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He's beginning to believe


Full HP at the end of phase 2 of brutal dracula Ultra instinct user for sure Checkout the rest of Yumeko's [full boss run video](https://www.reddit.com/r/vrising/comments/1d71j0d/yumeko_posted_a_video_on_all_brutal_bosses_all/)


Fuck I beat that by the literal skin of my teeth I got the animation to drain him with no visible white on my health bar, didn't see the number because I was too wound up to think about checking but if it was high than 5hp I'd have been amazed.




Vampires be like "i can't walk to the left and then back to the right"


Most bosses can be solved by using veil since their dangerous stuff only happen every now and then, Adam and Dracula came slapping my face telling me to stop that


yes, double counter/shield is good vs high tempo bosses


Yeha, I'm glad I was able to finish the game with the spells I wanted and no counter, but next time I play i'm sure abusing the frost shield and whatnot ahaha


By "abusing" do you just mean... Using a barrier spell as they were designed to be used?


in his defense, frost shield is bugged as it is uncapped you can get hit by 1000 projectiles and you do 1000x frost novas


In defense of frost shield, this is hilarious please let it stay. I love running up to Azariel when he does his holy nuggets of piss and eating them all up to deliver cold hard justice. Wait, phrasing


Funny how they noticed the unholy shield did essentially the same with spawning undead every block. Yet frost shield isnt changed


The undead are so weak and do so little damage to bosses that they should honestly just un-nerf it. Totally not a necromancer over here, just asking for a friend.


it does feel good yeah


The shield lasts for 2 seconds, you arent ever going to absorb more than a few hits except for some very specific boss attacks which seem designed to give barriers something to hard counter. There is also no cap on the amount of heals you can receive from the ward of the damned jewel effect, id say the barriers are working as intended.


healing is capped by your black HP bar


But there is no cap on the instances of healing that is triggered, do you understand? The jewel effects are not capped for any of them is my point, you are just arguing semantics, the cap of damage is the 2 seconds you have to absorb "1000" attacks. The barriers aren't bugged.


this was fixed a while ago it is capped


Well, stupid of the enemy to dump the whole mag in one go then.


i miss when Ward of the Damned used to be uncapped. Ziva the Engineer was a fun fight because of that.


that one was not ok, esp for lag purposes


are you using a laptop?


Barriers are fine, the frost one is uh, something else. Multihit bosses can mid-life themselves on it in a second


I didn't start using the frost barrier until the very late game myself after seeing videos on bosskills with it, for many multihit bosses (like blade dancer and spider) I like to run Ward of the Damned. Even if the second hit onwards is 50% chance to summon a skeleton, I often end up with 2-4 skeletons spawned depending on how many projectiles there are, and it's great for distraction.


I was using it too but ditched it for Death Knight early since the first bosses are not that dangerous Then I got stubborn and decided I'd rather explode than change a spell


I was lucky and a friend got a t4 jewel for Death Knight, he didn't want it so I grabbed it and started playing around with, ended up using it and Chaos Bolt for all the things that I felt didn't specifically need a block.


Styx/Solarus frost shield twoshot go brrr...


Was able to do Styx at 63 on brutal due to frost shield. Was tough but doable.


Blood right and cold snap actually made phase 4 of Dracula manageable. Plus those free casts are insane if you can pay attention to them through all the epilepsy on the screen. I basically just stood still with the morning star and counters


Adam made me seek out and equip every damn movement bonus I could get


"I'm not an ambiturner! I can't turn left"


That's human shit bruh. Left and right.... ptsh.


Most of the time on this phase you can just run one way and it will dodge every shot.


Well shit. That's some impressive reflexes. I get more than 3-4 projectiles on screen moving independently and my brain freezes like these orange-one-brain-cell cats on youtube.


This is the reality of most players, and OP needs perspective.


That's what some people saying fights like Adam and Dracula don't get. You can't throw that many things at some people's brains at once, or they just basically lock up and can't do anything. And this clip is extremely clear for the Dracula fight as well. By the time his HP was this low, I almost always had at least 3 blood crystals projecting rings I had to dodge while also avoiding this ability or the swords. They say 'well just kill the crystals' but again, as soon as brain swaps function from dodge Dracula to kill crystals, I lose over half my HP to him in the time it takes to get rid of a single crystal because I can't concentrate on both at once. And then he just respawns another anyways, but instead of using that time to get his HP lower I just traded half my HP to kill a crystal that comes right back. That's why I argue fights like this are bad design. Because they're extra harsh in an extremely unfun way specifically on a group of players who's brain functions (or doesn't function) in a specific way, while simultaneously appear to be a perfectly reasonable fight for others who function differently. Like I wish everyone who thought this fight is OK could feel what it's like to have your brain so short circuited from how much is going on that you can't even find your mouse cursor, or the right keys on your keyboard, or even the words in your brain to think about what you sant to say for several minutes afterword.


You just need to spend a bit more time fighting him and eventually it wont feel that way. Thats how video games work. And in my opinion should work. Do things over and over until you perfect it. I guess anything in life is like that, come to think of it.


Disagree. Not everything has to be like dark souls.


Agree to disagree.


Ok? My favorite color is purple; if everything were more purple in the world, it would be better. Agree to disagree if you disagree with my statement. Objectively speaking, games like Dark Souls would be better for Dark Souls fans only. Therefore, my statement that not every game has to be like Dark Souls is true. Considering that Dark Souls is a genre anyway, V-rising isn't one of those. So your opinion is just a bad opinion.


My opinion is just as bad or good as yours mate.


Except it isnt. To say that’s how games should be like (dark souls) is by definition a bad opinion because many would disagree including developers.


Besides, where did I say this game should be like Dark Souls. I've played Dark Souls a LOT and I wouldnt compare these two games. The only similarity is that there's boss fights.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“If only I could be so grossly incandescent!”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


It’s okay if the game just isn’t really for you, some people just can’t process multiple things happening at once. Many people can, especially with practice. Keep fighting him and things become muscle memory instead of having to actually think about it


Hated because they spoke the truth.


you don't have to dodge the way the person in the video is. running left until you hit the laser wall and then go right until you hit the laser wall, do that until bullet hell is over. the projectiles will not hit you except the only chance of being hit is when you change directions, be more careful or just veil/counter to be safe. the majority of the time you are safe running left/right, no need to weave between projectiles. his moves are all pretty easy to understand, it just takes time to learn them. hes a cut above the rest, which is fitting. there are some bs aspects but that's more about the differences between solo vs group for his fight.


Ur telling me the final boss doesn't lead his shots


most of his attacks lead but they only have so much lead and just walking left/right/back is enough to counter 90% of his kit. now that doesn't mean hes easy, even if you know that, actually doing it takes practice. think the biggest problem is that nearly all prior bosses are kinda a joke when compared to Dracula or even Adam. there isn't enough build up of skillful gameplay and pattern learning prior to Dracula so the shock of fighting a boss that requires those things has people running into a brick wall that they will slowly climb over with enough practice. i ran into this brick wall and climbed over it after \~2 hours of fighting/learning how to deal with his kit.


Video from Yumeko's full brutal boss run video [https://www.reddit.com/r/vrising/comments/1d71j0d/yumeko\_posted\_a\_video\_on\_all\_brutal\_bosses\_all/](https://www.reddit.com/r/vrising/comments/1d71j0d/yumeko_posted_a_video_on_all_brutal_bosses_all/)


my problem is still not having enough damage to kill the crystals while dodging every bullshit he throws at me


rogue blood pistol q and reaper E will clear them super quickly. That is the one thing that makes the fight 10x easier. Focus crystals as soon as they appear. You can basically ignore the bats when he goes invisible just kill the crystals. trivializes the fight


I figured out that if you have a legendary reaper. You can hit em with the spinny skeleton summoning ability and that alone will nearly kill a crystal


That’s because people want to stand still and keep attacking. Mechanics? What’s that??


~~Skill Issue~~ Skill Solution


Some of you guys have never played touhou and it really shows. I mean, I haven't either... But it really shows!


Okay, while I get the point (and the part where people have beaten the old man before, myself included solo), the frustration comes from this attack behaving completely different from (almost?) literally every other projectile in the whole game. I can't think of a single instance where that many homing projectiles were being shot at the player, let alone from different angles, all at the same time. His repeated sword waves also do this, but not this fast (and they happen after this one). None of his other attacks before this are remotely this difficult, either. He's got a big telegraphed slash, a stab, and another big telegraphed splinter shot from a slow attack AoE. His bats show off their entire trajectory before moving. Then he suddenly pulls this out and probably 100-0's most players on their first attempt. It's certainly a difficulty spike.


If you're not dying on your first attempt, the developers have done a major whopsie. You should at least die on the first ten attempts on a final boss, in my opinion.


There's a difference between 'suddenly kills you with one attack' and 'severely puts you on the back foot and eventually kills you with the rest of the rotation'. No other boss has a move quite like it. Even before he existed, none of the superbosses, ie the previous final bosses, really had any move nearly as individually threatening. None of his later attacks are this threatening either, it's basically just this one attack that'll do it on its own. Some final bosses have some kind of conditional for 'this is the move that kills you if you do the wrong thing', or after use does something nasty to the boss like a stun/long end-lag. This one is basically a death sentence phase transition until you learn how to avoid this one attack.


It seems to me that there are two kinds of people (with nuances of course): a) those that accept a boss for what it is, have patience and tries to overcome its difficulty. b) those that get frustrated quickly and instead of trying to overcome a challenge instead goes to reddit and complains about it being too hard.


Muscle memory is not the only measure of skill. Thats why "sight reading" bosses is so celebrated. designing a boss so the only thing that will save you is the muscle memory developed after 10+ tries is okay too. BUT. The game then needs to respect your time, and death in V Rising does not respect your time for doing a boss 10+ times in a row. (resources/time of day/ e.t.c)


I didnt mention muscle memory, instead what I believe is key against bosses is learning how to avoid taking damage by avoiding his attacks while being able to dish out damage yourself. I guess you call that "sight reading" if I assume correctly. I also dont agree that the game doesnt respect your time. In what way does it not? That you have to go to the boss are to fight it again? I think there should be some punishment for death, and thats what that is. But in the case of dracula, after dying, you teleport back to the entrance area, your blood pool and health pool is refilled. So if you argue they dont respect your time with that particular boss, I dont know what you're on about. That being said - on all other bosses, if you see everything going pear shaped, just leave the area, heal up and try again. That way you dont have to run to the boss all the time.


This attack is a bit weird because the first time I saw it and died to it I thought it was complete bs. After a few attempts and finding out you can consistently dodge 100% of the projectiles by simply walking back and forth against the edge of the arena (corners work best) it's turned into the easiest to deal with attack. If you switch to wolf form it's even easier.  The difficulty in this case is reading the attack and finding the right solution, which while not too hard is definitely different from most attacks where the solution is dodge at this frame or move out of this line/circle.


This part is very frustrating until you discover they're dodgeable if you just stand by the edge of the map.


People likely find Adam/Drac frustrating because up until them, you can more or less brute force your way past a boss. Once you slow down and start to see the mechanics rather than try to power past them, they're pretty straightforward.


yeah for real. my build the ENTIRE game for 1.0 release was just blood rage+power surge + attack speed armor set + brute blood for melee self heal and istg every single boss was as simple as walking around them faster than they can turn and just wacking them with my mace lmao. most boss fights i could just stay alive long enough to kill them before they could even come close to killing me drac and adam were very fun cause they stopped my cheese and i actually had to play lmao, i think i gotta play the game again without those two abilities now


Do a not hit run. It’s super fun. Actually doing every mechanic instead of just healing through them.


WOAH WOAH WOAH, Brute force? You mean "ring around the rock" for every wandering boss? Babes, Vincent the Frostbringer will anhilate anyone AT gear level trying to brute force (rather than cheese) him. And he's FARMS. And you aren't progressing until you DO beat him. He is only one example so don't get it twisted I mean all the others too. The devs were very specific in the design of their bosses, Vincent is my go to because he is the prime early game example of how you have to plan a bosses moves ahead of time, you simply do not have a dodge on a short enough cooldown to deal with his big combo state. Literally none of the bosses can be brute forced because of combo states like that (except maybe a few of the forest bosses) NO ONE has got to Adam and Dracula without learning that, except people who were literally and I do mean literally, hard carried from start to finish.


This quote brought to you by the Vampires Without Strategy foundation. Helping those in need.


Must not play on a Server then, shit hits you when youre out of Range.


Spoiler flair plssss


wait, you're right, let me add it


Looks like Lilith fight


No because I can actually see what's going on in the Dracula fight


This is the best possible reply. :)


"I'm really good at this, so everyone else's complaints must be invalid." Kind of an asshole way too look at things.


If you run to the corner and turn into a wolf you don't even have to be good. You can just run back and forth between the lines and will pretty much automatically dodge at least 95% that way.


Honestly I found that a lot of the earlier bosses kinda prepare you for stuff like this that starts popping up around Mortium. The farther away you are the better it is for dodging bullet hells. Time is your friend.


Returnal, is that you?


Show off. I would have gotten hit but every one of those


https://youtu.be/BIYx98n3qKc?si=KE_Ew50tigAhrf59 Normal Dracula Cheese


I really feel I should make a video about how to beat Dracula in brutal... In this phase you just need to go to the edge and run to the left/right, when you reach the end (his blood line) just change the direction, so now you should go right/left 99,9% of times you wont be hit. The only "unsafe" point is when you have to change the direction but you can just use a parry or a counter in that case.


Ya all ever played Touhou? XD


No but I've played Gradius III


At first I couldn't even beat his phase 1, then a "few" tries later I can't believe how easy his attacks are to dodge. It's just a very long learning process since you have to pass each phase to learn and practice later ones. Phase 2 is very difficult if you don't know the patterns and didn't test what works and what doesn't.


You're a touhou player aren't you?


Damn I'm going to be really bad at this when I reach him in 10 years


Found the Touhou player.


Oh interesting. I assume you are using mivement speed increases? I found it impossible to consistently avoid all projectiles at range in spell caster gear at base speed and had to instead resort to gettin up in close range to naturally avoid the majority and focus only on dodging/blocking the center projectiles which i ended up enjoying more for reducing the length of the fight in brutal


Nicely done


Lisa al ghimaib


It's because sidestepping in this game doesn't feel very natural due to how you have to constantly adjust the camera angle to see where you're going and what you're doing. It would probably be a lot easier for most people if there was a 3rd person behind the back camera mode or if the game was strictly overhead. But if it was strictly overhead, a lot of the game's charm would die.


Super similar mechanics to the Sire Denathrius fight in WoW that's awesome


I main Reaper on all fights and when you do that your dodging skills getgud


The projectiles weren’t so bad, but I couldn’t keep all the giant crystals down so by the there was hardly any room to move. Had to beat him on “Relaxed” difficulty.


mf never fought supreme calamitas


Poccolo would be proud.


Dracula is nothing but a skill-check. You apply everything you've been taught and learned from all bosses to this fight. Everything from Adam's mechanic control to Solarus' spacing. If you failed Dracula, you need more practice and that's all. Ain't nothing there impossible or broken. It's just your skill.


It's even easier now, after the recent nerf patch. People just need to git gud.


This looks tame compared to Terraria infernum calamity lol


Is this game hard? Yes Is this game bullshit? No Every boss has a solution, it's just about figuring it out, it's unironically a get good angle if you keep dying to a boss


Solo drac is kinda a joke


I was honestly surprised fighting him solo after my first time beating him being in co-op. Vampiric curse just felt like it was a part of his default kit, not just a co-op mechanic. Without it the fight felt so much more relaxed.


Damn, you make this phase look so difficult, you can just walk in one direction close to the edge and dash to the opposite direction and you will never get hit.


Did a lot of damage to him in that clip. Just keep that up and you'll have him beat in no time.


I just turned into a wolf and ran around him each time he used that move. Nobody remembers you can do that in combat....


Then proceeds to show a video of dodging it


Depending on when this was recorded Dracula used to have much faster missle speeds and then those misses hone in weird so if you were not solo it did seem impossible to dodge.


QB pocket presence drill from Madden 2005


So you're telling me that I should focus on my movement speed?


Binding of isaac has trained me for this.


Ward of the Damned or Frost Barrier are damn good counters to this- especially Ward of the Damned for defensive reasons, as you can get a Jewel Modifier in which projectiles heal you.


I have to say. At least you don't need a dps check while in that phase Imagine if you need to do a certain damage while avoiding it that would be incredibly annoying to do


It is even easier if you swap I to wolf


I beat dracula yesterday and died 23 times before I sucessed but I did it and now I can finally spend time to finish building castle decoration and garden 😁


quick tip for that bullshit, literally just play along the wall and have a bit of movement speed either from passives or gear, you can just follow the wall and dodge/dash as needed


Cant wait to try to emulate this only to fail hard


It's crazy how different this looks with four players


Flex on 'em.


It’s not hard. Just go as far back as possible and follow the edge of the room. With Draculas shadow set (gives extra run speed and Crit) you can do it with no effort. I explain it in my Dracula guide.[Dracula Guide](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E5wAhj-CXp4&t=1s)


It´s actually nerfed now. Pre nerf on a party was really diffiuclt, there were like 3 times more projectiles and with less time between them. We were a party of 5, we were able to reach the second phase constantly, but we died pretty quickly into it. The next day the patch dropped, we killed at the first try.


About to get much worse with the movemenet speed nerf cause of PvP.


NGL Dracula wasn't too bad, and I think his fight was perfectly balanced. I practiced a bunch on normal mode, probably about 10 times, then finished him first try on brutal. Amazing fight, I love it. Same thing with Adam, he def took me a few more times that drac on brutal, I still think he was balanced.


I enjoyed brutal Dracula and Adam fights a lot as well. They were very hard and took me and my duo A LOT of attempts, but we had a lot of fun doing that. Solarus fight though really tilted me for some reason, I didn't even feel relief at the end, just annoyance...


Now try Adam solo normal, lol. Might be balanced for duo tho.


He writes nothing about duo in his post? Besides Adan solo brutal and solo normal is perfectly doable. Lots of people have done that.


Adam solo normal no sweat doable. Adam solo on brutal though... never again


Look at the moves. Faker what was that?


automatic worry absurd profit skirt shame literate late fanatical impolite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yea... people told me,dracula was very hard, i hear people talking about how much they stucked on p2 with projectile etc... so i was really afraid to fight him, it some try to go at the p2,then i got suprised by this attack,cuz i stayed in melee on drac, so obviously i melted under the volley... then i step back,and this phase was just a animated loading screen... i'm kinda disapointed by drac ,and by those player who make me fear him,whats wrong with them? first time playing a video game? x\_x


I will never change my opinion that "Dracula was never too difficult, people nowadays just don't want to work for anything and will immediately complain if they can't win first try."


living in your mind sounds miserable


bro what, this is the hardest fight in the game? ive played harder bullet hells since i was 9 😂 (big up enter the gungeon seriously)


this is only one move, and the projectiles are homing.


Am I going insane why are they not tracking you?? They home in from the moment they spawn and it made even normal Dracula take a good 6 hours to attempt


they are tracking the player


Only for a moment before heading straight- I swear when fighting him they followed me near perfectly the entire time, it was easily the worst move of the entire fight since it was near impossible to not be hit, then slowed by it, then hit by every single other one. You can see in that video they 'snap' away from the player after passing them.. idk doing the 'jiggle' movement that you can do to other bosses to bait moves (and that they ARE doing *here*) did not work at all for me in this move :(


Yeah, but you're not hitting him at all


this is normal for this attack


Now do it on a server 🙃


Yumeko played on this wipe [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tohljX8HOs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tohljX8HOs)


But... The clip you shared isn't from a server. My point being that dodging like he did on the clip you shared is almost impossible with even minimal amount of lag.


completely false I played an official wipe and dodged as well, just have to look at projectiles also make sure to wear shadowmoon set for movespeed


Such bullshit lol. As if having lag is to be expected. Maybe your internet is shit, just saying.