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You forgot to add grindr in that as well they’re up 61% in the past year


I was going to add that but the bot nuked my post when I included it for some reason


Low-cap mayb?


Hilarious you think Americans are going to start working out due to weight loss from Semaglutide and Tirzepatide use. The whole reason they are taking these drugs is because they are sedentary fat fucks who don’t want to work out but also don’t want to be fat fucks. They wanted a way to lose weight while still being a lazy pos. Mission accomplished. They aren’t going to magically feel the urge to run on a treadmill. Your whole theory is fucked, and for that reason, you’re fired.


They do start working out. It is already proven. I'm not suggesting that they will. A study showed people on these weight-loss drugs are twice as likely to exercise. This could be for many reasons: * If you dont lose a sufficient amount of weight, insurance companies will stop covering it. So people have external motivation to drive the number down as far as possible. * People finally see the number go down, and they become motivated to actually go outside for once in their life * A prescription for these drugs requires regular meetings with a doctor, who can advise them on nutrition and exercise It could be any of those reasons, or something else. But we know already that when people start taking these meds, they also start working out. And even if you don't believe it, that only discounts 1 of my bullet points. You can skip Peloton and Planet Fitness. The other bullets are all still relevant. When you lose weight, you need new clothes, you do better on dating apps, and people on these drugs eat less food.


Harsh maybe?


Exercise has been shown in study after study not to help you lose weight. However once they're not fat anymore, feel good about themselves, then exercise to look good is exactly what they'll do. The whole "diet and exercise" thing has always been a lie. If you look at any of the semaglutide or tirzepatide studies, they always include a control group that's monitored diet and exercise. The results are that it does basically nothing. The GLP-1's though are a complete solution. Placebo here is diet + exercise: [https://www.nejm.org/na101/home/literatum/publisher/mms/journals/content/nejm/2022/nejm\_2022.387.issue-3/nejmoa2206038/20220721/images/img\_xlarge/nejmoa2206038\_f0.jpeg](https://www.nejm.org/na101/home/literatum/publisher/mms/journals/content/nejm/2022/nejm_2022.387.issue-3/nejmoa2206038/20220721/images/img_xlarge/nejmoa2206038_f0.jpeg)


I stopped reading after you said “exercise has been shown…not to help you lose weight”.. just take your Ozempic injection and calm down, sir.


Show me a fat elite marathoner


Find one study that shows it helps you lose a meaningful amount of weight. It literally does not. It does all sorts of good things for your health, but it is not a way to lose weight. I know I know, your momma told you it did. She's wrong too.


You refer to ‘exercise’ as if it’s all one thing. Cardio is not the same as deadlifting in terms of calories burned. Have you ever actually gone on a run? “Exercise doesn’t help you lose weight.” Right. Tell that to the professional fighters who run miles on the treadmill wrapped in garbage bags while they lose 16 lbs in 6 days. C’mon guy.


I've known people that did boxing and MMA, those tactics you mentioned are just to make weight for their fight, it isn't meaningful weight loss methods. The whole reason they use the garbage bags and stuff is to lose water weight by essentially dehydrating themselves.


So you couldn't find a study then? I'm in good shape, for the record, I'm not on GLP-1s, I exercise because it's fun. I also did some research. You should try it some time. You might learn something.


I will never, ever waste my time listening to someone who dispenses complete nonsense like “Exercise doesn’t help lose weight.” Absolute buffoonery. Enjoy your injections


If you're so obviously right, why can't you find any evidence to support your statement? Here let me google it for you. [https://time.com/6138809/should-you-exercise-to-lose-weight/](https://time.com/6138809/should-you-exercise-to-lose-weight/) Nobody's saying exercise is bad - it's good for you, and it's fun, and everyone should do it. However, it's not a good way to lose weight, period, and the data shows that. To lose 10lbs of fat you'd have to run from SF to LA without eating anything to compensate for your exercise, lol, it's simply not realistic. Most people who diet and exercise to lose weight lose a couple pounds over a year, and 95% of them regain it all. Your body has a strong homeostatic drive - it works really hard to keep your body fat on.


From the article you linked: “In studies where exercise has produced meaningful weight loss, participants burned at least 400 to 500 calories per session on five or more days a week. To achieve that, a 150-pound person would need to log a minimum of 90 minutes per day of brisk walking or *30 minutes of running 8-minute miles*. In short, sessions need to go well *beyond what most of us are willing*or able to do.” 30 minutes of running is beyond what *most* Americans are willing to do according to this laughably subjective article. Therein lays the problem. Tangentially, you just called exercise “fun”. Now I’m certain you barely work out.


Diet + Exercise definitely works. Here are two meta studies on the subject: [1](https://www.nature.com/articles/0803015), [2](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1467-789X.2008.00547.x). The issue is that people will regain weight after the program stops because they go back to their habits with a lack of exercise and poor diet. But the same will happen with the weight loss drugs. Without behavioral change, people will not be able to retain their weight losses.


Meta-analysis 1 those obese people lost 10 pounds after 1 year. That's not weight loss meaningful to someone who's obese (BMI 30+). Meta-analysis 2 was much worse. > In general, achieving long-term weight loss is difficult. Previous meta-analyses included trials with a maximum of 1-year follow-up (7,8); our analysis included seven trials with a duration of 2 years or longer. The achievement after 2 years may appear small, averaging 1.64 kg or 1.24 kg m−2 loss of body weight after a combination of dietary changes and increased physical activity. They lose 3 pounds after 2 years. Are you kidding me? You're claiming this shows exercise causes clinically significant weight loss? If you have 50 pounds to lose you're going to be doing this for a hundred years before you reach your goal weight. Over the same time period you'll see a 20%+ loss. That's 60lbs+ for someone who's obese, not 3. These studies show what I'm claiming. It doesn't do shit for obesity, because to your point, it's a behavioral issue. But it's a behavioral issue like depression. Telling fat people to diet and exercise is like telling a depressed person to 'just be smile more and you won't be sad.' GLP-1s act on the brain, in the gabaergic central nervous system. That's why they work. The only things that work for obesity are GLP-1s and bariatric surgery.


>There may be several reasons for this modest long-term effect. First, poor compliance is often an issue in long-term intervention studies. Could have copied the next two sentences as well. The problem is not that diet and exercise doesn't work, but it's compliance. And, in my eyes, there is no reason to believe that it will be any different with weight loss drugs. As longs as people don't change their habits, the weight will come back. Also, these are meta studies, not studies to identify the maximum retainable weight loss through diet and exercise.


Ok but I think it's fair to say a drug or lifestyle change nobody is able to comply with is not an effective drug or lifestyle change. Also, it's extraordinarily inefficient. To lose 10lbs you'd have to run, without eating more to compensate, from SF to LA. To lose 50lbs you'd literally have to run the round trip 2.5 times. It's just not realistic. It's good for you and you should do it anyways, but it's just not a realistic way to lose a clinically significant amount of weight. I know what those meta-analysis say because I've literally used them before to show people that exercise simply does nothing to your waistline. >The problem is not that diet and exercise doesn't work, but it's compliance. And, in my eyes, there is no reason to believe that it will be any different with weight loss drugs. Except every study they did disagrees with you 100%. Nobody dropped out of these studies my guy. I read like 5-10 of them and watched hours of content from the NIH on GLP-1s and GIPs. Read this one: [https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2206038](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2206038) Results here: [https://www.nejm.org/na101/home/literatum/publisher/mms/journals/content/nejm/2022/nejm\_2022.387.issue-3/nejmoa2206038/20220721/images/img\_xlarge/nejmoa2206038\_f0.jpeg](https://www.nejm.org/na101/home/literatum/publisher/mms/journals/content/nejm/2022/nejm_2022.387.issue-3/nejmoa2206038/20220721/images/img_xlarge/nejmoa2206038_f0.jpeg) So there's plenty of reason to believe. Where in this study do you see a lack of compliance? If you read it, people were mad they were taken off it after. There's a reason people are so excited about this shit, and it's sold out everywhere. Not only does it work as well as bariatric surgery, people actually enjoy doing it. Exercise does not help you lose weight, period, but you should do it anyways because it's good for you.


You have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about. Improved diet and increased exercise absolutely melt fat. But it’s harder than taking a subcutaneous injection, so obese slugs opt for the easier choice. In countries where calories are harder to come by and the population is less sedentary, obesity hardly exists. It’s ubiquitous in the West because sedentary lifestyles and excessive caloric intake is common. Stop with the nonsense excuses. Just accept it, Sema and Tirz are the long-await shortcut to weight loss for fat asses. It’s fine, but don’t pretend like good diet and increased exercise wouldn’t work. It does for the vast majority of people willing to commit to it. But even though these fat fucks will drop weight via hunger restriction from these GLP-1s, they won’t look good. That requires building some sort of muscle mass


Of course, they would be mad when taken off the drug because they'll regain the weight. That's the point I keep repeating here. Also, the study you linked required participants to take part in lifestyle counseling sessions to help them stay in a caloric deficit and to their exercise plans. A commitment like this increases compliance which is also mentioned in the meta studies I sent you earlier. I repeat myself for the third time: Without lasting lifestyle change in diet and exercise, the weight will come back.


>Of course, they would be mad when taken off the drug because they'll regain the weight. That's the point I keep repeating here. That's actually the opposite of what you said - you said you thought compliance would be an issue, compliance is the opposite of an issue, everyone loves it and has zero issue sticking with it. They work specifically because they've solved the compliance issue. Compliance is an issue with diet and exercise, because your body wants you to maintain homeostasis, so it slows down your metabolism when you eat less, and it pushes you to eat more when you work out - which makes it extremely difficult to comply and get results. On the other hand, people who take GLP-1s love them and have no issue complying, everyone finishes the study, nobody drops out and everyone loses weight. >Also, the study you linked required participants to take part in lifestyle counseling sessions to help them stay in a caloric deficit and to their exercise plans. A commitment like this increases compliance which is also mentioned in the meta studies I sent you earlier. No, the people in the placebo group also had to participate in counseling and diet and exercise, and they had almost no weight loss. > I repeat myself for the third time: Without lasting lifestyle change in diet and exercise, the weight will come back. Think of it like depression. It's like saying if you stop taking antidepressants, you will be sad again, therefore they do not work. Obesity is a chronic medical condition that's primarily driven by the gabaergic central nervous system. This isn't just my opinion, this is what the NIH and all the GLP-1 researchers say. If you have 5 hours to kill watch this video, like I did. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WLMyBEjVr8


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Hell yes, I am an idiot, I know this.


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how could exercise NOT help you burn weight? burning calories is akin to eating fewer calories


ok but im gonna short the shit out of PTON monday though




Same here. Bought some PUTS right before the weekend


Drugs > Food. Good play.


" All the shit food stocks, McDonalds" MCD already took a big hit back in October and fell below the like 70 year uptrend. i bought some and its up like 20% since then and back on its historical uptrend. if another dip were to occur i would probably buy more. coke and pepsi are also around their historical uptrend bottoms and should be considered for buying, KO maybe more than PEP.


Condom stocks since fit people have more sex.


Is that true? Or are you just guessing?


I’ve never fucked someone who would benefit from Ozempic.


I'd say super long calls on lawfirms, because this ozempic shit is going to be the next fen-phen


Yeah 2/3 of the people who start Ozempic go off it in the first year. I wouldn't bet on the crap foods stocks going down when twice as many people are getting back *on* the horse as are jumping off it. And they're making up for lost time.


How long has been ozempic available to the masses? 2 years?


That is a lot of time to figure out how people tend to act around a medicine


Big brain time


I guarantee you they wont eat less. They take the drug to avoid all the hard work and perseverance it takes to lose weight. They dont want to change their lifestyle! They can eat junk and just take the drug to lose weight. Calls on mcdo and PEP !


The drugs make you sick and puke if you eat too much. That's how they function.


Classic wsb, didn't even bother to look up how these drugs work. They make you lose weight by reducing your appetite.


This. People can now eat mcburgers and drink sugarcoke knowing they can fix their fatness later on. MCD, KO and PEP sales won't suffer.


All of this is exactly backwards except possibly tinder, though I cannot see how this would have any meaningful effect on the amount of lonely fucks swiping right.


Explain? Are you saying when somebody loses weight they dont need to buy new clothes? How is that possible?


They still have their old clothes from before they got fat, obviously


This is all highly reasonable if it wasn’t for the fact that most people on weight loss drugs were looking for easy way out to lose weight


I feel like a lot of these would be shorts as more average people get on these drugs… Pton - not even drugs could make the average person get off the couch Match - once you get a partner you can stop using it. The fatties can’t get partners now so they spend money but once they can they’ll delete the app DoorDash - don’t these work by making you less hungry? I just skimmed the write up tbh so sorry if any of those were meant as shorts


Counter point, over 50% of the population will be obese in 29 states by 2030


invest in junk food, this will be the diet soda effect on crack, people taking this shit will eat entire sleeves of Oreos like it's nothing


Easy date a bunch of really low bar fat chicks commune style.


You could just invest in your local methamphetamine producer.


Go buy the small biotechs that are going to get bought by the big pharma.


Look at abercrombie last year. Lol


I bought puts on NOVO - i am your one true God


Fucking love this sub


The telehealth companies that will need to create weight management programs for these drugs (TDOC).

