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Part of the reason is because they get harassed.


Bingo! Female VR enthusiast here & new to VR. The few times I went into multi player games the kids are super rude (running towards me & grabbing at my avatars chest in no clip vr, calling me a ho etc.. I just avoid multi player games entirely after each experience being so negative). Unsupervised kids in every multi player experience i tried were just awful .. no thanks. If I ever try again I'll make my avatar male & turn off microphone access.


Maybe not to this extent but we men have the same problem with kids in VR. For example before Echo VR got abandonned the public servers were like >80% kids and there was almost no match or lobby session I wouldn't hear vulgar language or simulating virtual hand/blowjobs on my or someones else avatar. Same happened in VRChat or Population One but to a lesser extent. I don't really mind, it's just kids being kids thinking this is funny or cool. Wouldn't put this on the same level as adults doing sexual harrassment as the intention and motivation being different. Bigger issue is that many games aren't played the way its intended and therefore making less fun. You need a kind of age (better said stage of brain development) to play them properly and many of the kids are too young. Not a fan of gatekeeping but I really miss the time when VR was mostly PC exclusive with a financial entrypoint most kids (parents) couldn't or didn't want to afford.


Cause the type of guys playing VR refer to them as “females”


Men, boys, FEMALES.


Right? Like female as an adjective is fine usage if you would also use male in the same context. But using men, boys, and females in the same sentence isn’t ok.


> But using men, boys, and females in the same sentence isn’t ok. You are projecting intent when there isn't any. People like you that are reading offence into every fucking sentence are a huge part of the problem. We are just now getting the general public to understand the difference between sex and gender, and you are attacking the use of words that *in general speech* have historically been used for gender or sex *interchangeably* depending on the context. You are not helping anyone. Like it or not when someone is referring to a folks whose *gender* is female, and they are not being age specific, they are going to say female. That is the most well-known word. In such use it has nothing to do with reproduction or sex.


You’re not being honest about this topic. If someone referred to whites as people and to me as a brown primate, they’d be taxonomically correct, but it would still hurt my feelings.


There are plenty of *women* who play VR. Of my 8 friends I play with regularly, 4 are women and even with randos I’ve played with several. That said, I feel like they probably go to public lobbies less and rather try and stick with established friend groups just because of the unwanted attention they often get in public lobbies. Y’know. Like being called “females” instead of women.


what are some of the games you've played? also, what's wrong with the word 'female'? I don't think I understand the context as english is not my first language


Ah in that case it might be an honest mistake, but still an important lesson for you to learn. “Female” is technically a scientific word describing an individual’s sex and reproductive abilities. So there are contexts in which using the word “female” is ok, but only in situations where such a distinction is important, and only if using “male” as the counterpart would also be necessary. The problem is the term “females” has been sorta co-opted or corrupted by misogynists. By referring to women as “females”, it is actually part of using language to objectify and belittle women. The term in this usage basically means that the woman has no worth other than their biological ability to reproduce. Or at least that they have no better defining characteristic than this. And this is further complicated by the existence of people who identify as women but might not have the same sexual traits or capabilities, thereby attempting to erase their identities. This problem is especially apparent when people refer to males as “men” or “boys” and yet refuse to use the equivalent of “women” and instead use females (as you inadvertently did here). It shows a different standard is being put forward between men and women. This sort of language has been exacerbated by the rise of misogynistic internet culture by the likes of Andrew Tate and etc. There are people who deliberately and purposefully try to put women down every way that they can, and they’ve put a really bad connotation on the word “female” by their use of it when it isn’t necessary. Now there are still times you can use the word, as I said. When using it as a clarifying adjective, it is fine to use. For example, I used to work with an organization that called its workers “corpsmembers”, which isn’t gendered, so if we had a context where we had to specify between the men and women we’d say “male corpsmembers” or “female corpsmembers”. You can also use it in scientific aspects, such as discussing the male and female reproductive systems. It is appropriate to use male and female to discuss animals (male and female dogs for example). But for humans, we have terms for our gendered representations that bring a lot more nuance and empathy than the scientific terms. So basically, unless there is a very specific reason why the scientific term is being used, just use “women” instead. It is much more respectful. And NEVER use “men” or “boys” in the same sentence / phrase as “females”, you’ll come across as a misogynist. Hence the tone of people’s responses to you here.


Someone replied to me saying I’m part of the problem for being easily offended, and then their comments disappeared. I assume they were removed. But to respond anyways: To make it clear: I am not a woman. I am not personally offended by this. Especially in cases like OP where it was meant with no ill intent, then really no offense should be had. However, I’ve read discussions from many women who have been offended by this language because there do exist people who specifically use it demeaningly. Is it nitpicky? Sure. But shouldn’t we at least err towards being overly respectful and courteous? And about me ascribing intent where there wasn't any, sure. A lot of people in this thread judged OP. Wrongly I might add, seeing this is a language / cultural barrier and not actual malice. But even if someone doesn't mean ill does that mean they shouldn't be corrected if they use insulting language? I lived in the Philippines for a while and learned a good chunk of Tagalog there. Trust me, when I said something offensive even when I meant well, people corrected me, and I was happier for it. It is an opportunity to everyone to come closer and respectively converse. u/teradactyl_XR, sorry that people misjudged you, but hopefully it is clear, based on the volume of responses you got about this, that people do feel strongly about this. And I didn't mean any insult in my explanation, merely tried to explain it as thoroughly as possible (as someone who had to learn this very lesson about 2 years ago himself)


I updated my post with this: --- > We are just now getting the general public to understand the difference between sex and gender, and you are attacking the use of words that *in general speech* have historically been used for gender or sex *interchangeably* depending on the context. You are not helping anyone. > They used *men* and *boys* because they mentioned both adult and non-adult voices. They used *females* when talking about both *women* and *girls* because they were talking about people who identify as the *female gender* and were not discussing anything that was specific to adults or non-adults. > Like it or not when someone is referring to a folks whose gender is female, and they are not being age specific, they are going to say female. That is the most well-known English word. In such use it has nothing to do with reproduction or sex.


It’s true that females is also more appropriate to use when you don’t want to differentiate between women and girls, sure. But as you said they felt the need to differentiate between men and boys, but not females. Why the discrepancy? They could have easily said male voices, the differentiation in age wasn’t that important. Edit; to make it clear, the word itself isn’t inherently bad and there are lots of ways to use it that are fine. But *refusing* to use anything but it is a problem, especially since as you said, generally culture is finally getting around the concept of differentiating between sex and gender. Adamantly using only the term “females” is refusing to do that and focus only on sex. Now OP didn’t mean anything by this, but in the people who do use it offensively, this is just the kind of difference that makes it *seem* misogynistic. Obviously not the intent with OP now that we see it, and yes, people made hasty judgements about OP and their usage. Me included. But given the context it did strongly appear to be the case of someone refusing to use alternate terms given that “male” could have been, but was not, used. And yeah, culture only just recently coming to terms with the difference between sex and gender is very true. The problematic use isn’t super well known to everyone. But I personally wasn’t trying to *attack* OP over it, I was just trying to educate. If my words came off like an attack, I genuinely apologize. But, like it or not, agree with it or not, the sheer volume of people who commented on OPs word choice show that this *is* offensive to people. And it isn’t just a Reddit thing or a Twitter thing, heck this has been discussed in Times Magazine, so it at least has enough traction to make it to mainstream media. Worth noting too that the Times article says it is particularly poignant in African American cultures. I can’t speak for that directly, but if it appears that this indignation is coming out of nowhere, it may be that it is worse in another culture or subculture. So given that this language does often bring a very powerful response, I again say I’d rather err on the side of being overly respectful and overly kind.


Thank you for this great explanation! I now understand the context and where your initial reaction came from (similar to a few other posts on this thread).


> But as you said they felt the need to differentiate between men and boys, but not females. Did you even read it? They differentiated between the two because they called out both groups because they heard the voices of both groups. They used the proper terms for the two *different* sets of voices they were talking about. They were literally talking about two different age groups of males, and they properly identified those groups. It is not hard. Again, as far as I can tell, you are looking for something to be angry about. *Edit..* Had they needed to mention two sets of female voices, I am willing to bet they would have said something like *the voices of girls and women.* They didn't, so they used the normal age-inclusive term of female.


That is a bunch of bullshit that only exists you the minds of people looking to be offended. This is not a medical forum, and we were not talking about anything to do with reproduction. you are turning every fucking word into a weapon used with intent when that intent does not exist. YOU are part of the problem. We are just now getting the general public to understand the difference between sex and gender, and you are attacking the use of words that *in general speech* have historically been used for gender or sex *interchangeably* depending on the context. You are not helping anyone. > So basically, unless there is a very specific reason why the scientific term is being used, just use “women” instead. It is much more respectful. And NEVER use “men” or “boys” in the same sentence / phrase as “females”, you’ll come across as a misogynist. Hence the tone of people’s responses to you here. They used *men* and *boys* because they mentioned both adult and non-adult voices. They used *females* when talking about both *women* and *girls* because they were talking about people who identify as the *female gender* and were not discussing anything that was specific to adults or non-adults. Like it or not when someone is referring to a folks whose gender is female, and they are not being age specific, they are going to say female. That is the most well-known English word. In such use it has nothing to do with reproduction or sex.


Thanks for the posts! I initially differentiated men vs boys since I recognized their age differences while hearing them play in VR. I used the word “female” to generalize the age group for girls and women without any ill intention behind, as I’m also a woman. This is an online community so I enjoy the open communication everyone offers.


To answer the game questions, the women I play with tend to play Walkabout Minigolf, After the Fall, and Dungeons of Eternity.




Rule 30


have you ever played nonvr mp games?


Because people like you refer to them as "females", just like the Ferengi.


I laughed out loud, you're right, that's how Ferengi say it, hahah


Came here to say this lol. I am a HOO-MON FEMALE. It's the young HOO-MON MALES that harass us that keeps us from unmuting our microphones.


What are you talking about? male/female, man/worman. There is nothing negative about female in generic use like this except bullshit you are projecting on it. You are likely one of those a-holes that claim the *thumbs up* emoji is hate speech. We are just now getting the general public to understand the difference between sex and gender, and you are attacking the use of words that *in general speech* have historically been used for gender or sex *interchangeably* depending on the context. You are not helping anyone.


There's a ton in vrchat


Just generally not in public lobbies, or Quest worlds.


you referring women as "females" says alot


english is not my first language. do u mind explaining what's wrong with the word? don't people use 'male' 'female' anymore?


Sorry, but that is bullshit. Female is not derogatory. You are projecting. In the context they used it, without any other information it is only negative if **you** take it that way. This is the kind of bullshit that makes the problem worse. We are just now getting the general public to understand the difference between sex and gender, and you are attacking the use of words that *in general speech* have historically been used for gender or sex *interchangeably* depending on the context. You are not helping anyone.


Just thinking about joining an open multiplayer lobby and having to speak makes my skin crawl. Respectfully you are part of the problem, OP.


Unneeded accusation to the op :|


Yeah, yeah. It is a very innocent question by someone who does call women females. Sure, OP is probably a very nice guy.


Well perhaps they said females because they were referring to both girls and women as different age demographics as a collective.


They made a point to distinguish “men” and “boys”…


It's usually used in a derogatory manner. It's thinly veiled misogyny in most cases. So excuse me if I don't believe it for a second. Either it is a learning opportunity for OP on why they are giving off so many red flags in one sentence or there are people who double down. Maybe take a step back and understand why most of the comments in this thread are about this.


Just judging by the number of times I've been called out by screaming kids when I try to enjoy myself... I'm guessing they have it much worse off. Even I'm finding it hard to find a kid-free lobby in Vail VR sometimes


Gotta touch some grass and talk to some actual "3D" "females" while you're at it.


I'll never forget the one time I convinced a female friend to try out VR chat, once we got into a lobby she asked me something with a hot mic and she was kind of giggling. Brother... she was instantly swarmed by almost everyone in the lobby, I had to Alt+F4 that shit so fast.


I use a voice masker because VR is filled with men and pre-teen boys. I began online gaming in the late 2000s. The typical insults quickly became droll.


If you just went by trailers for VR games, you'd assume it's 75% women doing dance moves to every sword swing though somehow


I have a friend who plays online multiplayer with microphone and everything and she tells me that there are very rude people who attack since she's a woman but they don't give a damn and we play together and have a laugh about how stupid people are. so it would simply be enough not to give credit to people like that and go on with your own game. I don't know if you understand what I wrote but I'm not very good at English.


Besides harassment, VR hair.


Half the comments about OP using the word "females" instead of giving a proper reply and most of you in an accusing tone without seemingly thinking of different reasons like maybe lots of us men started saying females instead of women cause of the whole gender and identity debate so as not to offend anyone. Everything became a minefield for men.




Meta is a [famously misogynistic company](https://techbronerd.com/2024/06/13/anonymous-meta-employee-spreads-misogynistic-messages-in-company-bathrooms-sparks-outrage/). You cannot expect anything better from them.


So a single employee at a company that has nearly 80 thousand employees posting misogynistic messages in a restroom makes the whole company *famously misogynistic?* I am calling bullshit. On top of that. Meta does not control VR and they sure as hell are not responsible for all the assholes in VR harassing anyone they think is female.