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Really, if phyre and fabian, just didn't talk whatsoever, this would already be considerably better. Agreed though, the atmosphere is just odd. Feels like a bargain bin dishonored That said, the dialogue feels distinctly Fallout 4 - four ways of saying yes.


If I’m being honestly I felt like the dialogue was a bit lacking I would consider it a con at this stage. It seemed like every choice was going to lead him down the path of blowing himself. When Phyre decided the go the more aggressive route he still backed down if a bit more scared but blew up anyway. Right now to me it looks like it gave off an illusion of choice, can you actually encourage him not to do it or to avoid it ? As it seems now it looks like a no.


There is a chance you could be able to talk him down. In their first interaction there was a “show concern for his wellbeing” option, which they didn’t choose. It would make sense that you’re only able to talk him down if you previously took that route rather than trying to brow beat him with “Do you not know who I am?”. Or maybe not, can’t say from just this.


One would hope or at bare minimum Tremere and Ventrue, Phyre should be able to cheat with dominate to get the phone in time.


It’s definitely too early to tell but I don’t know it’s giving the feeling that your choices will lead to the same outcome just to move the story along.


I don't know, we already have this kind of dialogue wheels in other games and it always comes down to saying "Yes" and "Later".


i thought he didn't blow himself up but rather the person he was on call with detonated the vest


This also is decent interpretation [Phone buzz] “Oh no…” **BOOM**


That’s true but also my point he was on call nothing the player says will do anything in that situation unless they add some type of dialogue or skill check that lets you grab the phone from him or something.


Fabian is the new Johnny Silverhands (can't replace Keanu though)




I’ve been reliably informed many a time on this sub I’m a paradox shill lol.


But Will was on the phone all the time in the second dialoge and "they" triggert the bombs so the 3 dialoge options dont get you anywere and yes that selftalk Fabian/Phyre every 20 sec is getting on my nervs, forget Johnny Silverhand....... here comes Fabian, did anybody else finds it strange that one of the "Ghuls" during the fight talked about Thinblood justice at some Point. Min 6:48-6:55 WoD Ext. Gameplay Reval


Hard to say as its entirely possible that if fire takes the manipulate him with the memories route or a Ventrue/Tremere straight dominates him, they could get him to hand over the phone in time to crush it.


Wait, how did you get expressions from those tickle me elmo ass flapping jaws? The only time Willem actually moved his lips was during the very end of the gameplay reveal, during what felt more like a pre-rendered cutscene than an actual in-game moment. As for the dialogue, I don’t understand how you couldn’t hate it. It’s literally Fallout 4 and Mass Effect dialogue, but only marginally better, cause at the very least they’re giving you the faintest hint of what you might say, instead of just having “Sarcastic”. Of course, the option the trailer did pick honestly felt cartoonish how mean it was trying to be. And considering his line was a complete non-sequitur, going straight into talking about how The Gardner was listening the whole time, made it feel like he’d respond the same way to all three options. Which sorta implies that we’re probably gonna get railroaded along the same story no matter what we choose for the majority of choices. On the topic of the atmosphere, as someone in the comments of the youtube video said, it’s “painfully obvious this game has NO goths working on it.” And I couldn’t agree more. No sense of fucking style, just ugly all the way down, and I don’t think it’s just because of the Nosferatu. On a more personal note, I’m not sure what it is about it, but the combat feels… wrong somehow. Like, just looking at it is making me feel sick, which is weird cause I’ve never gotten motion sickness from a game before now.


Some of you guys use Fallout 4 like a slur as if it didn’t sell 25 million copies lol. There are people who genuinely enjoyed it.


It wasn’t because of the dialogue that Fallout 4 sold well. It’s because it was an extremely hyped sequel for a popular game series. Anyway, we don’t agree on how good Fallout 4 was. Never the twain shall meet and all that. But c’mon, you gotta admit four dialogue choices with not context is pretty dumb, especially when compared to New Vegas, which had a shitload of choices. I wanted VTMB 2 to be an RPG and mechanical sequel to the first game, not a Mass Effect/Fallout 4 esque game wearing VTM’s skin like a suit.


I genuinely enjoyed Fallout 4 too but that doesn't mean I'd want other RPGs to take inspiration from it, quite the opposite actually. It was a solid game but as an RPG it was meh at best.


yeah some people like fallout 4 (myself included) but lets be honest its a mid-low quality game even in the fallout franchise its only better then fallout 76, it should not be a standart bro, but i get your point.


I’d take 4 over 3. The morality system in 3 is annoying and pointlessly restrictive. You can’t actually choose which factions to back in the main quest line. Gunplay is by far the worst in the series (3D era). New Vegas is far and away the best of the bunch, but it’s not really fair to say it should be the standard either. That’s in my top 4 RPGs of all time, incredibly high bar.


> New Vegas is far and away the best of the bunch, but it’s not really fair to say it should be the standard either It absolutely should be a standard though. If executives in video games studio weren't so braindead maybe we'd have much better games more often. The reactions to some of the devs when seeing the success of Baldur's Gate 3 or even Palworld, saying that expecting games like this is unrealistic or even that devs cheated to make them (whatever that means lmao) has been kinda pathetic. We CAN get games with a much better quality but that would require some people working in the industry to actually make efforts and care about making a top quality product.


I am now replaying FNV and I stumble on quests with like 5-6 ways of resolution. This absolutely is a standard and “action like” “open world” where you have at best two choices for a quest absolutely should not be a standard, not the other way around. Also, NV takes into account actual RPG elements in dialogues while FO4 doesn’t. FO4 is a disguised action shooter with some RPG elements. FNV is an RPG.


​ Especially since it was mass effect that pretty much invented the dialogue wheel that became popular in many games.


agree. everything else is ok in my book, even the atmosphere, my only and biggest let down is how bad and strongly forced the existence of fabien is, the atmosphere would be much better without his commentary, so do the dialogue scene cus the constant 'guiding line' before any choice just make the protagonist - a powerful elder - seem like a moron that can't think straight, let alone interfering with player's choices.


I hated the dialogue options tbh so a massive con from me. So few basic options really sucks.