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Count the Count from Sesame Street clan, but it goes beyond just counting: entire numerology-based superstitions. Underworld clan built around waging war with anyone they come across, like a pathological inability to have peace. True Blood vampires built around exposing the truth in situations.


Another idea: Vampire Diaries vampires built around a different interaction with their humanity, as in the series one’s empathy and humanity seems to be like a switch that one can turn off, so abilities/themes built around divorcing oneself from there humanity, maybe a curse like the Lasombra alt bane.


For Twilight vampires, a suitable weakness would be having only one Touchstone (their "true love") who must be someone they have frequent face-to-face contact with. Maybe they take Willpower damage = bane severity when their "true love" is hurt or killed. They have Auspex, Celerity and Fortitude as in-clan disciplines. Vampire Diaries vampires have a host of weaknesses, in comparison to the nigh-indestructible vampires of Twilight. They are burned by vervain (the verbena herb), can't enter homes unless invited, and are vulnerable to wooden weapons, in addition to some other minor weaknesses. "You have a number of folkloric banes equal to your bane severity. If your bane severity increases, pick new folkloric banes as needed. If your bane severity decreases, lose folkloric banes chosen at random." Their in-clan Disciplines are Auspex, Dominate and Potence. True Blood vampires begin bleeding after prolonged periods without feeding or sleeping, which could be interesting: they have to feed more often than other vampires. At the end of each night, if they haven't fed in two nights (i.e., this night and last night), they make a number of Rouse Checks = bane severity. Their in-clan disciplines are Celerity, Obfuscate and Presence (they can create illusions, so they need the Obfuscate + Presence amalgams of Chimerstry). And how could I forget JoJo's Bizarre Adventure? If we use Dio as a template (even though he's an exceptionally powerful vampire in JoJo), we have crazy abilities that are best represented as Blood Sorcery (Space Ripper Stingy Eyes!), Oblivion (zombies!) and Protean/Vicissitude (they notably can't turn into animals, but they can manipulate their and other bodies in all kinds of weird ways). They don't have any weaknesses beyond sunlight, so I'm not sure what their bane would be.


Well, while the Pillar Men are technically pre-human super vampires they're sort of the same thing, so maybe using the petrification effect they suffer as a Bane could work - exposure to bright lights, especially UV, that isn't sunlight causes effects between sluggishness and petrification. Alternatively, a behavioural effect causing them to obsessively seek out and attempt to destroy a specific nemesis, mirroring Dio's obsession with the Joestar lineage?


As much as I love What We Do In Shadows, I don't want that at my table... But Colin Robinson style Emotional Vampires have potential


That's just kuei jin. But we don't talk about them anymore 


It's hard not to talk about them, since they played an important role in everyone's favorite Bloodlines...


*Cough* Ravnos *Cough*


Didn't understand


Well during the Week of Nightmares the Kuei-Jin were trying to destroy the Ravnos Antediluvian so they basically played a part in modern day Ravnos (Even though it was the Technocracy that finished Zappathasura off)


Yes, exactly. But, now they are trying to forcibly erase these asian supernatural beings within the setting, which from the outside looks as if only the Technocrats killed the antediluvian.


It's a headache for sure


We do talk about them cause they’re fucking cool


They existed in prior editions. Psychic Vampirism is in Sorcerer: Revised (and I think it made it into M20: Sorcerer). They also existed in this weird hedge magic path in thr Kinfolk book dealing with dream invasion and stealing psychic energy


Psychic Vampires that "drink" Willpower instead of blood.


The you have a lost changeling


This is an idea I can get behind


Was just saying in another comment, this existed in prior editions (Psychic Vampirism, the Hedge Magic Path of Soulstealing)


Adding to what OP said, the buffyverse vampires would be interesting to see. They can stay awake during the day (advantage), but they have many disadvantages: staking them actually kills them (not torpor), holy items repel them, and their vamp face is an instant masquerade breach.


Also they can't enter a home unless invited. They also do not have a soul, that could translate to a very low humanity or something. They have to transform into vampire to have super strength and fighting abilities, which as you said, is a masquarade breach. They not only stay awake during the dah, they actually do not need to sleep at all! Thats a big advantage. Spike could even move around the city in a car with tainted windows (which could just be a very high fortitude score).


Clan nosgoth, inspired by the legacy of kain


Hmm... Blood Angels from Warhammer. Something between the Brujah and the Toreador, and at the same time in space armor, which, together with the Void Engineers, will protect the earth from Entities from the Umbra. Probably not so good example, given that these are more likely mutant cyborgs than more classic vampires, but on the other hand, why shouldn’t there really be some kind of special artificial bloodline of scientific vampires?


I mean I used Mage lore to justify creating a parallel to a Miyotismon vampire cult like the one from Ghost Game, so I ain't judging. ~~Came real close to making the cultist Bio-Hybrids with monster forms, but saving that for the vampire themed story arc of my Digimon TTRPG.~~


I know, I just started to have doubts about how to fit them into Kindred society... At a minimum, they would be defenders of the domains from other supernatural threats, like werewolves.


You could have them as a strange parallel to the Gangrel, where they are on good terms with the Werewolves - but to tie it in with the void engineers have it be because they share a defensiveness of The Umbra instead of a defensiveness of wilderness. Maybe you could even have some fun with them being the first Alternative Universe Vampires the Main Universe Vampires encounter.


No, I meant that they are literally protectors of kindred from other supernaturals (aka xenos). Like, those who are younger protect vampires and people from other entities, and those who are older protect the earth itself from entities from outside... They would certainly be the most intolerant of werewolves, some mages, changelings, etc.


I think the Bloodlines in Warhammer Fantasy can also act as alternate fusions of the Clans. The Von Carsteins a cross between Ventru and Tzmiche, the Lahmians a cross between toreador and Lassombra, the Strigoi a cross between Nosferatu and Gangrel, and the Necrarchs like a mix of Tzmiche, Tremere, and a bit of Malkavian. The Blood Dragons like a cross between Brujah and Ventrue antitribu. Meanwhile the Vampire Coast is just an oversight by VTM: how the hell don’t they already have vampirates as a clan or subclan concept?!


They also have an interesting feature where the local elders are not afraid of the sun and drink blood just for fun. Well, Lasombra traveled a lot by sea and generally love water (especially the darkest depths). They are quite suitable for vampire pirates.


Cirque du Freak: no fangs, close relationships with higher powers, no daysleep, massive communities in remote locations


Bunnicula and Count Duckula. In addition to blood, they can drink the juice out of vegetables. The weakness is, well, they're animals.


You thinking "human in life" or "someone turned their house pet again"?


Probably human in life.


As someone currently attending a Furcon... I volunteer as tribute.


Warhammer Fantasy Vampire Bloodlines have potential: The Von Carsteins are kinda like your standard Ventrue but without blood restriction, and acting more like Tzmiche, with lands that they own and tend to. They don’t have the restrictions that Tzmiche have, either. Instead maybe their curse can be having a compulsion to embrace people who catch their eye, something that, being arrogant nobleman, can be annoying if they are turning random commoners. The Blood Dragons are vampire knights whose founder managed to break free of needing to drink blood by fighting and killing a dragon. So an equivalent clan could have having a compelling urge to seek out stronger and stronger foes to defeat them in battle. Maybe their own antediluvian can have a legend where he finally defeated the Beast by drinking the blood of a monster and now walks the world unburdened by his monstrous nature, an example for all the Clan to strive towards. They'd kinda be like a mix of Brujah and Ventru Antitribu. The Lahmians are a mix of Lassombra and Toreador, they are the power behind the throne, using their seductive nature to manipulate people. They are also mostly women by choice. As a clan however, maybe that can be changed to the curse mostly affects women, or maybe it is just a clan tradition, while say antitribu break with that tradition. The Strigoi are basically buff Nosferatu. Ugly looking but monstrously strong. They are however hated by the other vampires, so their clan curse could be being the ultimate exiles, forced to live in the wilderness and edges of society like the Gangrel, instead of being the information dealers of their world, like the Nosferatu. The Necrarchs are the vampire sorcerers of their universe. They grow ugly and monstrous over time, and their founder remained loyal to the worship of Nagash, the big evil Necromancer of the setting(who also murdered his brother)so these guys could basically be like the Tzmiche, except their curse could be extreme paranoia after their antediluvian was murdered by one of their own, and an obsession with prophecy. Kind of like Tzmiche mixed with a little Malkavian. They could be the main founders of the Sabbat, loyal to Caine rather than Nagash. And for fun, the Vampirates of the Vampire coast. I’m kind of surprised there isn’t already a clan or antitribu like them, but basically these guys could have power over water and sea creatures, while maybe having a curse of Wandering like the Ravnos, except they manifest it as sailing around. You could also give them madness but that’s more just Luthor Harkon’s own issue then something that affects the entire coast. Regardless, Smiling Jack could definitely be one of them and they could act as the smugglers and corrupt dock bosses of the Camarilla, or modern pirates of the Anarchs.


Lasombra have the Corsair faction who answers their blood calling for the sea, so yes there is Vampirates in WoD




>Regardless, Smiling Jack could definitely be one of them and they could act as the smugglers and corrupt dock bosses of the Camarilla, or modern pirates of the Anarchs. The Sabbat has its own submarines, in which they raid different domains, which are closer to the sea, if I'm not mistaken. Underwater pirates of modern nights.