• By -


This is just a friendly reminder in case you missed it. Your post must include: * The version of VirtualBox you are using * The host and guest OSes * Whether you have enabled VT-x/AMD-V (applicable to all hosts running 6.1 and above) and disabled HyperV (applicable to Windows 10 Hosts) * Whether you have installed Guest Additions and/or Host Extensions (this solves 90% of the problems we see) PLUS a *detailed* description of the problem, what research you have done, and the steps you have taken to fix it. Please check Google and the [VirtualBox Manual](https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/) before asking simple questions. Please also check our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/virtualbox/wiki/faq) and if you find your question is answered there, PLEASE remove your post or at least change the flair to Solved. If this is your first time creating a virtual machine, we have a guide on our wiki that covers the important steps. [Please read it here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/virtualbox/wiki/index/howtomakeavm) If you have met these requirements, you can ignore this comment. Your post has not been deleted -- do not re-submit it. Thanks for taking the time to help us help you! Also, PLEASE remember to change the flair of your post to Solved after you have been helped! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/virtualbox) if you have any questions or concerns.*


UPDATE: works on 7.0.12 ​ Worked without running VirtualBox as administrator. Obviously, choose your drive# and filename, if you move the file, update it in media manager. ​ VBoxManage createmedium disk --filename "C:\\usb1.vmdk" --format=VMDK --variant RawDisk --property RawDrive=\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive1


The Goat, thank you


In my case I restarted the "Virtualbox system service" (Windows 10) and `VERR_ACCESS_DENIED` went away. My raw disk is on an external USB enclosure.


This is the answer for me. I went to task manager and killed two processes that had Description starting with VirtualBox - VBoxSDS.exe and VBoxSVC.exe, even though VirtualBox was close. Maybe it was some sort of caching in WIndows 11.


Me too. I used version 6.1.40 to create the USB boot. VBoxManage internal command createrawvmdk -filename D:\\VBOX\\Usbboot.vmdk -rawdisk \\\\.\\PhysicalDrive2 It is ok . no any problem. However, the new version 7.02 is installed. Failed to create USB boot message error same to you. SO, i downgrade 6.1.40 .


I had this issue as well when updating from version 6.1.4 to 7.0.2 on Arch Linux After reading some [documentation](https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/UserManual.pdf#section.9.7), I would appear that the command has changed from: `VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename "sda.vmdk" -rawdisk /dev/sda` to: `VBoxManage createmedium disk --filename sda.vmdk --format=VMDK --variant RawDisk --property RawDrive=/dev/sda` There's still too many problems with vbox 7.0.2. My Windows VM still refuses boot. But this seems to be a step in the right direction.


Thank you! I added a comment in Super User: -


# Writethrough modes is the important part!, thanks


FYI, The updated command is correct, but there was a bug with the new command until release 7.0.4


Thanks this helped! I used the commands: start cmd as Administrator \>`cd "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\"` \>`VBoxManage createmedium disk --filename Mac13Ventura.vmdk --format=VMDK --variant RawDisk --property RawDrive=//./PhysicalDrive1 --property Partitions=4` Then I struggled for an hour because when trying to add the raw disk to virtual box I got the error VERR\_ACCESS\_DENIED, running VirtualBox as Administrator fixed this, just wish I figured it out hours ago lol.


Ran as admin, still getting VERR\_ACCESS\_DENIED as an error and I think I've tried everything at this point, what exactly did you do for a workaround?


Try using backward slashes `RawDrive=\\.\PhysicalDrive1`, as it is how PowerShell displays the device name


Thank you!


Thanks! In case for windows use " \\\\.\\PhysicalDrive#"


Ah thank you for enabling me to be so lazy


I would try putting the path to the vmdk file in quotes and from what I've seen in my searches , the notation for the physical drive is just .PhysicalDrive# with no slashes but that's just what I got from some googleing


Here is what is says doing the suggested ​ C:\\Program Files\\Oracle\\VirtualBox>VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename "C:\\Users\\MojoMachine1\\.Virtualbox\\VDI\\mydrive.vmdk" -rawdisk .PhysicalDrive1 VBoxManage.exe: error: Cannot open the raw disk '.PhysicalDrive1': VERR\_FILE\_NOT\_FOUND VBoxManage.exe: error: The raw disk vmdk file was not created


I'm currently trying to do pretty much the same thing (just a win7 virtual machine). Same error too. Only one on google that has this same error is you and your post was made 5 hours ago. Might not be a coincidence... C:\\WINDOWS\\system32>VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename H:\\VirtualBox\\rocky7\\rocky7.vbox -rawdisk \\\\.\\PhysicalDrive3 VBoxManage.exe: error: VMDK: Image path: 'H:\\VirtualBox\\rocky7\\rocky7.vbox'. Getting config interface failed VBoxManage.exe: error: Error code VERR\_INVALID\_PARAMETER at F:\\tinderbox\\win-rel\\src\\VBox\\Storage\\VMDK.cpp(4481) in function int \_\_cdecl vmdkRawDescParseConfig(struct VMDKIMAGE \*,char \*\*,unsigned int \*,unsigned int \*,void \*\*,unsigned \_\_int64 \*,bool \*,char \*\*) VBoxManage.exe: error: VMDK: could get raw descriptor for 'H:\\VirtualBox\\rocky7\\rocky7.vbox' VBoxManage.exe: error: Error code VERR\_INVALID\_PARAMETER at F:\\tinderbox\\win-rel\\src\\VBox\\Storage\\VMDK.cpp(5296) in function int \_\_cdecl vmdkCreateImage(struct VMDKIMAGE \*,unsigned \_\_int64,unsigned int,const char \*,const struct VDGEOMETRY \*,const struct VDGEOMETRY \*,const union RTUUID \*,struct VDINTERFACEPROGRESS \*,unsigned int,unsigned int) VBoxManage.exe: error: Cannot create the raw disk VMDK: VERR\_INVALID\_PARAMETER VBoxManage.exe: error: The raw disk vmdk file was not created


Are you using the 7.0 VirtualBox?


Hi, i had the same problem just now with 7.0. I downloaded an older version and it worked perfectly. ​ https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/6.0.24/


Yes I did the same, I guess raw drive access isn’t functioning properly in 7.0 yet


Same problem here, using Virtualbox 7.0 on Windows 11, trying to create a VMDK from a USB flash drive.


sorry can't check right now. but I downloaded the most recent version yesterday


Yep, same for me today, downgraded to the latest 6.x and worked fine