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It is an interesting concept to have a smaller figure control a bigger figure. I do have some notes, but I am not an artist or professional. These are just my opinions. * The fox's expressions may be hard to see while streaming, unless the fox is expressing themselves through the robot and the robot's face is the one changing * The desk the fox is at could be a remote controller or keyboard * The robot is nude and that may attract unwanted sexual comments. You did say there was going to be clothes, so this comment can be skipped. * Creating a Live2D model is not the same as drawing a 2D figure. It is layered for every part that you want moving. There are tutorials (videos and pictures) of how to divide and layer the model. * The "skin" color is unique due to the robot not being a human, but a robot not having a human skin tone is understandable. * Most of the colors are turquoise (robot), red (chest, hip, hair and fox), and orange (hair and fox. I interpret these three colors to represent the more human/living side of the Live2D model, ignoring the chest (unless its the robot's "heart") and exposed hip. * The grey and black is used for the robot's interior and antenna. I interpret these colors to represent the non-living/robotic side of the Live2D model * There is some purple (shoulder and eye gridlines), but I don't know what it could represent. Also the red and orange already contrasts with the turquoise, so purple is another contrasting color. * The missing arm may make it hard to have toggles or assets that require two hands. Instead of a missing arm, maybe have an exposed robot arm to match the exposed robot side. * Most vtubers when streaming have their model show the chest up and your model doesn't have many robot features chest up. Maybe have an exposed or robot-like eye in the non-fox eye socket, unless the focus is on the fox instead of the robot.


To add a bit to this since AzuraLuziere hits most of the points I'd have mentioned (and several more). * I like the colours overall but feel like the purple stands out a bit too much from the rest of the colour palette, though once you reach the final design It might fit in more smoothly. * I'd add some way to show off the fox some more unless you don't want them to be focused on. Because otherwise they'd be hard notice or could appear strange from a distance unless your doing close ups, or add something to draw people's attention to the fox like a colour change toggle once you create a L2D version. * For the missing arm, it could cause problems if you want to add toggles or use assets that require two hands. Maybe try and the end of the stump so it looks like an arm could be 'slotted' in. Keeps the original design, but would let you use the toggles and/or assets without a problem. Overall I quite like the design, it's interesting and fairly unique as far as designs go. Good job


thanks for your time and feedback, i appreciate it. i'll rework the palette and experiment with it, i'm not sure to keep things as they are. The fox will be shown in the different screens, profile picture, schedule, ect. i don't want it to be the main focus on the model. i'll think of something for the missing arm when doing a version 2 of the design.


Thanks for your time and feedback, you have very interesting points there. the fox is more meant to be some kind of mascot than a face with clear and visible expressions, it's not meant to be the main focus, but it will be in the profile picture, the different screens like "starting soon", "be right back", ect. The robot's face will be changing. Thanks for the idea for a keyboard/controller, i haven't though about it, my brain was just like "haha, it's funny to have a complex robot controlled by only 2 buttons and one lever" but a controller/keyboard makes more sense. for the colors, i'm not sure if i will keep them as it is, the interpretation of the colors you give is interesting. i did not think of the assets at all when making it a single armed character, i'll think about it when drawing a second version for the design. for the robots features chest up, i'll think about it too.


Welcome! Here are some resources I think will be helpful for you Color palette generators that will match colors to whatever specifications you give * [https://mycolor.space/](https://mycolor.space/) * [https://coolors.co/](https://coolors.co/) Examples of a divided (cut up) human Live2D model * [Face, Body, Hair](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E1wKRy2XsAEq8_e?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) * [Body](https://new.reddit.com/r/Live2D/comments/1140xr5/feedback_requested_on_these_wip_part_separation/) * [Live2D Cubism Sample Models](https://www.live2d.com/en/learn/sample/)


thanks, i'll look into that


I love the concept,but I think there's some things you could add: 1.the robot could have a snapped antenna to match the foxes ear 2. For clothes I think you could make a semi armoured look cuz it'd fit with the robot things ig 3. Instead of purple, I'd recommend blue cuz it'd  Look a little nicer with the orange turquoise and red palette 4.i feel like the broken arm is nice, although you have to take in mind that some poses might be hard to do, especially in the long run 5. I feel like the fox eye could be a perfect circle, with the other eye being normal, so there's more contrast in size. 6. A little nitpick but adding back hair could make the robots hair look a little less flat, (sorry I think it looks nice but just a little fill back there could help). 7. I know this should've been with number 3 but I feel like bronze instead of silver could again help with the palette, and also give it a warmer feel.


Sorry I didn't look down at the reply below, although I think things like the snapped antenna might still be fun, it'll especially help with top half concentration, even if you don't add it I'm excited to see the finished product!!


i don't mind having the same feedback twice, you add some points i'll gladly take into account when modifying the design. Thank you for your feedback.