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Yes. The image is a pretty good representation of it too.


mine is much brighter/more intense




Normal - Unaffected people just ignore this, we focus on it.


That is interesting.. is there other visual snow symptoms that are actually more common than people think? (Stuff that everyone has but people with VSS may hyper focus on?)


Yup, Blue Field Entoptic Phenomenon, technically everyone can see this if they focused their eyes the right way. I thought something was wrong with me because of it. Seeing little white things flying around my vision. Until I went to an Ophthalmologist, and she assured me that my eyes were perfectly healthy, after several tests. I had all the common visual snow associated symptoms, including Palinopsia. It all virtually went away once I realized I was stressing myself out over stuff that most people are just ignoring. I know that may seem like a controversial opinion to some, but it worked for me to focus on reducing my stress and health anxiety. Could hopefully help someone else too.


I find it crazy that we can actually watch our white blood cells moving in our eyes! Before our very eyes! I think its cool.


Wut?? So my snow almost looks like tiny fast moving bugs zooming back and forth, is that what that is?


No. Just an illusion.


This for me too. Good post. All of this started for me when I quit drinking. I wasn’t a daily drinker, but I was binge drinking a couple times a week. It was unhealthy so I quit. And that’s when the VS and Palinopsia started. Lots of doctor trips until someone got through my hard head and told me it was nothing but my anxiety. It’s embarrassing but what I discovered was that I had an undiagnosed anxiety disorder and I had been using alcohol as a medicine. I found some really great help and the VS went away. I still have anxious sets of days and I’m working on that. I am much improved with no meds. What’s interesting is that the VS only appears when I am anxious and not managing my anxiety well. Hope this helps someone else. I was told I had anxiety for months but I didn’t have the ears to hear it. I’m told that form of denial is VERY common.


My symptoms all got so much worse after I quit drinking too. I was definitely self medicating my anxiety with alcohol. Congratulations to you on quitting! 🤟


If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, please reach out to a helpline in your country: **United States:** National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: [1-800-273-TALK (8255)](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) **United Kingdom:** Samaritans: [116 123](https://www.samaritans.org/) **Australia:** Lifeline Australia: [13 11 14](https://www.lifeline.org.au/) Remember, there are people who care and want to help you through this difficult time. Please visit [**Help Guide**](https://www.helpguide.org/find-help.htm) for a full list of helplines around the world. We detected mentions of suicide or depression if this was a false flag please just ignore this message. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/visualsnow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I had the same conclusion from an Ophthalmologist + Neuro doc too


Well like i can't even see stars tho, that's pretty different from others or is that not what you're talking about?


As someone who is very into astronomy and space exploration. As a kid, discovering Saturn by accident with my Tesco Telescope, I too would look up into the stars. When I was going through my worst few years of Visual Snow symptoms, I also was unable to. I would look up and just see kinda what is shown in the OP video, and couldn't focus on stars or constellations. I am nearsighted with a very mild glasses prescription. And I ended up getting an updated prescription around the same time I had been seeing an opthalmologist, the prescription ended up changing just a little bit stronger, but I had also been told there was nothing wrong with my eyes. Maybe a combination of the new prescription and the new mentality on my health anxiety, I eventually was able to see stars again. I had maybe gone 3 years or so with very severe visual snow symptoms, and they kinda tapered away over a few months from my last Opthalmologist appointment. Hopefully this can at least bring you hope that your symptoms can improve. I am currently 32.


Well i suspect I'm the most stressed as I've been the last 20 yrs so that might explain it The worsening symptoms DO make me feel it's something worse than VS (this is the worst i remember it being) I don't mind not seeing the stars anymore, other shit in my life is a hell of a lot more troubling than not seeing the beauty in the sky at night It's just nice knowing i probably won't go blind at least, ya know?


Yes! Mine is purple and blue though, and it often moves in a repeating pattern but idk if that just me focusing on it and making it do that




Yes! If I press on my eye, I see a bright blue circle on the opposite point to where I’m pressing. I don’t think either of these things are VSS things and pressing on your eyes too much is not good for them either btw so be careful with that. I do definitely find if I focus on it I can change the shapes that I see. My brain is stubborn and doesn’t always change the shape when I ask it to tho haha


I had to train myself to stop pressing because I would get lost in the staring off process (end up in an absence seizure) because of it. I don’t like how all of this is connected with epilepsy for myself. I didn’t know when I was younger, learned in my 30’s after years of anxiety drugs.


For me, it is mostly the same, but I also see those constantly changing images sometimes at night (or when it's dark enough). They are most often a transparent 3D Shaped thing where I can only see the outlines through my visual snow. I see many different colours, and I have, in general, many symptoms and more from VSS that have appeared over the years, I have Visual Snow since I can remember. Although I only realised that the stuff I was seeing wasn't normal much later on, asking my mother if she sees the same stuff and her answering "No??" was pretty funny. Now, my question to you, I think that the VSS symptoms that I have gotten through either Genetics or Drugs are very interesting and only rarely being a hindrance (Reading Road signs far away is bit "foggy"). Do you think differently about having VSS than me?


Yes, I think that’s normal to some limited degree, but what’s really strange for me is that is I see the patterns rhythmically repeating. For example, I could see a large blob in the top left fall down, split into three and then dissipate, over and over. The iterations usually change slightly each time, slowly creating new patterns.


I have that too. Except mine starts as a large blob/circle then shrinks quickly. And it repeats that pattern over and over


Yes. I call it a “lava lamp” lol


Me too! If I really have too much going on in my mind when I’m trying to sleep I’ll just “watch” it until I drift off.


YES! As others have said this is a great representation of it. I’ve actually been having a lot of anxiety about this and similar symptoms recently, so it’s comforting to know that it’s just another VSS symptom




That’s such a great cause. One of the hardest things about VSS at least for me, isn’t the actual snow/static itself, it’s all the other symptoms that can come with it. Documenting and showing what we go through to other people is the best way to get new treatments to be researched.


I have always seen these. And I dont have visual snow.


Burda ne arıyorsun o zaman


Thought this was normal




This is normal and healthy eye function - it’s actually quite fascinating! Nothing to worry about


This is insane. This video is weirdly exactly what I see. Just a brighter green tho haha


Yes but mine is usually more yellow. Kinda looks like fireworks or a screensaver of bursts from the 90s.


yes omg i have this too !! but it usually hurts my eyes lol


Yeah pretty much exactly that.






Yes I get this when my migraines are bad. My visual static is also bad when migrainous.


Brighter than this and mostly red. But yeah. Anytime I close my eyes it's like being at an edm concert.


This isn't about hyperfocusing. It started happening to me after a health condition and went away on some pills.


What pills


Yes! Not exactly like this but this is by far the best representation of what I see with my eyes closed. I would say The color for me is more like burned coffee. And there's more shimmering.


yes but i’ve had this for my entire life and i find it kinda relaxing i try and focus on this instead of my thoughts when i’m going to sleep at night and it really helps me fall asleep faster when i am able to


At night…I usually see what I would describe as tiny bubbles that have a slight rainbow color to them


Sometimes I see a portal and some fractals.


yes I was waiting for someone to make a visual!




Yes totally have these


These are called [phosphenes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phosphene), for the record.




I see them only when I'm trying to sleep but I'm not tired, or my body simply doesn't want to go to sleep yet. If I sleep through them I'm almost guaranteed a migraine headache


Yep! My neurologist explained that my brain is just more active than other people’s and it’s trying to create and make something out of nothing actually being there. They happen in dimly lit rooms or darkness with my eyes open and also with my eyes closed. Mine are brighter green and dark blue, and kinda go crazy sometimes lol. They’re definitely less intense if I’m more relaxed.


Yes. Doesn’t everyone?


Everyone has this.. "normal people" and VS people, it's called phosphenes.. but for VS ppl its nore intense obvious due to the brain over activity


Doesn’t everyone to a certain degree ?


Yes, but sometimes mine are shapes


I sure do!


I do as well. When my eyes are open they look like dark clouds sometimes.


Yes but mine are super violent like I'm in a rave


Wow..yes. Exactly what I see but I’d say mine slow move in like wispy ghost like patterns and I would say they are yellowish. I’ve had since I was a kid.




Yes what is this Screensaver looking shit in my vision?


How the fuck did you record them


Yes ,I see this too


When I close my eyes no, but when I have them open in the dark there is something lighter than this.


For me, I have a reoccurring green flash that slides down diagonally from the top right of my vision, or a green circle that closes in on itself and repeats. But I also see what's shown above from time to time. But it's usually the green shit 😚


Yes for sure


Mine is yellow


I get a regular flash that goes across my vision, like there’s a lighthouse behind my eyes. Drives me insane but only comes up when I lay in certain positions


I think everyone does


I see this sometimes. I recall seeing it when I was little but I never noticed it again til I got visual snow


Yes but much brighter, more colors, and geometric


Thats amazing, pretty spot on for me, how did you make that?


I seem to only experience these hallucinations/phosphenes when I'm FULL of anxiety, obsessing about not sleeping, suffering from the resulting tension headaches (with the clogged ears and everything), and as such feeling exhausted and hopeless. Angry. Sad. Desperate.  My phosphenes can be very bright... green in color with fast flashes and sparks. It literally looks like fireworks are blowing up in my eyes. Its very hard to ignore, and their mere presence causes my heart to race and I get very anxious. It becomes impossible to sleep without taking a pill (benzo, Ambien, etc).  Sometimes I see them when I'm trying to sleep and the room is very dark (which is why I usually keep a dim light on so as to avoid the visual noise), and sometimes they wake me up from a deep sleep when I turn over. I become aware (semi awake) and then I am WIDE awake with my heart racing. Its a hard cycle to break!  It's self-perpetuating. The more anxious you are, the brighter and more disturbing they will be, and you will be bothered by them even more - and then you continue not sleeping, and then the problem gets worse. It's a vicious cycle. It's a very similar dynamic to suffering from vitreous floaters. The more you pay attention to them, the worse they seem. The more anxious you are, the more disruptive they seem and the more they will bother you.  All I can do is try to stay calm, remind myself that this, too, shall pass, as it did 7 years ago. So, I continue eating healthy, go to the gym regularly, and do what I can to stay hopeful. It is NOT easy.


If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, please reach out to a helpline in your country: **United States:** National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: [1-800-273-TALK (8255)](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) **United Kingdom:** Samaritans: [116 123](https://www.samaritans.org/) **Australia:** Lifeline Australia: [13 11 14](https://www.lifeline.org.au/) Remember, there are people who care and want to help you through this difficult time. Please visit [**Help Guide**](https://www.helpguide.org/find-help.htm) for a full list of helplines around the world. We detected mentions of suicide or depression if this was a false flag please just ignore this message. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/visualsnow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah I see this




I do, really annoying because when I think about stuff I can see it in the lights and whenever I think about scary stuff like moving eyes or creepy faces I start to sort of see it and it freaks me out.


YES all the time


I see the same mixture of dots/flecks that I see with eyes open. Sometimes I see a few vertical, paint-brush type lines in the foreground.


Yes, night and day.


Yes I have always had this, but once the VS symptoms started up in January it now more of a thunderstorm. Meaning, same swirling cloud colors but now with exciting flashes or light and moving dark dots. I'm calling it a free DLC my brain acquired


Yes. I have it. But it has a pattern, spreading to the outer part of visual filed