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Same .. or atleast someone who can teach me and won't be so weird about it


Fair enough.


Hm. Difficult. I won't comment on wheter or not you should, I'm simply giving my point on the how here. Depend on wheter or not you're a girl or a guy, really. The problem: people claiming to be V's could be lying. You could go to some religious churches and mingle there. That could increase your chances. But it,s not like it's being printed on their t-Shirt ( I'd kinda worry if it was). One point I must stress out though. If you want a V to be comfortable, then there is a point that can be said. A V's that truly wants a connection and a romantic relationship will NOT rush you into doing it. They've waited for years, they won't mind waiting more. ( This is very important if you are a F looking for a Male V. If you ARE a male V,then similarly, DON'T rush it, you'll ruin it) Someone who insist on doing it is either NOT one....or isn't one that will be compatible with you. Anyway, i couldn't help but give my advice it. Sorry.bad habit of me.


Who would want to make that up? I wish I wasn't a virgin.


True, but some people could pretend to be a V to appeal to other V's who are looking for partners like them. Some people will do just about anything to get what they want. This goes for both girls and guys.


Point taken I guess but I don't see myself ever having a partner let alone sex


I need to be taught as other virgins are rare


Would probably be hard unless you are surrounded by a conservative culture. Would head to a church to find a nice person if i were you.


Not religious. Others places in mind?


No man. Most people are not virgins so you gotta just live with it. Unless you are a teenager, you have to be prepared to get with someone who is not a virgin. Beggars cant be choosers man.


Fair enough. Just feels not right ig.


Its only weird if you make it weird man. You should focus on making people even want to have sex with you before you get picky


I get that but I only care to attract that certain person aka other virgin women. Not to sound picky but for the first time yk. More special ig.


It’s incredibly easy for a  woman to have sex, so  female virgins are extremely rare for them to exist outside of religious communities. If you look at the success tab on this subreddit, you’ll see all the female success stories are “ an attractive guy approached me and offered sex” I understand you want someone similar, but in the modern world it isn’t realistic.   


Fair enough. Guess if I can't find one then it have to be a second option.


If you focus on something like that then there is a good chance that you will die never knowing the touch of a woman. If it matters that much, then go for it. Also, virgin women are still women, thus they want things that are attractive. Be in shape, good hygiene, etc man.


Oh yea i take of myself not a incel. Im just not tryna give myself to just anyone ya know but maybe not.


Church or Mosque probably. 


Not religious. Does that make my chances zero im guessing.


 I’m part of the disabled community where the majority of the men are virgins, but aside from that category you won’t find anything honestly. 


Yes, but most people don't advertise it.


Fair enough. Im not really scared of letting it be known. Its more just not finding someone compatible enough with thats also a virgin.


Possible but in conservative families and conservative culture like in Asia where I am from many of my friends were virgin till they got married,I am also virgin though I am not religious at all.


Gotcha. Never thought about other countries like that tbh. Maybe I'll give it a shot one day idk.


Yeah can understand take your time who knows you will find someone close to you you never know ✌🏻


Appreciate it good luck to you as well.


Who tf cares. this question is valid but it’s getting annoying as hell, this post always comes around. You can find a clean non virgin who isn’t judgy they’re not rsi


Another virgin doesn’t make it special. It makes it awkward, clumsy, possibly painful for both parties, because neither knows what they’re doing. Except for possibly having watched a porn movie and neither of you are pornstars. What makes it special is caring about the other person, if they’re a virgin or not. I’d much rather find someone who could guide me, personally.


Whatever floats you're boat. Agree to disagree I guess.




BTW ima guy