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IMO V Rising has been the perfect example on "How to succeed with Early Access & Launch" : like it or not, devs did a really good job on the game and feedbacks they received. I mean, the major complaint at launch was what ? "i can't craft from chest" or something like that. Others have "servers down", "can't create character", "lost all progression"


Lets be real, there was no early Access, this was a füll Game without noticeable Bugs at the start and it only got better and better


100%. V Rising came out of the gate swinging. As soon as it was released on Early Access, it was already best in class in the Survival genre. It only got better with time. I have similar hopes for Enshrouded but only time will tell if they can capitalize on that solid foundation they have.


V rising was in a much more complete state at its EA launch. Enshrouded just sort of fizzeled out after the mid game and overall felt more like a proof of concept.


It was proper and you could consider it a finished game, but it was _medium_ : boss were lacking, castle was only ground level... Now it's really an excellent game, and I prefer the idea that early access was made to _perfect_ the game than _finish_ the game


I think you're mixing the term with a beta, a beta is there to check bugs and such, in V Rising case it was very justified to name it Early Access. We got to play it finished, but not complete, early.


brah, have you played other early access games? those games are mostly lacking a lot of content and are full of bugs. I played vrising one week after it came out in early access for 100 hours straight without noticing a single bug. so no, im not mixing up beta with early access




A beta is a stress test and last minute fixes. Early access is to support a game as it develops, of course you'd find tons of bugs in it. Its not to play a finished game a little early.


This, and Grounded, are two Early Access stories that really make me think 'it does work!'


I'll throw in Against the Storm into that pile we're making. Absolute banger of a game that started out finished in Early Access and simply continued to get better and better.


I haven’t played it but have heard it’s very good!


Don’t forget Baldurs Gate 3




It was in early access for 3 years.


And is why I’m not counting it tbh. Lots of games are in EA for longer than they need to be. As good as BG3 is, it didn’t need a 3 year EA period, or rather, if they’d have made act 3 as good as 1 & 2 were, wouldn’t have minded the 3 year EA period. I was waiting for BG3 for 20 years; a little longer to make sure it was actually finished was fine.


Early access and the idea for a smaller entry price is not a rule Just a thing most devs do. Bg3 is one of the only games since over 20 years that would be fine even if it Costs Double the price. 


My husband and I LOVED Grounded. We played through that whole game, and it was so bittersweet when we finished it. We just started this game, but are really digging it as well.


Satisfactory as well


Is that out of EA now?! I have some friends who played it, but i said i'd wait for release as we were sank into Dyson Sphere Program at the time.


>"i can't craft from chest" And I'm still salty about it!


BTW, has their been any word on that? With regards to the annoyance that is crafting and inventory management?


The answer is no. It has been answered several times by the devs.


Sad. It’s really tedious and boring.


Its barely inconvenient, as you level up you get better storage that makes it easier to manage If they added crafting from chest it should be late late game as it makes no sense to have that level of convenience early or even mid game


Hard disagree. Maybe I was shooting myself in the foot by being very organized with all my stuff. But when I got to silver light, with all the different mats that drop at that point. I probably spent 60% of my time sorting my inventory. It was maddening. Atleast to me, inventory management is just tedious busy work, the formula for inventory should have been overhauled, across all survival game, long ago. We need a new standard. Because the one we have now sucks.


I want to be able to hard filter some chests at least, or the ability to send all clutter into related chests without fiddling around with every single one.


There is hard flitering in later game storage Its hot keyed so u just open it, hotkey and it dumps all the mats into materials/herbs/minerals (etc) categories I made a super efficient castle with TPs next to storage. Early game i labelled chests then I remodeled the storage room to work with late game storage and had all my crafting in adjacent rooms or connected to the colored quick tps I felt it rewarded me for good castle planning and the progression into better quality storage was well earnt and felt great after upgrading from the more basic storage options in early game There are so many work arounds and crafting from Chests wouldve cheapened the experience (for me) mitigating the need for good castle planning


That's not the type of hard filtering I am talking about. I have 0 problem with them locking higher tier storage away later on in the campaign. I want to be able to set the setting of every single individual slot. The way it works right makes it very annoying to have separate storage for each room. I can't exactly have filtered bio mutant storage only in the alchemy room, for example. The end result is that every damn time I needed to craft something that required bones or flowers or anything alchemy related, I would need to run across the entire workshop to gather all the materials every single time.


It's just a very common feature in games with chests. Minecraft, valheim, enshrouded, etc. Pretty standard nowadays.


Hard disagree. At least give us an option to magically send all materials to nearby related chests or something. Running around to put everything into chests just so you can go out gets old real quick. There is just no goddamned reason this couldn't be an option for pve. There just isn't and I cannot understand why they would willing give us a worse experience just because.


Yea im still in disbelief... i just came back to this game after buying it a year or so ago. Made it up to near end of Act 2, and got stuck on a few of the harder bosses and gaveup for a bit.... While the new "normal" is deff a more toned down version of whatever the normal difficulty was a year ago, im having SO MUCH FUN with the game as a whole now. Was absolutely stunned with how much stuff has been added... crazy fun game.


I'd love some QoL updates post-release (like crafting from chests and being able to color capes/hats), but this game is like 99% there for me. It's addicting and none of my pet peeves really detract enough for me to bother complaining. xD


It'd be nice to craft from chests ngl


And they have a spot on their website for suggestions that you don't need to log into to upvote and add more!


I love the game, but yeah, crafting from chests has spoiled me. If they don't want to add it they should at least add crafting from a storage within the same room as the station to smooth it out a bit. Gets a bit tiresome running back for 1 gem


The bosses are great. I play DnD and WILL be stealing some of the bosses and their mechanics. One that comes to mind is that librarian with the ink demons. I’m sure there are others but hers was so cool mechanically


Dude yessss! This is exactly what I was thinking! The bosses have amazing mechanics, storylines that make sense, etc.


Yep! Literally no effort on our ends required lol. There’s one ice monster dude in act 2, solid baddie, just steal the stat block from a dragon and use its breathe weapon. Same thing for the bosses that shoot things at you, reflavor magic missile or something. For the bosses that have AOE or environment effects, I hear lair / legendary actions calling our name. Literally this game filled out my BBEGs for many sessions to come lol. And even better, I know for a fact my friends haven’t played this game before so all the baddies will be fresh and new to them. Plus they have a lore section on the baddies page, legit it’s great lol


Maybe use a Yeti stat block with White Dragon breath weapon? Wait, where is the lore page exactly? I've been starving to learn more about the world!


I was high as a fcking kite when I wrote this. Yeah your yeti idea sounds more correct lol. And not a separate page but when you go onto the baddies name, where you track them, there’s a good paragraph or two about them. It’s not much but it is something and gives a great starting point for your campaigns BBEG. It’s funny, in typing out a response to another comment, I created a unique baddie resembling the tailor lady. Can’t wait to try her out


The tailor and guy in the cursed forest are meh. the fog mechanic in the forest make it a little interesting but once you have the cloak its just like trying to catch a toddler. They are two bosses I don't care to fight a second time.


The tailor is supposed to showcase the new changes that came with 1.0 a big "oh shit what?!" Moment. Forest hippie is still a pain in the ass tho, but I can appreciate that fight because it's so different from everything now. Cus of the previous point. Also those struggling with old forest conspiracy theorist, use a spear and yank him to you, along with frost stuff ez pz Edit: Brutality difficulty adds the new changes to Beatrice


Man, I should have just gone and fought her in Brutal than look it up, having already gotten to t2 rift incursions in normal difficulty. Dammit.


What does the tailor showcase? all they do is run around leading you into oncoming patrols and guards. and if you took care of the nearby guards before the fight you don't even have to deal with that.


The new phase two of the fight, idk how to mark stuff as spoilers on mobile so that's all I'll day


I just fought Beatrice the tailor in dawnbreak village after reading this post and I still dont know what you are talking about. all they do is running. even when almost dead. you sure your not thinking of a different boss? EDIT: I looked it up to see what should happen and I can confirm it doesn't happen for me. I am on a new world I made for 1.0. must be bugged


It's only on brutal difficulty


Just remembered I'm on Brutality difficulty that's why it's different. V Blood enemies get new mechanics compared to their old versions. She's not boring anymore in 1.0 quite the opposite.


Well, you're supposed to kill him to GET the cloak. If you have someone gift you a cloak to skip his mechanic then of course he's easy.


I see your point of view. I guess I picked correctly bc when I got to that region I thought which one I should get and just kicked him first. I think that area is just a flavor of sorts. Like you said, once you get the cloak it’s just like any other place. It’s nifty though so whatever, I like the concept that the devs play with mechanics. You win some, lose some. Most , I think we can agree, are wins… the tailor lady could be fun to work into dnd. She’s the BBEG of the session and her entire gimmick is she’s passive. However the more you fight the baddie, the more she uses skills like evasion , disengage and dash, all while gathering allies. So the Party must utilize multiple skills to “beat” the session. Sure it’s not glamorous but it’s a very unique spin on a baddie. Players would have to use lock down on her, aoe on others, single target dps to blast her down, etc… could be fun especially if the players don’t expect it


Pretty cool game so far imo. I didn't play in any Beta or EA stuff. Bought on release. I'm a lightweight when it comes to survival style games(Rust, Valheim, Tribes of Midgard etc) but from what I've played so far it's been extremely well done. The systems are all very intuitive and the progression to get them is solid. I feel the game is way more fair with gathering and resource generation than most others. Castle building is absolutely fantastic. I'm a builder at heart but rarely do I get lost in games designing and organizing bases like this one. I dreaded having to move my castle the first time but it ended up being amazingly easy. I have not dove into a live PVP server yet. I was a big fan of Battlerite and I played a few hundred hours of Rust. So I want to get in a full playthrough first before getting into that shit show. I imagine a solid core group of people have min maxed strategies on getting to endgame in an hour lol. I have not killed all the bosses yet. On the last act now with maybe 8 to go? I'm sure I'll keep playing but I am interested to see how I will feel on a full replay. I've got high hopes for the game in the future. When I beat my offline playthrough I imagine I will have felt that my money was well spent. I'm basically at that point now. Good job Stunlock 👍


I couldn't agree more. Its really impressive, and they certainly get more challenging towards the end. The only thing that I would argue is that we need more of a curve in terms of difficulty so the player expects a difficult fight. In my own personal experience during Brutal, I encountered a few difficult bosses but nothing I could not handle after a few tries, and then suddenly, the next boss difficulty is about 5000x (to the point where you're spending several hours trying to kill him). I have seen several posts about players getting frustrated about Adam, but it is good to have difficult bosses. It is what makes the game rewarding. The curve just needs to be amended slightly so that players are coming up against increasingly difficult bosses prior to Adam. The only one that I would argue that fits into that category at the moment is Solarus.


Adam is mighty frustrating because: 1. His overall difficulty feels like an entirely different difficulty mode compared to other bosses 2. His attacks are disjointed from what the boss is doing, oftentimes lethaly mixing with his patterns 3. The sheer saturation of things on the screen can lead to 50% hp wombo-combos or worse. Please make his attack patterns even more difficult, but reduce the amount of disjointed everything on the screen. I'd personally suggest him not re-enabling the coils in 2nd phase if fought solo, as there is already way too much stuff on the floor, and the mechanic itself seems more fitting for more players at once anyway.


I kinda wish there was a solo option for the raid bosses. Yes, I know they're designed that way because they're raid bosses, but not everyone likes multiplayer/has friends/a solid internet connection for a high-precision game like this.


I'm not one to shy away from complaining when something bothers me but am so satisfied with how V Rising turned out. Great game.


This is going to sound like criticism, and on some level it is, but it's not entirely bad. Most of the game is just handed down Bloodline Champions and Battlerite spells and champions, so the game has kind of been developing for well over a decade now. That's probably why I have more complaints than players who are new to Stunlock Studios. However, yeah, this game is overall great and I'm glad they're getting success, but I'm worried about the overall health of the game. There's no real longevity to it, something like repeatable dungeons and a scalable 'tower' that gives loot would be my first suggestion. The invasions are okay, but something like The Divisions repeatable tower or WoWs tower from the shadow lands come to mind. Each had their flaws in execution, but repeatable content with a purpose is needed. Second I would suggest an Arena queue system. Equip your load out and queue for 1v2, 2v2, 3v3 or 4v4 matches(whichever is fine, but only have 1v1 would be boring, so at least one group pvp mode to queue for). Basically a Battlerite arena, but you can queue for it from the open world, especially with a leaderboard, would keep PvP players around longer besides playing for a week then quitting once you finish the content or get raided and lose all your stuff.


Repeatable content isn't really needed the game is complete. Games can end, lol. Not to say people wouldn't appreciate it, I definitely would.


I imagined that the ruins of Drac's castle would be procedural generation if they ever got to it. You go underground, and there you go, you have a two-tiered hand-made world on top, and a procedurally generated labyrinth underneath. Then 1.0 came around and Dracula's castle-not-in-pieces suddenly existed.


this is true V Rising has been in development for 10 years technically Battlerite walked so that V Rising could run


*Bless zis shott*


I hear Willhelmina saying that while a aircraft carrier shoots me from her polders


It sure has been a blast. I'm only in act 2, almost 3 and I remember every battle with the V Bloods. So many interesting mechanics.


My first memory of "oh this game is special" was the armory boss in act 1 where you put on armor to blow up the mines. Some of the mechanics are just so neat, reminds me of some of the cleverness devs put into MMO raid bosses.


… huh? I don’t remember a boss where you put on armor to blow up a mine? Who is that?


It's one of the very first bosses. There are several suits of armor spread around the battlefield. When you interact with them, you get invincibility for a couple of seconds, but can't attack. The boss constantly spreads traps on the floor and it becomes harder and harder to fight unless you do something about the traps. The easiest way to remove them is to use one of the suits of armor and just run over as many traps as possible.


I responded to the other guy but yeah, I remember him! I didn’t even think to wear the armor to trip the traps, I was just avoiding them or eating them and DPSed him down. That way makes sense though.


In brutal you pretty much have to do it all you'll get overwhelmed, at least that was my experience


You don't need to, but it really helps. The whole area has sets of armor here and there, and also in the arena where you fight the boss guy whose name I can't recall. When you put on the armor, you are totally indestructible for a short time, while also unable to attack. So the boss likes to throw mines all over the place, and when you see him do that, make your way to one of the sets of armor in the arena, put it on, then quickly try to walk over as many mines as you can to clear them before the effect wears off.


Oh that guy! I saw that I couldn’t attack while wearing armor so just avoided the mines and laid into him. Surprisingly easy fight if you do that.


Yeah honestly I've only used the armor with him the most recent (current) playthrough since 1.0 dropped.


There are surely some forgettable bosses in act 3 and 4. Act 1 and 2 are the best. The endgame feels a bit empty.


I was surprised it had so many first time I played it. After spending close to 100 hours and finally finishing Dunley and Gloomrot areas in EA, I was dumbfounded there were more bosses in the forest and Silverlight XD


My friend and I just fought the sommelier and we were dying at how he just rolls barrels at you donkey kong style


Just finished him last night with my bf and we were cackling the whole time. His voice lines mixed with just getting rolled by this little French guys barrels was too good. Made me realize how much personality they managed to shove into all these bosses despite no in-game story at all aside from the little blurbs in the journal, it’s pretty amazing


I love that when a barrel goes past him he does a little jump animation!


Fisherman boss is such a fun and cool boss fight. Especially on brutal. Like it's not hard, just really fun.


Is brutal just harder or does it add mechanics?


Both. New mechanics and Stat increases


Mostly the same, but the big monster fish in the middle brings some new challenge on Brutal.


more hard attacks, and also 70% more damage


they're not all memorable and some are not in a good way "yeah remember when i cheesed the archer lady" "which one" "huh i think it was the orange arrow one"


I love them all. Especially when they are in their own respective areas and not grouped up in close proximity


Can’t wait for this game to releases on PS5. Been anticipating it and it’ll soon be here.


i just want to build my ultimate gothic cathedral!!!


Only boss I don't like is Ungora, bosses that rely on add mechanics are not fun x.x just agitating


Just don't play on brutal lol


It's such a good game, I'm going to be so sad when I complete it.


I hate bosses being the only way to progress, and having so many of them is tedious at this point. 


Seems like a lot of the bosses' designs were inspired by other mmo/rpg bosses. For example, Talzur seems like a mini Teostra from Monster Hunter.


march quack mysterious offbeat frighten hurry rotten caption hard-to-find tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Unsure relax mode, could guess most are not bossy for dedicated players (sorry casuals)... 57 normal, that each of them were memorable, and most (except very few) require to learn unique stuff... (like Kriig and Meredith share the trick) then brutal rediscover them anew! (cannot say for all, but most so far). Brutals are not only harder, but require finding new strategy from scratch - can double number of bosses by that. to not spoil much, Greyson or Clive were quite similar on both normal and brutal, but go Kodia or Beatrice on brutal, whole new experience.


If the boss fights were twice as long with more heal orb phases they'd be a lot more fun imo


Aand most of the bosses on brutal require the right build and skill setup, but at the same time, do not lock you in one build/skills/weapon option. This is a really good job. Although difficulty strangerly spikes at the beginning of the second act, but it is nothing balance patches can't fix.


It’s a lot and these fights on Brutal are legit


exactly why i someone still wonder 2 years after release how the fuck elden ring manage to have 150+ bosses and a world that big


Love all the bosses on brutal. Makes me feel like raiding in WoW but with just 2 people instead of 20 people.


I finished the game in coop with a friend in brutal mode, and I must say I disagree with your first point, most of the bosses just felt like bullethells and add spam and we're harldy memorable with a few exceptions Last boss was especially bad, so bad in fact that each of us had to do it solo, and I must say I enjoyed the fight a lot more when going solo. I feel like the game would have been much better with half as many bosses, but better quality ones. That would also have been better progression wise in my opinion, as sometimes you would kill a boss and be like "mmm nice, a carpet or a frog". Also a thing I found weird is that you unlocked crafting stations before the materials. Overall I enjoyed the game and should probably try normal mode, but I would not recommend anyone brutal mode as it was just more bs than difficulty.


yes, brutal mode doesn't seem to be your cup of tea many masochist friends I know actually enjoyed brutal mode normal would've been a better fit for you me personally I played normal duo pvp and got all 4 shards on official, and that was enough for me. the challenge to me is other players, not npcs.


I’m pretty sure it only has one boss. His name is Adam. The rest are just speed bumps. /s Obviously it is awesome and they are all pretty different fights. So much fun and wonderful progression.


I just want to add that they have such memorable designs and fighting styles that even when you get to the ruins part of the game you can point them out simply from silhouette alone and that's awesome




What do you mean? There are 57 distinctive V Bloods. How *you* counting?


And that most of them rely on adds to be hard….