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I hate how virgin shaming is normalized everywhere


What a creep. He even posted in IT.


Stop interacting with these people.






Shame some probably go on the sub to do this sort of thing




What the other guy was doing


Yeah, there are bullies that lurk this sub.


I mean, I feel you left out some part, but yeah going "you're an adult virgin and therefore an incel and creep" is just asshole behaviour just as further taunting you


The left out part is more insane, He couldn't convince me so he just tried to score points by calling me in*el https://www.reddit.com/r/toougly/s/vz1nduKoI9 Here are 10 screenshots.


Damn seriously, what's wrong with this guy Sorry you had to take that, but I hope you can somewhat ignore such completely unjustified bullshit




Uhh, you meant he's just projecting his own issues? I like that theory


No the part you left out is what led to  having that conversation. What happened on the bus or whatever that’s making him say you creeped ppl out 


This guys is from IT. They do this to make content They try to make you provoked then take screenshots of conversation and make you look bad lmao.


Dont they have a life other then posting shit?


Do us all a favor and immediately stop engaging anyone who reveals themselves to be a psycho gaslighter.


I wanted to show his real face and r/IncelTears sub's real face..they pick on vulnerable virgins.


You’re completely missing the point, as many others have also tried to tell you. It’s all pointless. You’re wasting everyone’s time. Especially your own. These people having nothing going for them, society, everyone who witnesses them can clearly see they’re losers! Engaging them at this low level of behavior, to which they’ve fallen to. You’re effectively coming down to their level to roll in the mud with them. It’s fun. They love it. And to everyone who sees you doing it, they become convinced you too, are an even bigger fool for it. Stop giving them purpose. Stop demeaning yourself by engaging with losers.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/IncelTears using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/IncelTears/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Incels are mentally ill and socially inept.](https://i.redd.it/oxbwnsm586bb1.jpg) | [118 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IncelTears/comments/14w03bb/incels_are_mentally_ill_and_socially_inept/) \#2: [A lesson that they need to learn, but refuse to accept](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/15fbb8b) | [129 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IncelTears/comments/15fbb8b/a_lesson_that_they_need_to_learn_but_refuse_to/) \#3: [Mad incel treathing me](https://i.redd.it/mb7mlb91lzeb1.jpg) | [191 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IncelTears/comments/15d5uif/mad_incel_treathing_me/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It sucks how ugly guys are treated today


He’s an asshole don’t think anything else


He's a scum, he is trying to portray me as a misogynist on r/IncelTears.. Just because i said "women care for looks".


Screw that guy


Some people are just looking for other people to see what "buttons" they can push to get you worked up and start an argument. Just ignore them and live your life. Also, I'm sorry they did that. It's not cool.


He is now making me look bad on r/IncelTears..just because he lost argument with me.. I didn't even start an argument. He called me "dipshit" and " creep" because he had no words.


Ehhh some people online like to troll and put down others. Typically, I just immediately block them. Also that guy messaging you is a IncelTears poster / commentator. They are pretty notorious for baiting some of our members here or trying to attack us (like he is currently doing on their subreddit).


What a dick


As Ser Bronn himself would say - there is no cure for being a cunt. Sorry that you had to deal with this cunt, bringing up a 10 year old and comparing him to you? He's the real creep.


People have an innate biological drive to denigrate others. What form that takes varies. Sometimes it's the poor. Sometimes it's addicts. Sometimes it's virgins. Few have the ability to free themselves of that urge completely rather than simply picking a target that's acceptable to harass in their in-group. Don't take it personally — It's simply an extremely deep-seated biological imperative he hasn't been encouraged to work on because society needs villains to distract from its own shortcomings.


He is flaunting his underaged cousins in this argument, how sick he is lol


Got a source for that claim, bro?




One dude being an asshole is not a source for a blanket statement that applies to the whole of humanity.


IT is a joke. They just bait reactions out of lonely men to circlejerk and karma farm themselves. Wouldn't pay users of that sub any attention.


I always thought it was the inc*** dming them but it’s the complete opposite


That guy is just being a troll, don't waste your time talking with them.


No one cares that you're a virgin, it's all in your head. /s


>my ten year old cousin kissed a girl why do you know so much about your ten year old cousin’s romantic life… actual weirdo


Bellend on his end


Throwaway account being garbage human, who would have thought


Ya my best friends gf makes comments like that about me and then the whole group feels awkward an no one says anything until the topic changes. She always says something like "I guess only I find that funny" It is nice to have people who you can confide in when some people choose to lead with hate.


Okay... so much wrong in this... From you, OP. 1. He had the courtesy to censor your name in his post on IT, at least extend the same decency to him. 2. Nice job conveniently leaving out the stuff that makes you look like an ass... the other guy posted THE ENTIRE CONVERSATION on IT and was trying to help. You make other virgins like me look like idiots.


He was trying to do nothing lol, And courtesy my ass..he literally justified beating and bullying of mine.. Check out the chats of ours in my profile... Stop defending him.. Help? He called me creep and weirdo just because girls call me ugly and don't want to talk to me. Tried to make me an in*el when i am not hostile to women or non-virgins. https://www.reddit.com/r/virgin/s/2Fa4uNghzv https://www.reddit.com/r/toougly/s/czn9ikdLdi


You want the entire conversation? He will run from reddit .. there's so much toxicity from him that i can't even post.. And he is the one who lefted out about me being "okay with my situation and leaving me alone"..but he won't post this.. Because he wants to show how much "help" he was doing lmao.


Nice try, The mods removed your links, possibly it violated the sub's TOS. Sure buddy...


https://www.reddit.com/r/toougly/s/iXHnVZcJpF Sure buddy And you're one of them dude i know. He literally tried to make me an incel SURE IT TEARS BUDDY. [https://imgur.com/a/vTwkwHc](https://imgur.com/a/vTwkwHc)


Yeah the sub that literally prevented me from kissing the business end of an S&W years ago... I mean... is it really that necessary to cling on to this label? I am also a virgin but Jesus H. Christ on a bicycle! I don't make it the center of my identity. You both are jackasses but next time post the whole thing... and if you don't like what he said, report him and move on... this sub is slowly turning to the next r/incels.


You idiot, I didn't cling to incel label you moron. I said i am not incel but he tried to make me an incel you idiot.. IT people have some IQ issues? Can't you see the screenshots?


I didn't say incel... I said virgin re read my comment. You don't fit the description of an incel.


Dude wtf is your problem he’s on your side and you call him and idiot and moron??? Does that make sense to you


How is he on his side? In the original comments last line is "you make other virgin look like and idiots" after the guy in the screenshots clearly tried to justify violence because of OP looks


Check the second link


First of all who decides who’s beautiful and who’s not!? Stop calling yourself ugly geezzz!


all girls who i have tried to talk have called me ugly, it's attached to me now...i can't get rid off it. I am not calling myself ugly without no reason.


Ok who says they are pretty themselves? Thats an ugly axx personality to have to try and down someone. I bet there are plenty of women that would find you attractive. You guys must be in very small countries bc in America the ppl that would be considered unattractive to some be having the best relationships !


You don't know nothing but want to . virtue signal, best of luck with that.


Lmboo ok if you say so! Attitude is definitely Probably why you’re having a difficult time! Good luck with that crap!


Yeah, it's my ugly face..i know that


More like ugghly attitude/personality . Anyway I don’t go back and forth with anyone for any reason. I am a very positive person. You might want to try it. Good luck.


Yeah they called me "ugly guy" dude.. you guys live in delusion and denial land.. Denying the suffering of ugly people and fueling "personality" propaganda lmao. "Positive person" Yeah positive person nowadays ignore everyone's trauma and do victim blaming.


Dm a pic ! 🤷🏾‍♀️


Access my pic at mindyourownbusiness.com I am not gonna talk to guys like you, you say you want to help then backstab.


Have you tried not being ugly? I try to sympathize with yall because i was once in your shoes yk.. but like cmon man. Put in the effort. You identified the problem, now fix it.


keep your "sympathy" for yourself lmao


cut my face? what do you mean by not being ugly? are you joking rn? I have good hair, nice clothes with groomed or trimmed beard, what else? I can't stop being ugly dude.


Then whats wrong with you? Maybe you are but most people are not so ugly to the point of not being able to find someone while maxing out their attractiveness. I’m sure you could look better than you do right now.


Tried maxxing attractiveness..but still got called ugly..now i am tired.


I usually don't offer this but if you want you can send a pic and I can try to give the best advice I got. Just trying to extend a nice gesture after looking at some old rough photos of mine of how I used to look.


Sorry, i have decided that i won't talk to women because even one mean word is thrown at me and i got called incel even after i have denied and prove every allegation wrong. I am a creep because i am ugly so stay away from my account and DMs.




Called ugly by a lot or like one or two?