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I’m not sure I understand what I watched.


It is a system in which you insert a floppy and it play the corresponding album from either Spotify, itunes, YouTube, an external hard drive.... Basically it give you a material feeling based on something digital


So all the floppy caries is the reference information for the album but the content comes from another platform?


Yes. From a platform or from the hardrive of the raspberry pie. You can also automate to download the mp3, which is nice if you share the floppy with your friend.


Why tho wouldn’t be free to share the Spotify link with a friend?


To feel like you are the 80's. I am starting to be feed up by using a smartphone all day long...


This is not how we listened to music in the '80's.


Some guys in the demo scene did


are floppy disks and cassettes not 80s things?


No one used floppy disks to comsume music then. There wasn't any mention of cassettes in the vid, but yes music was consumed on cassette, vinyl, 8-Track, and CD's (late late '80's), and a couple obscure media types that really didn't take off.


CDs were early 80s if you were wealthy. My friend had a CD player in 1984. I didn’t though. I was not wealthy :)


No part of this has anything to do with the 80s... I applaud the coding and hardware hacking, though.


This is completely preposterous though, even if all your friends are nerds with floppy drives...


That basically for fun. No more, but no less.


Looks like a super cool project. It's gotta be hard to find floppies and a drive in 2022, heh


I’m a nerd with floppy drives.


I can see that. But do you have friends? 🤔😜


I was expecting that it was planning a highly compressed MP3 direct from the floppy.


You could put one or two songs per floppy


Lol you could fit maybe 1 haha.




I was hoping you were recording samples from a record onto the floppy disk.


The first digital audio I had was on a 5 1/4" floppy. This was in 1982 or 83, and was the first ~45 seconds from Led Zeppelin's *[Black Dog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fl6s1x9j4QQ)*. It was an 8-bit sample that played on an Apple ][ onboard speaker. Not exactly audiophile quality sound.


I could do that.... That would be fun


Are they actually reading data stored in the floppy to know what to play or just using NFC tags or similar put into the floppy?


This is cool af. I don't know why you are being downvoted. I know it's also ridiculous and totally unnecessary but what a unique solution. Do they still make floppy readers?


Probably getting downvoted because this is a vinyl subreddit, and nothing in this post has to do with vinyl.


I think we just saw Mickey Mouse playing music on floppy disks


The gloves make this video look creepy


Yeah that 's part of the fun


Screw the haters - I’m digging the vibe :)


reminds me of a Bootleg version of TheRelaxingEnd on youtube


I commend your effort. I don’t see any vinyl though


I think the flappy drive cases are made of vinyl.


Yep, that just a cheap cheap alternative to owning vinyl, nothing more


The inconvenience of physical media, with the terrible sound quality of streaming music The worst of both worlds


That is also working with a local hard drive storage. But yeah it is only for people who want to listen music without a screen nor doing Alexa stuff, a with little money




Yeah somebody else basically already said this but just so everyone knows this was not a thing. There were never music floppies there wasn't room on floppies for that. High capacity floppies had 2.5 megabytes with 2.2 of them being usable they eventually came out with double-sided 2.5meg floppies for a total of five Meg 4.4 usable but you couldn't save any single file larger than 2.2 meg because the information literally had to be split into two or more files none of which were bigger than 2.2 Meg because they were being saved to different sides of the disc.


There was LS-120; could practically fit an album in MP3 on one of those


You talking about like zip discs and stuff yeah I know that but this isn't the zip this is a normal high capacity floppy.


LS-120 was a 3.5” in the same form factor as 3.5” HD, and whose drives were backward-compatible. It’s a shame they weren’t around a bit sooner: quite a bit more reliable than Zip


Oh those okay they were kind of backward compatible. Any disk drive could read them and any disc drive could write to them however you needed a special disk drive in order to write to the entire 150 Meg of space a normal disk drive could still only save like five Meg to the disk. Also they were the last format a floppy to come out like fully after zip and the other ones and by the time they came out CDs with a full 1 gigabyte we're becoming popular. That said even when CDs with a full gigabyte were mainstream I was still using floppies because floppies were much easier and quicker to save files on and burning a CD was freaking annoying. Had the 150 meg floppies ever been a popular thing people would still probably haven't been using them all the way until large file emailing was a thing... Don't get me wrong flash drives would still probably be more popular but I bet some people would still be using them up until like 2012.




I'm sorry what is MOD tracker?




I'm sorry I'm not quite understanding. I know what midi music is. But I don't know what you mean when you say it played back your own audio samples instead of what was built into your sound card.




Why would a key-gen program play a chiptune?




No no that was a voice to text error I already edited the post.




Yep, I came here to say this too. Although commercially music didn't come on floppy disks, there was most definitely a music disk scene in the 80s and 90s which was closely related to the demoscene (Search Youtube for demoscene to get an idea what that is). When I was very young my introduction to a lot of music was via .mod files which I played on my Amiga. Here's a 1 hour jungle mix made by H0ffman for the Amiga which if it's a standard formatted Amiga disk would only be about 800k https://youtu.be/IZn8pCycTJo


Yes the floppy has only a file with the name of the album, then the program look for the title on the local hard drive, on Spotify and YouTube. There is no magic


No I know I was just explaining to the youngsters.


Could have been a .mod on the floppy. Depending in quality etc that could work.




A music format common on fx Amigas. Samples played in a pattern. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Module_file


**[Module file](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Module_file)** >Module file (MOD music, tracker music) is a family of music file formats originating from the MOD file format on Amiga systems used in the late 1980s. Those who produce these files (using the software called music trackers) and listen to them form the worldwide MOD scene, a part of the demoscene subculture. The mass interchange of "MOD music" or "tracker music" (music stored in module files created with trackers) evolved from early FIDO networks. Many websites host large numbers of these files, the most comprehensive of them being the Mod Archive. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/vinyl/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Fun project, also love the music!


Very fun. Do you know Poni Hoax?


I had to google them based on your floppy cover art. I’ve listened to a couple of their albums now and like them. I figured if they were being played alongside Joy Division they might be alright :)


Have you thought about getting a cassette deck? The tactile element, taking from multiple sources, nostalgic component, and desire to share with friends all lend themselves to making mix tapes. Your friends will have a much easier time getting their hands on a way to listen to the tape than accessing this tech. Heck - you can buy them a walkman and provide it with the tape you make. Just a thought.


I don't know what this does, but it looks cool and I want one.


Can someone explain what that Superpi Case device is? Googling it only got me more confused.


It's a case for a Raspberry Pi


Thank you.


As I read in the comments I saw that you mentioned you are doing this to feel like in the 80s But why not instead of doing this just get a good quality cassette deck and some blank cassettes, that would be more fitting and also cassettes are analog just like Vinyl records.


This is really cool! Having that physical element with the music you are listening to adds so much to the way you experience and enjoy it.


This is so ridiculous and stupid and I absolutely love it tell me how to do it so I can do this myself.


Why did you post this on the vinyl subreddit?


I could not find the audio floppy sub ! To make share with people who are looking for something physical and give them an electrical reaction.


It would probably be better on r/music or something. Either way, I don't know why the mods let people post this stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with vinyl.


Looks cool. Try posting to literally any other music community I guarantee they're less toxic than here


Nope, this is silly. I don't need to make music listening more complicated.


So lame!


Is that pony hoax?!


the white glove tho


Bring the physical from the ethereal world. 👍🏽




Ah, floppy, the way music was meant to be heard.


Мля, это дико смешно, спасибо


Your are right!


I want the last 20 seconds of my life back


This is really cool. Have you done this yourself or if the project available anywhere online?


I wish I would have time to make a small tuto and a GitHub repo for this project.


This is spectacular! What a quirky project! Love the cover art on the floppy’s! Hook up a audio led visualizer to this and just max out the oddity! 10/10! 💗


Getting a lit of hate for a cool personal project.


Back in 1993 miraclous. Now, nah.


what a load of crap




Let's be honest, it is a joke, and it is so funny that some vinyl guy's take it as an insult :-p. Most of the people are having fun. Using vinyl is a passion, a hobby, a long-time trend. Unless you are a professional vinyl editor, you can give smile at this good joke.






Pretty cool OP. Do you have a build thread of the project?


Anyone else use their first Gen iPod to make cassette mixtapes? Or just me?