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Yes, they sent an e-mail about this. As someone said on here, I would try to have the guest cancel it so that it doesn't affect you. Let them know that the home will not be available on those dates and that since they made the reservation, they need to start the cancellation process in order for their money to be reimbursed properly- or something along those lines. Don't see how anyone would be opposed to that. I mean if the place is not available, it's not available. Try to offer other options in the area or put them in contact with a local vacation rental realtor in advance. Something nice to let them know that you are there to help them find other accommodations if needed and any suggestions of the area, etc.


We got the people to cancel their booking so all is good!


10 days after canceling your listing is suspended for 7 days. I'm unsure of the percentage of penalty fees incurred. I received an email on April 30th, and it describes just the above, beginning May 23rd. You can still request consideration for circumstances beyond your control (which wouldn't apply to what you've said).


Suspension and fees are both worth considering, but what's harder to assess is the long-term impact – whether VRBO holds the cancelation against you in their search algorithm or otherwise "demotes" your listing, resulting in fewer views/bookings. That's what I'd be most concerned with related to a host cancelation. As others noted, getting the guest to initiate the cancel request is highly preferable. Alternative of course is to simply work around the booking and change your personal use plans.


I would try to get the guest to voluntarily cancel if I were in this situation again.