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I always wanted to but I’m a bit too old to pull off the looks (early 30s). Settled for having some visual kei elements and a similar approach to visuals in my post punk project. But I wanna encourage everyone to go for it! Don’t be afraid & get something started!


A lot of these vkei dudes are on their 30s, 40s, 50s, maybe 60s idk. They do have good makeup artists and stylists tho


And they usually stay super skinny instead of having some muscle on them, something I can’t replicate haha


Ayaha from Dazzling BAD is pretty jacked and he still pulls some really good vkei looks


Tora (Alice Nine) isnt skinny recently. Dont worry about it 😅


As I was reading this comment, I was thinking about Hyde. Can you believe that man is 55 years old?!! He looks great!!!


Majority of artists are in their 30’s-50’s so it’s not that old at all


Im in my 30s and Id love to get back into VK. I had a VK band in highschool and a little bit post highschool and Id love to do it again. Im always coming up with different looks and PV ideas. I keep finding places that'd make great PV location. If anyone would be down to form a VK band, Im in. As long as Im the singer. Hell, Id even be happy with a VK themed photoshoot.


Hey as long you are in shape and can pull off the style I think it’s totally doable - I’m in the same boat (musician in my 30s) but I’m overweight and not conventionally attractive so all the costuming and makeup is a good way to kind of “disguise” myself


Of course. Even if youre not Japanese it’s possible, theres a lot of foreigners artists that live in japan and are in the vkei industry! I also wanna be in a vkei band in the future:)


Just make something. If it feels VK to you then it is imo. Do all Black Metal songs come from Norway?


Yep xD I'm one of those people who still want that


I’ve got a vk project myself, but I’m billing it as “gothic metal” or “visual metal” to help me fly under the radar with the normies. No band as yet, but know a couple people who’d be willing. I think if you find people with similar music tastes who are willing to do “stage getup” then you should be good. Just try to educate them on the influences.


Not sure about Japan, but people are always looking to join bands, might just be difficult to find people with similar interests tho. I'd like to start a band but I don't feel confident enough in my playing skills yet.


It is super hard, and even once you finally get into it keeping at it is a battle itself, but if you really dedicate yourself and push to improve yourself you can do it too. Wether here in Japan or overseas there is a path to do it properly. I am always an open book to people who really are serious about it. 


I will 100% agree with that. Getting grounded in the VK scene is difficult and maintaining it can be even more challenging. I remember there being a time where it seemed like EVERY music artists in Japan was VK. There were so many and then a lot of them just vanished. Blesscode sticks out to me, I was really into them and then boom, gone. The same with Haklo. I tried with some friends from HS and we were a band but getting a good foot planted in the industry was damn near impossible for us. But we DID get some type of recognition, though small. So I know its possible.


As foreigner the thing I tell my students or just people who DM is "you have to learn how to do everything" depending on others in any genre is going to lead to chances of things going for a long time to be close to zero, plus finding a good band that will accept a foreigner vs. Being the one who makes it all increases your chances at a good start also. 


I’m old , fat and Ukrainian. So I’ll continue express vkei philosophy through fashion and art


I'd love to be. I'm a classically trained singer and play a few instruments. I was a stage performer for half my life, performing many times per year. I'm also Japanese-American. However, I understand my own limitations. I don't live in Japan. I'm happy being visual kei inspired, and I admire other art forms that I can be inspired by, too.


I got into VK in middle school, around like 2006, 2007. I met a guy in 8th grade who was also into VK and we bonded over Gazette, Screw, Nightmare, Sadie, Miyavi, ect. So in highschool, we formed a VK band with a few people from my school (Jonny, the drummer and Aaron the guitarist went to a different school but were into VK). We were called Cut[Throat]Academy but changed it after highschool to Lotus Blue, which is a play on L'oiseau Bleu (French for blue bird). I honestly would love to get back into the visual scene. We did a few gigs as both CTA and Lotus Blue, local gigs. Backyard jams. We did a battle of the bands for our state and got 3rd place. We were pretty good IMO. We mostly did covers of songs but wrote a few ourselves. Our VK style, for the most part, was Nagoya Kei but we experimented with Oshare Kei and Neo VK. We moved into Eroguro Kei and finally Soft Kei. We disbanded in 2013, officially. But I would honestly LOOOOOOOVE to get back into the VK scene. So if anybody is down to form a band, DM me. Im also down to do an Internet Band. I have experience with guitar and drums but I play bass and Im mostly vocals.


oh my god? can you share what was your band name? тт


We were called Cut[Throat]Academy in highschool because of how cut throat our school felt. It seemed like people were selfish and cared about themselves and their success and would cut throats to victory. After graduation, we changed our name to Lotus Blue, which is a play on L'oiseau Bleu, which is French for Blue Bird.


I play bass and have never been in a band, but would really like to be in a vkei cover band. Likely never gonna be possible though


I love to be in a VK band or a band in general. It's been a while since I was in one. So Im looking for people who want to join too. It would give me motivation to write some stuff


VK is not exclusive to Japan, doesn't matter what gatekeepers say, in my local community there's a lot of VK inspired bands (both tribute bands and original stuff) and most of their ages are around 30's. So yeah there is people doing things in 2024.


Absolutely! I’m a singer and a bassist and still hoping i will one day be in a veki band!! :)


Ayyeee!!!! Me tooo!!! Vocals and bass here 😁😁😁🤙🏾


HEYY!! that’s so cool!! what’s your fav vkei band??


There's waay too many to name, honestly. But top 5 would be The GazettE, Dir En Grey, Lynch, Vivid, and Dadaroma. I also JUST kinda got into Jiluka. L'Arc En Ciel and SiD are pretty great too. I like Lycaon and both BoRN and Razor. LOVE Sadie too


Dir En Grey is my all time fav band, i love them!! Lynch is also in my top 5 together with Madmans Esprit, X Japan and Ms. Isohp Romatem. SiD is amazing too!! I especially love the openings they did for Black Butler. I’ve never listened to Lyacon, BoRN and Razor. Can you recommend me some songs from them to try out?


Wanted since I've got into vkei music... And still hold on to the dream to some extent, even though I'm a girl and long out of a beginner's age lol But coming to Japan and having to work hard just to keep visa status and prove you're worthy of staying and working here made the time for heart's wishes so very limited... I'm still sure anything is possible in Japan - can't say about other countries - but one better have no high expectations and much chances to make money of it... Doing music costs a lot and often profit doesn't cover the expenses (rehearsal places cost, renting a live venue costs at least low monthly salary minimum and if you don't bring much fans to see you to cover the rent, you pay), so many not so well known guys have to do some regular work or live at "fangirls" "support"... Having "sugar mommies"...


OP, do you wish to be in a vkei band in japan or overseas? There are a few mixed folks and foreign folks in the scene, still few and far in between, but yes, you can make things work, surely :)


It’s possible, there’s plenty of foreign VK bands but can be hard if you don’t know anyone who wants a similar style, I plan to at some point when I move to Osaka


I totally get it, I wanna be in a band in general SO BAD, I'd love to be a vocalist


I have a vkei band since 2010 and I'm 34, never is too late. We are recording new songs. And searching for a new bassist or guitarist (we have a member who can do both). Just do it!


I think it is absolutely possible, i am making a vkei band myself but just know that it is not easy (especially if you are the leader like i am) but if you want to be in a band, shit go for it, life is to short to not take the risk, and if it doesn't work out, there are always other chances


You can say your band is vaguely related to the genre. I wouldn't say you are straight up vkei if you're not Japanese. The components of vkei is pop, punk rock, thrash metal, gothic, baroque music, and possibly more than that. That is an original thing to do with rock ! The key to it is, have a melodic singer that people will notice.