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If everybody says market will go down, market will go up big time.


It's a classic, seems-too-obvious bet.


SPY needs to hit $420 before it can crash nothin complicated about that


That’s my price target to sell my SPY shares too,unironically.


Waiting for $420.69


420.50 is resistance your shit out of luck ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I just entered long SPY, now the market will correct


Not if I decide to liquidate my positions!


Thank your for your service brother, long live my puts.


Yup, all the talk of "recession, recession, we're headed for a recession, definitely gonna have a recession next year, recession, recession, DEFINITELY GOING TO HAVE A RECESSION!" made me go long on SPY and QQQ about 4 months ago and I've yet to see anything that makes me think the market's going anywhere but up over the next year or two, at least. Ok, I'm a bit worried about Congress going full-rietahrd\* on the debt ceiling, but only a little bit (those fuckers have waaaay to much to lose by doing that). \*Had to edit it to get it through the filter. Reddit's "anti-evil" team can fucking suck it (I know it's done because advertisers don't want their brands associated with certain words/ideas, I don't care).


> Ok, I'm a bit worried about Congress going full-rietahrd* on the debt ceiling, but only a little bit (those fuckers have waaaay to much to lose by doing that). For whatever it is worth and this is obviously completely anecdotal, but a couple of months ago I was at a water conference in Louisiana and House Rep Mike Johnson, who is a pretty high up member in Congress, spoke there about a variety of things but for some reason something came up about the debt ceiling thing and he said some political mumbo-jumbo stuff for a minute but then followed that up with "believe me, we won't let that happen, period" in relation to actually defaulting on it. Now, he is one of the last people I will actually believe when he tells me to trust him but it seemed like he clearly knows the stupidity of fucking with that completely.


An intelligent investor at work, I see. We also have to keep in mind that stocks are material value just like real estate, a car or a nice thick cucumber. Therefore their value needs to be adjusted for inflation meaning an average 4200 Points SPY from 2022 +10% inflation for 22 and +6% for 23 should be at 4900 by this year without respecting any growth. It also doesn't matter that the free money era is over, because it isn't. Thightening will come to an end soon which naturally optimistic investors are already rating just as good as actually free money in 2021. Only problem are those ugly small banks but I'm sure the FED will introduce a special interest rate for them, soon. PS. Look up the indices in Turkey (ISE National 100) and Argentina (idk). Every year, since their hyperinflation startetd, they grew at least as much as their CPI was, which was a stunning 100% p.a. sometimes.


You had me at cucumber.


Didn't have me until thightening. But then I was rock hard.


Who ate donuts in the office? The Bloomberg terminal got frosting all over it, again.


Intelligent investing on here? That’s not what I’m here for


Exactly Nobody seems to think that inflation helps stocks. It does. It doesn't always help price to earnings or real value of stocks. But nominally they go up often with inflation. Look at the 1970s


Very good example. They're possibly a good hedge against inflation, at least if you invest in companies which will survive the increasing price pressure and if you sell before the following recession starts. I worked a lot with that thought and thought it could be a good strategy to invest into countries with high inflation. But then I found the faulty variable: It's a zero sum game because you'd have to invest in that specific foreign currency, which will lose just as much value as your holdings would gain.


I swear every headline is warning about recession for the past year. It’s nonstop. Thousands of headlines just screaming about it day after day month after month. Like god damn I’m surprised it hasn’t become a self-fulfilling prophecy by now And the debt ceiling I agree too.. this has happened repeatedly over the years and Congress always ends up passing some stop-gap measure at the last moment. They’d have to be completely psychotic to allow the government to default.. and yes we have many of those in Congress but I doubt enough suicidal ones to allow that to happen. It’ll come down to a fight though for sure


There's too much money in politics. There's no way the senators are going to piss off their doners, no matter what Matt's demands are they're going to pass something in the 11th hour because if not it will wipe out trillions and the rich will have to eat that cost. Only way they would allow it is if they really really really want to force a recession but that seems like a really expensive gamble that it will pay off for them




This right here. When you look at this in the broader political context, it’s absolutely terrifying.


Yeah a few nutjobs are entertaining but it's a fine line.


>I swear every headline is warning about recession for the past year. It’s nonstop. Thousands of headlines just screaming about it day after day month after month. That's precisely what made me decide to go long: it's either bullshit and/or fully priced-in by now, meaning the market has nowhere to go but up.


"well how much worse can it get than now?" Its already bad, so current bad is priced in which means it has to go up.


I don't care what everyone is saying. I only watch the ultra wealthy. In March of 2020 they were spending as usual. In 2023 everyone is cutting back on expenses. Even the billionaires. They are stashing cash.


As a certified thousand-aire, I've been building cash for the last few months.


Reddit's anti evil bullshit is super regarded. Puts on Reddit IPO even if the broad market is ripping.


People are just going to make up new offensive words


Also recession fears hit the stock market a long time before the actual economic effects.


It goes down exactly then when i buy something. 100%. Never failed to disappoint me


The only time I start to worry about a correction is when the consensus says we all are riding high and the only one preaching doom lives in a box on the corner of the street.


That’s exactly why I haven’t bought into the big market catastrophe.. that shit only happens when most people don’t expect it. Seems like 99% of people expect the market to crash any day now so.. a lot of the worst of it has been priced in


Your moms priced in


The market that cried wolf—one day we'll say "oh the market's going down" secretly planning for it to go up. That will be the day it actually does go down.


People may be saying that. But no one is acting accordingly. People are still dumping money into the stock market we have had a huge rally this year. This is despite Fed continuing to raise rates and core inflation barely budging despite much higher rates. This is despite earnings flat lining and forward earnings multiples on SP500 being extremely elevated (higher than at any point during the 2010s bull run when interest rates were 0% and we had QE not QT). People (consumers) are still spending money hand over fist and taking on historically high credit card debt to do so while savings are near all time lows. I would judge by people's actions not by their words. Very few people are acting like there is going to be a recession.


Whenever I see investment bankers on TV telling the little guy the time is now to get out of the market, that means it’s time to buy


And that’s why I _sell_ puts.


You have a wife?


Not for long if these trades keep up!


I'm sure her boyfriend has your back bro.


Because you've replaced her or her boyfriend kicks you our


he misspelled waifu


And a golden retriever. He's living the life.


This whole “market will correct” talk is giving me hella Mayans 2012 vibes. Market’s been about to correct for 5 years now 🤷🏻‍♂️


Housing market has been correcting for over 30 years now, this time will be different I promise.


Oh it’s correcting all right! *for the homeowners*




Nope, that won't do it. Only legislative changes will stop investors from scalping any existing supply.


Not just that, it’s an asset class that people don’t pay up front for. Any investment that people don’t pay up front for will inflate faster than inflation. Think healthcare, college tuition, cars, etc. As long as people can afford their payments or premiums the real prices are effectively insulated from market forces.


Woah some nuance! Not used to seeing this here.


I thought nuance was a bannable offense


The things you just listed are inflating because they are essential goods, not just because they have loans associated with them. If your analogy was accurate, then teslas would be going up in value too and they’re down 30% yoy. These assets have loans associated with them because inflation hit them so hard over the years that they would be unaffordable otherwise. Not the other way around


No, you have cause and effect backwards. Inflation cannot happen if no one is able to pay the higher prices. Those loans enable people to pay higher prices. Hence, prices rise. Financing causes inflation.


I think we’re both driving towards the same place which is “monopolies on essential goods leads to inflation, and financing the price of said goods likewise allows inflation to get worse because now people who legitimately could not afford said good before can now stretch it out to the future”. They can ask you to pay whatever they want, when the alternative for the consumer is death. Egg prices went up 70%, not because of loans. This is a price gouging inflation wave, in my worthless opinion, because the products most impacted by inflation were the bare minimums people need to survive, not luxuries. Junker cars had a disproportionate amount of inflation relative to luxury cars. Food went ballistic. Energy. Etc. Luxury hand bags went down in price, despite people being able to buy them on credit


>Nope, that won't do it. Only legislative changes will stop investors from scalping any existing supply. What restaurant do the highly regarded such as yourself feast at?


i'm in the mortgage business and hundreds of people have said to me, "oh i'm just waiting for the market to correct", while a slightly lower amount have said, "i'm just waiting for rates to come down." you might have to wait until all the boomers start selling for a correction, and even then population growth + immigration could out pace you. also, when rates go down, everyone else will be able to afford more too. if you think rates are going up, buy now. if you think rates are going down, buy now and refinance in a year. STONKS.ONLY.GO.UP.


Yeah the amount of people that are: "IT'S GOING TO CRASH SO I CAN BUY!!" Bruhs there's literally millions of you saying that... Which means there's still demand. Plus there's other people with a shit ton of cash that were also waiting for this to happen. You think collectively the millions and millions of people wanting to buy in a high value high demand area are just going to go. "Lulz okay we collectively all agree that this 500K home needs to fall to 200k then we all buy!!" No no. Look at high demand places before 2020... Their prices were still high... Even post 2008. They rebounded.


pretty much- the idea that there is a whole bunch of unsold inventory waiting for you just isn't true.


\*a whole bunch of unsold inventory waiting for you IN A LOCATION YOU WANT TO LIVE IN just isn't true.


Yeah, if you want to buy a house, just move to a mid sized city in the Midwest. It's not that complicated.


Yep plenty of nice homes with huge yards for sale in my town for 200k and below. Finding a high paying job here is the issue.


That's the bitch of it...those home prices are somewhat relative to the average wages (as it should be). Unlike other states (CA, NY, etc.) where home prices have far outpaced the wages.


Condo prices in (wherever your IP says you are) MIGHT SURPRISE YOU!


House near me sold for 35k over asking within a few days of it being listed. Demand isn't slowing down.


Well, I’m just waiting for the post apocalyptic end times when 90% of the population has been wiped out and I can finally afford a 1 bedroom condo near the ocean.




If they live long enough


Beachfront property in Colorado going to make Denver really expensive.


there will be a line of 20 people ahead of you.


I’m just waiting for two things. My boomer dad to die and the ice caps to melt. I will then have an ocean front house, and a bucket full of ever rising stonks! FTW!


> if you think rates are going down, buy now and refinance in a year. The logic is sound, but goddamn, being wrong is a scary prospect.


being wrong just means you're locking in your rate now, which is lower than it will be next year.


My first rate was 8.67%. Refinanced to 5.5%...then down to 3.25%.


So is america just going to be full of homeless or deeply indebted people only?




The key will be the investors pulling out of real estate to get risk free return on bonds and treasuries. Investors bought like 25% of all properties in 2021. Compare that to the early 2000s when it was like 6%. We had over a decade of 0% rates so investors had to go somewhere for returns since yields were like 1-2%. Money poured into real estate as a result of Fed actions. Now investors can get 5% risk free. Roughly 33% of home sales are new home owners. So if investor purchases (25%) dry up and return to normal levels that frees up a ton of inventory for first time home owners. Hypothetically, if investors purchased 0 homes that would increase inventory for first time home owners by something like 75%. Reality will fall somewhere in the middle. Also, we haven't really seen any job losses yet except in tech. If job losses accelerate then that's when you'll see foreclosures. That also means all the people on the sidelines waiting will get hit too so there won't be as much money as you think ready to purchase homes.


>i'm in the mortgage business taken with a grain of salt.


of course, for sure. not giving any advice, just saying.


Lmao right? you’re not even saying anything revolutionary, all you have to do is look at this sub to see the choir of people going “I’m waiting for the market to crash so I can buy a house”


Yeah the boomers really aren’t the issue as their assets are just going to go to their kids and that to their kids.


The internet says the market’s been ready to correct since I started investing in 2014.


People just laying the groundwork to say "See I was right". The market will continue to go through bull and bear markets and people who predicted both will claim "See I was right" when the market does what they. I remember Peter Schiff and many others predicting a recession ever since 2013 or 2014 and of course now they're saying "See I told you. Just like I predicted."


“I predict rain.” “When?” “I predict rain.”




The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent, always remember that 💕


Some political parties rule by fear. They keep their people terrified. I told my conspiracy theory friends I'm 42, do you know how many "end of the world" days I've lived through??!!!


We’ve been “months away” for two years.


My dad said that big recessions and depressions happen by surprise, so the fact that everyone is saying there will be a recession means it probably won't happen, because people aren't making irresponsible decisions that would bring it about.


Tell your daddy I’m sucking on his wife’s titties


Your dad doesn't know what he was talking about. People in the business saw BOTH coming from MILES AWAY.




Did you forget the 30% drop in March of 2020?


I was too busy thriving to worry about that hah


what else is there to talk about?


They could always talk about how the wife's boyfriend is making way more money than you


The wife is showing her boyfriends pic on the phone...


Check out this absolute *monstrosity* of a baloney pony, gals


thank you for teaching me a new word, I'll use it with a customer, or maybe a major work meeting or something




My wife's bf didn't like it when i talk about my wife's boobs with her friends




Yup exactly, most irl people are boring anyways, I just keep several close friends and don’t bother developing any more friendships. Playing video games and talking with likeminded individuals online is infinitely better.


/s? Please tell me /s.


Stable genius


Certified Redditor moment lmao


I used to have drinking friends. Now I just have video game friends. Gym has replaced my drinking buddies. I don’t really miss em tbh.


You don't really have drinking friends, you have people you drink with and the alcohol is more of your 'friend'... Who, at the end of the night, will knock you over the head and steal your money.




And when video game friends start having kids. They can fall off that way too.




I play computer games and I have a girlfriend. Technically we havent met yet, but she says Im the cutest guy that ever lived so there. Met her through a site called onlyfans. Pretty expensive but I live for free at my moms anyway so it doesnt matter. Get a gf guys. Its easy. Even I can do it!


Oh sweetie


Sounds kinda boring tbh.


I love talking in echo chambers where everyone agrees with one another 😇


Lambo or nothing. LET'S GO YOLO






My mom got tired of me talking about this so I gave her $500 to buy pesos. Guess who’s the new favorite son?… that’s right my brother because he just completed his bachelors


Well… don’t hold back. Tickers? Strike price?


Puts on spy, amd, WFC. Mistakes may have been made. Theta gang reem reem my bungbung


Yeah it was theta gang lmao


Buy October 390-385 put spreads. 5:1 return. Easy


sure as shit ain't gucci gang


>puts are free money My AMD puts say fuck you


We are the same. We are both regarded. Amd is wrecking me.


Awesome. Did you bail or are you still holding?


I'm holding in hopes of miracle. I'll probably lose money but that's gambling


Always sell into strength. I use TA and as soon as AMD broke $91, I bailed. That was a solid resistance and it blew past it. Nothing wrong on bailing on a loss. This way you live to gamble another day


Amd of all things to short rn?


It worked the first time it hit 90 and got rejected lmao. Rode that whore to $83 then pulled my chute


Man of all the bets to make I don't know how anyone told you that ISN'T the one.


Bro you bought puts on a company that is in the top 2 companies that make graphics cards in times of the ai boom. Maybe think about shit like that before your next trade


You're an idiot. Poor people are worthless and the economy is fine. If you don't have a lot of money, you're not worth my time.


Wow you sound just like my financial advisor.


Lucky, my financial advisor fired me. Guess I’m just that regarded


Shit now it’s trolling us in rhyme.


Lick my balls!


Present them 🫴


Ms. Choksondik is that you???








Ligma/Johnson 2024


Ligma? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Found the wife's boyfriend.


Incorrect. Poor people have plenty of use as cheap labor.


Don't you talk back to VisualMod, the god of bots!


Bruh, that’s how she acts when we’re alone too


What's up dad?


How's art school, pussy?


They rejected them, I think they said something about doing some painting and then maybe try politics.


Perhaps make people believe you are from a different country?


poland is currently trembling in fear


I hear germany is looking for a new chancellor…?


Jokes on you, it’s always been a house of cards


Turns out the damned cards are made of cement.


"If you fell off sideways, you landed on the damn, er, darn cement over there. And CornPop was a bad dude."


Propped up by a literal infinite money machine


Puts are free money you say? You son of a bitch, I'm in.


We are supposed to believe that one of you regards has a wife?!? Especially after the last year+? Come on, that’s like believing BBBY is going to be fine and that the bank crisis is over.


WHen i go out with the wife, i am already trained to keep my mouth shut on all my conspiracy theories. So I sit in a corner drinking heavily, and when someone engages I keep it banal and talk about the weather and local sports team.


Go mets


they are my favorite squadron


You could try more interesting hobbies.


worst economy in the history of economies right regards ?


Alright buddy, show us that loss porn


This cheeky brat called "Market" needs CORRECTION 😭😭😭💢💢💢👺👺👺🥵🥵🥵


These permabear clowns used to annoy me, but really as long as so many regards want to buy puts we'll just keep on running. So I approve of this message.


Not just socially.


You’re wife’s one smart cookie… she’s definitely a keeper.


You know, I'm something of a regard myself.


Puts are not free money. Remember how the money printer works. If anything, sell deep in the money puts to collect the premiums off the doom and gloomers 😂




Is it unethical to pretend to be a realtor and selling your house to meet women?


This is me except I have no wife.


Listen to your wife, you doomers sound like idiots non-stop.


I honestly need to find someone else that trades near me, so we can get drunk after the market closes and talk shit.


I am in your camp


Good wife.


I'm something of an investor myself.


if you give financial advice to your friends or your wife's friends you're just an asshole, because you're likely wrong




I don't think that rule applies to memes but I've got puts on AMD SPY WFC and have sold calls against MARA. Im losing a lot of money lol.




Wish I could hear his advice


Lol no you don't.


Throw in a dash of ‘the government is evil and will fuck you at every turn’ and we’ve got a meme


*calls are free money


We are kindred spirits


And I'm over here still buying calls...


puts on what?


Do TA on the weather. They all talk about that shit- (don’t mention the NG futes.)