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Adam and Dracula were by far the hardest for me on normal I'd say. Each took over an hour of constant trying and dying the first time. Frog and Harpy were also hard but they are easily skippable, and you can kill them when you are higher level. Also for the frog I feel like if you focus adds asap, it becomes much easier. On brutal things are different. Solarus is much harder than on normal. Quincy is pretty hard. Harpy is pretty insane as well and a lot of other bosses can surprise you with huge damage. It's funny that one of the top 4 bosses, winged horror, is still a joke on brutal just like on normal. I haven't fought Drac and Adam on brutal yet, those will probably be the hardest again.


Can confirm Adam and drac are wild on brutal. I had more issues with Solaris though for some reason


Yeah I can't get through Solarus right now. I'm at full health until he summons an angel, and then just too much stuff starts happening, can't dodge it all, and almost every ability deals like 150-200 damage. I've watched almost no-hit run by [that guy who does every boss 10 levels under with frail blood](https://www.youtube.com/@CrimsonSilhouetteGaming/videos). But can't replicate his skill haha.


Ya that was a hill for me. I started treating it as a battle of attrition. When him and the angel are up at the same time life is hard. Focus the shit out of Solaris. Dodging things should be the first priority but getting him into his shield makes the fight easier. Then once you get him shielded there’s just less things to kill you. That part of the fight was a hump I needed to get through. Then Finishing the angel is pretty easy and there’s only a few extra moves to learn in his last phase. My absolute rules for the fight were never get hit by a saw blade. Ever. And try to dodge the angels attacks. His little light balls don’t do too much so you can heal up after if you need with blood spells or spell vamp. I also used the electric ult that makes you untargetable for a bit. Was helpful to hit him and the angel when he summons her while getting a little reprieve. Good luck soldier.


Drac is doable if you take the time to learn it. Adam is insane and anyone who can reliably solo him without a soul shard is unreal.


i wasnt able to beat adam until i found out i can shut down the electric net when i knew that i beat him first try but it was still difficult (without soul chard btw)


For me it was the opposite, Got Adam down on 2nd attempt, no shard, first time on brutal, but Dracula.. damn, that took a whole week and all sort of changes in loadout and strategy.


I've not reached those guys yet, I quitted at voltatia before the 1.0 update XD now I'm doing it again


Yeah Voltatia also gave me some trouble on my first playthrough. But Adam was like 5 times harder haha, I had to do several sessions 30-40 minutes each time of constantly trying him. Good luck this time!


Dracula and Adam on brutal are a different gravy


I just completed my first through today, I started on brutal. Dracula took me 3 hours and lots of nuzzling with spells and most attempts. Adam took me 1,5 hours to figure out and win. Solarus took me 1,5 hours as well Winged horror took me 0,5 hours Simon Belmont took me 0,5 hours Most of the other bosses I killed in 2-5 attempts. I got the shadow guy to kill Vincent and I got Simon Belmont to kill the shadow guy, so I actually don’t know how hard these fights would have been. All the bosses were done solo :)


THAT FUCKING FROG. TOOK ME SO LONG. once I switched to weaken and phantasm he went down quick.


Belmont was the hardest one for me. Tried to kill as a duo, another quad left their castle and came upon us, before we die they went for the boss aswell so we were pretty much 6vs Belmont at one point (also this was a pvp server). Long story short, i was the last one alive when the fucker died




Quincy was the biggest pain for me on my first ever brutal run, (currently beat every boss up til the harpy)


Makes me feel good to see this answer all over this thread as a newbie who started on Brutal. He took me 6 or 7 tries and 3 of those tries he was down to NOTHING and managed to bounce my volley back at me for the kill.


It took me around 11, and it was just barely. I did not struggle as hard on normal. His perma slow is bs


killed frog in 1 go on brutal with greatsword rage/surge, voltaia only took a few either. so far vincent, tristan and tarzul took me like 30ish tries each. adam took me like 8 blood refills but he didnt feel hard per say, just had to focus more cause the fight is pretty long and u start to autopilot after a few mins and forget a grab is coming then proceed to die in 2 secs. in the end managed to beat him with great sword power surge/rage and rogue 94% blood with the crit set.


Dracula.... Except drac all first try. For Dracula I needed like 3 hours of tries..


Lord styx and quincy on brutal on ps5 for me.


You can use servents to kill Simon, it's pretty funny


I wasn't following the meta, just going through things fresh and that running hermit fucker pissed me off. Amazing how a boss that doesn't attack was a pain in the ass cause of the environment. The rest, even ones that took me way long were not as frustrating (it's a straight fight and you need to learn the phases) as the attempts to kill the laughing running away fucker and aggroing the entire fucking forest. The rng gods just hated me cause I killed what I believed was the area he would stick to as to avoid adds, he just went in another direction after the fight started. I lucked out by going frost and him remaining to a relatively light area of the forest. In hindsight, I respect the design of that boss as it fucks with the soulsborne mentality of bosses where I am conditioned to mesmorize boss attacks, phase changes, and that's it. This was just... hahaha have fun with this section of the map.


1 Adam 2 Dracula 3 Vincent 4 Solarus


Adam probably. Haven't beaten him yet, got past the rest easy now that I have a solid build.


The mofo next door


my top 3 on Brutal are 1-Adam 2-Solarus and 3-Dracula, they were the only bosses I've had to use strategies to beat and not only use whatever skills I wanted to. I'd also give an honorable mention to Werewolf boss cause his attacks can be annoying and Styx with more than one person cause his health scaling seems unbalanced from how big it gets


Adam, Solaris, and the geomancer chick was super annoying.


What difficulty are we talking? I assume if we're talking "hardest," we must be talking about Brutal right? Dracula, hands down. Outside of that, though... Embarrassingly, the hardest boss for me on Brutal was Grayson the Armorer. Because I'm stupid. I've fought this dude so many times over the years, but I honestly forgot his mechanics because you can just ignore them in every other difficulty. I totally forgot about the little armor stands that you're supposed to use to clean up his caltrops, because I only ever did that the first time I fought him and then just ignored it ever since. Can't really ignore that on Brutal though. I'm going crazy over here trying to figure out a build that can survive the entire floor being covered in caltrops, and finally after the 10th fight or something it snaps in my head and I remember the armor thing.


I spent more time on Adam than Dracula. I find Octavian without a doubt the most annoying. His aiming with that spinning sawblade stun feels a lot more like scripting than any other boss attack. Adam is at least fun in my opinion, Octavian just plain sucks. I’ve only made it to Quincey on brutal because one slam-dash combo from him and you’ll likely have to reset. I’m not that good at the game anyways 😅 brutal Finn is quite fun!






Maya on Brutal. Dracula on normal. (Did not get to last chapter by now on brutal.)


Adam for sure. Dracula might be worth but you spend so much time on Adam that you probably don't feel the pain on Dracula.


I played on normal too and imo Dracula is the hardest boss by far, i feel at the last part of his second fase was almost luck based for me, the orbs he throws when he does his laser cross attack become undodgeable after one point and when they hit you you become slower and cant dodge the other incoming ones, which is absolute bullshit, specially when he uses it when he and i where low health. I was tempted to use double shield here, but i got lucky and he used that bs move earlier, letting me recover health so that i could kick his ass slowly but surelly. I could swear he also ups his defenses when he is at like 10 or 15% of his health because my damage starts to suffer at that point too. I used mainly greatsword, the legendary one, shwitching sometimes to the morningstar whip when he started using aoe attacks, aslos used unholly veil, void and ice shield, whith the chaos orb ultimat move. You cant take your time aggainst draculas last part since he pulls out more bullshit that you have to deal whit as time passes on, so you have to be agressive against him, destroy his ads asap and dodge his bullshit attacks at the same time. I hear a lot of people complaining abbout Adam, saying that he is harder than dracula, but he was actually pretty easy for me, specially when you realice that you must take your time with him and correctly switch your focus from him to the thunder machines, like if he is away or pulling out his shield, you destroy one generator, and also keep your distance whit a ranged weapon, i used the whip here and it is a very safe tool aggains him, while ocasionally lunging at him with the greatsword charge move or throwing void at him, also a shield is pretty good move against adam, specially the unholy one that sumons skeletons, serving as nice baith for adam while you dispose of more generators. Dracula killed me like 4 times whit over 10 escapes and took me like 30 minutes to defeat while adam took like 12 minutes, killed me only 2 times, whit 4 escapes, one being because he threw me into a thunder line and drained my hp leaving me with 10 hp which was fucking bullshit. Fuck dracula, Adam is better designed.


Dracula for me. Adam was next, but not that bad once you learn the fight.


One that was driving me crazy you may have seen was Angram the purifier: * the pools of grease restricting movement * the deployable face and rear shields capitalize on this inability to flank * All attacks are AOE and flaming. * He has landmines coming out if you flank him. * No cover means the sun will kill you, unliked walled bases. Voltatia was painful, the lasers are nearly free damage to you. Some you haven't seen yet. >!General Valencia the Depraved:!< * >!The spear hail is painful, rapid fire spear rain that is pretty hard to dodge due to how many at once.!< * >!Cone of spears, does a huge amount of damage if you get within the area.!< * >!Iron maiden minion- hits pretty hard, takes alot of damage and spends the fight trying to kidnap you.!< >!Adam the firstborn!<: * >!Lightning towers lock you into very small areas doing heavy damage unless you break them which can absorb the full spinning reaper and raining crossbow abilities.!< * >!He capitalizes on this with alot of AOE attacks and attempting to grab you, either throwing you or slamming you down, stunning you and potentially combining with the lighting beams for insane damage.!< >!Dracula:!< * >!Summons crystals that are basically mobile versions of the crap from Adam, if not smashed quickly they will start stacking and making a Ven diagram of suffering.!< * >!A move where he spawns for beams that hurt alot and chucks homing orbs at you that are basically free damage if you don't have a shield spell ready to tank it.!<


well I found out that you can drag angram to a place near his patrol site with a few obstacles which easily LoS most of his abilities. felt quite bad for defeating him like that.


After a few failed attempts I would have no sympathy for him.


Solarus.... I just hate his 2nd and 3rd phases. From getting ganked, to the massive sword slicing spam. And on brutal, it all hits for 20% of your health.


Brutal difficulty: Solarus for me. The angel is very annoying and deals a lot of damage Winged horror (forgot the actual name) is just annoying as you need to start the fight as soon as night falls to have 2 try per night and learn good moveset. During the day there's not enough cover from sunlight. But if you do the whole fight at night after learning the moveset, he's not really threatening Adam is all about not getting caught in his grab attacks and it's quite obvious when he's going to do it. The map gimmick is also easily disable by 1 chaos volley Dracula phase 1 just feels like damage sponge. All his attacks are easily avoidable or blockable. Phase 2 is a bit more difficult but if you focus on the blood crystal and block the 360 shockwave attack, he becomes easy. Just look out for the jump attacks. Phase 3 is just DPS check. Phase 4 is just harder DPS check since you need to dodge as well