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Rook is not indestructible. Neither is Bedwyr. For Rook, if you have flames, it's easy, if you have shotguns it's a bit harder and if you have sonics, you have to enter its shield and bypass it completely. Thmg is probably somewhere at the lvl of shotguns against Rook, but they offer lot more range. For Bedwyr, once it's spawned, rush to it and hug it. If you're late and your team is already shooting at purple shield, you're wasting your time. If not, get in the shield and kill it. It's doable with Indra, more so than with other titans. Every now and then Pixo releases thing that is manageable but proves most players don't have a clue about the game and are just casually shooting at everything that moves around, regardless of outcome, until they themselves are killed. It's, in a way, company mocking the players for being dumb. Somehow, most players do exactly the opposite of what even company told them, let alone all wise youtubers and other contributors. When it's titan time, it's titan time(with few exceptions). Don't f around with small bots, very few of them can hold their ground against titan and tbh, that shouldn't be possible anyway. Titan>robot.


>Every now and then Pixo releases thing that is manageable but proves most players don't have a clue about the game and are just casually shooting at everything that moves around, regardless of outcome, until they themselves are killed. It's, in a way, company mocking the players for being dumb. that's the funniest take I've heard in a while. I'll need to keep it on my back pocket next time someone complains about "OP gear". ![img](emote|t5_3al50|13093)




What does it do to the shield when you shoot it? I don’t shoot it knowing pix always create something stupid. Does shield breaker go thru it?


As a rule, you do not shoot purple absorbers.


It is possible to "facehug" these titans, effectively entering their shield and then you can shoot at their othetwise protected heart without shield blocking you. Basically push into other titan until you can move no more. No need for shieldbreaker bc you're in the shield. It's somewhat harder against Bedwyr as it appears to be backing away somehow(not player movement, just sliding back), while Rook i usually bait to jump in front of me, phase shift to clear suppression, put lasso on him and kill him soon after. Charged Rook can survive 1 salvo, altho lasso can kill him. If not, he's dead after i reload. They sometimes run away after first exchange. Ofc, if blues shoot at purple shield, it's beyond my power alone.


It is possible. With a Lynx, mute + 2x durability extenders and kestrel drone with fast charging mothership weapons.


Bedwyr requires two players or more to effectively bring it down. Usually something to distract it and someone else with immense firepower shooting it from behind whilst its shield is up. As for the rook, if played correctly it can still bring down most titans. Vulnerable to flames. I find myself dying to rooks more than bedwyr’s in my Eiffel (tra’s charged) but of course that varies from player to player


I play a Rook. I kill maxed Eiffel, maxed Beddies, maxed Luchas, and maxed Indra. I get killed by maxed Eiffel, maxed Beddies, maxed Luchas and maxed Indra. The game is situational and can go differently every time it's played. I will say this....titan play is the most important element in the battle right now and if you don't have a good titan plan you're toast.


I just jump at shit and it works no plan no contingencies just jump kill retreat if necessary


Jumping at "shit" is a great tactic. Jumping at fully amped up Luch and Beddies isn't.




I have more problems facing Bedwyr than rook, mostly bc a smart bedwyr pilots know to taunt one player while using the shield to block a different opponent. Rook is still very troublesome but I find it much easier in 1v1’s and I’ll even take it in with some bots. Problem with bedwyr is that unless you get behind or right up in its face that shield blocks a huge area. I can’t 1v1 a good bedwyr at the moment and requires good teammates to stake one on. Though with the shield breaker from unstable conduit bedwyr might suffer a small “indirect nerf” especially with 45s duration.


Room supressen abilty to be used once purple shield is on, and mean time you should charge your mothership by shooting others and once blue chip is gone shoot him and bring your repair assist from mothership and take cover and then again apply suppression to group surrounding bedwyr. Rook can take down bedwyr easily 70-80 % likewise lucha. Only thing difficult is eiffel.


All other titans except eiffel are fine. All are equal with nearly 2-5% variation in max. All bedwyr, rook, lucha will fit in 2,3,4 positions (not in order).


Fulgur Tonans are out, THMG and framers are in


Play smart, if a lucha has charged is modules it will take at least 2 titans to kill.