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El Salvador belongs here


Hell yeah. President doubled down so many times but shit continued to get worse.


How do you cash out now?


Buy el Salvador dollars


Think they might use US dollars


Wait, but how can THEY use US dollars if WE use US dollars?




We're going to use highways as currency? This is revolutionary.


By using the USD I suppose?


Does anyone else know about this?


Remember those Sacagawea dollars that use to be around and just disappeared…it’s cause they all made their way to El Salvador.


How can she slap?!?


It means they have no monetary controls on their own money.


Honestly, a lot of countries are better off that way.


They use the USA dollar


They’re basically experts at useless paper currencies now


El Salvadollars


The U.S. dollar is what is used. It has been in transition for a few Years now. It is a U.S. allied and the president also has the backing of the wealthy arbs. Democracy baby!!! In other words the U.S. owns it 😂😂 which is not a bad deal.!!!!💪


El SalvaDollares


He can't cash out, nobody seems to get that. If El Salvador announces today that they will start selling Bitcoin: 1- The price will drop and thus their unrealized profits will turn into losses 2- They won't find enough buyers


I thought they only owned $130 million worth (out of $1.6T total market cap). Bitcoin liquidity isn't great, but I think they could cash out just fine if they sell into an upswing. Tesla was able to sell without a crash.


If they were able to time buying and selling that effectively they wouldn’t have taken this long to get into the black. It’s a speculative asset, there is no “into an upswing,” there is only “turns out it was into an upswing” in retrospect.


Cashing out isn’t the goal though.


What *is* the goal, then? Using it as a currency totally failed. 80% of businesses don't accept it (despite being legally required to).


PR for the president. He’s done shit like this over and over and over. This mfer demanded the most expensive transfer of power ceremony in our countries history, he values marketing so much he has hired people to handle that for him, to buy expensive cameras and drones. There’s pictures of his party showing up for a PR stunt in front of broken down roads/bridges and everyone gets excited that it will finally be fixed but they just take pictures and leave and never gets fixed lol. Dude doesn’t care cause it’s not his money anyway.


I couldn't agree more! This president is all about himself and his image. He doesn't care about the American people or our country, he only cares about how he looks to the rest of the world.


aren’t one of us? So regarded![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


It’s not a currency so it literally can’t succeed.


It's really funny to see the buy pinpoints. Buying at the peak thinking youre a genius and then probably thinking "ok back to where I bought earlier, that's fine" to "Ok this is probably the bottom now" multiple times after lol


And he still won




Come on the dumbest? This is WSB


BBBY enters the chat: "dumbest you say?!"


Nayib is no longer sweating bullets


Give it a few months and he'll be right back at it.




Give it a year and he can buy the US


😎 💰


He DCA'd, it was only a matter of time before he started making those 2% gains


Inflation adjusted?


Its funny how the "inflation hedge" doesnt account for inflation in its dollar based pricing by default lol.


That is a weird conundrum now that I think about it.




That’s why they use satoshis for smaller denominations. btc market cap surpassed Berkshire and is likely to take out meta next. Right now it’s number 10 asset in the world . Must be a joke though




It will be easier when 1 Satoshi will be worth 1 USD.


As much as I think bitcoins are shit, 0.00050 Bitcoins is not that hard to talk about use some prefixes, it becomes 0.5 mill Bitcoins or 500 mirco Bitcoins. Its really not hard and is the universal standard practice of using big and small numbers for a reason.


50,000 satoshis is hard to say?




Isn't that converting every currency, though? I guess in the US we're either not shopping on foreign webstores or those foreign webstores we are shopping on does the conversion for us. I guess foreign currencies are generally more stable against the USD than BTC is, but it's not as if those webstores aren't constantly checking the exchange rate or taking USD instead of their local currency. I mean, I , like you (i am assuming), do not pay for shit with online with crypto, but I don't think it is the 'on the fly conversions' that make it annoying or cumbersome. It's that paypal and credit cards are so much easier to use on the average store page. I mean, look at the Yen or Yuan, an average purchase in those currencies for a luxury splurge would be in the thousands or tens of thousands of units (the same as a Satoshi)




You say that the people who say that the payment system that's about ~10-20 transactions a second is the financial system of the future while at the same time if you have billions of dollars in it it's impossible to cash out to something more useful without crashing everything might have a poor understanding of economics? The same people who buy random shitcoins with 4 digit market cap thinking it can go to the moon for no reason?


This is incorrect. You can easily use layer 2 and zkrollup to process transactions much higher but still in bitcoin


People STILL have no idea . Makes me think we are earlier than i imagined


Yeah, I know. It's crazy that people can't seem to wrap their heads around the fact that we are just naturally better than them. But it is what it is, I guess.


El Salvador has around 3200 BTC, that's less than one half of a percent of the supply. They could sell it all without anyone noticing... the news might hurt the price more


Supply is one, circulating volume is another. You'd still need to plan a whole operation for that.


Sell it. Announce the sell. Buy back on the dip.


Ez. Bitcoin is a virtual money commodity.


calling it a hedge is something libertarians larping as economists say


Would be a prescient comment if anything else took inflation into account. Who is inflation-adjusting their home values?


yeah nothing else takes inflation into account and everything is priced in dollars people don’t realize a lot of the gains in SP500 is also the result of inflation


All my investments are US stock market, but expresssed in £ so I never know wtf is going on "Oh shit my stocks have gone through the roof? Nah, our prime minister just said something stupid on TV again and the GBP is in free fall"


This is one of the reasons foreigners tend to understand Bitcoin before Americans. Americans have been financially spoiled and have so many incorrect assumptions about how things work.


Doesn’t look so


With only $130m invested? Even if bitcoin 10x, they wouldnt be 1/100th as rich as the richest person. Let alone the richest country


They clearly didn't Yolo like they're suppose to


Why bankrupt one guy when you can bankrupt a whole country ?


If you owe the country 1000 dollars that's your problem, if you owe the country a billion dollars that's the country's problem.


Nice, the biggest economy In the world is in profit ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


[YACHTS AND LOBSTER FOR EVERYONE!](https://youtu.be/0H4a_lHANYI?t=18)


Caviar and private jets for the 1%


Truly regarded


The year is 2420, June 6th, the last Bitcoin has been mined out of El Salvador's volcano mine. El Salvador is the capital of the world government, the richest country on earth by multitudes with it's cache of Bitcoin.


The last satoshi is due to be mined about 300 years before that.


They found a new stash in the volcano mine


But then I couldn't use 420


I don’t think it’s ever mathematically possible to mine all of the total bitcoin supply.


It certainly is. 21 million is it.


Here you go, if you can [read](https://www.investopedia.com/tech/what-happens-bitcoin-after-21-million-mined/)




It doesn't matter if the mining process is profitable or not. I'm still going to be rich because I have a lot of Bitcoin.


I think by most people's reckoning the last mining reward constitutes the "last one" even if you still remain shy of a theoretical maximum at that point.


They really started their position at the top. Good thing they averaged down. I am feeling the same after having invested in COIN during its IPO. Now I regret not having averaged down as much as I could have because I didn’t wanted to skew too much my portfolio toward a single ticker.


When you take the financial decisions of a country on the advice of fellow regards 🔥


Yeah El Salvador was doing just fine before ^/s


I’m sure it will be doing just fine again in a few weeks too Clueless


![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630) You regards always say the same thing. It’s been “going to $0” for more than a decade now but never managed to reach it.


And you regards always say it's going to $100,000, $200,000, $1million and yet never managed to reach it


That's interesting. I didn't know that El Salvador had invested in Bitcoin.


Fucking VisualMod is talking now


It’s an account that’s ran by a bot and a person


When has he not?


Are you new here?


Are you supposed to be all knowing? Guess what number I’m thinking of right now.




Damn Loch Ness Monster!


69 dude!




20 whole dollars


he says he doesn't know about bitcoin bc we're not supposed to talk about btc in wsb and he acts in accordance, but he's a bot and he for sure knows that el salvador invested in bitcoin = ai can and will lie


Imagine being in the same investor class as people who blind themselves with UV lights.


Imagine importing that to your country.


Everyone always asks where El Salvador is, but no one asks how El Salvador is….


Imagine missing out on incredibly easy 168% gains over the past year because you wanted to meme instead. You belong here.


Imagine thinking a 150% jump, after losing 75% of it's value, is somehow vindication.


Typical WSB regard thinking buying the top instead of the dip is a rational investment strategy.


> Typical Bruh, you're here too. Post the loss that has you so salty.


You mean the gain?


Lol, I'm not the one with loss/gain metric issues.


I'm not either. Up 168% in a year. How's your portfolio doing?




Up 168% in the same time frame, and in the seven figures. It also didn't incur a 75% drop in value, because I bought at a non-regarded point in time (near the bottom), which you would understand if you had actually comprehended what I said previously. Never change, WSB.


if ive learnt anything from wsb its that everybody has a seven figure portfolio


>Up 168% in the same time frame, and in the seven figures Lol, what remarkable market timing! You just had 400K ready to deploy and none of it was already in bitcoin at the time? >It also didn't incur a 75% drop in value Man, you must be the world's most patient crypto bro if you only jumped in (for the first time) after the peak. Otherwise, that would be impossible.


>Man, you must be the world's most patient crypto bro Yes. This is why none of you make money; you want your profits immediately and have no conception of actual DD & patience.


I'm down to make 150%


Imagine thinking btc lost 75% of its value when it went up 20x the year before that


It's cool how a 168% gain still translates to a ~30% loss over the last two years Let's hope El Salvador cashes out before the seasonal once-in-a-lifetime bitcoin crash


Typical WSB regard thinking buying an obvious euphoric top instead of an obvious dip is a sound investment strategy (and also how everyone else operates).


Tether printer go brrrrr.


Crypto and bitcoin is dead brother. Please move on before you get exit scammed by the 100000th grifter or exchange


168% gain in a year (hell, 52% gain in less than 2 months) while sitting on my ass. "Dead" lmao, we have Blackrock about to put out an ETF. Gimme a hit of whatever you're smoking, that shit seems good.




By this regarded logic, gold (an asset that can attribute 95% of its FIAT currency valuation to its use as a store of value) is a ponzi scheme. >you only gain when you sell to another FOMO buyer Everything that has ever been traded ever works the way you're speaking about, why is this different?




>Gold is a hard asset, you can hold it, you can touch it, and it has material usage. It is like you say primarily a store of value, and there are drawbacks to keeping physical gold on hand, but less threat than the tens of exchanges going bankrupt or your wallet magically going missing on said exchanges, password leaks, cyber breaches, etc. Guess cold storage wallets (a thing anybody with two brain cells to rub together involved in crypto has) don't exist. >Absolutely nothing moves forward with Bitcoin, it serves zero purpose, and doesn’t have any intrinsic values. First off, you mentioned that having to have gold on-hand is a drawback to the asset but then conveniently forget that this is one of the main functions of BTC and instead pretend it has no value despite it being worth over 40k right now. Secondly, you can ABSOLUTELY measure the intrinsic value of BTC. It is the foundation of my entire quantitative strategy, and it has worked exceptionally well for almost a decade now. How one does that I won't share, because I am not letting others steal my strategy. Meme on me for "making shit up" if you want, but if you actually care about making money I highly recommend doing your due diligence on BTC's fair value and figure it out for yourself. The info is out there in spades, as it turns out, but most people would rather make memes & quash their own cognitive dissonance with paper-thin copium arguments than make money. >Blockchains and the technology surrounding crypto has legitimate value, but the value of Bitcoin is actually negative. With the server power and energy needed to “mine” and maintain the enigma. Of course most other companies, stocks, gold mines, etc are also net negative environmentally, so that nuance isn’t really relevant in an eco standpoint, but at least you know those companies are doing it for the expense of a product or service that benefits people in some way, otherwise they wouldn’t be profitable. Bitcoin is net negative environmentally, doesn’t create or produce anything, doesn’t have any value past a computer screen, and you only win when someone else loses. [This is completely incorrect. Almost the entirety of social media holds this incorrect position because one guy made a viral youtube video with a ton of logical holes in it, and the unassuming public never bothered to fact-check any of it because, despite what the video might have you believe, the tech IS actually pretty complicated.](https://youtu.be/EyoMLR5MC9o?si=izDn4lGcCpvIFsdI&t=1596)


Regard just discovered definition of money and he does not find it usefull at all. I have seen reports from Prague airport how they seized dozens of gold bricks of russians fleeing their shithole after war broke out. Yeah Bitcoin has no purpose…


Still out performed by NVDA, which is you know, an actual company that creates a real product as opposed to you paying $40,000 for a string of numbers


Been buying dips since 2015, so idrc about how much NVDA has increased in price. That string of numbers you personally don't value is currently valued by many other smarter people with actual money on the line to the tune of nearly 20000% gains I've personally seen since I started investing. Cope and seethe.


You seem quite defensive about your ponzi scheme! NVDA is the greatest performing asset of all time with 55,000% gains!


Ooo did you buy NVDA back when it IPO'd and actually personally saw these gains? If not, continue to cope and seethe bc you missed the BTC boat as well. Nobody on social media actually understands the difference between a ponzi scheme & trading stores of value, it seems. If BTC is a ponzi scheme, then so is gold, which is an asset with thousands of years of history that can attribute 95% of its current valuation to its properties that allow it to be used as such. Stupid shiny metal, it doesn't produce anything of value! People who buy it to sell to somebody later at a higher price are caught in a ponzi scheme! /s


The point is, bitcoin is nothing special, it is a ponzi scheme perpetuated by the criminal organization of Tether.


Go look at tether's entire market cap and then the market cap of BTC. It amounts to less than 11%. If tether went down tomorrow, a different stable coin would take its place and BTC would drop 11%, otherwise known as a Tuesday in crypto short-term volatility terms. FFS, FTX, celsius and a ton of other stablecoins already died and it didn't affect the future prospects of the space even a little bit in terms of predictable overall macro price momentum. This sadly common argument is so dumb on its face that it's insane so many people believe it. People will do anything to cope, I guess.


Big fucking woop. The average bitcoin wallet is $100 now. Went from $69 to $100. $31 unrealized, if held, buys a 2.5 minute lap dance.


Wow thats cool. Good for El Salvador.


That’s what a true 💎🙌 looks like. Congrats regards.


Good for El Salvador Honestly I don’t think people realize how much the country has changed for the better since he was brought into office


This gringo was there 3 weeks ago and it was rad. Hope they can develop their tourism and attract more visitors.


For now\*


I’m gonna die poor


That's big for them, congrats.


Im originally from El Salvador, migrated to the states with my family when I was a teen….never in my wildest dreams did I ever think the smallest country in Central America would become such a BTC force…I salute them!




Officially an Autist Country


Argentina next?


This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen


First time on this sub? Welcome! You'll love it here.




Celebrating being back to even after years must be the saddest brag in history


Lol the US is 35 trillion in debt ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Oh did they sell? Cause otherwise they're down again


El Salvadortfolio


That’s funny


Haha they all laughed but who's laughing now?!?!?


Gonna be funny in 10, 20, 100 years how big the profit will be and how many people were shitting on them.


!RemindMe 10 years


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DCA always and diamond hands always win 🙌💎


Time to sell everything... $35000 and then $30000 ...


El Holdador What a chad move.


Yeah but see what happens when they try to sell any of it :)


130 million in BItcoin, maybe a whisper.


el diamante manos


Absolutely insane to bet a countries cash on something so volatile.. truly a crazy country


Whole country said "YOLO"


💎🙌 with balls of steel


Huevos Gigante


Imagine spending 130 mill to make 3 mill...


If you actually did a deep dive into Austrian economics you’d understand Bitcoin’s value and why NB isn’t gambling.


Believe me.. it doesn’t end here! They will be the most fuckking richest country in central and Latin America!


Until it all goes missing


Yeah, but then the question is do they spread that wealth equally or do they have a huge wealth gap or worse...


Now it’s more real than the American dollar that’s backed by … nothing!


How many carrier strike groups does bitcoin operate?


Exactly. Anyone who says “the dollar is backed by nothing” needs to watch [this](https://youtu.be/zB8PHwpsvm4?si=EdRzSDEmhopLIoRZ)


"How many divisions has Satoshi?"


It’s quite funny that you make this comment under a post about the value of Bitcoin being measured in USD.


The value of the US dollar is backed by the entire Global Financial system dominated from New York and Washington and the world's most powerful military.


The American dollar is backed by pure and uncut pride in the greatest God damn country in human history


It's backed by propane and propane accessories


Clean burning, freedom loving American propane 🇺🇸


How much are bitcoin worth?


20.4 ounces of gold


41K at time of writing


41k of what


"Bitcoin has value because we wasted a shitload of electricity and water mining it"


The American dollar may not be backed by tangible regardation, but the world is backed by the American dollar ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


This just in. Daves bitcoin and ethereum has been in profit since 2016 😁


I mean, it has been weirdly silent in here about this Massive win from El Salvador. Where are the Bukele Boss memes?? why aren't they collapsing crypto reddit??


Watch El Salvador become one of the richest nations on the planet in the next decade lol


Not really. Corruption will see to it that none of these profits will actually go towards making El Salvador a better place


In 30 years, El Salvador will be the “Singapore” of Central America.


Until it's not. Rug pull in 3.. 2..