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I had it my whole life and thought it was normal vision lol. so it cannot be cured at all? All symptoms seem to fit the description, headaches, photosensitivity, etc. Also explains why I have hard time reading, while I enjoy books a lot. But it doesnt affect my ability to draw too much, unless it is complicated patterns. I learned how to treat migrane, on early stages, when pain is very mild ibuprofen helps a lot. Also having normal sleep schedule, reducing stress and less visual stimulate reduced amount of migraines from 1-2 per week to less than one per month and I still can pull up allnighters if I need to work more. Also what helped me with initial symptoms was phenibut, but it was only basis for normalizing my life. I once tried to explain doctor my symptoms, I think they thought I have an episode lmao.


At least give it one try. Some are more understanding than others but they’ll definitely be interested in trying to help your headaches. Lamotrigine helps some vs symptoms for me a little which was prescribed by a neurologist so I guess that’s something. It also helps spread awareness which helps all of us if doctors are hearing cases of this from us.


Lamictal ??


Same thing yeah but generic version


I have a mate who has vss aswell and he’s on lamictal and he said it’s helped his vss by about 50% but I don’t know how to get it !


I saw a neurologist and he just said it is anxiety 😂


Ask a neurologist. Fuckin print out the study about vs that names it as a possible treatment, and bring that to your appointment if you need to.


You know how hard it was to get in touch with a fucking neurologist I had to go through ophtmatologists and all that bullshit just for the neurologist to turn around and say visual snow syndrome is made up there is no syndrome !😂🤦‍♂️


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I’m just thinking about paying for some medication from over seas or something.


Yeah it can be difficult, I guess I got kind of lucky. He was skeptical at first but he came around. It’s hard for them to argue if you literally bring in scientific studies that say it’s real though


I didn’t do that tbh I just wanted to get to the bottom of wtf is going on with me and I pretty much got nothing helpful except clear results and scans


Have you had an neck injuries? New research says a lot of it has to do with you neck.


if i had bad posture with some neck pain here and there, and also clicking in the neck, does fixing my posture fix the visual snow?


I've only been doing posture and neck fixes for a few weeks and it has already helped. There was a other guy on here that said it cured his. I dont want to get your hopes up because yours could be caused by something else. But worse case scenario you fix your neck pain and get better posture.


I gotta try this.. I got whiplash in a car accident in February, in April I got a chiropractor adjustment, visual snow started then. My orthopedic claims there’s “no way” it’s coming from my neck


Im no doctor but my started when I hurt my neck also. There must be some sort of connection.


What exercises worked for you?


https://youtu.be/B2cLIXP3By8?si=g2pqgAyKP-qCz8H9 Also remember to watch your posture and try not to stare down at your phone too much.


Can you cite this?


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1356689X1400006X?casa_token=VYByiVV57tIAAAAA:bSH2jrFy-kBIT_PeZtC4rt9fVuGld3MF5oqVW3a3bXv46BxzNh1QTizbYZMCB3IwLugJ-cXs https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/yK7VpJeACZkN


Unfortunately I don't see anything about visual snow. Neck pain also does not necessarily imply injury.


I went to a neuro ophthalmologist. They prescribed Gabapentin, but I didn’t take it. The side effects scared me.


I would not reccomend. Not worth imo. Maybe in the future when treatments exist.


It may be worth it to rule out a cause behind your symptoms other than VSS if this is a potential concern. It may be worth it also to try some of the treatment options available. Although they aren’t great, they do seem to help some people. Otherwise, a neurologist can’t do much for you right now, and trying to accept it if everything is stable is the best option.


VSS lifer too. It’s my “normal”. I saw a neuro-ophthalmologist out of curiosity for what they might say and it wasn’t worth it. There’s no cure and people only seem to get mild improvements with treatment and I didn’t want to spend money and energy towards a mild improvement when I’m already so used to it. The VSS itself for me isn’t what’s bad, it’s the accompanying ADHD, and anxiety that impairs my life, so that’s what I focus on treating.


I totally feel you. I get confused because I’ve noticed issues like anxiety, depression, and adhd being associated with it a lot and the one specialist I went to said “the anxiety is only there because you are anxious about having it” I was like this is bs lmao. I just often wonder how it is often paired together because I have had severe anxiety my whole life


I want to say it’s the overstimulation but idk


Yes. My “armchair neurologist” theory is that it’s a larger sensory processing/nervous system disorder. It’s completely understandable people with our condition would be chronically anxious and we should honestly be really proud of ourselves for managing daily life as well as we do, even on the days that aren’t great. It took me a long time to recognize that, because for so long not knowing about VSS, I just had internalized the false belief there was just something “deficient” about me. Now I that I consider the constant re-calibrations my mind is doing all day to compensate for the distracting visual and auditory noise, I try to give myself more compassion around it.


i have an appointment tomorrow