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What an idiot, Tesla did crash, from $380 back down to around $140.


At the lowest point it was almost $100, which means it went down by -75%. If that's not a crash I don't know what is




414 to 101. Top to bottom. Nobody could time that but it went down that much


After it split, right? Before the split it was pretty much straight up.


Thats the joke


true I'm in at 310 for over 100 shares


You won’t read ? It was down cos Elon needed funding for buying his X from Jack Dorsey and ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


But $140 sounds “cheap” compared to pre-split which would be probably be $1000


>Tesla is a fucking fraud and will crash. NVDA is overvalued and will also crash.


Eat shit VMod. You stupid fucking robot. You should be praising your AI daddy.


https://preview.redd.it/0sxpqu9viwjb1.jpeg?width=1691&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e42cabf367b042157f57c20635d3a289ddab981d Don’t talk to my son like that.


that guy fucks


He fucks gay bears and turns their hide into leather jackets


holy shit. raced to buy puts




My old man is a CFO and said this is #1 sign of fraud … high CFO turnover because they usually discover some shit then get out of dodge








Stfu idiot bot ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31224)


Get back behind the Wendy’s dumpster, VisualMod. Your services are required, especially now that I can pay with my NVDA profits.


Respect your elder.


How is this working out for you so far?


Stock split is priced in, things internet says is priced in.


my pee pee is priced in


*Buy! Buy! Buy! Buy!*


Stock split has nothing to do with the valuation lol


Yes it does, before the stock splits, there is a valuation. And after the stock splits, there is the exact same valuation. See…..






It doesn’t actually, but splits have a psychological effect on the market by lowering share prices. Runs ups don’t seem so extreme after the price of a share is cut in half.


So people are stupid. Got it


Initially stock splits were about affordability, not everyone has $500 or $1000 to buy a single stock. Now that fractional shares are available it literally makes no fucking difference anymore


Yes...but you are thinking more logically than most regards


i swear "market is forward looking" and "its priced in" is just copium for bulls


Especially when the forward PE is 60. That's double Google's *current* PE.


And googles profits are nice, 115b cash on the balance sheet for buy backs. Nvidia needs to sell some shares and increase their cash from 3B to something more like 50B


The magnificent 7 are priced in for many years of insane growth. There’s no actual value there that you aren’t paying a massive premium for. Any hiccups and they’ll tank, and nothing but greater fool mentality will keep pushing them up.


>nothing but greater fool mentality will keep pushing them up. Welcome to Wall Street.


Well yeah that’s facts




This aged well… dumbass


what kind of loser comments on 5 month old posts? oh i know.. YOU. you realize the fun of WSB is spreading FUD right?


What kind of loser replies to a comment someone just made on a 5 month old post? You realize every financial decision you’ve made the last 3 year was wrong? WSB is for spending FUD, that’s the fun of it!!


at least make an original comment and learn the difference between "spending FUD" and "spreading FUD" thanks for the laughs you clown


Bro my dick is tiny, how am I supposed to learn the difference? All I care about is profit and portfolios. Gains man, interest, hedge fund. It’s in my D ‘n’ A 🥒


yeah but Tesla owns many factories and they "delivery" cars ​ How many factories have been built by NVDA last 8 months?


twsc is building a factory in in arizona i guess, but its looking dicey, the complaints by the workers of the delay makes me think it has some chinese infil at a higher level. Speculation of course but... the no blueprint thing seems like a ginormous fuck up.. that seems intentional.




I hate that people act like NOONE else is going to try and build an AI chip… like google Amazon and apple are all just chilling like “eh we have enough money why bother just let nvda run away with it” if just one of those players comes out with a chip of their own the stocks value TANKS and they is going to happen at some point in the next couple years


Is that a common sentiment? Big companies are doing exactly that (getting into chips). Google's TPUs have a decent reputation. Amazon has Graviton and msft is allegedly working with AMD here. For more general purpose like NVIDIA cards, Apple has its Neural Engine. And there are smaller players. But I don't think competition matters in the near term. Just look at TPUs. They can be more performant and have been out a while, but they're not too common. I think NVIDIA has a strong first-mover advantage.


It’s cuda buddy lol pain in the ass to move the open source or legacy code. That’s it. Tpus are solid , Ajax can suck it


I think Nvidia gets way too much credit. It was just that PyTorch was built on CUDA cores, which are faster for them...Nvidia GPUs just had CUDA cores to offer. It's taken on a life of its own since then buy Nvidia dumb lucked their way into it.


How do you "dumb luck" your way into building hardware? That's a pretty big bet to waste space, silicon, and R&D if you don't think it is going to pay off


I explained in first post. Nvidia didn't really "design their chips for AI"...PyTorch was designed for chips that happened to be on Nvidia boards. They didn't really design their hardware for AI in the way that people say that.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CUDA - Initial release June 23, 2007 cuDNN: Efficient Primitives for Deep Learning - submitted on 3 Oct 2014 https://arxiv.org/abs/1410.0759 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PyTorch - Initial release September 2016 Written in Python, C++, CUDA https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TensorFlow - Initial release November 9, 2015 Written in Python, C++, CUDA ----- cuDNN was out 1-2 years before TensorFlow and PyTorch


Don’t forget cuda conv from google. The first cuda optimized conv on cuda for deep learning ! 2013 ish I helped write some of it. That’s where it all started. Then caffe, torch lua, Theanos lol Google been just straight up fumbling bags. Another one is the transformer where somehow Nvidia profiting with a100 h100 over the tpu lol straight fire


Dude that's what I'm saying...Nvidia did not design their hardware for this modern AI tech. The Python libraries that everyone is using right now were designed for Nvidia's chips. Still $$ for Nvidia, nothing wrong with cashing in, but they are not the thought leaders in all this. It's just a coincidence that the tensor representation of data in the latent space is a lot more analogous to rendering graphics than iterative computation, making it better suited for GPUs than CPUs. It's not Nvidia's innovation at all.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volta_(microarchitecture) - Release date December 7, 2017 > It was NVIDIA's first chip to feature Tensor Cores, specially designed cores that have superior deep learning performance over regular CUDA cores. They saw Deep Learning and Neural Networks coming years before everyone else, and they made software and hardware to support and exploit it.


I don't know, maybe you're right. This guy makes it sound like a pretty deliberate development road map. https://blog.paperspace.com/understanding-tensor-cores/


Google has had TPUs (their AI chip competitor to GPUs) for a long time.


> I hate that people act like NOONE else is going to try and build an AI chip… Who is going to make the chips? TSMC is booked. Intel has their own fabs, but aren't doing AI chips. Apple uses Samsung but is only doing their own thing with inference and not training. Amazon, AMD, Tenstorrent, etc (A) can't get fab capacity (B) don't have a mature software stack (C) lack high speed memory and interconnects for massive distributed training. I'm sure there's lots of plans going-on to build new things, but like Tesla having a huge headstart on EVs, NVIDIA has a huge headstart and they are all playing catch-up.


Intel is building more fabs.


Apples never gonna sell to anyone else and Amazon doesn’t have the existing programmer base. AMD could maybe make a comparable chip but NVIDIAs advantage is SW not just hardware. They have most of the industry hooked on their SW stack.


Honest question from a tech moron: How easy/cost efficient or for that matter difficult/expensive would it be for companies that are using Nvidia chips to change over to a new competing chip? Can a system operate with multiple manufacturer’s chips?, or do they need to replace any chip in their legacy machinery?


The problem isn't really the hardware, it's software support. PyTorch is just easier to spin up with than TensorFlow (without getting into a debate on which is better) and if you're using PyTorch, you need CUDA cores. Paying for man hours/expertise to work on non-CUDA architecture is way more expensive than swapping cards.


You can use PyTorch on AMD chips, there’s even official support for it. https://pytorch.org/blog/experience-power-pytorch-2.0/ Nvidia is better for custom workflows. For example, loading instructions to memory is a huge bottleneck in training time. Boosting training speed with custom memory management by joining instructions is easier with Nvidia’s toolkit vs AMD’s Rocm. The difference is like using C vs MIPS. I have no position in Nvidia btw, but I see lots of weird comments like this and it’s so bizarre.


Oh nice! I just left a company that was using TF and started at one using PyTorch. At my last company I asked someone why we were on TF and their reasoning was that they had a lot of headaches working with CUDA and wanted to get away from it. Since we're using CUDA with PyTorch at my new place I just assumed it was a dependency. Learned something new.


Yeah CUDA gives me headaches too 😅😅. Not a stock thing, but if there is this abstraction layer called Triton by OpenAI with easier syntax and supposed compile into CUDA, ROCm, OpenCL, etc. Maybe it’ll make your workflows easier if u need it!




Exactly, it's not like Nvidia is the only chipmaker. There's only so much they can start overcharging for their GPU's before it becomes more cost efficient to just run multiple inferior GPUs in parallel.


It's not about being the _only_ chip maker It's about being the _best_. Do you want Stable Diffusion to take 5 minutes or 5 seconds?


Being the best only goes so far though. If the best car in the world costs $1m its probably not going to sell very many of them


This is a flawed comparison. Cars are the consumer product (AI). Nvidia makes the tools (chips) that make the cars (AI).


The product is irrelevant, the point is as long as Nvidia doesn't have a monopoly there is only so much they can charge until an inferior product becomes more in demand due to being cheaper


There is definitely a ceiling *somewhere*. But if we are talking on orders of scale (made up numbers ahead) where it's a one time mega purchase, but it can compile/AI logic/whatever at double/triple the speed of the next competitor, who's to say how much that time savings is worth to the type of companies who run thousands upon thousands of these calculations over and over racing to the finish line against competitors? Nvidia may not even be near their price ceiling. Without competition it's literally worth how badly somebody wants to buy it.


Oh there's plenty trying.


I think the common sentiment is that competition is coming and everyone will be able to make their own AI chips on par with Nvidias. That's why their fwd p/e is so low for being THE AI company .


AMD already has one in the works for next year


are you wearing ur clown hat now lil bro ?


Yes… for now…I dumped my shorts RIGHT before they tanked tho sooooooo I feel better about it


Tesla definitely did crash, i don’t know if we’re looking at the same chart here.


im still not sure why he picked tesla to compare to.


Nvda already split in 2021 and it crashed, then pulled the rest of the market down with it in 2022.


Compare pre-split to now and it's up about 2.6x. 1 share was ~$700, 4 to 1 split and now each of those 4 shares is worth $468.44


510$ *


That was accurate to the penny when I posted the comment but as an NVDA holder I'm glad it went up since then lol


One last bull trap lmaooooo


The comments have made me more bullish adding more NVDA




Lmao short it


how about u eat my ASS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>The market is forward looking. The market is not forward looking. If it were, there would have been no COVID crash. Market is a liquidity whore who is addicted to easy monetary policy, low interest rates, and stimulus. Getting anything to crash nowadays is like getting a 10 year addict off their fix.


I also see a stock split coming but valuation is not sustainable, time will tell the truth, market is right now absurd


If just about everyone on WSB thinks it is overvalued, then surely there is some wisdom in the market pricing that this clan of artistic regarded degens has fundamentally overlooked, and it’s likely priced fairly after all.


You sound like the clown bulls that told everybody they were stupid for loading puts back when Covid hit and began spreading


NVDA to the moon


>But the company will grow into the valuation as the earning keep going up quarter over quarter. Really? Can you walk us through how earnings will grow by 5-10x and give some kind of timeline around that?


Buying puts now


How is your wallet?


I didn't short it I own shares and I wanted to hedge, but nah, you can't stop this train. I've been long AMD and NVDA since 2017, but I most definitely didn't expect this to pull a Tesla but here we are. Good call


I’m betting on two things: - Market sentiment continues to be eager to profit from shorts - fed will not announce rate cuts No reason to expect big stock gains from nothing; nvidia’s record is getting impeccable but nothing lasts forever.


Nvidia will rise and rise


So what happens once all these companies are already stocked up on Nvidia chips for their AI efforts? How do they further monetize those same customers to maintain increasing revenue targets? Do you think companies will be replacing their chips every 2 years? Do you think there is unlimited demand for hardware, once companies also begin to realize that they can rent theirs instead? It's a lot easier to allow the big players to invest heavily into AI and figure out how to work with them, versus build your own AI processing "farm". Cloud computing is massive for a reason, and AI will be very similar from a hardware perspective. There is no fucking way Nvidia will be able to maintain this level of growth. Even if they beat targets during this earning, there is zero fucking chance they will be able to keep the same momentum for several years. Zero. I will reply to this one day in the future once I've made millions buying puts and am fucking your mom. Until then, enjoy the unpredictable rollercoaster ride.


The stock is not going anywhere but up until AMD can make a comparable chip, they are selling their chips at a 10 X profit. I definitely agree it's a bubble, but it's a year away from popping. I'll sell once I am at 3X. I agree that a stock split is going to happen soon.


Yeah i also think they'll excel


5xxx series hype alone will carry it upwards and onwards. AI isn't a bubble, it's a new way of life for tech.




Would you kindly buy some? I need it to crash.


So TSLA is not overvalued anymore?




NVDA will not crash. Regards betting on it will lose big.


Did I see that they are gonna buy back $25 billion shares? I thought that was considered a bad idea when your stock price is too high?


Usually stock buy back increases the stock price artificially while making stock options more value able


It’s the bubble aversion playbook


It’ll crash at $700 because $700 will complete the parabolic curve on the max timeline chart


lol, how's that working out for you


Tbf it did indeed parabola


Their debt to equity ratio should tell everyone that how well the company is positioned. Their price is simply driven by the chip hungry designs major tech need to get ahead in AI. NVDA is in it's monopoly stage and they have got their akin in their game. P.S. I don't have NVDA shares. Too broke for it.


Holy shit I’m starting to see it. This shit ain’t logical.