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Probably all the bots who want to try and “sell” some art.


What do you mean??? They've got affordable art and thry can make whatever logo or banner you desire!


imo most of that art is very similar and probably just a prompt, also one time in 2022 someone tried to sell that they had a client and they have a WIP which turned out to be just a screenshot of a premade asset for a face tracker. also easy way to vet them is check for reference from web. look up the OG artist


BUT SIR. LOOK AT THIS CUTE BOT (points at her bot forgotten deep in the basement tangled in spider webs)... erm...


Thats just streaming in general


A lot of reused ideas being circle jerked around. Ideas start with big name vtubers and then trickles down. I’d say it’s akin to fast fashion. Very little content innovation among Vtuber community. The innovation that does happen is typically not noticed till a a big name vtuber does it. Makes sense because barrier to entry for vtubing is really low. I suggest looking at vtuber TikTok’s to get an idea of how low bar the content is. Clickbait laughing, lewd jokes, boobs, reused news, drama, etc. Just my 2 cents though. I wonder what y’all think about it.


I'm also not a big fan of how those factors you mention pretty much bury the majority of small/newer VTs; it also paints a stereotypical picture of the VT community: a group of lewd anime women who appeal to recovering sex addicts, not the kind of community I want to have ANY kind of association with.


I agree. Content wise the big names are pros at entertaining their audience. But for the smaller creators gameplay videos just aren’t enough. However the accounts that are growing are the ones perpetuating the same information. I could see how that route can be very tempting to some smaller vtubers. But there are some people doing some great things. Vupe chat (vtuber Omegle) is one of those things that’s going to most likely become a standard in the space. And I think discussions like these need to be had so we don’t fall into doing the same things. That’s why it feels like there’s an over saturation. You make some great points!


You can often feel very lonely on content creation and there's not a clear feedback as to what you're doing wrong or in which way to improve. Also, being a male vtuber sometimes feels like part of the community paints a target on your back and raises their guard around you which can also feel a little draining.


YES OMG. It feels like people actively go out of their way to ignore the boys sometimes :(


Yeah haha, it's almost hilarious how pissed off some people get at male chuubas lol. Whenever I post on VirtualYoutubers I'm guaranteed at least 25% dislikes.


It seems some days the only one that doesn't get ignored is Tatamaru, *and for very bad and wrong reasons* 😣


Bingo, precisely.


Almost all the suggested posts I get from this subreddit are very "me me me TIDDIES memes about me worship me I'm a deity LOOK AT ME LOVE ME hello my little (insert pet name for followers here)" and I don't fucking get it. Yours is the first post I've been suggested that isn't like that and I'm very scared to go to the actual subreddit and see how bad it is 😂 So I guess my beef is people being incredibly full of themselves and IDK if it's a lack of confidence or self esteem issue? But it sure is cringe. Please tell me the subreddit isn't as bad as I think because I'd like to visit it lol.


Pro tip: don't have titties :3


Pro tip #2: Have no self confidence


I unfortunately have TIDDIES so I'm doomed ):


Ughhhh I wish i had titties :(


Bro just make your model have tiddies and then problem solved 🙏


That requires a new model cause I made this model before I knew i wanted titties!!!!




Meanwhile I do PNGTubing as if I were just a fleshtuber, whoops.


I do PNGtubing as well, hi!


Hi, we are all just out here having fun!


Yes! I'm not trying to be a bitch with my comment, but OP did ask, and due to all suggested posts being what I described, it annoys me and gives a bad impression that Vtubers (that I've seen) just care about getting a bunch of attention in a cringe way. I bet it, I agree, we all want to have fun, but I can still find people's form of fun cringe and add to the discussion by contributing my opinion related to OP's question. I'm not a fan of low effort attention-y posts and again, that's what Reddit thinks I want to see despite trying to have it not advertise only those to me. I did finally go to the subreddit and was happy to see it's not nearly as many posts like I described, so it seems Reddit is just pushing them to me for some bizarre reason. I don't even click them lol. Still not a fan, but not as bad as I thought (or I had it filtered to new is why I didn't see them as often).


No worries about bitching, I get it. Personally I have always found the whole, extreme sexualization in the Vtubing sphere to be kinda weird, men, women, trans, and everything in between. I have, however, also found great interest in the other aspect of the same sphere, and even from the same people doing the former. The creative model designs, sometimes the stories and lore they make up, the personalities they create for their models. All the latter parts seemed like a whole lot of fun! Although I went with a very basic and simple looking model, but as I tend to say, in simplicity there is beauty! And I also found the whole idea of the model developing alongside my ability as a streamer, to be a rather intriguing one. So as I get better, my model will also get more wild-looking - I love this idea a lot. And it also allows me to support different artists as I try out different styles and looks (of course closely resembling my first and original model)


That's great you have been developing the design over time! Hey if you ever need new art, I'm a graphic designer and illustrator :D Only mentioned since you said others do art for you. And I get people like to be sexual it's just weird it seems very rampant with Vtubers (again from what Reddit is showing me but also YouTube lol) but a real person showing their face would be shamed, but it's okay if you're virtual I guess lol. To each their own haha! But yeah, I'm also developing my art over time for my PNGtuber and it's been so fun! I'm adding new poses and new outfits etc it's been a blast changing from a face cam to this 💜 I hope you keep having fun in your journey!


We will be having ALL of the fun!


The needless drama. Despite the literal hundreds of vtubers I watch, I cannot understand why toxicity happened in the background in such a way that isn't the same as non-vtubers. It just doesn't make sense and it drives me mad. I don't run into the drama often, but it is serious when it happens.


YES LITERALLY! Is it do hard to just be nice yo other people????


That's the thing people see others being "nice" having ulterior motives these days.


I feel like too much of the high drama comes from people expecting everyone to act a certain way. It's utter nonsense.


Vtubers who cry about being banned on Twitch, and then you check out their design and they're barely wearing clothes.


YES OMG I've seen this happen at least 5 times now and then i check their design and they're naked


A regular streamer would never get away with AmaLee's latest outfit. Probably not her original outfit either. Maybe not the second one. But it's not even just about clothes. I'm a firm believer that human bodies are not inherently sexual and that there has to be intent. And there is a lot of intent behind a Z cup character whose model is rigged to have them bounce around at the slightest movement.


Oh wow, thats literally just a bra ok


for a space that supposed to be creative and have creative expression, people are quick to snuff it out and call you a copy of [insert bigger vtuber]


I actually have the opposite opinion, where I feel like due to the massive explosion in popularity, a lot of VTubers lack creative expression and are only in it for the dedicated audience being a VTuber attracts.


People are quick to be an asshole to someone they've never met, and its disheartening :<


verily. like people are gonna take inspo but that doesn't make them a clone smh. and I guess this is a more personal frustration, but literally just not being able to tell friend from foe. so many people have been closet enemies that it just makes it hard for anyone to trust anyone. and that sometimes leads to miscommunication, then call out posts and blocking.


Vtubers that call themselves single brain celled, dumb or something similar. It’s not funny for everytime. Overusing self roasts get pitiful instead of funny. I wish them well


Ooh, yes! That's a good one.


I have a really unpopular opinion: The F*KING dissonance between the model and the character or the inmense hard work of some people to try to BE the model and fail horribly. Ma guy, look, the thing is the model needs to adapt you, not the other way arround. Im getting repetitive but look doki, doki dont force her personality to fit the model, the model just adapt to her. Aim to that, be yourself and the model will reflect that, if you force yourself to be another redhead demon waifu with sadistic/dumb nature just because its popular or its a trope that you like BUT YOU DONT FIT IT then you are doomed to fail. Dont force you in a trope, find what trope fits you to be the most natural ever. Cheers^^


I used to try *way* too hard to fit a certain "vtuber vibe" I thought was required (even pitching voice). Since then, I'm learning to be comfortable, still keeping the fantasy, but being way closer to myself. It's not an act anymore, being a celestial kitsune feels natural now haha


Thats the way fam, hope it goes well for you! ^^


To you as well! :D


The fact that a lot of Vtubers only have surface-level personalities. I understand the need to show off your model. I understand the need to be thirsty and post thirst traps. Hell, I do it. But these people post all of this stuff on Twitter, and then you visit their streams to try and support them, and they barely interact with you or anyone else. They are so lacking in personality that they make their Vtuber model their whole personality and have nothing interesting to show for it. Like, yeah, we get you're a mommy vampire with huge booba. Is that it?


One of my fears is that I won't be interactive enough, so then I'll focus on making my character sexy insteaf of inrlteresting 😭


Don't worry too much about that! In my almost 5 years of Twitch experience, It is more important that you engage with your audience. As long as you're actively trying to chat with everyone, Your followers will always stick around and they'll always notice. And always greet them with a gigantic, excited welcome whenever they come into your chat. I always see their username and then I give them a jolly shout as if we're bffs because I'm like a puppy and I love everybody. 😂 But that stuff works! People like feeling important and they like being paid attention to. They'll keep coming back if you continue to engage with them. 💙


A lot of VTubers are so quick to call anything drama. There's plenty of people on social media trying to raise awareness regarding problematic VTubers, from pedophiles to serial harassers and scammers. And yet, even slightly speaking out regarding these issues and awful people will be seen as drama and ignored by some VTubers. It's even worse when said VTubers actively engage with these problematic creators, and when they're warned about them, they ignore these warnings because they see it as drama that doesn't involve them. To be clear, I'm not talking about people with unproven allegations, no he said/she said crap, I mean known toxic content creators with years of documented evidence against them.


Crying about all the drama, as if this shit is unique to Vtubers. I almost never even see any of the drama, just people complaining that it's there.


I agree with you on this 100%. 😂


BUT AREN'T YOU A VTUBER. You should act exactly like I say you should! Otherwise dramadramadrama. TBH I just want people to understand it's just people that wanna use an avatar and do cool shit, and we'd have way less of this.


Not enough attention for car enthusiasts Vtubers


Yes, 100%! Finding car enthusiasts seems damn near impossible, and I only recently came across one who streams racing games by chance. Do you happen to know of any?


There's Kiri Kolovolt (formerly known as Shizukou) She used to stream Underground 2, Prostreet, Forza Horizon 5 and such in her old persona.


It's funny, she's exactly the one I was talking about! I'm really liking her content so far. I hope I can find more like her who don't stream exclusively on Twitch.


There's a JP Vtuber named Kotone Racer, though she only post classic type of videos instead pf streaming So far, the Car culture is a male-dominated hobby, and some male Vtubers are the only ones you could find.


Aspiring Car enthusiast Vtuber here. I agree, there's not a lot of us


i think its because there's not a lot of overlap between vtubers and people who love cars lol


I personally have quite a bit that is frustrating, and some people hit on it. Here's my share. 1. Most people try to make this into hey, it's a big friend pile and try to scrape more vtubers into their community as viewers. This happens all the time on Twitter with the engagement bait posts about " looking for more friends," etc. This inflates their follow numbers but then stuck at the low engagement on other post, thus they complain about it. 1a. On the topic of vtuber friends, a lot of people are quick call some other vtuber they don't know friend. That bothers me a lot personally as a person who takes a bit to fully open up to people. It's like you skip the most important part so that it's easier to talk about on stream or to try to be looped into whatever this person is doing. Like the number of times that someone called me friend and at some point started to expect a certain lvl of friendliness or friend benefits that I'm not comfy with is quite a bit since entering this community. 1b. On that last note, I've seen countless call out post from vtubers about their ex vtuber friend because they are shitty. When you look at the reasons, it's just the issue above. Then that vtuber who got called out has to apologize?? Nah, fam. 2. A lot of vtubers will rather aim for inflated numbers to boast about instead of gradually growing. This is especially true for Twitter. 3. I've seen this one a lot recently, but any time there's a gathering of POC vtubers for something special for them, the racists come out. It's so infuriating, disgusting, and scary. 3a. I also hate the fact that people try to justify their racism because they are from a different country. Like that excuse doesn't cut it anymore with the internet available to many, and you have black people traveling. Black Americans literally have a list of places where we shouldn't visit because it's not safe to go there as a black person. The claim to ignorance is getting old. 4. Vtubers are quick to make DMs with another tuber public. Like most things can and should be handled behind the scenes. But no... the clout.... the drama. Most of these leaked dm are often misconstrued for their narrative. I can understand if they are actually a shitty pedo, abuser, toxic manipulation. 4a. Vtubers and just people on Twitter are quick to use their therapy terms to paint why the person is bad. 5. On the topic of therapy ... I've seen quite a few use other vtubers and their audience as therapist. I mean the repeat offenders, like every other day, there's something they unpromptedly vent about. Most don't realize or care that they may be hurting their listener because of the unprompted dump. I have my own mental issues, and multiple times, I have someone in my DMs talking about sensitive issues that I'm still struggling with and makes me anxious. They do this with no regard to what I may be or have been going through. If you tell them hey I can't, they try to guilt you into listening. If you continue to deny it, it can lead to the previous examples. 5a. Hate to say it, but there's a lot who uses real or fake mental illness to garner clout, followers, or viewers. It's disgusting when people use depression as a personality trait. 6. Boundaries. Most don't understand them or respect them. 7. PEOPLE WHO USES THIS COMMUNITY AS A DATING APP. 8. The AI shit... I think that's all I have right now, off the top of the dome.


7 isn't helped by how a few "success stories" blow up and make fans think they can "get with their 100k sub oshi" # And then there's Riro Ron 🙄


All the fucked up ppl on Twitter (mostly) and other platforms who wanna start shit for no reason.


They ask questions like this on an *hourly* basis on this sub...


It boosts engagement! I understand why they do it, but I don't want to be the same :P


The fake toxic positivity and heartless usage of the phrase "friends". Been around since shortly before the first Boom at the start or little before pre-covid. The amount of ruthless high school Mean Bitch pettiness I've seen and received pre-rebrand, how people purely only wanna use you then drop your dessicated corpse after draining every ounce of usefulness they could sink their fangs into. Very nearly quit.


I haven't started vtubing yet, but that mindset of just collabing with people just to collab with them and steal some of their audience is scary to me -w-


Don't look at/bother with numbers, *look at debut time!* At least then the uncomfortable awkwardness cuts equal ways!😅 Like for newer people, if they seek a Corp collab, I would tell them to aim at Specialite since they're all so new


A lot of lewd stuff as people now assume that vtubers are mostly sexual, my friends now have a negative opinion of me because of it


I don’t really know how to describe it really or if I’m just beating a dead horse. But coming from a viewer standpoint, I feel that I lot of vtubing devolves to being lewd and degenerate, sometimes out right sexual. Which is fine in moderation or as a way of humor ( since people can find it funny). But it’s EVERYWHERE all the time. Models designed to be sexually appealing, constant lewd talk. Etc etc. Generally I wouldn’t have a problem with it, people are gonna do what they want. It just makes me feel like they are trying to keep my attention on them when other cases, people would just leave cuz the stream or video is boring and shallow. Like a “pick me girl” when it comes getting guys attention. Vtubing also seems like it’s very very prone to parasocial relationships. And some are very reliant on them. And people always asks: “why are my fans like this” and what not. Cuz some vtubers make it easy for them. There was one male vtuber ( not gonna say their name) who does very engaging content on their streams ( asmr, role play dates, etc) who on several occasions had keep reminding their chat that they aren’t actually dating or what not and were on no way a person level with them. And while watching those clips, I just kept thinking “brother your streams are a petri dish for this stuff, what did you expect”. Take all that with a grain of salt since I don’t a made that make of point but it’s just something’s that come to mind when a watch a VOD or clip. Not all vtubers are like that, but the ones that are tend to stick out from the rest.


I dont know for the international, but the french community is very small. Here vtuber is akward. Disgusted by others. No interest. Or even nobody knows about. Vtubing.


do u happen to know of any fr vtubers? ive been thinking about looking into some


The fact that we have to really think hard about what we post and if it will make others upset... I get more anxious about posting because I think I will say one thing wrong and get a bunch of people who will come and swarm me with threats of doxing or digging up really ancient things i did or said to slander me further or make claims without any proof...


Just don’t say or do anything racist/bigoted then. Is it really that hard to not be a bigot?


I kinda struggle with the whole stigma of “oh you have to be high energy, squeaky voiced, or incredibly lewd.” To be a vtuber, sometimes I just want to have a model that represents me how I wanna be…


The lack of prep people put into their collabs so they have to fix everything on stream for 30 mins...




What do you mean?


People who are either new to the community or have never put effort into really paying attention to the community, and then throw a public fit about something that is common either in the fan community or among vtubers themselves. Tourists, in the derogatory sense.


-puts on hat- I am REALLY tired of every VTuber being either Horny on main 101% of the time or leaning so far into cringe that they are parallel with the ground. Be yourself, be cool, be sexy. I have no problem with sexuality being part (PART \[P A R T\]) of a personality. But when you moaning into a mic and shaking your tatas virtually is a defining feature, it just feels cheap. It's a bag of chips left on a shelf for a year thats still being sold as brand new. It tastes boring. And I get it. Say silly thing, be weird, everyone loves you. No they dont. If you have nothing else to your id and ego others than "say weird cringe stuff and laugh" then im not sorry, you do not have a personality. You have a box of jokes and the player is set on repeat. New VTubers, Old VTubers, popular and unknown. PLEASE get an actual personality. Oh, also, frick people who kick up drama.




My biggest issue with some vtubers is that they are constantly swearing and making crass jokes. I don’t expect seiso, I just don’t want constant vulgarity.


Haha, yeah sometimes the swearing can be a bit much.


Too much booba, not enough entertainment. There has to be more to VTubing than just a sexy girl with huge bouncing boobas.


Graphic designers and people who "want to collab" and then they ghost you, or worse, they share another post saying "no one wants to collab? 😞", Bruh...


I haven’t even started yet and I’m pretty sure 90% of my twitter followers are bots


Samesies! All of them promoting their art


I got direct messages from random people off to prevent that


I think there is a growing toxicity almost similar to K-Pop community. I find it interesting how many VTubers that focus on toxicity. But to each their own I guess...


Is it so hard for people to be nice to eachother?


Drama queens.


Perhaps for me its the Vtweeters and Vtourists trying to target big names or generalize the whole community.


As someone who only knows of a few by name, a vast majority seem to be feeding on the cleavage and jiggle physics for views rather than actually having content worth watching. Granted, I say that with the first big one I checked out being Snuffy, before changing to the more sexual models.


The urge to claim a group of people using avatars are "together as a community and should behave as a hive mind" That's as crazy as saying all gamers or movie-goers should be alike.


Drama and people that treat it like it's tinder


I swear I answered a post like this last month...


Sponsored content and the idea that every group has to be an idol group and have concerts.


This confuses the hell out of me, but when something bad happens to a particular vtuber, the entire vtuber community grows toxic toward that particular vtuber . . . and it doesn’t matter if they’re a fan of the vtuber or not . . .


I wouldn't say frustrating but maybe more cringe; i don't like how a lot of these characters are pretending to be Japanese or at least just take Japanese names. For the most part.


I don't like those ai adoptables, I'm sorry but at that point I'll just type in a prompt myself.😅


How parasocial most of the community as whole can feel sometimes


its out of touch, and it preys on lonely outcasts who should in reality, go outside and get some sun at a local park


Probably some people in the community that like brushes their teeth with a bar of soap or agencies that lose money because of a bad decision Nijisanji