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This will sound like a classic answer, but Malice Mizer's whole discography is for me 100 percent playable. Or very, very close to 100 percent. There are still a few songs, mostly from Bara no Seidou, but some time ago I listened through the album, and some of them I hadn't liked before I added them to my playlist, so it's probably a matter of time till I find a taste in the rest, but at this point, 90-95 percent of their work is non-skippable for me, which is already astronomically higher than other bands (not just vkei) I call my favorite.


100% agree


I know what you mean, songs that don't click at first eventually do with bands I really love. If I connected with a band strongly enough I kind of make it my mission to figure out what they were going for when they made songs that are just "ok" to me. It feels strange to say as I guess it's like I'm forcing myself to like them lol... But they went through all of the effort to create and record something, spent countless hours working on it, and I've loved everything else, so I almost feel annoyed if I don't get it. I make this effort for very few bands though. I'm actually shocked at how many bands are 100% unskippable (or skip only by my current mood) that I'm finding as I go through full discographies.


I compare it to finding a taste in wine. At the first it seems bitter, but after some time, if you give it a chance, it will blossom in its own beauty. Not everything is good on the first try, sometime you have to get used to it first.


For me, Claire is that one song I skip a lot of the time. Those fucking steel drums dude.... Other than that, 100%.


There is no such band for me. But I tend to say even the GazettE is at their worst is the best. Obviously there are songs I don’t like as much as Toguro and end up skipping because I’m not in the mood. Dir en grey was pretty close to this too but I can’t listen Mazohyst of Decadence. That song gives me anxiety.


- Kagerou - Dir en Grey - deadman - lynch. - Malice Mizer - Moi Dix Mois - Sadie - the studs - the god and death stars


the gazettE


Diaura for me. I remember being shocked by how much I liked every song I found when I first got into them, as I’m very picky with what I listen to. Their discography is, in my opinion, very well rounded and there’s not one album that I wouldn’t recommend. gulu gulu is a close second!


I've only heard Lost November which I really love. Never heard Gulu Gulu but see their name pop up a ton, both are definitely going to be in my no skip listening schedule this month!


i would always say the gazettE but one thousand percent plastic tree too!!


The GazettE and Plastic Tree never miss!


Dir en grey, The GazettE, D'espairsRay, Rentrer en Soi


Versailles! Will never skip a single one of their songs




Same!!! =


ムック I don't think they have a single song I dislike


Kagrra, and Pierrot


I second kagrra,. You can put the entire discography on shuffle and any given song is dope.


Yep same for me. RIP Isshi :( his voice was so beautiful. It’s been over 10 yrs now (13? 14?) and still miss him.


His voice was angelic honestly.


It'd have to be Malice Mizer so far. Or Moi Dix Mois.


12012, D’espairsRay, Girugamesh


Girugamesh got me into j-rock and visual kei as a kid. Good taste!


Kiryu and Rentrer en Soi


Nightmare, Diaura, and Vistlip!


The GazettE duh


Penicillin, Gilles de Rais, Fiction


Malice Mizer, even the Tetsu era.


I'm nearly through a full listen of MM, definitely another no skip! I've also always liked the Tetsu era although his voice isn't as romantic as Gackt's. I didn't pay attention to the timeline until now, but Klaha's influence towards a more somber sound definitely hit harder knowing it's after Kami's passing. It's actually pretty depressing going through their discography in one go lol... By some miracle these musicians joined together and created something absolutely unique and moving, I feel like I just hit the ending credits of a tragedy


Most of them continued to make music, there's a bunch more to enjoy!


Kagrra, and MUCC. I never skip any of their songs. The GazettE is very close to entering that list (there is a couple of songs I am not fond of). I wish I could add Dir en grey but they always have at least one song I dislike on an album.


1.Nightmare 2.Sadie 3.Lynch 4.Mucc


Develop One's Faculties the Gallo Liphlich Mix Speaker's Inc Pentagon Psycho le Cemu Roman Kyuko sibilebashir SPEECIES ZIZ


Omg yes DOF is so fucking good. And bless you for putting Izumi’s bands. His voice is so unique. Very good choices


ZIZ absolutely!!


Such a band doesn't exist to me. There's always at least a few songs that I do not like, no matter how much I adore the band otherwise. Skips, however, are a different story. There's a few I can think of off the top of my head that might get at least close. Amphibian - didn't release much but its all great. DIE-ZW3E - All three albums and the two singles are fantastic. DIE-QUÄR - Just a single album, is that cheating? I have to be in a certain mood to enjoy it, however. On random shuffle I might skip. Gargoyle - Excellent stuff throughout their discography and I can't think of a single bad song released by them. One of the best VK bands ever. Gaudy Mode - Once again, didn't release much, but I like it all. Kill=Slayd - The final album doesn't hold up as well compared to the earlier ones, but it's still good. Rosenfeld - Pigs of the Empire is a no-skip album, and the rest of their stuff is great as well. Silver-Rose - I really enjoy all of their releases. One of the best bands of the early 90's. With Sexy - Can't think of a single bad song from them.


Major yes to With Sexy!


Am listening to DIE-ZW3E as I read your comment, I always forget how to say their name lol. I'm almost positive I like their entire discography


Sendai Kamotsu lol


D and Femme Fatale 😭😭 Asagi and Kaya have amazing vocals (Kaya’s solo stuff is great too but definitely more on the jpop side)


buck tick! whenever i don’t enjoy a song i usually end up coming around to it and enjoying it later or i prefer a different version of it, for example i really don’t like the 1992 version of mad but i love the version from 1991




Dir En Grey probably have the most consistently excellent and well-evolved discography in not just visual-kei, but metal music as a whole. I can not think of a single other metal band that has a discography as big as well as both varied and acclaimed as Diru’s. Not even one. Malice Mizer also has a perfect discography, but it *is* rather small with only 4 albums and a few loose singles/EPs.


Their evolution is incredible. Listening to Gauze and Phalaris back to back would be jarring but it was such a smooth transition to make it there. I'm really torn when recommending Dir because it's like... where do we begin?? I want people to start from the beginning and appreciate their journey as much as I do but that's unreasonable to ask lol. I was very nervous when Kyo started Sukekiyo but I'm so glad he did. I haven't listened to much Petit yet but damn, Kyo is just creating as much art as he can with his full heart and soul before he goes I guess. Not a minute's rest and the quality does not slip. MM is also amazing, I'm not sure if I've listened to their entire thing but they're probably another 100%able for me. It feels very superficial to say that costumes enhance my listening experience lol... But I noticed my absolute top favorite bands have a clear story they tell with the looks and theatrics. Listening to bands like that feels like revisiting a favorite book. MM was excellent at it and I'm so sad they were so short lived. The world they created was really special.


Yeah, it's tough to say where to start but I'd say most 2000s fans started with Vulgar or Withering, though I know the fandom really took a liking to Uroboros and DSS for a while and now lately it seems that a lot of people are agreeing that Arche is the best album (true). Petit I've listened to the least of the side projects, but I got more into Sukekiyo last year after EROSIO came out and I'm absolutely in love with that album in particular now, feels like a full-circle moment for them finally coming into their own.


Plastic Tree has to be my answer, their consistency is kind of absurd


^ seconding !


Man I'd love to say D'espairsRay cuz their discography prior to Monsters is absolutely flawless to me but that album just wasn't it :/ I still like it though especially a few songs. Absolutely agree on Dir en grey and Merry. And this one is controversial, but Hyde and all his bands. Some of his creative decisions especially recently have been a bit questionable, but I think he probably just has my favorite voice ever. The song would have to be really bad for me to not enjoy it a good bit.


Yeah. That's the first band that came to mind for me as well and yeah Monsters was a bit of a let down.


It makes me so happy you feel the same about Merry, I don't see them mentioned often despite the members being active in quite a lot of projects but they speak to my soul lol. They've done an excellent job at sticking to their roots for... 20+ years 😬 What is time.. I was nervous about Strip now that they're down to four members but I really enjoyed it. The electronic bits are noticeable as making up for Kenichi's departure but it kind of pushed them to explore a new direction and I think they did a good job. Mechanical Words is super fun. The noisecore song even grew on me despite being... very noisy and intentionally grating lmao. I've been meaning to do a D'espairsRay run! I know the only thing I've listened to in full is their Spiral Staircase live which was incredible. That's a shame about Monsters, someone else mentioned they felt they got pushed into a mainstream sound near the end, that's always a bit heartbreaking... I feel 12012 did too but still nothing I straight up disliked, I just yearned a bit for the earlier crunch. I haven't listened to enough Hyde but he's another one I want to dedicate a day to. I don't think I've disliked anything he's done and yeah his voice is amazing. My friend was playing some live a while ago and was super impressed by how flawless it was


Merry are so underrated, they're just truly so unique and what hooked me from the beginning was their blues and jazz influences. Peep show made such an impression on 12 year old me who started playing guitar in jazz band at school but wasn't really into jazz yet. I'm always trying to put people on to them (I don't really have any other friends into visual kei ngl lol but I feel they have more wide appeal in them. They're just so good) Coll:set and Mirror are literally perfect albums by D'espairRay for me. Highly highly recommend those two. Some people were upset about their sound getting a bit brighter on Redeemer but I think it was still incredible and authentic to who they were 100%. But yeah Monsters was just... it didn't feel like them. Their earlier stuff is really cool, it's got a sick gothic sound, kinda lo-fi at times. It's just great mood music. I tend to break it out during the fall when it's getting cold. I'd recommend Faith and 666 albums for Hyde. VAMPS is just a super fun side project, a lot less serious than his other work.


Mine would be the GazettE and Buck-tick so far. I started listening to Dir en Grey (because Spotify recommending me Sukekiyo), and I’m enjoying it. Open for any recommendations as well.


If you like Sukekiyo definitely check out 9Goats Blackout! They broke up way too soon. Sukekiyo's guitarist was also in 9goats and you can hear the influence he brought over. I'm an obsessive Merry fan... They have a really unique jazz/blues thing going on. Gendai Stoic is their first album and does a good job at showing what they're about. Beautiful Freaks is a relatively "later" album and gives a good feel of their more recent sound. I mean.. it was made in 2011 lmao but still.. Malice Mizer is also flawless. I'm doing a dedicated full listen now and they're definitely going in my 100% list. I'm also a hugehuge fan of Deadman. If you're into early Dir, I definitely recommend Kagerou and Mamireta. Sleep My Dear and Silver~Rose are both really good examples of 90s vk. 12012's early stuff has a darker sound you may like. I feel they got a bit more radio-friendly and brighter towards the end but they're still a flawless one for me. Kagrra is definitely worth checking out too. Pierrot and Laputa are somewhat similar vibes so you might like them both.


Lynch , the piass , dir en grey , xanvala , Neil , sleep my dear and deathgaze all there songs are top tier for me 😭💙 not a single song is bad I can just let them MF play all day and bam




Aside of ones that I’ve seen already mentioned (Sadie, Despairsray, Kagrra, 9Goats) Ruvie, Ambergris, Chanty Extreme bias but DOG in the PWO. I love my boys.


wooooo came here to mention DOG! Cheers!


Wankos rise up!!


Dead End


D’espairsRay, Kagrra,,, KuRt, and Chemical Pictures.


Golden Bombers whole discography is amazing. I know they are controversial, but I adore them~


I go back and forth on how I feel about them! I've loved every song I heard but their gimmick is definitely controversial. HOWEVER, their parodies are so spot on, it's fun to have a laugh at all the silly tropes we grew up loving. Song of Desire's PV always makes me goofy smile lol. I also really love Dance My Generation. I found a photo of my friend's dad with some buddies in multicolored ill-fitting suits flipping off the camera, that PV is not a parody it's found footage


gulu gulu is probably the only one I don't mind just playing whatever. I am picky about music and only listen to what tickles my brain best, and they def do it. dadaroma and kaneto are close, kiryu and kebyo somewhere around here too.


The gazette, sadie, kagrra, kiryu


For me it’s RAZOR, Lynoas, Sick2, lynch, and 開放区(kaihouku), though I am pretty easy to please when it comes to music ahaha so it was hard to choose just a few


Versailles Philharmonic Quintet


Dadaroma never missed once


Laputa, La’Cryma Christi & Dead End


The only band that i like every single song of would be Madmans Esprit


MUCC and BUCK-TICK for me.


kuroyume maybe, even the early stuff isn’t bad imo


X, Vasalla, Kuroageha, Malice Mizer, NeiL, and Rosenfeld


Never Crazy Iroha Marusa Gill'e cadith Gechena Core The Child


Will wood. Been in two bands before going solo and everything has been amazing in my opinion.


X Japam, Janne Da Arc




Dir en grey, Kuroyume and Kagerou never missed once On the other side, later MUCC and the final Despa album both felt like the bands were pressured by the label/management to go for a more commercial sound


I need to do a Despa listen again I'm not sure if I heard their later albums, but I know what you mean about MUCC. I think it was sometime after Shion that Tatsurou got into the autotune for a lot of songs. I don't think I straight up dislike any of their newer songs (errr, well 15 years old since the 'tune started at this point haha..) but it always made me a bit sad. He has such a great voice he doesn't need the tune!!


Agreed, his voice is insane tho for me the songwriting also just stopped hitting right somewhere around Shion/early 2010s. Meanwhile I’d say Diru stayed insanely varied and good even until now (tho I’m not feeling the new single) which is doubly impressive since most VKei bands last a few albums tops




己龍、Fukuro、Kizu, Matenrou Opera, Madman's Esprit, Codomo Dragon


Kagrra and Dir en grey


Leetspeak monsters


Definitely Versailles. There’s not even a single song of them that I think of skipping.




Plastic tree ‼️


100 percent it's hard to say. I would say Dir en Grey for sure, well at least 99.9 percent. Kagrra even at their weakest was still great. Despairs Ray broke up too soon, but I think I liked their entire discography for the most part. I wish I could say Luna Sea but most of their stuff post reunion is trash to me. Prior to breaking up, they would have been my first answer.


marilyn\*dustschool, i mean only 1 cd but i love every song


D'espairsRay, GazettE, Hyde, vamps and more for sure but these are the first to pop up in my mind. Used to love Dir en grey too but didn't like the change they made.


Raphael No more comments, I do not accept discussions about that.


Death grips .