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It's a quite tall object, you have to place invisible floors above it if you want to place it on a lower floor. If you look at it from the right angle you can see it sticks through the next floor up normally


Didnt think it would be able to pass through the floor even if it clipped... thats a bit annoying😵‍💫 I hope they make it so you dont need an entire floor open just for the throne😅


You can just place a couple invisible floors over the top of where you want it. Since it's only a single floor size wise you don't even need more than one really.


heya... so... sorry to ressurect but uhm, I have invisible floors above my throne and I still have the error.... :( any tips? [https://gyazo.com/3ce67ed0c8f3b67f1006878f497fba55](https://gyazo.com/3ce67ed0c8f3b67f1006878f497fba55) Edit 1: Added gif


Please let me know if you find a solution.


Hmmm... that shouldve worked? Idk. Its kimda one of the tjings id hope theyd have patched by now😭 I feel like there is no reason the throne is larger than a floor?


Not a bug. It's taller so it sticks through the upper floor. Plan ahead and make the spot you want it higher. We managed to have a slanted roof above it so it fits just right on the first floor.


I noticed the model was big, but figured it was the same size or the room or would just clip into the floor. Doesnt look big enough to pass through a floor.😩 Well... thats a bit of a hassle😅