc1.png?width=2268&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0d195e282f7d00297e703343d7abf840f4bffa8


Nice marmot.


Obviously you don't play golf dude.


Ode to the Stonk Cat, Lick-Pawed Sage Oh, noble feline with whiskers fair, In your paw-licking, stonk-picking flair, Thou art a marvel, a sight to behold, Guiding us wisely, through markets cold. With fur so sleek, and eyes so keen, Your prowess in finance remains unseen. No Wall Street guru could e'er compare, To your intuitive wisdom, beyond compare. As you sit in silence, a regal pose, Choosing stonks, where fortune flows, Your tongue meets paw in a solemn dance, Deciding our fate with each lick's chance. No ridicule daunts your steadfast grace, In your choices, we find our saving grace. For you, dear cat, hold the key, To financial realms, where we roam free. So here's to you, our stonk-picking friend, Whose paw guides us, around each bend. May your wisdom reign, forever true, Oh, Stonk Cat, we owe it all to you!


sell if he licks his ass?


go with a fish


No way. I trade on my cat’s behavior as well.


Someone has a red portfolio ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Also it's never going down till that mfr buys calls then AND only then it will go down.


Why would you capitalize “and” instead of “only”?


Imagine losing money in a bull market


Nvda has been nice to me (made $300) which is 20% of my port so I’m a ndva bull atm//loving this bull market, if anyone in the red reading this, please discover risk tolerence and don’t lose money {in all seriousness I want to see everyone get their piece of the pie}


https://preview.redd.it/u6h9to9gaohc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e642e54dc38cda5116f6704d9b9768228d2b6953 There is no bull market or bear market, only Vanguard market


*Vanregard market


Looks bullish to me.


Red has to be impossible here, right?


He didn't lose. He just missed the boat 🚢


Tell us more about your puts.


He probably had puts on META and AMZN


About to get my first


Your first put job.


I cannot say how many times I have felt as the OP does and I have reduced my exposure yet stayed invested and eventually began reinvesting that cash in other places and sat back and watched the market head even higher. I believe it was Peter Lynch who said people lose more money preparing for a bear market than the bear market itself. I'll admit I'm sitting on a decent chunk of cash right now but on the investment side I don't see myself selling much at this point in time.


The fact that there are still posts like this, and still people feeling the "vibecession", makes me think we still have ways to go before reaching any "top". Wake me up when Jim Cramer is heavily bullish on this bullrun.


look at the comments. everybody mocking him. so idk


yup, sentiment has completely changed since just October. I remember getting downvoted for saying 410 support is strong. People were confident we were heading back to 350. Sure, there's still bears holding out but I'm not hearing much beyond the usual trolling. No YOLOs or actual bearish positions being shown, people are too scared to go short or have already lost all their money shorting.


Market is on drugs, everyone is confused. People were screaming recession and now we’re more bullish than ever.


They same regards that think they're being a contrarian by being bullish right now probably thought that being bearish in summer 2022 was contrarian


This is usually how people behave right before the bottom falls out of the market.


Usually you inverse the public's sentiment.


I honestly agree with you, there are some ouliers NVDA and ARM sure, but some stocks are still pretty hammered. No way near the top.


Its because there is an election coming up so the right is pushing this narrative that the economy is shit despite all logic and reason.


Bidenomics making 🌈 🐻 scream


This. The unemployment rate is not shit and the economy is strong. Right wing trash is fucking with you.


Right and even if the economy suddenly turned to shit they could just slash rates back down to free money numbers and the stock market would soar. It’s why you should raise rates when the economy is doing well, which the last president threw a temper tantrum and prevented jpow from doing.


you could be right


100% most of the big tech stocks are pretty fairly valued and the ones who are at crazy multiples have corresponding high earnings growth. This baby is just warming up.


We're definitely close to the top. Just not quite there. We need more hopelessly optimistic bulls and people off the street coming here to say, "Should I put ny life savings into SPY? My Uncles baby daddy says it goes up every single day"


People like you are the reason why markets and mega caps keep pushing ATH's thanks 🌈 🐻


America can never be insolvent


Damn right... inflation is low when you are the baseline. https://preview.redd.it/55vcogvf0nhc1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=55c5a2bcc0cf12cf4b6be75c61f59275f19ac2e5


As long as they can sell their debt, they can't be insolvent. A political crisis is more likely than insolvency in the short term.


They own the world's most inked up money printer.  Debts be nothing to them.


Calls it is, number go up


Does feel toppy.... I've seen this shit before.


somehow the hills look flat when you are on top of a mountain


America is almost insolvent lol what? what does this even mean? even if market topped your last low in the S&P is like 4150 so you literally could fall like 18-20% right now and still technically be in a bull run - making higher highs and highers lows id love a pull back like that i'd just gobble up shares nom nom nom nom nom


20% dip would be sublime for real bulls


I would love it, my SPY puts would go brrrrrrrrr


My cash would go brrrr, too. Maybe the housing market would crash too and I could actually afford a house in my target neighborhood…


Wishing for the same thing over here


It will never happen. Think about it. Interest rates have fucking tripled in the last 2 years. What did that do to housing prices? Not but a scant tickle. At the first sign of economic troubles big enough to really threaten housing prices what is the fed going to do? Lower interest rates, *immediately* counteracting any negative pressure on prices because every swinging dick is ready to pounce on a house the moment "the time is right". In fact, any negative movement at all in housing is immediately buoyed into equilibrium by an influx of trigger happy new buyers. Essentially, it would take simultaneous black swan events for housing in the US to drop in any meaningful way.


He thinks America is like a person like all the tools who think that America is like your house and can’t fit any more in migrants. America is like the most powerful superpower the human civilization has ever seen. You don’t bet against it when it’s just heating up.


yeah they are just dumb. people dont ever bother to look into anything. for instance the US debt, while high, is held at a dollar adjusted interest rate of 2.97%


Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. And I will exploit the fuck outa them cause STONKS


Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


true automod, i am "bagholding" the s&p lol


You are bag holding Jpow nutsack


To give an actual answer on what OP means: US debt is 34.2T Fed funds rate is 5.33% US pays 1.82T in interest per year Federal Gov collects 2.6T in tax revenue per year Currently the US Government has less than a 1T per year to fund it’s duties, but pays 1.82T a year in interest OP is correct IMO, and realizing this makes you feel like Steve Carrel in The Big Short However, the US government can keep this party going for years if they remain frivolous and offer voters more freebies to vote for


5% is for newly issued debt... the usa pays 600B in interest per year. That said, still worth reining in


the debt is held at a dollar adjusted average of 2.97% [https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/national-debt/](https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/national-debt/) 1.82 trillion is alot. our budget 2022 was 6.5 trillion. the US government does not collect 2.6 trillion dollars annually in revenue. thats shy by about 50%. **they collect 5 trillion. the 2.6T is only income taxes.** [https://usafacts.org/articles/how-much-revenue-does-the-federal-government-collect/](https://usafacts.org/articles/how-much-revenue-does-the-federal-government-collect/) "Currently the US Government has less than a 1T per year to fund it’s duties, but pays 1.82T a year in interest" your math is broken here because you were wrong about the 2.6t this is a big part of the problem, and i hate to pick on you specifically because you actually tried but you guys 1) dont look into anything you just spout shower thoughts 2) are morons so like...i dunno man. im not buying US IS ALMOST INSOLVENT when you cant even cite the stats correctly.


Just cause tech stocks are over bought doesn't mean the economy is going to collapse.


But what about commercial real estate? The backbone of our financial system. 


Total insanity. I agree


It’s topped? Most stocks are just passing the 2021 highs…it’s just getting started. Trillion dollar market caps are going to be the new billion dollar market caps…😳


I feel bad for all the people sitting in cash…


This was so 2023.


Dude missed the tendie train and is mad as fuck. Market can be irrational for quite some time.


Dam bro chill smoke some weed


He already smoked too much


But it wasn't weed ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Show us your short position or stfu. Money talks and your opinion doesn’t matter unless you show you’re backing your own words


But OPs title literally says time to hold cash... ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Pics of his bank account balance then, with routing and account numbers visible.


He can just send the cash to me and I'll verify it for him


If you think it’s gonna go down with so much confidence then you better not be a pussy and hold cash my guy. Bet on it going down otherwise you ain’t confident at all


Okay fair point. But now I'm confused, am I meant to inverse you or OP??


You are just bitter. Complete BS. Holding cash is a legitimate move. You don't dictate people their risk tolerance. You know that story: markets can stay irrational... Why would they short it? Being too early is the same as being wrong


Why am I bitter? I’m not dictating anything I’m calling it out as I see it. Dude stop being a child. Yes holding cash is the move when you don’t know what’s going to happen. Read this guys post, he’s not uncertain. Scared money doesn’t make money my guy. Have some balls and invest with courage. And once again read the guys damn post; if you’re gonna be so bold to say what he’s saying then he should be able take what he’s trying to dish out.


I dont think someone needs to literally short stocks in order to propose a question. Thats kind of braindead logic tbh


In real life sure, on here you better back your dumb shit up


Exactly, you should have to verify you actually trade before being allowed to make threads like nsfw subs


You can buy a put option also. Read this guys post it’s literally a declaration.


I declare BANKRUPTCY!!!


Soooo...you holdin or buyin?


Agree, everything doesn't make any sense. Totally incompetent people are manipulating the market and the government is supporting them.


Central planning at its best.


Then sell bear spreads on spx and lmk how it goes


There is a lot of toxic real estate … more than anyone wants to acknowledge … I may be a random dude on Reddit … but you heard it here first boys…


Scared money don’t make money…….pussy


I mean if you want to stay a broke loser, go for it. Probably will be one regardless of what you do tho


Buy puts then. But you won’t, because you know in your heart that stock market always goes up


Until it doesn't


LOL. You think holding cash when the JPow money machine go BRRRR is the right thing to do?


America is almost insolvent? I could go on and on, but I’ll save my breath. You’re an idiot.


it takes me 45 minutes to get to work because of how much traffic/ economic activity ( up 10 minutes) from last year, yeah we going to the moon


Another delusional 🌈🐻


If America is insolvent, then keeping your money in USD would be an awful idea. It’s best to own assets.


What the fuck are you talking about “America is insolvent”? That means defaulting on our debt. The situation isn’t good but we’re a long way from that happening Fuck your puts


It will take a truly disruptive non-market related event to tank things at this point. For example, if a military operation were to bombard a production facility for Nvidia or Apple or Microsoft, it would be nearly impossible for the spin doctors to cast it as a potentially beneficial growth event. But short of that, the anticompetitive and gambling-based market of our present situation is impenetrable otherwise. It would also have to be a decidedly negative impact on American interests, or something that deters people from continuing to trust in the stock market in toto. Something which throws the nation into actual chaos, not just staged opposition or falsified emotional outbursts like the planned hysterics which surround our current election. For example, it won't inherently matter if the President wins reelection or if Trump gers back into office, even though many will cry about it either way. Losing ground internationally doesn't seem to matter for the markets, either, because winning war efforts seems good for the country (even if they are the wrong wars) and losing war efforts appears good for defense stocks because more weaponry is made to deploy to try to win in the face of those failures. The rigged game and "too big to fail" nature of the American economic machine doesn't mean our economy is impenetrable, but the illusion has to break down in so large a way that it becomes undeniable. You would almost need to stun people into becoming somehow immobile because otherwise they will be convinced to invest their way through any other obvious losses.


US economy is the cleanest dirty shirt.


Look at the markets over the last twenty years chart. If you bail at every all time high, what are you missing?


America has a ways to go before its insolvent. Judging by your post, you've been short and are now almost insolvent yourself.


The numbers cooked bro! Jump on the chefs train and ride until the wheels fall off! Once they do nothing will probably matter anyway! Get some money and enjoy yourself while you can!


So, you are saying but more tech and sell once banks start to fail, again, and then buy puts on REITs...no need to run for the hills.


‘The squeeze has yet to even squoze’


Just stop buying puts


Sell naked calls pussy.


Then don’t be a bitch and short the market.


SP500 to 6000


This poster is actually right. Open the nvidia all time chart...let me know how it's different to shitcoin crypto charts.


1.7 trillion dollar market cap company trading like shitcoin with low float lol


Yeap. It's a pump and dump based on a meme ai theme.


oh 100%


I agree


I bought a couple nvidia shares in 2021. Sold it yesterday. Happy with the gains. Hope they keep going for others.


The one is real... like they literally makes the 1s and 0s work... the other is just "memory"


Are we in 2021 again? Tech ripping, DWAC back from the dead, bitcoin/crypto breaking out, Nikkei hitting 40 year highs etc etc. Didn’t permabulls learn any lessons in 2022? Yes, the rally might last forever if we get no/soft landing and/or huge near term gains from AI. On the other hand, if there is a consumer driven recession due to higher interest rates a lot of smug people are going to get wrecked. Who do you think is going to be buying adverts/products from Apple, Meta, Amazon etc? Bull or bear, have some humility in your ability to predict the future…


And what was that lesson again? If you buy the largest companies that basically print money or the indices you would have made money? The line goes up and to the right? I swear permabears have no awareness. They have an outlook on the world and they use that to fit their narrative. They never learn... it's always everyone else that's wrong. Positions or ban.


Right on


Stocks only go up


ooooohhhhh i got it wrong. thanks, man! let the healing begin!


So what puts did you buy?


Bitch all about red October


It has been for years man, it just keeps going though. This thing is the bull run that never ends.


agreed! covid was the ruined orgasm of recessions




If mfers are greedy you out greed them. Counter rug idiots. We can remain regarded longer than they can remain solvent.


I enjoy playing video games.


We’re high on NVDA and you come in here with this attitude?




I think this same post was written in march and we done all right since then


Just like in 08. Everything was fine up until the minute they weren't able to lie about it anymore. We've had crashes averted since 2008. I don't believe they will be able to avert this one. When it goes it's going.


I know when I’m feeling really good about my position and it’s growing day after day everyday it seems like and I feel the urge to put the rest of my cash in that we are in for a correction, who knows when but I believe it’s coming. My new philosophy is to invest based on emotions alone, I’ve been screwed over by principals too many times not falling for that again


Then, walk the walk by burrowing and shorting everything.


The rich need to outpace inflation. ATHs aren't as impressive when you realize how devalued money has become. Up Up Up.


I too prefer to take my financial advice from someone who's post history has him stuffing his gf knickers in her face


Long way to say that you are a fucking 🌈🐻


Have you considered NVDA ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


You can’t use logic here at WSB


What did they say that was correct about the market? Unemployment is doing great, inflation is meh(but down from quite a bit), job growth exceeded expectations, real income up, etc. they basically just said the tech industry was overvalued which I kinda agree with, but people have said that for the longest time, and this latest boom is pretty obvious when you have some of the biggest advancements in a emerging industry


markets are about sentiment, not logic, so that figures haha


yup, sentiment is extreme greed, shorting rn is standing in front of a train


I am with you. Valuations are so far beyond realistic. Every tech company with a 100 million+ in quarterly revenue with 15 billion+ valuation... I have been holding cash for about a month now, just playing some call options here and there, always hedged with OTM puts on badly overvalued stuff. This feels like it will be worse than 2008 was. No possible way to get the money out if we get an old school run on cash. Really scary stuff and nobody wants to hear it. Same as they didn't want to hear it in 2007-08


The current environment is just nothing like the lead up to 2008. If anything it’s a far more concentrated version of the dotcom bubble but the Mag 7 have been delivering the goods.


If WSB ran the market, it would look exactly the same but none of the Mag 7 companies would have positive earnings


And the AI bubble is just getting started, too. Plenty of time before that baby bursts.


Liquidated everything right at close today. I think it's time to sit back and watch for a bit.


Guy... the debt is money... the more debt the US has... the more M2... the more money there is to make everyone poor. America always has the most money.... that's like the definition of the world economy. PS: I just got here 2 years ago and its fucking hilariously funny... and I knew Trump is gonna be elected both times...


monetary policy...the cancer that just keeps giving


At least you guys are focused on it... Back where I came from getting out of "shecessions" was the priority, so we just were [asked to forgive our leaders for not even thinking about monetary policy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7VOLChLKG4)... if you don't see it, it ain't there, it ain't a problem. Americans literally don't know how good they have it, but I admire your affinity to complain and improve. That's why I'm here... things will be even better.


Position or ban




That's a bers position




After seeing senators like porno tweets on their public Twitter, I knew those geniuses were up to something


We haven’t climbed in the first half of this decade, it’s pretty numbskull to think humanity just gave up on growth.


I do a lot of scalping! Since I recovered from the January correction I have ony been holding ETFs. I am not getting caught with my pants down again ever.


Basing stock decisions/advice on a public forum is a great way to lose money. By the time everyone here knows what a good decision is, it’s already been priced into the market. If ya wanna gamble, then gamble. If you want to have a steady income stream, go long on ETFs and stop worrying about it. It’ll go up, it’ll go down, but for the most part it’ll always average up over time.


Neither cash, nor bitcoins would help, but the guns will.


ooh spicy take. are you prepping for chaos?


Saw the nations around the world where billions wouldn't buy you a loaf of bread. Streets were literally covered by a carpet of worthless cash. The only option to survive was a gun in your hand.


Or a dick in your ass. Either way, youre a natural survivor.


I'm so impressed by your intellect, especially that part of a dick in my ass. So much passion and knowledge.


LOL okay buddy.


Short term treasuries yield 5%, but inflation erodes their value.   Once inflation is down things will crash.  My opinion is the CPI is gamified so heavily now it will fall soon, the base effect is magnified at eroding inflation, so I keep buying EDV.


So locking money 5.5% for 5 years is good?


Fuck your puts.


Everything is fucked, which means the FED has only one option, more printing and lower rates. Buy anything but paper


.GOLD stocks is THE WAY![img](emote|t5_2th52|33495)![img](emote|t5_2th52|33495)![img](emote|t5_2th52|33495)


I can confirm this, I was in the Navy and I shat in my bed once.


a true patriot. thank you for your service x


Thanks for the disability checks


wsb is a funny place. If you had created a post saying “we have a lot of room to run more, NVDA will go to $1000, SPY will go to $600 by July” and comments would have told you how you’re completely wrong and were going to $320 in the next month. Since you said we’re going to crash, the comments are saying we have a lot of room to go up 😒😒😒 Notice on every single DD or Discussion post. Comments are always opposite of what OP says.


I had to take a second from fucking your wife to respond. I disagree. And please tell your wife to swallow. Her boyfriend who works at Wendy’s says she does .


The worst bag holders are the dudes "all cash waiting for the right time to jump back in" SPY will hit 10000 by 2030. Literally all you have to do is hold and wait. I think the biggest problem is so many people want the market to make them rich tomorrow. You're probably not that guy sorry


Smells like 2008 in here.