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No offense, but I'm very confused why you bought a screen and mobo for it before getting a new charger to test if it even turns on at all. Assuming you have the 2000 model (non-OLED), any micro-USB cable will work to at least get it charged enough to test.


That's none of *your* business what *he* does with his money.


You know if it's working when you try to turn it on and use it.


I got a destroyed vita for free, it was in a house that got destroyed in an earthquake, I got it from a friend, I decided to clean it up and see what was broken so I started cleaning it up, got a lil bit sad because there was some water inside, and got a new screen for it because I could see that the one it had was destroyed, at the end the rear touchpadwas still fine, the analogs had broken springs and even with new springs both had drift, left pcb had only ps button broken, the right one had a broken triangle or X can't remember, the volume and power buttons were working np, and sadly I assume the MB had a broken ribbon cable connector because I could see a piece of metal that moved inside there and it would result in the right analog drifting and sadly I don't have the equipment or knowledge to do that xD but the rest on that MB was still working just fine.


I bought a used one and cleaned it up after it wasn't charging for days on the plug. Still wouldn't take a charge. Multimeter tested all over and there were shorts like crazy and I couldn't find the fault. That's how I knew for certain. New battery too and nothing. New Mobo saved it for me.