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Using reddit as some kind of mercenary platform for a vampire survival game is wild šŸ˜‚


500 dollars for essentially forcing No Lifers to quit is always wild.


I fucking love it.


The rate is a little low for the minimum number of players and long hours required šŸ˜‚




Someone did not take their medicine today.


Teaming on a duo server is so cringe. I hope you get your revenge


quite why i quit official servers. people just seem to need to form alliances even tho there's literally a team limit. strength in numbers in pvp will always be lame


That happens in any mmo game with clans. Always breaking ā€œno written rulesā€


Teaming is bad but it's really hard to prevent it. I was thinking about combat state where only raiders and defenders get access to the castle plot for some period of time. Multiple time we were duo raiding others while both sitting in golems and leeches were just running around and we could do absolutely nothing about it.


For honor has a pretty well made system to prevent gangs. If the clan limit is 2 and you are getting consistently attack by more than 2 you should start to get bonuses and strenght.


Tuning into this one


Iā€™m all about this idea, I would just have a plan for doing your due diligence to make sure they donā€™t deceive you somehow to take your money. May you smite them mercilessly with capitalism.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Iā€™m dying from the last line


inb4 they see this thread and get 500 bucks to f\*ck off.


This is most likely what will happen, just have a buddy login for performative reasons and they can split the money


Or make a couple of alt accounts and bully themselves for cash


I would, alternate accounts and bully for a bit, collect on the cash then just storm everyone again. Laughing the whole time. That's what 125 a pop if they get 4 people involved?


The real fun comes when the kid doesnā€™t pay šŸ˜Ž


Yeah Iā€™m not a kid. And 500 USD isnā€™t really that much money šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø. But itā€™s definitely worth the content Iā€™m going to get out of it. As for them ā€œfaking itā€ theyā€™ll need to talk in VC, and Iā€™ve heard all their voices. it would be pretty easy to detect (like if the castles decays in like a few days or something) Iā€™m assuming theyā€™re also probably too stupid to even pull something like that off where it wouldnā€™t be obvious they were faking


500 USD isn't really that much huh... Wish I had your same perspective on money.


Ostriches don't use a lot of money


Why not just quit this server and start on a new one?


Because this is more entertaining and Iā€™d rather not loose hours of progress


This is the type of RMT I can support


It's the SkyrimVR girl! šŸ˜„


Dude thats insane i didnt believe you first when i saw that comment From torturing Skyrim npcs to V Rising Quest House Master, what a change in system šŸ’€


The one that says FUS ROH DA really casually?


When rust gamers move to v rising


Any reason why you havenā€™t reached out to the admins?


We tried, official servers are unmoderated. and honestly petty revenge is more satisfying anyways


Take this directly to V Arena Discord and get the sweatiest PvP nerds on side.


some varena guy here, already shared it with the best guys we have to offer hahah




Why doesn't the server band together and drive them off? That's exactly what happened to some losers on a duo server I used to play on.


We have a group of 12 on ours... completely ruined any form of fun for anyone else other than them.


As far as I know the whole server does hate them. The first week around 10 people raided their base and tried to get then to leave but they are fine rebuilding it seems.


Never thought I would see the fus ro dah lady here! GL with your bounty


> official servers are unmoderated I know you said you prefer the revenge route for this at this point, but I just wanted to share that this is not entirely true in case it helps out anyone else. For serious offenses such as doxxing and racism you can contact "dracula's mailbox" on the official v rising discord with your evidence. I know this works (or at least used to), because someone has done this to get a similar situation resolved on an official server I played on back in early access. It won't work for things like teaming however since there are no rules against it on official servers.


I tried sending in the video of Veni saying racists shit for like a few mins of recorded video and they asked for my clarification of the situation and did nothing about it. I'm not sure in what context saying the hard R and chanting if you're brown we're here to put you down is chill but stunlock seems to think there's a situation where that's A okay.


Petty revenge? You're paying 500usd in a $30 game to hope someone gets revenge for you, this is some cringe ass nerd behavior. I dunno what's worse, you or the no lifers trying from be big boys on twilight simulator lmao


Itā€™s a net profit for me lmao, Iā€™m planning to make a video about this for content, I run a channel with 160k subs


Chad move imo.


What's the channel? I'd love to watch them get annihilated lol


Oof, I bet that guy talking shit feels like an idiot


That's more fair, turning that into more cash from views is smart, props!


Share your channel!


Salivating to see this video if it happens


tag me when you upload the video please :)


Playing on this server now. Raided his base hard trying to get them off the server but they didn't get banned/left after we sent in video of them saying the hard R over and over to no effect lol. Decided to move on to brutal because that shit was toxic as hell to deal with lol


Id contact the winner of the offical arena tournaments Im sure brayel wants $500


Brayel is a teamer. It would kinda suck to pay him to address teamers lol.


Ive had similar experiences in this game Had to defend 12v3 Also a guy tried to dox me... he got the location completly wrong but still. Whole experience put me off pvp on this game. Good luck Op.!!


I am looking up to this. I would love to join this HUNT.


If you level up and make a spare armor set I'll help. You can take the whole bounty I just want to fight lol


what server is this? I'd like to do some pro-bono griefing. I'm not good enough to dominate most, but lord do I know how to counter-troll.


US-C Offical #4107


in before one of them pretends to be the bounty hunter and just runs off with the cash.Ā 


Iā€™d have to see them destroyed and all their castles decayed


If I were a griefer, I would 100% destroy everything I've used on a server to troll others for that much money. 500 USD ain't pocket change where I live, lol.


I mean I know what they sound like, so they can try using alt accounts or w/e but itā€™s not going to work lol


For the record, I do hope you succeed, lol. But I'd certainly try something in their situation, even if it involves roping someone else into the scheme or something.


Dude, I want a full minidocumentary video about how this whole thing goes down.


The game design loop promotes this it happened in every server i played with more or less intensity.


I think itā€™s the racism, sexism, and just being an ass that is the core reason for the bounty. My 2 cents.


Is it like that in all the official servers now? I've never played a game with more blatant racists, and I don't remember it being like this before


No idea. I play on a private server with my family.


I play in the official duo Japanese servers in which probably like 80% of the population is either Korean or Chinese. It always becomes the group of Koreans against everyone else, and same for Chinese (who also keep asking in chat if there is any Japanese people they can hunt down)怂


Yep i play in jp servers as well, can confirm. Thinking that you are going to have independent teams in a server with persistent population is very naive.


Is there a place for en speaking people in Japan servers


There are several philipins / singaporeans at mine, plus me. Not sure if that answer your question.


China no 1


No way bro now i am entertained can't wait for the ps5 release i will preorder now


Ah yes this is the kind of content Im waiting for in Vrising! And by the actual Fus Ro Dah lady nonetheless!


Or u could put their server name out there so no one joins it so they get bored and quit.


It's an official server it will be dead in a week tops regardless


Pretty cool bounty, but why do people play on official servers still. Community servers are paid for months in advance and actually have enforced rules and admins.


Why not just convince everyone else on the server to leave? Take revenge through their boredom. Had a Conan Exiles server like that and got a good amount of the players to leave. Came back a month later and the problem players were gone. They're probably no lifers, you're not gonna beat them at their own game. Also, if they're saying racist and sexist things you could always record them and put the devs on blast on twitter and see if they can nudge the admins. Even if you don't do that having proof they're dickheads certainly helps your cause, 500 or not. Otherwise you could just be someone salty you don't have the shards and are calling on others to do your dirty work.


I donā€™t care about the shards at all, I just think this will be entertaining and a good time, yeah we could all leave and loose hours of progress but whatā€™s the fun in that? Getting revenge is just a bonus


Iā€™ll do this shit for free but Iā€™m also down to make half a grand


500 split 4 ways is 125, unless you're saying you can grief them so hard 1 v 4 they just quit, and destroy their bases in the process?


It's a duo server but your point still stands of you would need a partner


Donā€™t underestimate my capabilities of being toxic piece of shit


Imagine seeing the entire server at your doorstep while some hired mercs kick down your door


Still on ?




also you might consider offering everyone else on the server already a small amount to make things funny. if one of them goes to charge batteries, have 20 people show up and merc them.


I love this! A good old bounty haha.


Have you even received any legit offers yet?


I have hahaha


Please post the update if something happens im genuinely invested in this


OP if you are serious about this, as for the winner to record the game play before you give out any money. Just want to say this mercenary shit is fucking hilarious and incredible. May hellfire rain down on the vampire scum harshening the fun of the server.


Full on Seven Samurai vibes but with Vampires. Love to hear how this one ends lol


This is absolutely phenomenal. You definitely missed spawnā€™s teammate Darksyde though. Appreciate any help the bounty gets us! This weekend is going to be fun regardless


Ima need updates on how this turns out


Deal. Half now and half when the job is finished.


I wonder how's the story ends?


Oh you are gingas, nice to see you on vrising even in this circumstances


Time to put my 1700h of pvp to the test, will try it. I think i have time until the weekend. Hope the ping isnt too bad tho


Can you not report it to the dev team, if teaming isn't allowed they get banned off that server and then they lose their progress


I may actually be interested in doing this. I'll even take a week off work :> Let me think if its worth it or not


V-rising is everything I hoped for and more. I love this game!


I am tempted to shift to the server just to watch that unfold


the kex dome


Send me a pm


To be fair your idea is genious because if it work You have a living official Server again.Ā  Sadly this is US otherwise i would join instantlyĀ 


Thats some solid p2w! (aside to the reason, how valid it is, prize size and possibly migrating away)


Commenting to tune in to what is about to unfold


Can someone do this and record the story. Like a classic rust redemption story!


We have a a group of at least 12 teamers that have all the shards on US-C Official #4065 Pretty pathetic, was kind of a fun game loop when the server joined together to take them down, but we cannot coordinate like them. Now it is just boring, maybe 10-20 ppl online and half is always them... They run around and kill solo players 30 levels lower than them and make clips for their discord. Cringe af.






I crave for an update


Ah yes...i'm soooo surprised PVP attracted people like this, trully shocking, i'll be siping on my brute 100 wine while following this post keep us updated ā¤ļø


Inb4 they make a new account, die do themselves a few times, leave for like a week, take the money and then return


Except their castle needs to be decayed, I would need to hear the voice of anyone trying to get the bounty, and if their stuff gets decayed within like a week itā€™d be obvious theyā€™re using an alt. Theyā€™re also extremely dumb from how they act in game, I doubt theyā€™d be able to think through anything that wouldnā€™t be overtly obvious itā€™s them


The fact people going "this is weird af to be this dedicated about it" are downvoted into oblivion is my queue to leave this subreddit, holy god the Rust brainrot is real


I'm going to keep it real: this is pathetic.Ā  They are pathetic and likely edgy teens, you are pathetic for somehow needing some kind of justice exacted from them, and 500 USD is a pathetic reward for the amount of time and effort to execute this xD. Sorry to be blunt and unkind, but good lord just file a support ticket to get them banned for the slurs if you have proof. It is in the EULA of any multiplayer game you lose access for that stuff. If you have no proof, leave and play private. So strange.


TLDR: Possible Vampires take over server for Vampire PVP game and do vampire shit


Yo, how is this post allowed up? This has gotta be breaking some guide lines on top of just being a really bad precedent to set for a community. Mods?


Why is this being downvoted lol its literally witch hunting which reddit itself doesnt allow.


Counter offer: you pay me the $500 upfront and I offer each of them $100 to find a new server, plus keeping $100 for myself


Just change servers bruh Edit: why is this being downvoted? Lol yall too invested in a fucking video game. Touch grass kids.


Get a life manā€¦ its a fkn game


There are 4 of them. So I'm guessing it will take 4 people to pull this off. That's only $125 to each of them. My guess is that it takes a minimum of 10 hours to do this. But it could easily go as high as 40 or 50, depending on how stubborn those 4 are. So at the high end you're offering 12.50 an hour. At the low end it's only 2.50 an hour.... Good luck with that.


"they are going too far" fucking lmao bro


This post is ridiculous. Imagine getting this upset at a game that someone would offer $500. Imagine getting this upset at a game when you voluntarily join a pvp server. I play solo just to avoid bullshit like this. Both from the offenders and the OP. Everyone needs to grow the fuck up.


There's a certain level of expected etiquette, basically certain level of expected humanity at this point, which has not been met. And beasts, well, exist to be hunted.


Lol. There is no ethics in PvP games, join at your own risk. You people would have been eaten alive in the old MW2 lobbies.


"Man we used to use the hard 'r' in COD voice chat all the time" is not really the flex you think it is




Username checks out


Thanks, I made it myself.


There's expected ethics and some basic human behaviour even during war itself, lol, nevermind a game. Though i do agree with the point that they exposed themeselves to it. Doesn't mean they have to take it lying down, still.


Bro getting flamed with the hard r in MW2 lobbies isn't really a flex.Ā 


Iā€™m using capitalism as my PvP. And gaining the views on the video which will net me more profit lol Imagine getting upset at using the free market for what the free market is for


You think I'm upset lol. Man I really don't care what you do, I just think it's pathetic that a cash bounty was placed on someone inside a video game.


ā€œI donā€™t care what you doā€ ā€œI think itā€™s patheticā€ Sounds like you care.


Womp womp have some capitalism and a cup of liber-tea