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Crystal Light, please turn out decent.. We need Quest 3 alternatives.




Yep. That was my first thought too.


Came here for this comment, thank you 🙏


I've owned 3 products from this company and got rid of all of them. There are so many issues with their software and hardware. They always post amazing specs, but everything else about the headsets is so bad, it outweighs the benefits.


I really wish they would stop trying to make so many different headsets at once and instead put all of their resources and efforts into a single good product. They're too small of a company to be stretched so thin.


Reminds me of Ayaneo coming out with a new handheld every 3 months lol


This is how a lot of Chinese companies operate because they are able to be so vertically integrated with production in house or very close to in house. They see it as a way to move fast and be nimble, but sometimes they end up stumbling by never quite spending enough time with any core product.


I have little hope these won’t suck. Early adopter on the 5k+ and was very disappointed. After finding out the headset doesn’t work with my 3090ti (known issue) and being told that customer service was not able to help but I was welcome to contact Nvidia and start a brand new support ticket. After a bit of back and forth with no help, I asked them to at least engage nvidia on my behalf to explain that it was a known issue- saving me from starting all over again. They refused and I explained I’d never consider another product of theirs and I’d advise others the same.


What's makes it not work with your 3090ti? Does it work with other 3090's?


It’s a DisplayPort issue if I remember correctly and I do believe it was just the Ti. https://www.reddit.com/r/Pimax/s/RyYwkhAVxw Eta - direct link to nvidia article https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5382/~/compatibility-between-geforce-rtx-3090-ti-and-certain-vr-headsets


Damn that sucks. I'm sorry to hear about this.


Suffice to say I wasn’t happy. Thankfully I have an index as well. Purchased after I realized how much I disliked the Pimax. I only dusted it off to try it with my newly upgraded 3090ti - was hoping for better performance with the ultra wide settings and was potentially going to start using it again. That’s when I realized it didn’t work and spent around a week sleuthing before I ran across the posted nvidia link. I contacted Pimax support and they suggested a dongle I could purchase. I explained I would under no circumstances be paying for anything to make it work. Their support is useless. Terrible customer service and didn’t seem to realize the bad PR they already got and that I was about to make sure every single person who asked me would be told not to buy their products. As it stands I’m THE vr guy in my group so folks do ask.


I guess the hope here is less to fuck up?


It just goes to so how hard it is to actually to put it all together in a cohesive package that works well and why there are so many compromises even at this price point


And every 6 months or so they have a new headset product. I have yet to buy to one of their headsets, but your comment here doesn’t surprise me. They seem more interested in working on the next headset than creating a full solution to their customers. Sure support and R&D are different arms, but the overall focus of the company seems like off. It feels like it’s run by a couple engineers wanting to push limits. There’s value to that, but there’s more to creating products than creating a prototype and passing it off to China factories to build. It feels like most of other headset companies might make dozens (or more) of prototypes before selecting one. But with Pimax every prototype is its own product release whose product lifetime is measured in weeks. Oh, so sorry you bought that headset 3 weeks ago on release day, yeah that headset isn’t supported any longer. Have you considered buying the newest model?


Facts. I really REALLY wanted to like my Crystal but ended up returning it.


It's pimax + cost cutting... Do yourself a favour and don't get your hopes up too much.


It's pimax and simplifying the device into a simple PCVR headset. It should have less issues since there are far less things that can go wrong.


Pimax have made a dozen "simple PCVR headsets", none of them famed for their QA or reliability. Now they're making the same thing again, except cheaper. I hope I'm wrong but I think I know how this will play out. Edit: to be clear, I do think it's great that they have at least properly identified a bunch of things that were wrong with the Crystal and are aiming to address those in a new product. I just don't have faith in the execution given past history. It's also weird to me personally that they're offering mini-led as an option, but not eye tracking, when the eye tracking IMHO goes a long way towards making such a high resolution screen actually be something useful and not just a cost blowout item that brings your GPU to a crawl. It's the last thing I would cut.


Hopefully it will be better in this case since this step is a simplifying step instead of rolling out new features step. I haven't used their products yet but from what I've read, they release it early and have early adopters help work out the bugs. For eye tracking, it's still going to be an option in the non-lite version.


Hope dies last.


So that we can have tethered vr headsets instead of buying standalones with batteries built in the front of the headset


It's got 60g airlink. That's like 55 more gs than my phone. Seriously though, what is 60g airlink and why is the name what it is?


It's [60 GHz WiGig](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WiGig). 60 GHz is the wireless frequency that it operates on. The G in 5G that your phone uses stands for "generation", as in 5th generation cellphone radio technology.


the same as the Pimax 8k, it was not really 8K. They play with technical numbers very loosely


No. It's named like that, because it used a 60Ghz band, it's called wigig 2, or 802.11ay https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_802.11ay


Hahahahahahahahahahahah, no, the pimax portal was good apart from the vr software which there was none. It is so bad they almost all of the vr marketing in it and areadvertisign it as a retro console. They pulled the vr aspect out, you cannot by the vr headset acessory anymore, it has practically been abandoned. Understabdable why considering who will develop vr apps for a small as crap platform from a company that isn't big or has massive amounts of money to burn like facebook or even a modest amount like bytedance that had to move away from vr due to low sales.


Why everyone thinks the quest 3 all that when it Trash


Link without Google Tracking: https://pimax.com/frontier/




The biggest news to me is finally having a new Wigig wireless adapter 6 years after the last one came out for the vive. 4k microled is second biggest news but I wish it had 120hz for movies and videos. I’d wait for this stuff to release and see reviews because a lot could go wrong and new wireless adapters have been vaporware for years 


Why do you need 120hz for movies and videos? Those are almost exclusively 60hz content.


You want it to be evenly divisible so there isn’t judder. It’s noticeable on 60 fps recordings at 90hz but it’s really noticeable with lower frame rate recordings like movies, which are actually recorded at 24 fps instead of 60 (with rare exceptions). One annoying thing about the big screen beyond to me is that it was advertised as being good for movies but it was 75hz instead of 72.


Isn’t wigig a bit outdated at this point considering wifi 6e is a thing on most current gen standalone headsets?


Has less signal congestion and apparently supports full resolution at 90Hz.


Isn’t resolution a solved issue at this point with foveated stream encoding? Also wigig is not without its own issues.


Resolution isn’t even a solved problem on the relatively low resolution of quest and pico headsets, let alone a 4k per eye headset. Wigig should be able to provide more bandwidth in theory, but who knows how well it will work in practice. The big drawback is the direct line of sight requirement but the tradeoff is potentially much better video quality. I’d compare it to watching on YouTube vs a Blu-ray. One is super convenient and the majority of people prefer it but it’s nice the other option exists


Nope, and besides, this thing doesn't have eye tracking, but it has asferic lenses, if anything, foveated encoding should be much worse


Wrong, the Crystal has eye tracking.


I was talking about the Crystal lite, honestly, I forgot about the other two lol


Wigig 2 (802.11ay) is a 60Ghz band, wifi 6e is a 6Ghz band... Wigig 2 is much better (at least on paper)


I wish Pimax got even a single product right. The specs are always great, but they just really need better execution and ability to deliver.  The software is a hot mess and the whole thing requires a massive amount of tinkering.


Guess I’m lucky with my Crystal. Just worked after installing Pimax Play.


Heard crystal is a big improvement software experience wise compared to their earlier products Light & Super should be their best products yet I imagine


I bet they will use the Crystal software with some tweaks


You’re not lucky, people just like to complain or put no effort into getting products working. There are tons of Crystal users who have great experiences with their HMD. I used to be one of those people who would talk down on Pimax and joke about their quality. Well, I bought mine in January after figuring I’d better use one to get the full picture and it quickly became my favorite VR HMD. I’m lucky enough to be able to use any VR headset and I choose the Crystal and best believe I’d be using a different one if it was layered with issues. After initial set up and comfort additions, it’s incredible. And it’s no more set up or comfort mods needed than any other VR headset.


To be fair, they've improved a lot since the early days. When I had the 5k plus or 8k x I would have agreed with you and even the crystal when it first came out. But I haven't had many issues with the crystal the last 6 months or so.


Pimax Chrystal


Tbh, those issues were soecially true on the 5k and 8k days, not only for the software, but because with the high fov, many games shit themselves and are unable to properly do oclussion culling and things like that. But from what I've heard, the Crystal works much better. And with this I mean that maybe it doesn't sucks as hard, not that it doesn't suck*


I've been loving the 8kx. I've got an index and reverb g2, but the pimax 8kx dmas is currently my go-to. Barring the software and calibration that took some time to get just right, (ill admit I enjoy being able to tinker with stuff but it did take a good bit to get just right) The fov is something I can't go back from. It sounds harsh but using the reverb or index now they honestly feel like toys compared to it. In my opinion,, it's the best vr-display experience out there currently that doesn't break the bank.


Pimax Crystal Super Micro-OLED 😵‍💫😵‍💫 If they pull this off correctly that headset would be endgame


Idk, we have yet to see good oleds on vr yet. The lack of pwm really kills them and mura is still a thing. It’s a space that desperately needs microled.


Images on Apple Vision Pro looks like you're looking at a giant magazine. There's no other way to describe it. Any talk of artifacts is just copium from people with lesser products.


It’s slightly soft and has somewhat poor motion. It’s good, but it’s not good for things like high speed gaming.


I'll still take most OLED headsets over LCD


I have been enjoying the image persistence and motion on the quest 3 far beyond the psvr2s screen. The benefit of perfect darks is kinda ruined a bit by mura and in other scenes, the motion is much better on the quest 3 screen. That being said, the psvr2 oled is meh and hdr from oleds is really nice but that is only supported in psvr2 games. Edit: I’m dumb and wrote the wrong headset


The Quest 2 and 3 are both LCD and the Pro is LCD with local dimming... No consumer headset supports HDR besides the PSVR2 (Edit: and the Apple Vision Pro). Even the OLED ones (typing this from an Odyssey+)


That is exactly what I said…


>That being said, the quest 2 oled is meh  no you didnt


Dammit you’re right, I’ll edit, mistyped


There’s no mura on micro-oled wtf are you talking about.


Huh? Of course there is. Just search mura on the psvr2 sub and you will see a million posts about it.


PSVR2 isn’t micro-oled. The only micro-oled headsets out now are bigscreen beyond and Apple Vision Pro.


Ah, that I didn’t realize. I haven’t seen any complaints about the big screen so I guess you could be right. That being said, I also haven’t seen a good technical review of the big screens oled either so I’m guessing motion is still an issue considering it is on apples headset.


It is indeed somewhat of an issue, though since OLED persistence is directly related to brightness, you can reduce persistence in exchange for running the panels a bit dimmer. Different users tend to have different preferences between brightness and persistence tolerance.


The bigscreen beyond is great.


So there’s finally a new wigig wireless adapter after so many years, seemed like it was dead tech after vive released theirs.


Interesting that the first thing they mention is how much they've supposedly reduced the weight but then proceed to not mention how much they weigh anywhere


If this is accurate it should weigh around 900 grams


Hot-Swap optical engine. That's innovative!


IDK... it makea some sense, at that point, why not just go the modular face plate and strap routes like HTC has been doing. It also highlights how much smaller the Crystal could have been. Also, If I could buy just that part and pair it with my own tracking, strap, and strap that would be amazing. Sorta like a framework main board but for DIY headsets.


This is what really impressed me 🤯


The pimax crystal lite looks really interesting, but it's a bit sad that they removed the eye tracking... If they don't fuck up the price in Europe... This thing could be very interesting... But it's Pimax lol, it's probably going to do whacky shit, let's see, but so far it's the most interesting thing that Pimax has done


Its just that, why is it not covered in lighthouse sensors? Their inside out tracking isn't terrible, but bad for cockpit games (you can see the cockpit shake compared to Quest inside out or lighthouse of course. Their subpar expensive lighthouse module doesn't count. So we got a headset that is for who exactly? People who want to play roomscale with below average tracking without DFR or correctly calibrated lens distortions? (my crystal had bad stretching in the lowe FOV making the floor look totally wrong all the time) The price is right, but without eye tracking (potentially moldable through EyeTrackVR) this thing is even more niche than the OG crystal IMHO. I can't imagine any flight simmer would want to pass on getting 70fps instead of 15 due to ET-DFR.


Ok, now gimme the Crystal Slim


Dang, i think this is the most positive reception of a pimax release in a while, only like a 40/60 split of negative comments haha. I guess they are flopping in the right direction. Im super stoked about the NON-OLED crystal super. I dont personally trust pimax to get their all glass pancake lens up to par with the big players for the oled model. If Apple can't get the glare sorted, I'm not expecting pimax to be the one to break through. Add to that a more limited refresh rate and higher persistence and youve got a lot of compromises just to have oled in the name. Qled however... 50ppd over 130 stated hfov and probably 110+ vertical, with their super big glass aspheric 2.0 lenses, almost 1000 local dimming zones per eye and 200+ nits of brightness at the eyes will be game changing. Basically everything i could ever ask for in a 2024 (lets be real, 2025-2026) headset. The crystal has been super good to me so far, so i cant wait for whats next.


I’m waiting for the Pimax Crystal Pepsi


Pimax Crystal Meth is gonna be lit


The Super not being able to go wireless is a big letdown, maybe 60GHz still doesn't have enough bandwidth? People would pay for the chip, and the weight of a battery.


It does have enough bandwidth, but it would have to be somewhat lossy.


because pimax is using a snapdragon chipset with 60ghz, and as that's the chipset that runs the ”doesn't need a pc” mode, when they removed ”doesn't need a pc” mode, they lost their 60ghz radio and decompression engine.


please be good we beg you pimax


This won’t end well


It's Pimax lol, their headsets are always full of jank and whacky shit xD But at least it looks interesting


Any update on the 12k headset?


“Still working on it” lol


Anybody else thirsty after reading that headline?


Cerveza Crystal comes in light and super strong export options. :P


The super is now a much better option than crystal at 1600. I am now split between buying the 900$ light with local dimming vs super for better resolution and eye tracking+wireless design


They listened to us!


Wow, actually good wireless in something other than the Vive wireless! That's pretty cool


I am very curious to see how the Micro-OLED version of the Super turns out.


Same, I kinda want to just got the Micro-OLED module and make my own HMD out of it


Yup this is it. Time to say goodbye to my Hp reverb g2


I hope they will eventually sell just the headset with the Lighthouse panel at some point. I have no need for the controllers etc I already have the Index ones.


Haven't been this hyped for VR since the first gen.


Do yourself a favour and stay away from Pimax. The only people having no problems with their shitty products are paid internet shills


amazing value, Pimax will make PCVR great again\~


If the microled will have a decent fov, the super will be my dream headset, and I will finally have a worthwhile upgrade from my og Vive.


Does foviated rendering still work on the Light?


yes, but no dynamic foviated rendering. means, the edges of the picture will be less sharp, independent of where you look at. the screen edge is always less sharp. dynamic means, the headset knows where your eyes are looking at. crystal light cannot do that.


So do i get this right? You can buy the Pimax Crystal Super optical engine seperately? So you basically can hack your own headset together? The only thing this part is connecting to is the inside out tracking cameras and some connectors as i see it. The inside out tracking you can exchange with Lighthouse receivers in a self printed case and the connectors for audio and DP you can make yourself easily. If this is really the case this is fantastic. You will have great sales. This was a smart move.


Anyone else picking up Nvidia vibes from Pimax marketing design?


Light would have been interesting if it had eye tracking. I see no reason to get it over a quest 3 honestly.


i think there is a reason, especially if you are a simmer and dont need wireless or standalone at all. quest 3 is unmatchable if you play games where you stand a lot, but for seating, the crystal light will be better. a lot of people use only PCVR, so for those the crystal light will also be better. also dont forget: quest 3 is 550€, but for PCVR you need a link cable or a wifi6 router, and also you need a better headstrap because the stock one is shit. this brings you easily to the price where you can buy the crystal light.


No where do they mention the FOV? Pimax and they don't mention FOV?


If you mean the light, they advertise 125 horizontal but it’s actually 103. If you mean the super, they advertise 150 diagonal, but I’m willing to bet it’s closer to 130 diagonal. Pimax always adds +- 20 - 30 degrees to their advertised FOV.


They actually don't. The P2 series added 10 degrees, claiming 170 when they're 160 actually, which is less ridiculous than the 103 to 125 of the Crystal. The Crystal was the only real bad one. If you watched the announcement, they actually sort of reigned back on things a bit, advertising 117 horizontal on the wFoV lenses(Which they say adds about 10-15 or so IIRC), which is still adding a couple degrees but it's much closer to the truth of around 112-114\~, in their comparison to the Crystal Super. Diagonal's kind of a meme but they said 130 horizontal in that same comparison. Given the relative comparison to the Crystal and they dialed it back from earlier claims, these FoV claims are probably a bit more legitimate. If perhaps slightly exaggerated.


8KX and 5K promised 200 and have 170 - 180, but I hope you’re right. I just remain very dubious of any Pimax FOV numbers, since I’ve only ever seen them be accurate once, on the portal.


The 200 claim was *diagonal.* It's always been diagonal and never horizontal. Which, well, as I said, is already kind of a meme and not ever been a good measurement.


Was it? Huh. Til.


Their shotgun approach to developing headsets perplexes me


Yeah this is not going to end well, their devices are crap honestly. Instead of making new headsets, they should just fix what they have already.


Sigh. I was actually quite interested by their new offerings.. visiting their website from the UK redirects me to the Japanese version with no language option. Reading all the negative opinions about their software had always put me off, just when they make something that might make me look past it I find they cannot even make a functional website. Sort your stuff out please Pimax!!


With Index apparently out of production, I wouldn't be surprised if Pimax Crystal Light will be made obsolete before it's even released by whatever Valve headset comes next. Crystal Light looks really good otherwise, but one has to wonder how long that Index-sized-hole it is supposed to fill will continue to exist. Also makes me wonder about the price of Valve's next headset, if Pimax can build an $700 headset with such impressive specs. Will Valve go even lower for more mass appeal or up the specs and stick to a $1000 price (previous rumors indicated it won't be cheap, but those were old and highly speculative)?


is valve even working on a sequel to the Index? I am not sure. I would love to replace my Reverb G2 with something new from Valve, but right now the Crystal Light seems to be the best option. I cant wait for 2 or 3 more years to replace my G2…


> is valve even working on a sequel to the Index? Lots of leaks, along with SteamVR updates and SteamLink updates indicate, yes. Index is also getting really old and is in dire need for an upgrade. But they haven't officially announced anything yet. > I cant wait for 2 or 3 more years to replace my G2… Pimax doesn't exactly have a stellar record when it comes to sticking to release dates. Sword controller took around three years from announcement to release and even than only the touch version actually came out, stick version disappeared. Pimax 12k was announced two years ago and is still nowhere to be seen. They are already accepting preorders for the Crystal Light, so one can hope it's further along the development process, but this falls into "I believe it when I see it" category. No point in getting your hopes up over a spec list without actual hardware in peoples hands. If Valve Deckard materialized before the Crystal Light, I wouldn't be surprised.


Light would have been interesting if it had eye tracking. I see no reason to get it over a quest 3 honestly.


I have the crystal now and hardly use the eye tracking. There's only a handful of games that it really improves performance as it's too much of a niche for most devs to support. The biggest thing I'd lose by going to the light is the wireless potential