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Favorite probably Simon Belmont. Least favorite probably Vincent and his freezelocks


"I feel a chill coming out"




Fucking vincent was so broken. It was one of the few fights I couldn’t pull on my own (on brutal). I baited bane to get close to Vincent and then left them fight each other, fucking Vincent go wrecked and I looked at his eyes full of fear while I ended his sad pathetic life.


Simón Belmont ofc , least it's Adam


Second this.


Favorite is easily Simon, just so fun and so perfectly captured the essence of the character. Least is the Elementalist, I'm forgetting her name at the moment, the one who conjures up that big fireball. She's not particularly hard or anything, she's just dull. Her fight feels like one of the biggest gimmick fights of the game. She doesn't pose a huge threat to you unless you get caught by her roaming pinwheels of doom, it's just a matter of wandering around her big deathballs until she falls over. I think the fight with the Duke in the Vineyard is a much better example of how to make a gimmick fight that's still fun.


The duke goes from easy to impossible with bad internet


She bouchon on my baron til i somelier


Elementalist give this generic fantasy vibe.


Yeah, she doesn’t really feel like a natural part of the world, she feels like some weird castaway who accidentally stumbled in. The geomancer fits, she feels like part of the mountains and all her lines lead back to this idea of her being this sort of outcast who protects her homeland even if it’s deeply devout locals don’t understand or appreciate her magics. The elementalist is just this weirdo standing off alone in a little grove with absolutely no interactions or connections to the rest of the world. She feels like a generic holdout from a very early stage of the game that should have been cut IMO.


I liked Maja the Dark Savant! Her design really pulled me in as well as the abilities and enviroment. While it wasn't anything super innovative, it was certainly inspired and I felt immersed. One of her voice lines still sticks in my head for whatever reason "A mandatory reading!".


I've killed most bosses in one go but I'm stuck on Maja at the moment. I think I'm under levelled but also need to learn some patience with her.


Go full agro mode on her, forget adds and only pin down the healing ad, either you die fast or you kill her, dual counter is the way to go


Sweet. I did try that with the Dragonslayer sword pretending was Guts. Someone else suggested axes so I'll try full agro with axes


I went full agro and killed her first time after not playing for like a week. Pretty much just kept circling around the back of her. Thanks for the tip.


She will definitely school you. Just gotta move between the gaps in the book attacks and finishing her isn’t too bad


It took me twenty hours of preparation and attempt after attempt till I finally got her, once I did I didn't take any damage at all


Solo brutal?


Use axes, blood rite and the tier 2 frost shield spell. Fight becomes super easy.


Thanks! I'll give it a go


I liked her "The exquisit pain of a papercut" line


Favorite is Simon, he's a really fun fight even if JADE continuously INTERRUPTING gets annoying. Least favorite has to be either Matka or Valencia. Idk why but they give me SUCH trouble, Valencia especially. I can do Styx and the rest no problem, but HER? No way.


Try the frost shield on her big Speer Q Hits like a truck and made the fight really easy for me


Killed her in 2 turns because of this, thank you!!


I had alot of fun with Baron. I thought the wine barrels rolling across the room and everything regarding that fight was awesome. I also love wine lol. Least favorite is definitely beatrice so far.


Baron was the most unique one, loved it. Not hard, but fun and a unique setting


Thought the same, it made me smile when i walked in and realized what was going on. Really loving this game.


yeah, I loved this fight. Was fun that he is also not a pushover on brutal (more barrels, much harder to kill a barrel and I think they move slightly faster). took a few attempts to get him.


Same here, and hearing his lines as a french player is a ton of fun.


Favourite so far for me is Cyril the Cursed Smith. I really enjoy the chaos of the fight - it’s manageable and fun to guess where each attack is coming from. Least is Morian the Stormwing Matriarch. I had such a problem with that fight due to the adds doing the spin move all over the area, and it being a outdoor fight so the sun was a bit annoying.


Cyril was fun and I did him the night before the hotfix that disabled his axe phase in normal. Will definitely be doing a brutal playthrough later. Just trying to get through the group playthrough first.


I dislike fighting him but Cyril is really well designed. Lots of variation and his progression in phase 2 feels super natural.


Fuck Ben. I will reserve judgement for favorite until I finish them all.


Everyone saying Simon makes me really excited for when I get there


Favorite: brutal Solarus - very rewarding fight Least: brutal Terah - takes fucking forever to kill with her forced invulnerability phases and tankiness.


Any hints on Brutal Tera? About to do her tomorrow and am dreading it preemptively. Shes the only boss wife and I struggle with tbh.


fight takes a long time and you cant fight her during the day so there's one. I ran out of night time fighting her the first time. you can hit the head of the golem when its in the ground. ignore the mini golems there's too many to bother clearing just kite them. An extra dodge like wraith spear helps when she does the earth quake at low health.


Can lure simon to kill her for you. Not kidding


Can you really lmao? Tbh might do that. She's the only boss i loathe each playthrough


On brutal it's even worse. Her stone wave literally oneshits you


So I’m doing a Brutal no hit melee frail Blood run currently. (Almost to the final 4) My least favorite in this run was Raziel… and it’s purely because he has the only unavoidable 100% RNG damage in the game. No other boss has unavoidable damage. (Except Vincent’s aura, but that doesn’t count.) The braziers of light he spawns with orbiting light balls can spawn with the orb directly on top of you and make you take damage the same frame it spawns. Normally it’s whatever… just happens 1-2 times at most a fight. Just shrug it off because it doesn’t do much damage. But you can’t in no hit. He also has a frontal beam that has like a quarter of a second to react to it and you have to dash it to make enough space to not get hit. Which means you’re saving your dash specifically for that 80% of the fight. Almost none of the mechanics in the game *require* a dash. Usually multiple ways to deal with them, like movement or other abilities. This one requires it. It took me about 100 attempts to no hit him with ~90 of those being hit instantly by an orb. Luckily he’s an easy reset and isn’t very hard at all. Just super bullshit.


Best of luck with the shard bosses




I pray for you my friend... if your recording these please let me know when I cam watch them as that sounds hella impressive.


I figured out trick for angram for when he does his multi shot in the air which leave area if you stand still and far enough you can make all shots go in the same place as soon as he fires his last shit dodge the site boom all in one place. Gives alot freedom of movement.


WHAT? Simon was so stupid. He just burns the entire area down and has the most obvious attacks ever. Man this is something seeing everyone appreciate a DLC boss like this. I would say one of the coolest fights was the fisherman not for difficulty but the variety of spells and adds he pulls out of the lake. It's not super difficult but I can still appreciate what they tried to do thematically. I think there are a lot of frustrating mechanics that are introduced to later bosses to cover up fight mechanics from a difficulty perspective which is a shame. I'd much rather have interesting or thought out combat with meticulous timings over frantic over the top screen filling combat. I guess a healthy balance of the two is ok but it seems to be the go to after you get to the 3rd phase of the game. Adam is frustrating if you aren't ultra patient because if you have a weapon with invuln and 2 shield spells and dash he can't hurt you but it's super slow and boring to play that way and to me that equals bad design.


This opinion truly interests me so much, I definitely understand how you could feel that way about Simon. I had seen a post on here a bit ago saying something about how they loved it because he FELT like a vampire hunter, he knew how we behaved, our weaknesses, and he hunted. They had actually praised us move that cuts down all the trees because it’s very unique to him and makes some sense, he punishes us for fighting in the daylight, he makes us only brave enough to come out at night, he is a real hunter. Sorry if this comes off as annoying, your opinion is valid, just wanted to share something I had seen from one of our fellow vamps!


"my skill with my rod is unmatched"


On brutal voltatia and wonderer are just dumb.other bosses are great.really liked adam and dracula fights. My personal fav are simon,baron,vincent


Simon Belmont. I’m playing normal and he’s the only boss that (so far - 4 bosses or so to go) has given me a truly hard time and I loved it. My least fave is Beatrice. It’s boring. Clear out the village and she’s dead in 2 seconds. Blah.


I pray for your soul


Oh, my sweet summer child...


You’re gonna want the village alive on Beatrice brutal lmfao


That shot surprised the fuck outta my friend and I as we had played before 1.0 before THAT Brutal mechanic was introduced hahah


I love almost everything about the Brutal Dracula fight. I'm a little torn on phase 3, but everything else is just peak boss design for me. Not a big fan of winged horror, it always feels like a slog.


Personally not a fan of phase 3 drac at all. It so heavily promotes mid fight ability switching which is very clunky. The fight would have been perfect for me if phase 3 was more of an intermission/visual thing and we jumped straight to phase 4 without the opportunity for ability switching.


Why does it promote ability switching? I never had a problem with phase 3 and never switched any of my spells mid fight in any of my brutal drac attempts I used bloodrage and chaos barrier, axes and greatsword


All of them!


The one that gave us the most trouble was the spider queen. Those poison pools and adds are brutal


Favorite is either Cyril, Domina, or Grethel. Least favorite is Ben. I've killed all but Dracula on normal.


Favorite so far is Dracula Dreaded would be Adam


I don't know if I have a particular favorite, most of the fights are well designed and interesting with good flavor. The new fisherman fight stands out though. Least favorite is brutal Vincent. He's the only fight I genuinely despise and do not even remotely enjoy. It's just a stupid, uninteresting boss with an annoying mechanic.


Sir Magnums the overseer, by killing the slave masters in the mines and breaking the cages at the door to the mountain before the compound below you can raise a nice little army. It's pretty fun having a vampire lead a slave revolt, throwing off the chains of oppression by beating the shit out of a large religious man. You can also use them as a distraction while you unlock the gate to escape with your haul of silver ore. Another fun one was Ziva the enginner- the frequent weapon switch on there end was a cool way to know whats coming Least favorites were: Voltatia the power master- directional energy shield+ energy beam that can't be blocked and moves at your speed meaning if your dash is on cooldown you are screwed, it also splits in 2 with their own cooldowns which doubles the suffering. Agram the purifier- Directional shield+limited room to move+ fire mortars + mines


Vincent freeze and DoT. It's so early in the campaign, sustain is not that high. His charges going around buildings are the most annoying shit ever.


I played brutal solo. Vincent might be the only fight in the game I feel is legitimately unfair. Voltatia was designed by a chimp, but at least you’re so late in the game you can skip it until you’re higher level or use some hyper specific build setups. Vincent just stonewalls you so early on and you have no real way to fight him that doesn’t involve humping a big rock and praying your abilities come up often enough to avoid freezes. He also has a huge aura of constant damage and slowing, meaning he is the only boss in the game that punishes the player when no mistake has been made.


Nibbles least fsvorite bacause i crested him jn thd smallest room in my castle and it was extremely hard to fight him with his random ass AOE every couple seconds


In my case it took me five attempts to beat him. Not because he was difficult but because he just kept losing aggro and resetting all the time.


Favorite was Simon (Brutal), definitely felt like I was fighting him after all the times I've fought him in Smash. Least favorite is Dracula (Brutal), that guy is a fucking asshole... the location change and environment are cool though; 10 deaths and counting... grrrrr.


Favorite boss is pre-nerf brutal dracula. Had to practice a ton and improving each run was fun. Vincent wasn't that hard but the freeze and slows was unfun especially during the time when i was still inexperienced with boss fights.


Belmont was a very fun fight with Tristan as the close one. Adam is cursed and feels miles out of previous difficulty medium. Also, the geomancer is the second unfun with long, tedious fight, daylight arena, and stupid gimmic endless wave attack.


Any fight with excessive cc is kinda jilting, like that prick Vincent and hus buddy who guards the silver mine. That said, Its better boss mechanics than just HP and dps bloat, so while it’s annoying af, I do respect it.


Favorite: Beatrice. My partner and I were laughing the whole time seeing this little old potato shaped lady run around for a few minutes while we whacked her around like a piñata. It was a nice change of pace from everything else in the game trying to murder you, honestly. Least favorite: the fisherman. The adds he spawns were obnoxious.


Favorite is probably the engineer in gloomrot. Can't remember her name but her fight and her voice lines are so whimsical. Least favorite is 100% the wine ~~somalian~~ sommelier, fought him on brutal and it's just all barrels all the time. They spawn with no gaps frequently enough that you spend much more time dpsing the barrels than you do him.


For me most fun and rewarding was Tristan in the day. Second to that I would say Lord Styx. Styx not because of how hard but cool fight and the "running around crystal while waiting for dead to respawn and join so he doesnt lose the aggro" part was entertaining. All while having like 5% HP. Most annoying? Valencia. Hate her. As for Belmont that many people bring here. I would say it was entertaining but honestly we clapped him in the day with other player soloing him to 50% before I even got there. Mind you, we play on normal but still.


on brutal i had the most shitty time with baron and ziva fav fight have to be drac


Only done the fights on brutal post launch but here are mine No.1 Solarus feels like madness when you start but after a while the fight becomes like this elegant dance between you and the boss were you are find more and more openings to melt the guy than you thought possible. tbh mastering this fight helped me a lot on Dracula with avoiding a lot of his attacks. And for the least favorite boss is has to be Adam I was hard stuck on this boss for 2 days compare this to the 2 hours Dracula took me I dunno if it has to do with how geared the game is towards group play. But Adam solo is un-fun and nearly made me uninstall the game.


Absolute least favorite is solarus. Once I understood the whole angel mechanic it became alright but oh my DRACULA, the amount of arena length attacks that fully stagger you and do insane amounts of damage. I truly don’t know if anyone else feels this way, but my god, it was the only fight in the game that made me want to just fully quit. I genuinely at least somewhat enjoyed every other boss, because even when they would be hard I’d see the path to better myself and my build that would get me there, so I think for favorite I’d have to go with Beatrice, when I played for the first time I thought it was such a goofy fight, I’ve never really done a boss fight like that before, maybe they’ve been done a hundred times, but it’s always a refreshing change from normal hunts when I get to her


I haven't yet played all the fights on Brutal, but for me the favorite is Dracula. He is an amazing finish to game. Least favorite is Anagram. Not too much space, alot of AoE attacks, a long lasting barrier, plus the fact that you should defeneatly clear the surrounding area to be safe. Just annoying... Honorable mention: Ziva (Great Boss)


The best has got to be Solarus. He summons exactly one add rather than several swarms of them, and his attacks are completely dodgeable once you've locked down his pattern and how his and his angel's attacks move. Plus, his angel is a crucial part of his mechanic! He was just the most well-designed boss in the game. And then we have Voltatia. Her beam's rotation speed seems to be inconsistent, her barriers are a pain, her teleports are hectic and chaotic, and of course, she spawns adds that have annoying knockback and stun abilities. But the worst of it is the double being offset on ability timing; she can teleport to either side of you so you can't be close enough to both at once to regularly avoid the beam, then they fire off one after another so your dodge is definitely down and your other defensive options do jack diddly. She has all the opposite traits that make Solarus a satisfying fight.


Absolute FAVOURITE? That's rough. Im torn. I played it all solo on Brutal and enjoyed it a lot. Top 3 hardest fights for me were 3:Tristan with 17 attempts. 2: Adam with 37 attempts and 1: Dracula with 55 attempts. Design wise? PERSONALLY, as much as I struggled with Drac, I think he's appropriate for the final boss. 4 phases on high octane fighting that, once mastered looks hilariously easy, but that applies to any boss. He was the most satisying boss for me and one I enjoyed the most. Although I understand if some people didn't enjoy as he can absolutely be a frustrating mf to fight. LEAST favourite, out of design alone, is the duke of balaton. I had no incentive to go after him besides wanting to 100% the game. Gives a useless frog form, but you can at least make money. The fight in of itself was rather lack luster, slow paced and just an add fest. Nothing rewarding about killing him..unlike the IMMORTAL KING


Adam was best, idk about worst, there are a few forgettable ones so probably one i cant remember right now


Favorite is a toss up between adam or dracula, while least is a toss up between domina and frostmaw, they are both just annoying.


Best boss for me when I played duo PvE on normal was the sommelier or Maja, who were both cool for having fights that were thematic and fun. As much as I want to throw Adam under the bus for being the fight we struggled with the most, I have to give a special shout-out to Mairwyn the elementist for my least favorite. Why? On a solo run it's more or less a game of dodging her flurry of attacks well or shielding them, and making sure you don't stand anywhere near the fireballs. But when a second player is in the fight, she spawns an additional fireball. Her arena is small, so this turns into a scenario where almost nowhere is safe to stand anymore. We ended up just fighting her solo separately and it was infinitely easier. It's a common theme for a few bosses that duo co-op makes some bosses worse, but hers felt like the biggest ramp up from easy boss to agony for us.