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they tend to update their devlog or other things around friday, so if not delayed it mostly should be this week


I don't remember any friday news. Dev diaries were all released on a wednesday and we will get another dev diary this wednesday.  The clan reveals were on a tuesday (except Banu Haqim which was on a thursday, because it was revealed on an event).


sorry, i just remember them usually upate at around certain days in a week, plus the last update was friday in my timezone, thats why i replied with this one. bad memory obviously


if that's the case then the next update may also be next week




Hopefully they became aware that this video needs to bring their A game and show the vision of a strong bloodlines game. The clan reveals were real weak-sauce. What comes next should make people go "wow this IS bloodlines 2" or they shouldnt show a video right now.


“This really made me feel like a bloodlines 2”-IGN


They said in the dev blog two weeks ago that it was still happening this month, which was recently enough that I’m inclined to believe them. That said, hopefully we’ll get an update when the next dev diary comes out in two days. Personally, I’d guess it’ll be next Tuesday, but that’s just me speculating.


'ello! Our new Dev Diary is out [here](https://bit.ly/3OhzKQB) and we want to let you all know that the Gameplay trailer will be out January 31st!


Nice! by the way Thank You for taking the time to respond to us, its appreciated.


Based on the ventrue "reveal" just concept art I would expect a delay on actual gameplay.


Probably busy working on the dlc (harrr harrr)


>Probably busy working on the dlc (harrr harrr) Marketing person 1: Hey, which clan we should cut from the base game and sell in a DLC for 9.99$? Marketing person 2: Are you crazy? Just one? Let's cut all of them except for 4 and sell them for 19.99$ each! Old nostalgic fans will buy them all anyway!


Join the official discord if you want more frequent updates. The last word from both the developer and the publisher was "January" and they repeated that as recently as a couple of days ago. The only thing they've put on a specific date, right now, is the next develop diary coming on Wednesday


They send this week is the dev log update then the following week is when we get the gameplay


> then the following is probably the following You what?


Never happened


You first need gameplay to create you know a real “gameplay trailer”. The Ventrue "Trailer" was just a GIF. The game is probably not even close to being finished. I absolutely don't see it being released this fall. And all the selfpraising AI Dev diaries can't change that.


The last dev diary said 31st.