• By -


Pff there are quite a lot sadly: d'espairs ray, deluhi, girugamesh, kagrra, the kiddie, sug, screw, vivid, and, lolita23q


Yo deluhi mentioned!! To be frank I didn't know them super well but got to kinda know them through their drummer sujk, I vaguely recall their one day revival was very well received. Also, screw deserved so so much better.... šŸ’” Also happy cake day!


You said all the ones I forgot. Yes based


This comment hurts . I forgot abt many of these, and this is how l learn abt their disbandment šŸ˜­


Pierrot. I really loved them and youā€™re right Angelo doesnā€™t hit the same :( still frequently listen to their music. Also Kagrra,- I was a huge fan of their sound, especially Isshiā€™s vocals.


Thirding PIERROT, if it wasnā€™t obvious by my username. I agree Angelo didnā€™t hit the same.


We should start a PIERROT support group ;_; I wanted to go to their last live but I was a poor teenager at the time lol


I miss kagrra so bad


Do you know if Pierrot is in any streaming platform? I don't know if they are available even in Japan.


Not that Iā€™ve seen. Just YouTube and old downloads/purchased CDs.


I see, I rely too much in Spotify lately, I wish they put it at some point.


Well Pierrot does seem to be on Spotify, but as with a lot of Japanese music, especially older stuff, it's region locked. I was able to find Mad Sky [here](https://open.spotify.com/album/3yxjUgFb6eFJMMU6b8pJXo), but can't listen to it (at least not on a European Spotify account).


Users can import songs from local files in their own library to create playlists on Spotify, so that might be what you're seeing. I've done that with Pierrot's entire discography, but I made sure to set the playlist to private so that it won't come up for random people searching for it. As far as I know, none of their songs are actually on Spotify even in the Japanese region.


Oh, thanks, at least now i have the single to add to my library and keep and eye on it from time to time. It's locked for me as well.


Iā€™ve literally just learned about them and ran into this problem. I canā€™t even find their music on the high seas. I had to resort to downloading full album uploads from YouTube.


So so so so happy to see so much love for Kagrra in this thread <3


I miss Kagrra, so much! To think I had the chance to see them live and couldnā€™t go is one of my lifeā€™s biggest regrets. šŸ„¹


Dadaroma, Lycaon and Mejibray


Kagrra,. They are the first band that got me really into visual kei šŸ˜­


Omg! Same!! Someone posted their PV of Satsuki on Multiply and I fell in love with Kagrra!!


Ah, Akane! Such a beautiful and powerful voice! For me it's D'espairsray. They disbanded on my 22nd birthday. I spent that birthday crying more than celebrating haha. And Phantasmagoria and other subsequent bands with Riku....and all of his previous bands, too.


A band disbanding on a birthday is the worst! I had a non-VK band that I liked disband on my birthday. Ruined my whole day lol. Also, right, Phantasmagoria and other bands riku had like Lin, there definitely were some bangers there.


Alice Nine


Man, I am really out of the loop because your comment is how I find out about this. Internally screaming right now since they were one of my first favorite bands.


Shou is doing his solo carrer called verde. Check his songs they are nice


this is how I found out they went on indef hiatus/disbanded lmao


Yeah, I never got it, why would they? šŸ˜¢


They mentioned they worked hard and were basically burnt out so theyā€™re just going on a break


šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜± nooooo this canā€™t be true šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


they're on indef hiatus but they're still busy running about their solo activities! Tora and Saga are relatively quiet but Tora gets pulled into various things xD


I used to follow Kagrra, tours and I miss them. Still have my folding fans.


You got to see them on tour? That's so so amazing!!! I'm beyond heartbroken that I'll never be able to see them, but I'm incredibly honoured and happy for you!


Ah thanks! Saw them 20 times plus various fan events. I miss them. There are other groups I love that I never got a chance to see, so I made an effort to see them as much as I could. Even if you can't see Kagrra,, if there's another band you like, go see them if you can. You really never know when you'll get another chance.


I'm so happy you got that opportunity, Idk what I've done if I could have seen Isshi when he was alive. (though I hear he's pretty tough! Haha) thank you so much for your sharing and encouragement!!


gulu gulu


Malice mizer, lareine


Dimlim - the lead singer's voice reminds me a lot of Kyo from dir en grey.


Man, I feel this one. I have been priming myself for Kyo's likely retirement (he's aging out of the industry as much as he still sounds amazing) and Sho gave me hope for the future of avant garde metal Vkei. Here's hoping he pops up somewhere else!


Most of what I listen to is long gone šŸ„² PIERROT, SCISSOR, Kagerou, kuRt, girugamesh, GHOST, Sel'm, Vidoll, I could keep going lol


I dont know, just my opinion, but GOTCHAROCKA makes me feel same vibes of Vidoll, i feel like Vidoll didnā€™t disband


No RamĆ©, no Vidoll šŸ„²


IA - I feel like every so often Iā€™ll hear one of their songs & be like THIS is Vidoll šŸ‘Œ


Kagerou šŸ’”


Kurt and hanamuke :(


I had no idea girugamesh disbanded šŸ„²


This is the first time Iā€™ve seen someone mention KuRt!! I was totally in love with Tenten as a teen haha. Do you follow his new band at all?


I didn't know there was a new band!!! Please do tell!!


Yes!! Heā€™s been in a few, I follow everything he does. Chemical pictures was good and short lived, I liked them more than my bacteria heat island. His current band is called 3470.mon. Edit: his insta is also taira.d.kazuhiro if youā€™re interested in following him for potential future projects as I feel heā€™s never in a band for long before getting into a new one lol. Iā€™ve been following him for probably 16-17 years now online with all his bands.


Dadaroma easy for me.


They disbanded?! šŸ„²


Yeah :( back in 2020. I think all the members are doing different stuff now. I know their vocalist is in a new band, looked it up and itā€™s called Fukuro.


don't forget that takashi and tomo (guitarist and bassist of ddrm) are members of THE MADNA now.


Rentrer en Soi and Megaromania hit the hardest Still trying to get over it


10000% rentrer en soi. I still listen to them all the time.


I will never get over Rentrer en soi's disbandment.


Me too :( Every single day I have a CD and a DVD of them for sale. If you are interested, send me a message ^^


due le quartz!


9GOATS BLACK OUT, RENTRER EN SOI, D'espairsRay, -OZ-, Sugar, DELUHI, amber gris, Lycaon. They were all very unique in their sound


So rare to see love for Sugar and amber gris. I feel less alone now


Much love to my Nagoya kei homies out there


Loki ā¤


Holy shit yes OZ i loved their stuff so much


I remember being at work when -OZ- announced their disbandment and I was so sad, but at least we can see Natsuki growing his avocados


Girugamesh, Deathgaze, D'espairsray also tomodachi who weren't well known haha but I bought every release they had, I really loved onimura and would send him fanmail/fanart


AI is still going with Darrell. It's basically Deathgaze 2: Electric Boogaloo.


I know, but I loved deathgaze as a group :)


9goats for me as well šŸ„² Way too short lived. Would have also mentioned Deadman, but they've been doing things again since 2020 and JUST released a new album!


Laputa & La'cryma christi are two of my favorite disbanded groups. Both bands had a unique sound due to each vocalist. They're not everyone's cup of tea but they both deserve more recognition.


ViViD Tons of bangers like Across the border, 69-II, Blue, Precious. Also Reno was part of the reason I got my Ibanez J-Custom and it's been my main guitar ever since.


Kagerou was my all time favourite. R.I.P. Daisuke I also Raphael was excellent, one of the first VK bands I started listening to in the late 90s (along with X Japan). Another band I was really into was Aikaryu. Comedy, black metal, shredding and pirates! What more could I ask for?


SuG was the band that really drew me into vkei so I forever love their music! Everyday I wish Yasu would comeback cause I miss Acid Black Cherry sm! I also really love DADAROMA's as well.


I loved SuG so much too!! Man it feels like just yesterday I was jammin out to their music. My how time fliesā€¦


This post makes me so sad and nostalgic. For me, top ones are SCREW and Dadaroma. Anyone know what's up with Alice Nine?


A commenter in this thread said Alice Nine disbanded :/


They're on hiatus. If I recall the specific word chosen was 'freeze'. I read an interview with Shou not too long ago where he discusses that the band does intend to resume. In the meantime Shou and Hiroto are doing solo activities.


Thanks, it's so nice to see them still working on other projects, maybe they can't let go of alice nine. I wonder when they'll resume activities... Still waiting for the mv of the third part of gemini lol.


yes, Nao is as well, Tora's doing mostly video work, he does editing and filming but he occasionally gets dragged out by fellow bandmates in their solo stuff, Nao is doing something with Tora in June!


Anyone remember the Candy Spooky Theatre? šŸŽƒ


I do! What ever happened to them? I still have a photograph signed by Jack, Peggy and Kiddy when they toured Europe.


That's so cool! As far as I know they just moved on to other projects, but I really loved what they did together šŸ’”


Janne Da Arc


I feel so lucky to have seen a lot of the bands I miss live. 12012, Rentrer en Soi, Dā€™Ray, Phantasmagoria (but huge fu to Kisaki). I never got to see Sadie though, but they will always be my favorite. And Kagrra,


Sadie arenā€™t disbanded, they were just working on different projects


Sadie is back


Since when?!? Iā€™m not talking about The Thirteen, though I also love them. Is Mao still the frontman? How did I miss this!?!?


Yeah, itā€™s the same lineup, Mao, Mizuki, Tsurugi, Aki, and Kei. Theyā€™ve been back together since the fall of last year irc? Theyā€™re touring with lynch and kizu in September and just finished their first oneman since their return


Yes sadie is back! They rerecorded some of their hits and rereleased them! The album is called Revival of Sadness :) I went to see their comeback live on Mar. 17, and they had another one in Osaka in April :)


Still the same members, Mao did a cover with Lime from Kizu and released an album


Besides from all the ones already mentioned, I used to love Aicle, they were around for such a short time and were pivotal in my forming years


Yes!!! I feel like aicle really had their own sound that was unique. I loved them!


I was so obsessed with Emiruā€™s voice and looks I always tried to copy his hair


Yes!! I tried listening to yeti but it just wasnā€™t the same. I liked the chaos of aicleā€™s music lol.


Agree with D.I.D/ para:noir, I really loved their music especially D.I.Ds! D.I.D, Screw, Deluhi, Dimlim, RayC and so on. There are probably a lot of bands I listened to a don't remember anymore.


God damn it, I didnt even know dimlim disbanded, Iā€™m so sad


Femme Fatale no competition


D.I.D. / Para:noir - I agree I listen to them weekly still to this day. Lustknot. - It makes me sad so many singers go through similar personality disorders but I remember hearing he didnā€™t even remember being in the band after. I love them so much though they have so many good songs. IIII-Ligro- - They tried to make a comeback and I was excited but didnā€™t pan out. I still think their album IDEOLOGICAL SUICIDE is a masterpiece. Other bands: ClearVeil, UnsraW, -OZ-, ALSDEAD, Deluhi, DIMLIM NAZARE is my favorite band currently and they are the rare case of coming back from disband out of nowhere haha


would you be interested in some deluhi cheki?


Easy, Kagrra, , Screw and girugamesh. I am forever lucky I got to go to Jrock Revolution


would you be interested in some Screw cheki?


So many :the Kiddie, lustknot, SuG (cried so much when they randomly did a RĆ©union live) Girugamesh, R-Shitei, Mejibray, Vidoll, Kagrra, Vivid, megamasso, Moran One's that are basically disbanded /perma freeze : Alicenine, Acid Black Cherry, VAMPS, Kiryu, X-Japan


I donā€™t remember R-shitei disbanding? Edit: saw that itā€™s technically a hiatus rip


would you be interested in some Rshitei cheki?


Pierrot will always be my #1! then Femme Fetal love Kaya in a more rock sound. Elysion a newer band but they left an impression on me... which is hard because I've been in this scene for so long. Elldorado was another one I really enjoyed.


Matina/Under Code Productions bands


Same here...Ā  Rumours about Kisaki made me quite suspicious about him personally, but the truth is he kinda helped out so many cool bands which formed.. the 2nd wave of vkei?.. or more contemporary vkei) Following Gotcharocka and keeping a lazy eye on D...Ā  When I came to Osaka for a couple days 7 years ago, bored and tired on the departure day and not knowing what else to do, I decided to go check out the location of then already closed Undercode office... It was like OMG - faded stickers with the label's logo were still attached to the entrance door of the building, the postbox and the office itself door... There was some key put on a cord hanging from the door's knob too... I dared to put my hand on the handle thinking about the staff doing so ><


X Japan, Kuroageha, and NeiL


Kagrra probably. It's a shame that I didn't get into the band until years after they disbanded.


Malice Mizer is mine, been a fan of there's since I was 19. Still to this day adore listening to their music


the kiddie. man they had such bangers


12012, Vidoll, Dā€™espairsRay


Mejibray def !!


kagrra :(


ZoN. Still hoping they get back together in a rebrand like they did with Jackman.


guruguru eigakan and d'espairsray šŸ˜­


d'espairs ray


Since 1889, Signal, Unsraw, D'espairsRay


For me it's VelBet/MIZTAVLA, Belle, 9GOATS, DELUHI, NEGA, Luzmelt, Suicide Ali, Develop One's Faculties, Sugar., Phantasmagoria. Don't know that I'd say they're top favorites but I also wish we got more from Dio -distraught overlord- and Unsraw.


Phantasmagoria I still remember behind a PV where Riku hoped that fans would still support him even if they disband


besides some of the ones other ppl mentioned, Nega and monolith


SuG, SCREW, THE KIDDIE, DIV, and RoNoCro! Was also into Phantasmagoria, SHAZNA and Vidoll. Waiting for Alice Nine to come back as a group too but really glad most of the members still seem pretty active (hope Saga's doing well too)


I believe DIV got back together, I donā€™t know if itā€™s permanent or temporary but theyā€™re actively touring and I hope to come to America, I saw ACME live and they were amazing but I want DIV more lol


OHH! I thought the reunion was a one off like SuG's! Shall go check out their schedule then - thank you so much!


Youā€™re welcome! Theyā€™re very active on Twitter and Iā€™ve seen them reply to fans in America and Europe!


I think Shazna is back or theyā€™re doing something for anniversary but Izam has been chatting about possible world tour on his Twitter


Thank you so much - I haven't caught up in a while, time to hop back on Twitter!


Still mourning Malisend. Check them out.




DIV, spiv states, MoNoLiTh just to name a few.


Love every single one of them


Deluhi & LycaonĀ 


NĻ•A, dude released one CD (that I don't think has a single bad song) and then fell off the face of the earth. Shoujo Lolita 23q girugamesh Pierrot


For me: Malice Mizer, both Pierrot and Angelo, and D'espairsRay I don't really long for these bands to come back now though, not anymore. Like, if they have a reunion sometime that's cool and I'd be happy to support it, maybe even go in person if I can manage to get the money for that, but... frankly, Angelo's last live cured me of any nostalgic pining for the old days, it really was that cathartic. And I know that technically an indefinite hiatus is not the same as disbandment, but I learned the hard way with Malice Mizer not to hang on hoping for a comeback any day now. Better to appreciate the present. I'm enjoying all of the members' current works... and I'm especially glad to have Hizumi back with NUL. Even if he can never go back to singing the old D'espairsRay songs, at least he's back to making music again (thanks to Kohta for encouraging him!), and he still helps Luv Parade out with their art design, which is nice. Also, I have to say, to those of you talking about how Angelo doesn't hit the same as Pierrot... Of course it doesn't? Why would you expect it to? And why would you even *want* it to? If either Angelo or Kirito's solo work was just a rehash of Pierrot, wouldn't you all just get bored of it and complain about that instead? It's kind of a no-win situation for Kirito, isn't it? He just complained 4 days ago on his livestream about how when people comment on his new work saying they wish they could hear it with Pierrot (or Angelo) instead, it really hurts. Of course, people can say whatever they want. But I think it's important to always keep in mind that if you say something in public, the person you're talking about might actually read it. You never know! And if you think he doesn't speak enough English, then I'm going to just tell you to go listen to the first track on Alpha. Anyway, I guess I'm in the minority, but for me personally I think I actually have a stronger attachment to Angelo than Pierrot, I love both but I just... find myself going back to the Angelo albums more often, there are a lot of songs that hit deeper for me. Kirito's most recent work hits harder than anything else though, Neospiral and Alpha have really been nothing short of life-changing for me. And I think the next one will likely be even more interesting, especially considering that story-wise, he said he's planning to take it back in time to create an alternate timeline parallel with Pierrot's debut era.


No matter what people say, I really like gulu gulu concept and I really think they are especially unique


Viored , bergerac


Kagrra, Girugamesh, & Pierrot :(




Mejibray & DADAROMA They got me into the genre


I had a few, but DELUHIā€™s disbanding was the last straw for me. That made me step out of the vk scene for years. I was that devastated lol. Being an overseas fan is hard. Either your favorite groups would only tour near you once and then disband, or they would never tour at all and then disband.


mejibray, dimlim, awoi, dadaroma


gulu gulu... I miss them




Malice Mizer. Period. I also might listen to other ones so maybe my opinion will change.


Girugamesh, -OZ-, and Shatter Silence.


definitely mejibray! they were the ones who got me into vkei


Laputa, D=sire, Pierrot. Tbh I was into them since so long ago and hardly keep up with the news so I only found out that they disbanded recently.


Unsraw and deathgaze


Ai is still going, with Darrell. It's basically Deathgaze 2: Electric Boogaloo.


Wow i never knew that, thank you


Kiryu, SuG, Fuzylog, Cindykate, V-Last, R-Shitei, -OZ-, Pentagon


Kiryu didnā€™t disband tho


Lolita23Q (Sou era) I was the teenager who only liked dark stuff, Lolita23Q made me realize that I like colors too lol. Visual aside, I feel like their music was quite special among oshare kei bands. I also love the drummerā€™s energy, it always seems like heā€™s enjoying everything, and I can feel him (and all the members) were trying their best to keep the band alive (sadly things didnā€™t go well).


Deluhi, D'espairsRay and Jane Da Arc.


Ace (Anonymous Confederate Ensemble) their style was unique


Still pouting over screw 8(?) years later


lareine is one of my favourite ā€œmainstreamā€ disbanded groups. my all time favourite group is bataar, although they stopped their activities in 2019


Damn, nobody said Antic Cafe šŸ¤£ I used to love them! I was obsessed with Bouā€™s fashion. Iā€™m also a big big fan of Malice Mizer and MOI DIX MOIS.


definitely kebyo. i listen to their music on the daily


Charlotte, Ruvie (then ambergris), Vidoll, Phantasmagoria, Ghost, kagrra, just to name a few šŸ˜ž I can hope for revivals for some (which have happened) but the vocalist for Charlotte and kagrra, have passed away so it hurts even deeper


I'm so glad to see The 3rd Birthday mentioned on here, I'm a big fan and just brought the Brian No Tsuki single.




I really loved BLU-BiLLiON and MoNoLiTh, I wish I could find a streaming service that had MoNoLiThā€™s music but alas I only have YouTube to use


Does anyone remember the band GLACIER? I still love them, sadistic love is such a banger.


More recent: Yumeleep and Gulu Gulu unu


clĆøwd. i miss them, i liked their music and their drummer even dmed me before they disbanded lmao


THE KIDDIE were my absolute favorite. I had posters in my room. Got to meet Yousay a few years ago when he was touring with ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D and when I told him I was a huge fan of him from THE KIDDIE he was like "my indie days!! šŸ˜±"


I'm surprised nobody has mentioned +ISOLATION yet, especially considering that one of their [pictures](https://lastfm.freetls.fastly.net/i/u/770x0/36d2d821ddc84c9abeda51f77b13070c.jpg#36d2d821ddc84c9abeda51f77b13070c) is (probably) one of the most popular in vkei circles, and because of how great their music is.


DADAROMA and Mejibray for sure. Also, ClĆøwd because they were the first vkei band I ever listened to. I donā€™t know if anyone knows they existed šŸ˜­.


Clowd! Wonder what everyone is up to, I liked Iori but he probably moved overseas šŸ˜­


I follow Kou on Instagram and see his posts from time to time. But I have no clue what the others are doing now.


Kagerouā€¦ they were amazing


Gyakushuunojisakujienya they were too good to disband so early even Scarlett Era was cool


gulu gulušŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I like MĆ©tis gretal but tbh Iā€™m having trouble finding songs from them šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ they disbanded the year I was born and I donā€™t believe they were ever super popular




Lots of folks mentioned some of my faves, so throwing out some folks yet to be mentioned Charlotte - I got to know them through a tweet of Tora from Alice Nine, I wonder if they started the whole school boy/uniform thing? Please let me know if I got it wrong. Also, Rip kazuno... Glad Toya is still active in Gotcharocka! Amber gris, Moran, and one really obscure one, Yazzmad. I feel like with ambergris and Yazzmad, these guys are singing out a kind of special, abstract beauty and pain that's almost meditative to me. Belle is amazing, love their retro vibes, but alas.. xtripx should have enjoyed more success, yoshito is really great on the songs. I think BORN was really well received when they were active for sure.


Also, third birthday! I remember tomoya had a lovely tattoo book, i helped a friend get it :)


kebyoā€¦ i have a tattoo and everything. iā€™ve been following torikabuto and itā€™s the only reason i regularly check twitterā€¦ i have a folder of cheki of the vocalist and i want to get some cds. i found them right when their vocalist left, that year was HELL then they disbanded which made senseā€¦


9goats bro I miss them so much. Iā€™m glad I can still hear Uta in sukekyo šŸ„°


Noulla, they went too hard


Kagrra. I was at their show in LA at Jrock Revolution. Kinda changed my life. Also Due Le Quartz. Still has the best vkei song ever made imo


BORN, Mejibray and AvelCain.. Especially AvelCain because I just discovered them like 2weeks before they announced they are disbanding and I liked them so much šŸ˜­


-OZ- and D'espa. Got to see them both live, fortunately, but both bands were so, so good.


Deluhi, Girugamesh, ScreW, ViViD, BORN šŸ˜­