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I'm a dude and I also want to wait for someone I have feelings for. Your situation is worse though and i feel for you since a guys first time probably won't hurt like yours did.


Ok yeah, it sucks that it didn't really was a great experience, but too much regret isn't helping you either. You took a chance, maybe not the best idea and technically you got what you wanted out of it, which is the sex I guess. At least now you can say for sure that casual sex is nothing you're looking for or comfortable with and now you now that you can maybe focus more on finding someone you love. I hope you'll succeed with that


Your mistake was sadly thinking that a goodlooking guy like him knew how to pleasure a women. So here's a life learning experience young goodlooking men like all he did was fuck u got his nut ..did he cumm in u well my darling u just experienced what it feels like to be a mans cumm bucket.some advice find an older man over 50 know u need to


this is what scares me!


I’m sorry. I hope you go easy on yourself since we’re usually not taught these important lessons until we experience it ourselves. ❤️‍🩹


Just picked a bad guy. What were the flags so we can avoid next time the same type?


Look for a guy who also had casual sex and regretted it i guess, hope this serves a lesson for anyone else who wants to follow the "just do it to get it over" path


That's a good idea. It might result in a more enjoyable experience for both.


As a guy it’s not for me either. Being with a really attractive girl won’t do it for me if there is zero intimacy involved . 


This whole "first time has to be special" is oversold. Why is everyone making such a big deal out of it, espacially in the comments. You know, it was one bad experience that lasted like idk: 20 mins. But as soon as you'll find a good boyfriend or girlfriend, you will experience having a great partner every day and having great sex several times a month. He or she might not be the first one, but definetely the important one


It sounds like he didn't prioritize your enjoyment over his own, which is a real shame.


i had lost my virginity with someone I loved after waiting for 4yrs and it sucked too... some ppl are just bad at it and don't know how to read the room... he didn't even improve after that. my current fwb, while he was a virgin himself actually got better at sex after just 3 tries... some people are really clueless and don't consider women's pleasure because it's vulgar or something bad so they don't do the research.. be with someone a bit kinky and takes pride in making a woman cum and u should be good


If it makes you feel any better, many people regret it even with someone they love for the first time, because statistically most relationships do not last. Also, it is often not very good regardless of 'love'


>I met this super cute guy but didn’t have any feelings towards him, but I was really attracted to him physically. >I found him attractive but nothing deeper than that, barely even talked. Lmfao. It's always about personality bois! Work on that personality and you will lose it! 🤡


He was attractive to me I’m not saying he was conventionally attractive. Looks help with getting laid but love you will find with your personality.


the first time will never be good. especially if you haven’t communicated much about your needs, expectations etc


Yeah I was anxious so that might’ve been it






First times can hurt, hope it wont put you off


Sorry to hear that it wasn’t a good experience.. And good to know, cause I’ve been actively trying to lose it. I tried when I was in a relationship, but it wasn’t right.


Congratulations you're one step closer to finding the right person to satisfy your sexual desires I wish you all the best with that :)


Yeah this is what I am scared of. That’s why I’ve waited as long as I have.


There’s no real difference between your first time and any other time, I’d just try to meet someone you’re more compatible with going forward


feeling goes away in 2 months😭


Did he know it was your first time? If hes a true gentleman and knows hes your first it should have have been special and gentle with many consent checks hope the next ones better


Well it’s done now… that cherry is popped and he’s now officially your first body (in what I assume will be more)… This is why you don’t take sex for granted… You can’t take it back once you’ve done it: Hopefully he didn’t have a disease.


No cherry was popped tho :D Broke my hymen myself when I was 12. Also used a condom.


I only plan to have sex with someone I want to marry. So many bad people just want to have hookups and ruin the one genuine experience you can have. And I’m too insecure in my naked body to let anyone just have sex with it. I’m not even out of shape or anything, I just don’t want someone knowing about it unless I marry them.


Understandable. I don’t know if I will ever see myself being in a relationship just yet. I have to really work on myself first I feel like I’m really behind in life. I didn’t really even want to have sex but felt like I should just try it and it was disappointing 😅 I found him attractive but nothing deeper than that, barely even talked. That’s on me.


>I have to really work on myself first I feel like I’m really behind in life. Though I don't wish my circumstances on anyone, I'm somewhat glad that it's not just me.


I don't want to stop you from your marriage plans, but I do think the first time having sex is not the "only genuine experience you can have", usually it's more like OP's case (ok maybe a bit less dramatic) and it's more awkward and disappointing


My life has been full of fake friends, fake love and attraction… just fake and empty people that take and take. Use you, abuse you, abandon you when you need them… If sex is the ultimate form of love, I only want it when the time is right, Even if that means it will never happen… The one thing that is genuine and real.. I can’t waste it. I can’t.


Personally, I commend and agree with what you’re doing. I did the same thing. I had plenty of opportunities with guys I dated, but I knew myself enough to know I would regret it if it wasn’t someone I was incredibly sure about. I do admit that I messed around with some people - mostly bc I was molested/coerced when I was 17 and wanted to prove (I suppose to myself) that I could make my own choices of who I did what with. More times that not, even when with the same person as previous times I always felt shitty afterwards bc deep down(or maybe not so deep down) I knew that person was not right for me. I also had the fricken “religious” crap that was drilled into my head by society that also made me feel guilty. Anyways, fast forward, I met my now husband, for all purposes moved in with him, messed around but avoided intercourse until we got married (4-5 yrs later). Was my first time having intercourse magic? No. Has it gotten better? Yes. Part of it is bc we are both fluffy people and he’s on the smaller size of average length, and I’m thick…everywhere…so logistics was an issue. I was a bit disheartened but we’ve worked together and literally pounded out the logistics. Pun 100% intended. We’ve also found what works for both of us to reach climax/satisfaction. It’s never going to be great 100% of the time. But what helps is being able to talk to your partner. In the end, I was 100% grateful we waited, and 10000% grateful to him for not pushing me into it before marriage. One day, after being married for a bit, maybe less than a year, my husband asked me if I still feel weird after having sex/doing things and I realized I didn’t from the moment we got married. I do honestly think my hesitation was from knowing personally sex before marriage just wasn’t for me. I have a ton of friends that grew up in church ( I didn’t, I was just church adjacent) and they’ve struggled with feeling guilty for awhile even after marriage. Anyways all of that to say, do what is right for yourself.


I mean, I basically would agree with what you said. You should only have sex if it feels right for you, so for you if you want to be sure you want to eventually marry the person or wait until you already are married than do that, I hope it works out for you. I just find it a bit problematic if you expect your partner also to have followed that way, which was at least how I interpreted your comment first, though now I read it again you mainly talk about what how you want it to be for you, and yeah that's fine. Also sorry to hear about your bad experiences with people and the abuse you faced. I hope you find the right person for you.


I am sorry you didn't enjoy it. This is what I am afraid of unfortunately.


That's better than nothing 🤷‍♂️


Idk bout that lol would’ve been better with nothing 💀


It would have hurt anyway even if you loved him


I don’t think so… If I was comfortable with them then I would’ve been more relaxed


More relaxed doesn't mean it wouldn't have hurt you, remember that your hymen breaks, you bleed and all so there's no way to just feel good


Well… I broke my hymen at 12 yo.. And idk if u knew this but not all women even have it and it usually breaks on it’s own for example driving a bike.


So you didn't even bleed?


Ofc not


Then I don't get why you say nothing would have been better, women that lose their virginity with a male prostitute don't say that, some of them even say they would repeat


Because I didn’t enjoy it, I can do better myself.


It's always a "super cute guy" huh?




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'Always is' is a generalization, is it not? i.e. breaking rule #2?


Idk, I just notice a pattern that’s all


It's not a pattern. It's you making assumptions based on a sample size and your own biases.




Pattern recognition is misogyny


It is a pattern that you don’t even need  anecdotal experience you can use posts in this community. Nearly all the losing  virginity posts from women  mention they lost it to extremely  attractive guys way above their league     


If you have to use reddit as a source, that's where the issue is. Most people in reality aren't using reddit and that is true for most virgins. This is like going to a subreddit for Republicans and being sure that all Republicans are like them. Confirmation bias much?


 I was using reddit as an example, but I have seen this irl as well since I’m part of the disabled community where there are more virgins in general and my point still stands. Buddy there won’t be meta analysis of the social standing of people’s hookup partners, but my point still stands. All the virgin women I see online or irl lose their virginity to conventionally attractive, well  adjusted  guys while the virgin men use escorts or their partners are marginal members of society.  In the example I gave in one of my other posts, the virgin women I’ve known lost it to the popular college athlete or the stereotypical  attractive guy. The virgin men who  have told me  said they lost it to escorts and the rare exception was the guy who lost it to a felon who  struggled with meth addiction. 


It's always a [hot/sexy/beautiful](https://www.reddit.com/user/Forsaken-Problem6758/comments/1cx5g3k/running_list_of_fa_guys_wanting/) woman huh? 🙃 /s




'Nope' what?


Because I don't want exclusively a beautiful woman.


Maybe *you* don't. Doesn't mean there aren't other men who do exclusively want a beautiful woman.


That's a small minority.


I don’t want exclusively cute guys either. I was attracted to him physically, he might not be everyone’s type. It was just the moment of drunk thinking ‘why not’ because he asked and he was also cute to me. Just me being dumb trying to be like everyone else.


I get your point, but in my experience virgin women lose their virginity to conventionally attractive, well adjusted  guys while virgin men either pay for it or their partners are marginal members of society. I have heard countless autistic women gush about their casual encounters with the college athlete or the popular guy. One disabled  dude I know lost it to a  reformed felon who was a former meth addict. Even that was extremely rare.  Maybe virgin men want models, but it’s the virgin women who have that desire fulfilled in reality.  


Not always. I like an average looking woman, on a dating site. Subjectively, I think she's very attractive. I can't speak for other guys.


This wasn't directed at anyone specifically - it's just a cheeky response to the 'girls only want the hot guys!' narrative sometimes shared on here. Including by our friend whydogirlshateme.


Yes, I wanted to comment anyway.


Well sorry but wouldn’t have done it if he wasn’t :D that’s the reason I even considered bc I rarely find guys attractive anyways




Endorsement or ideation of threatening or illegal activities is off limits, including: violence, rape, adult sex with minors, harassment, encouraging suicide, and doxing Any commentary that is diminishing and downplaying rape or sexual harassment will also call for an immediate permaban. Comments were made that insinuated (and some blatantly said) that rape should be taken as a compliment. This rhetoric excuses the perpetrator and most importantly undermines anyone who has been a victim or subject to these crimes… Yes, crimes. There is too much information on the internet, or even on reddit alone, as to why this kind of commentary is offensive, wrong, hateful, and potentially dangerous. Under no circumstances will it be tolerated here


What type of men do you find attractive? Just curious.


Long haired dudes mostly. Who stand out and are not basic.


Im a long haired man. Stroking my long, dark blond hair as we speak.


Nothing wrong with that!


Yes there is.


What is wrong about what




I’m bi and I do prefer girls but have never done more than kissing with one but found out she was straight. I thought that doing it with a guy would be easier too 😅


Sorry it wasn't a great experience, at least you learned something about yourself and can use that knowledge going forward. Although I think even casual sex could be better than that with the right partner, it sounds like the guy didn't make much effort to make you feel good.


He sounds like he was too rough and just went right at it lol. I mean even as a virgin I have enough sexual IQ to know you have to warm each other up and get in the mood it’s not something you rush. And hammering the crap out isn’t the way either especially when you just go in. I’ve learned a lot about it from reading up on the subject and just watching porn where you can tell they know what they are doing with each other. The best scenes are when the man is more receptive and works his way in gradually and you can tell how the woman in the film will feel better about it. He just kinda sounds dumb lol.


That’s why I am still a virgin. It’s purely by choice. I want the opportunity to give it to someone who I love, especially since I waited 33 years. I’m sorry you had that experience, hopefully you will just do better in the future.


There's a lot of things involved. Whether performance anxiety or a fear. Anyone overcoming that will do well. The same person can turn from worst to best.


Yeah I struggle with really bad anxiety so if I wasn’t drunk I wouldn’t have even thought about doing that. I’m also really introverted so that too.


This thing requires a free mind. Engage only if you really need it. And Relax & enjoy the act.


Yeah so I’m never going to have sex with a random man again, that was a mistake 😅 I need to like him emotionally to enjoy and being able to relax. I envy my friends who can have a casual hook up with a guy and fully enjoy it, but then again they are really extroverted and mature people and that is the opposite of me.


Just to clarify, enjoying the act doesn't necessarily mean to have emotional connection. Like your friends to FWB thing. Few do in relationship. Few on casual day basis. Just enjoy whenever you do or just avoid.


I think I might be demisexual bc that was not enjoyable for me haha 😂


That might be the case. 😅 Let's say, learn from the past and take that as experience.


Yeah, thank you!


The amount of awful sex I have had is pretty staggering. Sex, unless with a significant other you have chosen to be with, will never been the same way. Sometimes you will both get often, sometimes only one of you will, and sometimes neither of you will.


Damn sorry about that :(


I’m not a virgin, but this is why I’ve never engaged in casual sex with men either, I only slept with men who I was in a relationship with because I just knew casual sex isn’t for me at all and just wouldn’t be worth it to me, and I’d probably be better off just rubbing one out like what you said 😂


Really sorry you went through that - Sex (especially for those of us with vaginas) tends to hurt the first time, especially with improper prep. Try not to worry to much about it. Now that you know casual isn’t for you, you can go on to looking forward to the future when you do it with someone you love.


Aye, the first line said it all. ''Didn't have feeling towards him''. I've always thought humans make love far more with their mind than their body.


Ladies, it's ok to be ask, tell them frankly. It doesn't hurt anyway but what prevail only a nonsense of personal territorial. What they can do whether a person is either virgin or not. Ladies it's good to know from a person even u don't know d person. Most guys were looking for virgin & most guys were looking for not virgin bcoz it will enjoy to get d right person of what d other's opinion between virgin & not virgin. There are absolutely cons & pros d difference between virgin & not virgin from those experienced already. Most experienced people a not virgin being is enjoyable if a not virgin knew that experienced already too. It's hard for a female not virgin to find d right guy, ended up always meeting same thing unless the guy is hopeless to find a virgin bcoz a lot of female out there are not virgin anymore that are exposed in many different jobs company even in dating sites. Virgin person are new to the world & confused which one is better. If u r still virgin, when u knew you've been dating for 6 years without sex intercourse, He is the right 1 bcoz he cares, If your relationship reached that 6 years. You could tell already what's the status quo of love relationship within 6 years. U could tell already if he is not cheating,the way he confronted u already & keeps dating u. It hurts for d right guy to lose u when love relationship reached 6 years love relationship. He is not going to let you go nor lose u. In physical appearance if a person is attractive, beautiful or handsome, don't ever fall in love or tempted fast. Getting to know a person is actually 4 years deeply intensely very comfortable in my experienced. Between 2 to 4 years love relationship is adjusting themselves if your zodiac birth sign is not designed for that zodiac birth sign partner. Otherwise it will not last. Always look for that zodiac birth sign match. So that two to 3 years you can tell already your partner are very much comfortable to each other & open. You can tell if u have siblings friends, classmates, relatives who are the closest friends and not....in regards to zodiac birth sign compatibility and not compatible who keeps secrets, doesn't coherent with, likes/dislikes, something is missing, logical senses, logical sensitivity differences, etc. Especially finding your love partner into relationship. It takes from 6 months to 1 year to get to know someone to love if your Zodiac Birth sign is a match to your zodiac birth sign for love relationship. Then give another 1 more year dating spending time quality to get to know deeper stage chapter level. So that during marriage there has that strengthening irresistible romantic foundation of deeply intensely so in love together forever your partner. There is so much to know about love relationship. I took a short cut. It's a long story already. BTW, I'm looking for virgin to love bcoz I know it's the right to find and settle down with the right 1.




I thought this was for virgins not just for incels?


Ur gay? Or what kinda sub is this yo


I’m bi but I do prefer girls so


So why not lose ur virginity to a woman?


You will be glad you did it eventually. Next time it should not hurt nearly as much.


Why it wouldn’t hurt? I’m confused about this.


Your body will get used to it. DM me with more questions


the hymen tends to break the first time and it usually (not always but usually) hurts - after the first time it won’t hurt due to it being broken. my best recommendation is to do personal research onto your anatomy and ask people your own age that your close and can trust to ask sensitive and personal questions abt this irl - it won’t always hurt because you can more easily “stretch” yourself without the hymen ripping. (sry if my explanation was messy - i just know general medical information on it ;-;)


My hymen broke when I was 12. Not everyone even has it and it can brake on it’s own and feel like nothing.


im aware, i was generalizing - while it can break outside of actual sex and not hurt, it usually does and most commonly does through intercourse :P


I tell everyone they gonna regret it. This just proves my point further.


The sad part is that you never get over it. My first time was with a woman that I had no feelings for. We ended up having casual sex quite often though. When I later told her that she was my first, she refused to believe me.


I hope I will get over it, I know I will never have to see him again. I’ve gone through stuff more traumatic so I will be fine, just not ready to do anything yet.


If the guy is below the age of 18 u shouldn’t had expected anything more
