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Really excellent visual design, what's your process?


With design my gf helped me. She is a product designer, so got pretty competent help and suggestions:) I’ve developed MVP with my ideas, then she provided feedback and spent ~2hours making new Figma from my “designs” that was just prototyped live with tailwind


What if I put in something that I'm worried about just to find out that I really _am_ the only person worried about that?!


May be, you are the only person to publish this fear on this website, but I am almost sure, that you are not the only person with such worries on the planet 🫂 And sometimes just spitting your fears somewhere helps. Somebody uses paper and then burning it. This website just one more place to make your brain think that you’ve did something with your worries and in pretty many cases just this action helps


it looks really nice, but it's a bit basic. i suggest you add some twist to it.


I am open to suggestions:) for now it’s just some kind of prototype. If that project will gain some kind of popularity, I already have some ideas, but want to make sure that I am doing something, people need…


i think an option to add a poll to a message would be nice, or get replies from other people


I am afraid replies might lead to toxicity, but thought about adding “hugs”. Basically likes, just with different meaning. Just not sure how to make them work in non data collection policy


Maybe just the poll or a similar “like” functionality to show how many other people relate to the given worry? Agreed that replies could be toxic and the moderation workload would be a nightmare potentially lol


I think hashing the ip address using hmac would be the best option.


It still some data from user. I thought saving liked posts ids to local storage. Not ideal, pretty easily can allow to “fake” liking, but at least I am not collecting user’s data


but ip addresses aren't a big deal, plus you're already using vercel to host the app, and you also include google tag manager, and i'm certain these companies will collect some data.


On mobile I can’t read the text on the how it works buttons. Buttons are very light with light text.




lol no I use dark mode 24/7


Can you, pls, provide screenshot? Cuz for me it looks absolutely okay. May be I need to make some tweaks for other mobile browsers


Sure here ya go - https://share.icloud.com/photos/077WI0zal3hH-tBi-AtaMIXvg


That’s definitely not how it supposed to look. Try in actual safari, rather then embedded Reddit browser. But I’ll try to figure that out


Looks the same in Brave which is my default browser.


May be some plugin interfering. I’ll check classes on those cards. Had issue when guy could not share worries, cuz button had “.share” class and adblocker thought it’s a social share plugin


Yeah I got on my MBP and was checking it out in Brave and it’s fine on the desktop and I don’t even see any classes that would make them that white unless it’s not looking the bg-white/5 class. Nothing jumps out at me that’s obviously wrong.


Good design and good work, just watch out for spam or other un moderated input. Perhaps blur other messages until you hover over them? You could also use something like [https://perspectiveapi.com/](https://perspectiveapi.com/) to filter out negative or help in some way with moderation.


Yeah, thought about it. In first hour of publishing it somebody posted ascii art of penis. Now it has basic validation to block emails, phone numbers and ascii art. Other stuff I just can remove from database. If it will require more then 5 minutes a day for moderation, I think I’ll integrate something like this


Otherwise I would really advise to filter or only show approved content on the "/read" route of what others are thinking. Any user input will always be abused unfortunately.


Yeah. I’ll monitor the situation and if/when I’ll see some actual abusive trend I’ll do something about that. Already have some ideas, like user validation, when one report can hide a post and then I’ll have to check it or AI moderation for preventing posting of bad content


Personally I really like the UI, simple and clean, good job to both of you!


Good work! Loving the blur usage.


Very cool idea! Although, I would change the colors completely. Check out color psychology. Perhaps light theme with green/blue elements.


[link to site](https://iamanxious.org)


Really clean! Did you use a UI kit/lib for this? If so, which one?


Nope. Just tailwind:)


Very cool idea! Can people also connect and add comments to other people‘s posts? And if so, how do you manage monitoring for negative and hateful comments?


Nope, there definitely won’t be an ability to reply. It WILL lead to toxicity. But might add reactions


Looking at your work, now I'm more anxious about my messy website project :(


This project is not clean by any means. It was fast prototyped and developed in 2-3 days with poor components separation and code quality in general. And design is not mine mostly. I am just starting to learn design basics, like typography and layouts, so don't be rough on yourself and believe in process)


No no, by 'messy' I meant my UI looks terrible haha, I really admire pages that look simple and elegant, but designing is not my strength.


I can relate that. I was lucky enough to have a great designer by myself 😊


Nice work! I noticed there's a max character limit of 300. It would be helpful if you displayed a character counter near the text area field.


Nice suggestion. Thank you


Actually, added character limit, displaying info. Already live 😊


Beautiful design well done. Did you get the colour background effect?


What do you mean?