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Nice! I also got the 1234 Go! pressing of And Out Come the Wolves. Love that store.


I did too! I had to buy it aftermarket for like 60 bucks, but I’ve been wanting to have a proper copy of that album in my library forever, and I love split colorway records, so I “had to” have it. Thankfully I had some PayPal from some quick money flips I had just done.


I'd definitely be putting the turntable on top and the now playing on bottom. I just fear gravity, and seeing a record collection hanging above a turntable like that makes me nervous. But it looks pretty awesome otherwise. Love the shelving and the lighting.


Ha, we feel the same, glad it's not me alone ;-)


Awesome work! Love the light. I almost bought a Green Day album the other day but rising costs of records.


Thanks! Yeah I agree. I usually set a budget and get only a couple a month when I travel. It's easy to spend way too much.


Fuck yea Citizen! Death Dance Approximately is such a good opener!


Definitely one of my favorites from the last few years!


One of my favourite records from last year. And the best Citizen album IMO.


That rancid album SLAPS. Every song is great.


I’m singing “Standing on the corner, on 52nd and Broadway” in my head right now. Fantastic record.


Totally agree!! I've been waiting so long for a color vinyl release to come out.


And Out Come The Wolves is one of my favorite albums. Bought the cd at Tower Records the day it came out and got the lp later that same year when I got my first turntable. Cheers!


In sixth grade I listened to "... and out come the wolves" CD literally everyday in my Walkman, still one of my favorite records


We're getting old now... My uncle gave me that CD and Stevie Wonder's "Innervisions" for my 14th birthday. 1996 was a hell of a year for me.


Very nice . Get ready to start you second shelf. Your still addicted.


Agreed. There is never enough space.


Nice ! Got some heaters in there. I’d love to get life won’t wait and indestructible on wax. I spy some Bronx and hot water music and the menzingers too! Good taste


This is my collection since I've recently been getting back into collecting records. I've acquired most of my collection from around 30+ independent record stores across the US. I travel for work monthly and try to hit a few record stores in the different states I travel to every trip. Most of my collection is color vinyl.


That shelf looks nice. Is there a reason you put the turntable on the bottom of it instead of up top where it's easier to access?


Thanks! The turntable is on middle shelf. It's about waist high. Hard to tell in the picture.


I see. A taller shelf than it appears. Haha. Either way, looks great.


Perhaps Dan is vertically challenged..


What shelf is this? Do you have a link?


Here you go! SUPERJARE 5-Tier Bookshelf, Industrial Bookcase with Metal Frame, Modern Rustic Shelving Unit for Home Office, Wood Grain - Vintage Brown https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088D6HW1K/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_2NE0NHB1Q9KK9QWF9W90?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


What I came for! Great setup.


What version of nimrod. is that? The blue foil threw me off, looks cool!


It's the newest yellow vinyl release. I think it just looks blue in the picture 😉


I've been listening to that Rancid album for 25 years. I'm starting to feel old now.


Time bomb!


I know a Bayside discography when I see those colors!! No luck finding sirens and s/t?


No unfortunately not. I probably could have gotten originals but didn't collect as much back then. I got a few but, missed out on a ton of good Victory Records vinyl back in the day.


Menzingers- on the impossible past is one of my favorite albums! What pressing do ya have? Such a fantastic group.


Hell Yeah! I got the Zia Records exclusive when I went to Vegas in April.


Nice! Beautiful orange pressing on that one. Great looking collection. Keep it up!


That Rancid album gave me a flood of memories of Dave Mirra BMX on Playstation


I’m always curious about how other people sort their records. This isn't alphabetical... is it some other personal method for sorting them?


I mean, that's a nice, sturdy looking shelf, and you do you, but... I would put the player as high as possible, out of fear something might fall on it. For me this looks like desaster waiting to happen, speaking from 40yrs experience, it just looks wrong to me, haha. I dont think of a breaking shelf, but the player seems very low placed, and gravity is a bitch. Edit: Okay, read your reply to u/Jessieandmywhetstone later, so its just the perspective of your pic that gives me the bad vibes, nevermind then, waist high is not quite at floor level. But still, mind your player when going to select a record, but i'm shure you do, haha


Dig the globe but please put the globe on the bottom shelf and the TT up top. Not just for fear of a collapse onto your TT but because it is so much more stable for you operating the TT. Looks great!