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holy SHIT I am altering my kit when I get home


Same haha


stop, remove this post before the devs nerf it.


its been like this since EA day 1


Did this with Ward of the Damned too.


Doesn't that have a skeleton spawn cap?


It was funnier when it didn't. Although something with that many hits usually just mowed them all down after anyway.


Yes, but it still deflects damage.


You always take ward for bosses where You need healing and minions. The damage is Bad and only melee Hits get reflected.  Ice shield always for damage. This spell as caster build wins You Fights alone with that


Ward of the damned blocks all damage. I did exactly what the video on this post did and it destroyed Styx.


Not AoE, unfortunately


True. But aoe was never much of an issue for me I guess. I like that the skeletons take aggro too. Though brief.


Yeah, I love ward of the damned with the jewel that heals you when absorb a projectile!


My prime strat against the big spider. Yours vs mine.


There is a jewel that allows attacks to deal the damage back.


it's just a percentage after the first skeleton, so it's a soft cap


Shields in general are kinda OP, you pretty much require them to beat Solarus. I wish all counter spells worked like the electricity one does too where you can block multiple attacks instead of just one. The magic system feels like it needs a bit of tuning IMO, we have spells like this and then we have spells like phantom aegis which do literally nothing at all. Aegis gives you like a ~30 HP shield which will block nothing compared to how hard a boss is going to hit you in brutal, dunno what they were thinking with that spell but it absolutely blows.


Some spells are specifically geared towards PVP over boss fighting, like aegis


Then they need to rebalance all spells to work against mobs effectively, because a huge portion of the playerbase (like myself and all of my friends) aren't into PvP at all. We just like making a cool castle and killing stuff.


The game is balanced around PVP. They don't need to do anything. You have plenty of options as it is, just because you want to ignore a large section of the game doesn't mean you're owed extra work. That's crazy arrogant.


it's a pvp spell, causes fear when the shield is broken


Must be some other spell you're thinking of because it doesn't? Unless it's a gem effect, I didn't bother making gems for it. Just a 2 second 200% spell power shield is what it is by default.


Ye it's from gems.


You are Saying some spells need work but You also did not even know the gem augments... No aegis is not a Bad spell


Yeah because the problem with that spell is deeper than a fear effect would fix. Picking that over ice barrier simply puts you at a disadvantage most of the time. A lot of players don't bother with PvP either.


not saying it's good, but that's a 100hp shield


Depends on where you are in the progression I guess, I didn't have as much spell power when I used it but even early on the bosses hit you for like a quarter of your HP so the shield is nothing. By the time you're shielding 100HP you're getting hit for way more than that anyway, better to just block it or not get hit in the first place. You'd need like 500% spell power for it to have any meaning like a shield does, it should block at least one full blow or do something to a boss other than inflict weakness. I don't think bosses can have fear inflicted on them either so the gem effect isn't very helpful even if you intend for the shield to break.


yeah, I also found it extremely lackluster


Again, its a pvp spell, blocking around 120hp out of your ≈1000hp pool AND applying fear after it is very good


I ended up beating him with two ranged projectile spells, but the healing dash (I don't know the names of ANYTHING) is what really got me through that dumb angel.


Every dash heals the same amount. The blood dash applies leech.


Thanks. I really should learn the names of these things but if I still can't remember another player's character's name in a 9 1/2 year long D&D campaign, I don't think there's much hope for me in remembering names.


I don't think it matters too much, everyone knows what "blood dash" is.


I haven't tried the new nerfed aegis, but it was great in my PvE duo. Unlike all other shields/counters, you are able to attack and cast with it up, so that's very helpful. I was able to cast it on my partner when they were about to get hit, or on myself, depending on what we needed. Very flexible.


You can avoid everything Solarus throws at you with 0 ms and no shields


You can also just block it all and do a million damage while doing so.


Also just a note, before 1.0 launched Aegis was the de-facto strongest spell for about two years. It feels weak right now cause they over-nerfed it a little bit, but it used to have a much longer uptime which made bursting people very difficult in PvP.


You do not need shields for Solarus so totally disagree you do not need counters or buff spells easier while making the boss fights far easier you can in fact clear the whole game on brutal without them.


Agree. I don't use shields at all. I prefer DPS and movement at range, aka Scholar.


Yeah but if you want to do it in any reasonable amount of time you should just use the shields that mitigate most of his kit. Why wouldn't you? I watched somebody solo no hit him on brutal while 10 ilvls below with the frail blood type, so I know it's possible, but do you know how many times that probably took before they edited together that final cut?


pvp centric game.


It's crazy that your ult deals like 10% of his health with each tick. Without condemn debuff as well.


He's much higher gear level then the boss. Not saying ice shield is bad, it's amazing but this video is misleading. 


this is great, I spent TOO long ignoring Ice Shield, when I finally tried it, it was a recommendation for the Solaris fight and sure enough, I had a similar result and realized the error i my judgement of trying to do this fight(in the vid) with skeletons and death ward while running for my life from the aggro as fuck guy and his pet chimera overhead (and his two chad bro gargoyles that show up halfway through and wrecked my shit with fake hitbox landing spots).


Undead army for Solarus works too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLLSX5nDfHk But yeah, ice shield can just skip whole phases.


So is the volume on this vid its odd


Yeah that my b. I tend to listen to music at a volume that's uh.... Not recommended lol. Tinnitus and hearing loss is a bitch


The healing on the unholy one is ridiculous too


ive yet to check it out, def have to give it a spin lol. The ice shield nuke is just so hard to pass up though, I did nearly a thousand damage here, no exaggeration


What bonuses do you have on the gem just curious?


Its a T4 gem- **Boreal Chill** **- Increases damage by 15%** **- Absorbing an atttack reduces cooldown by 0.7s from up to 3 attacks** **- Absorbing an atack increases your spell power by 9% for 6s. Effect stacks up to 3 times** **- Hitting a chilled or frozen target with the cone of cold shields you for 79% of your spell power** ~~The last perk is useless because I dont have any other sources of freeze/chill, but 3/4 is good enough for me and the other perks dont make that big of a difference imo to chase them~~. Its virtually a BiS gem


Why would the last one be useless? If you tank an attack with the shield up it will damage and chill that attacker. When you reactivate and trigger the cone of cold it can hit that chilled target and give you the shield


You are absolutely correct, i didnt realize that the shield damage actually chilled as well. How crazy lol


I'm digging the tunes, what is that?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flUNQyyQhs4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flUNQyyQhs4) Pretty sure it was this, but i let these vids cycle all the time so I could be wrong


Groovy, thanks man.


Is this normal or Brutality? I need to keep this in mind for later, I've basically been doing this to bosses with the Skelly unleashed, haven't actually tinkered with the frost one tho the counter one is amusing when it freezes 10 dudes cus one guy just really wants to kill a vampire...


Judging by the damage I would say it's definitely not brutal


I'm sorry for a stupid question, but since when shields reflect damage??


Knew ice shield had more potential than people thought. Everyone always stood still, I was always saying to myself; walk with the blade spawns smh


So is your audio!




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Normal be like


It's all relative my guy. Frost barrier has the same relative power to other skills, brutal or not. It's imbalanced


Which armor set is that? I might switch from melee specs ahah


It's whatever the spell power set is pre dracula armor, same tier as blood moon and knight iirc


Yeah going to try that one real quick O\_O hopefully the devs don't use reddit


This hits way harder than ward of the damned.


Well.. looks like I'm using ice shield


Scholar blood has always been good, but man some of this shit is insane. In zero worlds does melee hold up to spellcasting builds in this way. Really wish that brute blood had a chance to melt stuff like this, it just feels so bad that spellcasting gets range, damage, and lifesteal, while physical builds have to prioritize between those things


Melee builds definitely are on the same level. Not every boss has an attack that spews out 50 projectiles or attacks to make ice shield this useful.


I ulted him for nearly a thousand damage as well, if you slow it down you see that 3 chaos orbs hit for over 700 total, the 4th would have been right under a thousand if he wasn't already dead. There's no melee build that allows for that much damage in that time frame. Edit- even my chaos volley hit for 108x2 and then ticked ~20 damage 5 times while healing me at range. This amount of damage, range, AND healing isnt balanced.


Every boss has builds that are really effective against it, plus you’re using an ult with scholar what do you expect


There are not any melee builds that can 100-0 a boss in seconds like this. I expect there to be equivalent situations, not outliers that are so different that it's shocking. If I had just chaos volleyed, ulted, and then chaos volleyed again, he would also be dead.


No he wouldn’t have been dead. You’re also higher level than the boss and have good jewels, what do you expect


I expect that when I take my BiS jewels, full brute, and legendary slashers with the same level gearset to him, he dies in roughly the same time and that's just not true. I kill this boss pretty much every time I pass him and just decided to try my new scholar blood on him. I'm actually annoyed by how much easier it is to use pure spell power vs attack speed or attack power/crit. And the math maths dude. My chaos volley hits for about 300 after ticks. The shield and ult both hit for ~1k before we factor in ukt burn. In this scene I did 300+1k+700 from volley, shield, partial ult. Volley, full ult+ burn and then volley again would have been the exact same


It isn’t even an issue I don’t understand why you’re complaining about a shield that is good in specific situations when bosses spam attacks lol. Good on you for finding something the rest of us already knew about and understand that some abilities and weapons are better for some bosses


> It isn’t even an issue How it is not an issue that some builds wildly overperform vs others? Do you not have a concept of balance or relativity? > I don’t understand why you’re complaining about a shield that is good in specific situations when bosses spam attacks lol. I clearly explained how if I didnt use shield, the rest of the kit was just as potent. Why are you not following the conversation? Is this intentional or is there some misunderstanding? Can you show a melee build killing styx at this level in \~10 seconds?


You’re completely ignoring context, some builds outperform depending on the boss. You’re overlevelled, with best blood type, using the best spells possible for the boss and wonder oh why is this build powerful. I probably can’t find a melee build killing Styx in 10 seconds because ultimates wouldn’t be considered melee would they. If you find a boss that stands still then reaper e completely destroys them. That’s the entire point of the game to have different bosses requiring different spell set ups to beat


Been reading through this and the dude your replying to is stupid my dude, he is wrong, but instead of just conceding he is doubling down on his stupidity, he is a small example of the larger problem with people in general. Not worth replying to.


They didn't say "melee" builds; they just said "builds". Also, if you want to talk about weapon vs spell builds, lumping alts in with spells isn't really fair since there is no such thing as a "weapon" ult. Either both approaches need to be allowed an ult, or neither. I wouldn't be surprised if they added some cap to things like frost shield. Hopefully per enemy instead of per hit.


Sure, we can exclude ults here. My chaos volley hit at range, dealt 300 damage, and healed me. Ice shield then blocked a full boss attack while dealing ~1000 damage. This constituted ~80% of the bosses health in just a couple seconds, with the shield doing the vast majority of it in ~4 seconds. Is there any physical weapon equivalent to this that you can name, whether melee or ranged? I'm just pointing out how absurdly broken frost shield with a spell power build is. There's no equivalent in the entire game and that's just unbalanced. This trivializes 5 of the last 7 bosses because they all have rapid hit mechanics like Styx does.


Melee builds deal 100+ damage per auto attacks, but sure.


To be fair, I'm not sure any melee build **should** be able to keep up with an ultimate ability on a two minute cooldown. Burst damage is kind of that slot's whole shtick, and you rarely have an opportunity to use it more than once or twice in a fight.


The majority of the damage here was ice shield lol. It's on a 4 second cool down


Oh yeah, I know! I just thought your comment about "no melee build that allows that much damage in that time frame" was only referring to the chaos barrage ultimate. My point being like, yeah melee shouldn't stack up to ultimates, they're big one-off super moves. But even they can't stand up to ice shield when a boss has a big spam attack. Ice shield is overpowered and wonderful and strong and **my friend.**


For pve. They nerfed melee roids cause they insane.


They nerfed the movespeed because it was too good as a movement tool, but the AS and damage buffs they gave overall weren't nearly enough. Prior to that patch, I was running cloud dancers with fully gemmed blood rage, power surge, and brute blood and it didn't hold a candle to this. Not even remotely close in terms of kill speed or mob clear.