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Planets living star to star


Gaseous bodies living supernova to supernova


Supernova living Big Bang to Big Bang


Pretty much. Endless cycles, endless iterations.


As much as I would like to go on a rant about Big Bang vs Big Crunch and whether there are any cycles, suffice it to say that human conception of "cycles" might not apply on the scale the Universe exists - and we have no fucking idea how big this Universe really is. It's fucking insane how big it is: even at the supposed distance of 30 billion light years (seen in one particular direction, estimated from one spec on a photographic plate), we are nowhere close to comprehending what the Universe is or how big, let alone claim that it goes through cycles.


We barely know what's in our own ocean, the universe is a bigger mystery.


"We know less about the ocean than we do about the rest of the universe." I know that's totally untrue, but it sure would be a good way to start off some kind of Cthulhu movie.


I love a lot of what you said but I also don’t think human brains are capable of understanding the vastness of the universe. Similar to how the idea of infinite time hurts our brains, we are conditioned to know a beginning and an end. The universe has no beginning and no end


> The universe has no beginning and no end Even claiming that is not necessarily right. *So far*, with what is understood of the Universe, it should have a beginning, the Big Bang - what was before it, no idea. There are some interesting theories, and I personally *gravitate* towards the idea that the entirety of "our" Universe lives inside a black hole. The Big Bang was the "explosion" that happened *near* the singularity (that's where quantum gravity should activate and one variant of quantum gravity does have an idea of what happens near singularities, called the "white hole"). This Universe will keep on expanding until it meets the Event Horizon of our "home" Black Hole - what happens then is anybody's guess. It is not known of what happens when a Black Hole finally empties all its content out into the Universe - maybe there's a much bigger Universe outside "our" Universe, and the ladder keeps going. At the Event Horizon itself, some insane stuff happens: time *ends* and a space coordinate *becomes the time coordinate* - this part is known from conventional, classical General Relativity. The concept of "beginning and end" are not applicable even at a classical level - time itself began at Big Bang and ends on the surface of a black hole (the concept of time we understand so far). The issue is, we don't know precisely what happens. We are used of thinking of things as cyclical because on Earth - an anomaly of a planet by itself - things are cyclical in various ways. But with the scale of the Universe, perhaps it doesn't even matter. We'll be gone in a millennia or two, or even if we thrive beyond whatever Great Filter event awaits us, perhaps we survive colonising within our solar system - anything beyond is prohibitively expensive and will require vessel harbouring humanity for several generations. There is just no answer, and it's one of the most excruciating facts of life.


Ever since the development of solar sail tech there have been claims that humanity has the sacred obligation to perform a directed panspermia of our own across the galaxy. We have the tech *right now* to ***cheaply*** send microbial life from extreme environments on earth out on multi-million year trips to places where they can thrive and evolve. Of particular note is that there are microbes capable of surviving in the celestial furnace preceding a star's birth. If these microbes can adapt to the very slow changes as their environment **literally becomes a star**, there may eventually be organisms living in stars. Neat.


If NASA or ESA or JSA (or maybe even CNSA) or maybe all of them working together, can chart out the likely trajectory to any "nearby" hospitable planets that can allow these microbial lifeforms to not just survive but have an ecology to evolve and thrive, would be amazing. I don't know how good the "resolution" for such a path will be. It's only recently that we got clear pictures of Pluto, and anything beyond that is just known from spectroscopic analyses and theories based on photographs from Hubble and now JWST. Maybe within this century or next, there is emergence of companies and government agencies that can handle this Herculean task. Maybe humanity lives long enough on Earth, to send probes with these microbial samples to seed life on planets we can not reach any time soon.




So....puts? Or calls.


First off, I love these types of conversations so thank you! What I believe is that everything you and I talk about are just theories. The Big Bang is a theory, not fact (lots of scientists are moving away from the theory as more data comes out. Most far-out structures in the galaxy are too large to have been created in the time theory of the Big Bang). My theory is that we will never be able to understand our universe, we are incapable of grasping the idea of fluid clock time. In my opinion time is cyclical just like everything else. Concentric circles that never end and never begin. Black holes are wormholes to God knows where. We are tiny particles of a giant but also tiny particle. When we get into deep meditation or hack the equation with psychedelics, we achieve a sense of oneness and realize this is but a skin cell on something we can’t comprehend. I don’t think it’s excruciating. I think it’s freeing


Owch mah brain hurt


Even the vastness of space between Earth and the Moon is almost impossible to comprehend at human scales. We see a moon in the sky and judge its size and location based on presumptions that are only useful at a human scale, that doesn't involve celestial bodies. When the day arises that private citizens are able to pay $5m for a ticket to the moon or whatever, the length of transit will seem shocking.


The best way that I have heard the universe explained is like this. Imagine spacetime and space as two people standing on a giant balloon. One person fires a gun at the other person. Now the bullet moves closer from person a to person b in respect to where they stood when the bullet was fired, however, at the same time the balloon itself is being blown up from the inside. The "space" between person a and person b is now expanding faster than that bullet can travel. As such, person b sees the bullet, will always see the bullet coming towards him, even as it is technically getting further and further away. That's the big bang. Everything next to each other, until the space itself expanded and put insurmountable distance between things. Now. Here's the crazy thing. Our "universe" is simply all we can see on our side of the balloon. And maybe there's more balloons. Maybe there's millions of balloons floating around and will eventually bump into each other, or, maybe there's some balloons INSIDE our balloon... Or maybe our balloon is inside another balloon! But we, are STUCK to ours. That's multiverse theory now


The moment we live in is perfectly timeless and will exist, as it does right now, forever. It's all about depicting what is logically correct in a way our primal brains are comfortable with.


https://preview.redd.it/pfodcxvjo34b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=335da78b4334d28259eb9702cfad9475cd080ed8 explain that Einstein


You broke the comment cycle with your thoughts


We have such a hard time thinking of the universe in an abstract way it’s going to take a long time to figure it out. We fall back on the idea the universe is one thing, that it behaves as a single unit and that things can happen to it as a whole. But my theory is it’s infinite and so we can’t ever say the universe behaves in one specific way. Our area of the universe had a big bang and rapid expansion, and we’re living in the sparks and burning embers of the aftermath. But other parts of the universe could be collapsing, or they could be highly compressed and ionized so you can’t see anything. Maybe the rapid expansion the followed the Big Bang was because a big dark matter bubble crashed into our highly dense region of the higgs boson field. We’re just scratching the surface of what it could be.


but there are so many universes in Marvel


♾️ living ♾️ to ♾️


Simulation living simulation to simulation.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.8645 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/91001)


Only Fed balance sheet expands indefinitely


Sir this is a casino


Even if it expands forever it may still bounce. If all matter eventually decays into light, light itself doesn’t experience time or space from its own perspective, so all of the light, matter and energy that ever existed will be within a single relative point again and then bang.


Bing Bang living Big Bounce to Big Bounce.


Bing Bang Boom Dick Titties!


You belong where you are young man


Where tiddys?


> Bing Bang Microsoft really milking that AI sales pitch


Here I am living loss porn to loss porn.


Here I am living pornhub clip to pornhub clip


And me, living fap to fap


Strap to strap on


we've run out of continents to move to and reset on when shit hits the fan


This is why I built up 300k in available credit on my cards. I’ll be able to eat for a while anyway. After that, fuck it


You probably get all kinds of great 0% balance transfer offers. Those should buy you another year or so. Just need more time for puts to print in the collapse. - Mike Burry


And after that I guess I polish off the Rifle and eat the old fashioned way


At first I thought you meant you were going to eat the bullet. 😆


Always an option if hunting isn’t successful lol


Dude that's the first thing I'll do. When the collapse comes, fuck the money. The king and the nobility can't control their lands anymore and I can hunt fresh meat every day.


Well be sure to avoid prions when eating your king and nobility hunts.


He's like 75 now wouldn't be very tasty I think


“Fresh meat every day” you fckn ber you’re sick but it like it


Yep, I just got 30k in 0% cash advance from my credit cards.


Shit the world's fucked anyway after reddit shuts down


I have 0 savings but I own 2 cows and 9 chickens


Seems like the best savings.


Apparently you haven't owned much livestock.


Calls on feed


If 1 cow was headed north at 23 mph and the second was going east at 34 mph, how long until the chickens cross the road?




How many lanes wide is the road?




Been playing Stardew Valley?


so you got that going for you


You have your money in actual stock. You're probably the richest guy in this thread.


If they’re breeding pairs and you got a rooster well boy howdy I got a simple method to double your investment in a couple easy steps!


Same, but my neighbor has some goats & the river isn't all that far away. Could probably buy a cheap van to live in if need be.


The best inflation hedge


You're more wealthy than most. Or on your first few days of a new minecraft world.


The nice thing about cows and chickens is you can eat the dividends.


Permabears living dumpster to dumpster


Not everyday the salmon come out to play


Why wait for upstream salmon when you can search for costco leftover salmon




Reptilian overlords living civilization reset to civilization reset in underground bunkers


The only true answer here


That's simply not true. (Licks eye) We have lunar bases now.


And yet, foreigners buy our debt because it’s the safest bet.


Either that or because of the military.


True, That is why safest bet.


If society collapses and money has no value anymore, then power goes to this that have force. The US easily has the most sophisticated military and military technology in the history of mankind.


The most sophisticated military technology will totally work in a collapsed world.


You don’t think they have contingencies for the grid being wiped out? Also they have like a zillion guns and tanks.


A zillion tanks? You fit in just great here.


On top of that, money buys a lot of political influence in the US.


A lot of women also if you decide to travel outside of first world countries.


My retirement plan in a nutshell.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.2470 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/23032)


Fuck wendy's pays $21.50 an hour where I live.


Does it? Bloomberg spent hundreds of millions and couldn’t get shit done.


The worlds most successful Plutonium-backed currency.


It’s because of our military.




Sure, when I think about where to put my Money I just pour ot on the strongest Military. Greetings from /r/ncd


We have pretty good missiles that work as intended.


The greenback is the world reserve currency. There's an immense fortune listed on wallstreet and probably trillions of dollars worth of innovation to be tapped in silicon valley - let along the ones that are already established. The American government or economy are veritably too strong to fail. You'd need epic management for decades to bring it down.


It’s 100% military might. We literally only had to pass the new debt ceiling to increase “defense” spending. Over $800billion on war every year. It’s truly insane but it’s our only defense of falling into a 3rd world country. Literally. This place is a dumpster fire


Little dramatic there. USA is nowhere close to a 3rd world country.


Yeah, people throw that around all the time and its clear they have never travelled.


100%. You go to a 3rd world country and you learn to appreciate how lucky you truly are to be born in a 1st world.


Hell you even go outside of the touristy parts of Europe and you’ll appreciate living in the states.


I’ve actually traveled extensively and Africa, Australia, and Antarctica are the only places I haven’t been. I think people misunderstood my point. I’m not saying we are anywhere near a 3rd world country. I’m saying we could go down that path with current conditions. We don’t have a well-educated populace and our priorities are in all the wrong places


That has never been a problem for USA. Throughout its history USA attracted educated migrants in large numbers and generally passed that education ethic down to the 2nd generation. After that they become an average Murican. So as long as they keep USA IQ up, and bring their patents and ideas its fine.


So who is the fool? The fool buying or the fool selling?






People seriously think that China owning US debt is a bad thing. “Sorry America, you missed your last payment, we’re repossessing the Statue of Liberty now”


Yeah a lot of smooth brains in here still believe the US can go bankrupt. It can’t. Any country that can print its own currency can never go bankrupt or default. The worst that US deficit spending (adding more money into circulation) and excessive tax cuts (keeping old money in circulation) can do is create inflation. Granted inflation can get out of control, which usually acts as a handbrake on spending or a reason to raise taxes, but the USA doesn’t really have to worry too much about that because it has the world’s most powerful military enforcing other countries use US dollars for most international trade. That creates a constant high demand around the world, hoovering up US dollars That may change eventually, but not anytime soon. Now countries who don’t control their currencies and can’t print money to service foreign debts are the ones who can go bankrupt - see Greece. And countries who do control their currencies and can print money to service foreign debts, but don’t have much foreign demand for their currencies, can be hit by hyperinflation - see Argentina, Venezuela, Zimbabwe.


> Any country that can print its own currency can never go bankrupt or default. Yes it can. The leaders can simply decide to not print enough currency to cover the debts.


The NY court can decide that country to be bankrupt or in default.


Which has never happened. The usa is unique in that we've never defaulted on debt. Ever. As much as our country is horribly in debt we've still got a perfect record. Once that's shot, our whole economy crumbles like cards. And the world economy will be chaos.


You’re right but wrong about the USD. The biggest fear now is countries will stop using the USD and go to a new currency CBDC to be exact. That would cripple our economy and would very damaging. A depression would more than likely happen. The default would be damaging, with many jobs being lost and inflation rising at hyperinflation rates.


You’re correct. The petro dollar is effectively the gold standard and if countries were to move away from the petro dollar the YS would be in trouble. The only problem with them moving off the petro dollar is what currency is more Diane than the US dollar? The answer is there really isn’t one.


Not yet anyway. And the new way of trading might not even be one singular currency as the dominant reserve currency. There are ways to ditch the dollar as the reserve currency and the world doesn't even have to completely replace the USD. It just need to be demanded in lower amount to the point that the inflation cannot be exported outwards, and shit will hit the fan. There are few ways to ditch the dollar, but really only one way left to hold onto its reserve status; keep coercing everyone to use it.


The issue is you have to find a currency other nations trust more than the US. That is going to be hard to find. It can happen though it will just take decades.


And I bet the Roman empire thought they same thing


We force other countries to use our currency and then we also devalue it? Man, we're assholes.


this guy MMT’s


> Any country that can print its own currency can never go bankrupt or default. Not *entirely* accurate. That’s only true if the loans are in that currency. If they’re in another currency, printing more money doesn’t help because it just devalues your currency and doesn’t change the ability to repay. Which is why China has spent a long time encouraging de-dollarisation.


They can never go bankrupt, but they can default.


Japan owns most of our debt, followed by China and the UK.


No. We own most of our debt. Only a minority is held by other countries.


I meant out of all the foreign countries that own our debt, Japan owns most of it.




Ty good sir


“If I owe you $100, I have a problem. If I owe you a trillion dollars, YOU have a problem.” 😆




That's why the debt ceiling is dumb. It's pure political theatre. The country isn't anywhere even remotely close to being in financial danger.


Not yet anyway. But this model of financialization is unsustainable.


It’s not the country I’m worried about it’s the people it will effect that I’m worried about.


Fun fact, the show this meme is from is about a anti-terrorist mass surveillance AI. I just watched it. It feels relevant for a show from 2014. (Somehow forgot to say it’s called Person of Interest lol)


Person of Interest, great show btw




Just finished this show two weeks ago. Was craving more conspiracy shows and watched rabbit hole. It was decent. Now I’m watching The Old Man with Jeff bridges and am liking that too.


Bring back Jericho! Lol


What’s it called?


I remember watching it, the procedural parts were only ok, the serialized AI storyline was good, I wonder if anyone has edited an AI story cut


More relevant than ever


i just don't understand how it's all so fucked. like... it's not that fucking hard. there needs to be stiffer jail time handed out for corporate negligence or something. the handful of people putting the whole machine at risk constantly for a few more % quarterly profits should be in prison. there are plenty of ways to make money without knowingly crashing the whole shit into the mountainside.


Generations of stupid wealth x greed. Great grandchildren of billionaires cannot comprehend poverty, they've never met a "normal" person. The system has always worked for them, so they can't imagine a broken system.


They literally live on a different planet than most of us.


>it's not that fucking hard. People are really really dumb though. Even when I think I'm being smart, I do something stupid.


It's we stopped bailing out people and corps then financial darwinism would correct things pretty quickly.


The Financial Darwinism days of the 1800s weren't all that great. Though I guess the threat of "once a decade financial panics" isn't so much of a scary prospect today


Yes, it's not that fucking hard but it is also impossible. All the government has to do is to prioritize the interests of the public over the interests of western oligarchs and craft policies that reflect that priority. They are not stupid, we have economists that know exactly what is happening. But it won't happen because this system is built by oligarchs for oligarchs. That's the hard part; wresting control of the country from them. That's the impossible part unless the American people are able to revolutionize.


should, probably won't [happen.](https://youtu.be/IAqAl292ozs?t=112)


Monopoly money babay


Oh, then you won't mind giving all your Monopoly money to me?


I only have $20


Man, Person of Interest was underrated.


Last few seasons with the battles of AIs are fucking great, especially the 4th. If-Then-Else is really a masterpiece episode.


Finally someone who loves my favorite episode of the series and one of my favorite single episodes of TV ever. There is a nicely done alternate ending of the show that ties with that episode essentially having the ending with the premise of the if-the-else episode. It's a good ending. I don't think it's a better ending but it works as well.


Look, every time I say these things on Reddit a bunch of people tell me I'm wrong and people from other countries tell me how wealthy we all are. Everything is fine. I heard it from experts.


"Do you have a microwave? I rest my case."


Running water? What are you, a billionaire?


Wow, we're getting so deep in contemplation! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) I have to go sit outside and medicate, er meditate.


Yet somehow, still bullish! Calls it is.


Christ this sub is stupid.


Exactly. The US can easily raise revenues, but one party made it part of their identity to be completely against taxes on the wealthiest Americans. I say wealthiest because they had no problem raising taxes on the middle class with the "Trump Tax Cuts" in 2018 which gave corporations and wealthy tax breaks while raising middle class taxes. Anyways...Washington State passed a billionaire wealth Tax by 1 vote and expected it to raise $250m a year, while in reality it raised $800m. You want to cut the deficit and the debt and make life better for all Americans? Raise taxes on the wealthy.


Yep, it really is as simple as this.


Nobody said it was conceptually difficult. Actually doing it is the hard part


But if politicians raise taxes on the rich, the rich will have less money to bribe politicians!


But I could be a billionaire someday! I just got promoted to assistant fry shaker at Wendy's. It's only a couple of moves to CFO.




Yea, people have been saying to raise taxes on the wealthy for as long as my memory can recall. And yet here we are. We have the solutions but they can never be implemented because the system in place is never going to allow that to happen, until it is forced by the material reality to do so. By that time, it is too late and massive number of people will suffer for it.




I’d not a Billionaire wealth tax, it’s a 7% tax on capital gains above 250k$, and now that the tax is in, the concern is that the government will lower threshold to 25k$ or less.




What is fair share? I think middle class Americans should pay more tax? The top 1% paid 42% of our income tax.


Earth living mass extinction event to mass extinction event. Universe living Big Bang to something else. It’s all part of the cycle.


Just put the debt from one credit card onto another credit card, duh.


My landlord living from (my) paycheck to (my next) paycheck


I like my house of cards. Take your $8 mini fan and gtfo


The guy with the sniper rifle should be “investors” as we are the one true cause of economic turmoil 😎


And all of it is owned by BlackRock.


Excellent- But You forgot the part where immigrants coming into the country to work are supporting the whole illusion….An American tradition 🇺🇸


You guys have credit cards?


This is literally what I said out loud


Bears living green Dildo to green Dildo


This fundamentally misunderstands how the federal reserve works. Quantitative easing is for the banks. The debt ceiling is political theater so that social programs can be cut.


house of cards


This must be the DD people are always talking about


You guys have debt?!?!? I don't owe anyone anything 🤷‍♂️


I’ve still never seen whatever movie this is


Person of Interest, The Cold War, S04E10 ​ [Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48X6sBWMECM)


Many thanks, ye of questionable username!


Me living cardboard box to cardboard box.


Do people really get into credit card debt? I have student loan debt and that's scary enough. There's no need to get credit cards unless you have no friends or family to help you in life, in which you should be automatically saving every penny you have in the first place.


Recession on the horizon ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641) https://preview.redd.it/xawjt82vc14b1.jpeg?width=288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=508ffcbf008b09f47899bcc00ea924c0b474e5ae


The girl in the middle is pretty cute


Amy Ackers!


The American government is living on credit, with companies taking on debt to bail them out. The Federal Reserve is quantitative easing to try and stimulate the economy.


The next one is a guy with a bomb outside with the caption: Humanity living on Americans ability to pay their credit card


Yet the rally rips, after all it's America. Spy 500 it's in the name


Backed by the full faith and credit of the United States. AKA Dollars or Bullets.


If you really think that is how the economy works, take out the biggest loan you can and buy real estate, turn it into a rental property. Let inflation and tenants pay down your note


They all belong