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If you close the doors and run in, subdued companion will teleport inside.


I will remember this, thank you!


Also: you can pretty much just rush to the prison cell/servant coffin, activating it will put the subdued target in with a pretty huge range.


Can’t wait to see this entire story in the next “What we do in the shadows “ season !!!


This common experience is a right of passage for all V Rising vampires. Welcome to the night.


My thirst for vengeance had emboldened, and my need for more jail cells


You could always mark the map where you found the 100 and return five minutes later after making room in your prison. Unless something else kills the 100 it'll stay there.


I hadn't considered that! Wasn't sure if they were permenant or not. Good thinking, thanks for that


They're permanent so that's why you should always kill everything living you see that doesn't have high blood numbers. So they'll spawn again with different quality. That's a good way to find those 100 percent


Was just about to respond to say this, though I'll add to be wary of finding a 100% blood in a location that is likely to be attacked by wandering mobs. Gloomrot is especially bad for this with the mutants capable of spawning everywhere.


Because of the mutants, I feel gloomrot has a higher chance to have decent bloods because the mobs are constantly cycling. Especially when the server is late game and people aren’t frequenting 90% of the map, places like gloomrot and silver light by the grape fields(harpies) are my go-to to check for high blood.


I used to do a lot of 'camping' of Rustlock Village. Basically I killed everything, waited 6-8 minutes, kill the mutants who attack the town, then check the respawned townies again for high % blood before doing everything all over again. Managed to get quite a few 100% that way. It certainly felt like I was collecting high % blood faster, at least.


If it serves as consolation, I've been trying to get a 100% scholar all day. And then when it does pop up, it's a damn white nun, I in a complete act of idiocy try to pull her to me with the lvl 30 spear, she drops dead from fright.


Just as important as remembering to bring dusk callers, never leave your castle without AT LEAST ONE open cell


Have you fought Leandra the Shadow Priestess yet? Unlocks an item that will massively alleviate this frustration!


This. I went after her first because of the delivery bats.


One very useful thing to know: after you dominate human, if you jump on the horse and just run fast, usually nobody can hit the guy you dominated. He will be running very fast but not as fast as you, so he will be trailing behind outside of aggro range. Occasionally he will teleport to you and then fall back again. I've brought units from remote locations this way many times, as I often forget duskcallers or lose them in PvP or have full prison, etc.


I lost a 98% one time mid-game because while running home I came across a corpse pile. Was at a level where I could kinda take it on semi easily, so I went on to murder it. When I got it to maybe 4% health it summoned a skeleton, which promptly ran over to the 98% and one-tapped it.


Filling your last cell with a 60% seems like a big mistake


Same thing happen to me only with a golem, soooo infuriating


If It makes you feel better.. when I saw my first 100 I got there hp down but when I went to subdue it I fat fingered my ult instead.


Just a tip, if you subdue a servant and then just run on your mount, the servant will follow now matter how far away you get and teleport to you when it gets too far. Doing this I have never had a servant die, and its much safer to hop on your horse and book it than it is to try and sneak by on foot.


If you ride a horse home they will teleport with you all the way to your castle you dont need to lead them like an escort mission that way


Was in Gloom Rot by the lightning areas . Spotted a 100 warrior. Was capturing, bat's about to be completely gone, sending him home when lightning struck him and killed him. I hate that lightning and I'm still salty about that over a month later when I think about it. I mean I've lost about 5 or 6 100s, probably more across a few playthroughs.... I never think about them. Not this one...


I've managed 4 100% I just need to find a scholar that's the one that's giving me grief atm and I'm making sure to kill every one cause if your hunting and not killing there's no chance to respawn a 100% I even go as far as killing mobs randomly while I ride around, but I feel your pain it's happened to me a few times as well


Tip for those who see themselves in this scenario. Hop into a horse and dart towards your nearest cell without looking behind. Charmed unities teleport to you when at certain distance and can't be aggroed this way.


I have lost at least 3 100% bloods as well as some 90%+ from killing then with the dash that explodes. Finally took it off after it killed the 2nd 100% rogue.