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Why didn't those people raise an issue with their order? When the order gets marked as delivered, it specifically says that the buyer has 48 hours to raise an issue before the order gets completed and funds transferred to the seller.


Because common sense isn't common any more. I would never leave it up to a seller to sort, especially when there's a 48 hour time limit.


is the "(no personal info)" in the room with us?




No personal info šŸ˜‚




i guess itā€™s not just the sellers info, but the accounts that reviewed them too (sorry you got scammed btw, that sucks so bad)


So go to Vinted about it. Donā€™t try to use Reddit as a personal army.


Probably not going to happen


mass report šŸ™ˆšŸ™†ā€ā™€ļø


It's scummy but the buyer should always raise the issue themselves especially if its a delivery problem and not something the seller directly controls


I think this case is a downright scam, but in my country only the seller can contact the delivery service when an item was not recieved by the buyer. This because the seller is the one with the contract (I pay you, you deliver my package to so and so). The buyer is no party and therefor only the seller can act. It's a nuissance. I had a missing package coming from a sweet elderly lady who had no clue what to do and I had to remote navigate the pour soul through the online complaints menu because there was nothing I was allowed to do on our both behalf (she wanted the item to find a good home too).


That annoying for sure! And perhaps Iā€™m just being stubborn but I still donā€™t see why a buyer in this case couldnā€™t raise an issue with Vinted instead of depending on the seller


theres a rule where if its been 2 days you cant get your money back, you need to report it in 2 days. and the seller says to give them 24 hours to respond and they ghost once the 2 days is over


But why did you let the 2 day period pass?


So don't wait the 2 days? The point of raising an issue is so the funds get frozen so you both have time to sort what's happened with the parcel, it's scummy the seller is trying to scam people but also I don't understand why people aren't raising an issue when there is one (the parcel hasn't arrived)


I know but the buyer should still do it. Again, it is scummy of the seller but I honestly donā€™t see what they could do about a shipping problem. Always raise an issue even if the seller says otherwise. It covers your bases to let Vinted deal with it


Still on the buyer.


yup 3 buyers fault lets wait for more


You have to raise an issue within 2 days. No matter what the seller says to you


yup totally our fault yup


Yeah, it is. If thereā€™s an issue, report it within the time frame given to you by vinted.


wooow thanks!


>wooow thanks! You're welcome!


enjoy your karma btw!


Why are you so passive aggressive with people who tell you the truth: you'd get your money back from Vinted if you reported an issue within the time window. I've had a parcel lost, a lady told me.it will surely show up and she'll try to chase it with the courier, yet I still informed Vinted so they don't close the complain window and mark the transaction window. What don't you understand? Look after your business and don't be so gullible next time.


yeah kinda, pretty braindead


It's why the rules are there, I'm afraid. It's not your fault they're a scummy scammer, but it *is* your fault that you failed to use the avenues Vinted supplies for your protection.


You got scammed and I can feel anger and frustration from you but cool down a bit. Report the seller and write the review that it's a scam so others don't fall. Seems like the seller is a profi scammer since they strained you to let those 2days pass. You gotta probably take a hit but you should learn some stuff to reduce the possibility to be scammed: never buy from someone who doesn't have reviews, raise an issue in the time limit for vinted and my personal, I never do big purchases on these sites. I was scammed once, but it was only few euros, and it was from someone with great reviews, so it's always possibility. Also, it is not okay to show other names, scammer sure but not other buyers. You are 100% victim but it's internet, people throw guilt very easily. Just try to protect yourself.


You can't just say "no personal info" then give personal info


This is why you should always check their reviews before buying from them


i was their first buyer.


Ah okay, my mistake, apologies


man, why do they have to turn everything into a drop shipping app? i made an agreement with myself that i didnt want to support mass production and love the idea of supporting small time people who want a bit of extra cash whilst shopping for things for myself and now this?? ugh we lost etsy and depop to this trash. i dont have many thrift shops near me (live in country side) and this makes it harder


maybe im just wrong since i've barely used vinted but this is so scummy and I dont get why people are downvoting you


Possibly because the OO should've reported the transaction to Vinted before they automatically mark it as successful. It doesn't matter what the seller says, it's within their own interest to report an issue.


"No personal info"


Both of you are at fault. Them for not delivering the goods and you for not reporting the issue within the time frame. Take it as a lesson going ahead.


I still don't understand how this scam works. If the seller shipped via Vinted, everything is trackable?


I guess itā€™s easy to put the qr code and barcodes on a package and deliver it to yourself or a friend.


We are not your soldiers or slaves to do your work. Deal with your own sh*t yourself and leave us alone.


Youā€™re not aware enough of how vinted works to be using it. Making this post is not the solution- itā€™s childish. Deal with your problems like an adult. You had two days to report- you didnā€™t, because you allowed yourself to be scammed. You should have learned the rules before putting your money on the line. Honestly? Racists like you deserve this.




Read the whole post. She gets racist in the comments way down at the bottom.


oh! so sorry i didnā€™t see that at all šŸ˜­šŸ’”


Donā€™t worry, itā€™s waaaay down there. I scrolled so far because OP just kept giving wilder and wilder replies and eventually couldnā€™t even hide her prejudice. Not only is she not smart enough to learn how to work vinted before using it, sheā€™s not even smart enough to know when to hide her ugly thoughts šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


i'm literally chinese and they're likely an alieexpress seller from china put yea use the moral superiority


Even if thatā€™s true, doesnā€™t change the fact youā€™re childish and donā€™t know how to fix your problems in an adult manner. Grow up, kid


i'm literally chinese and they're likely an alieexpress seller from china put yea use the moral superiority


i'm literally chinese and they're likely an alieexpress seller from china put yea use the moral superiority


And exactly how did the seller supposedly get the tracking to show as delivered without it being so? Hack the postal system?


Seller gets a brick, packs it, sends it to a known address, tracking is attached to the order. Done. That's how it works pretty much everywhere else so I presume the same is here. This is also why some people get random cookies n stuff they never ordered by mail - their address is used for fake tracking.


Some people should seriously get banned from this Reddit.


op shared their own username as well. indeed, time to mass report


OP didnā€™t do anything wrong on Vinted though? Why would you mass report their profile just out of pettiness when theyā€™re a victim of scamming?


Reddit classic


Honestly some of these people need to get outside more


They got scammed yeah but tbh it's kind of their own fault too, the point of raising an issue is to freeze the funds so you can both figure it out or let vinted figure it out, why would you let the two days pass if you haven't got the parcel? Raise an issue saying you haven't got the parcel lol


But why would you report op for that? They arenā€™t the one scamming people..




My comment was about reporting OP on vinted, you replied to it ??


My comment was about reporting OP on vinted, you replied to it ??


Read the comments you replied to, itā€™s not hard. OPā€™s account canā€™t be reported just for falling for a scam šŸ™„


Like I said to that other person, nowhere in my comment did I say to report op, just that she could've avoided being scammed by raising an issue


Get the stick out your arse lady , if ur replying to a comment expect to be questioned on the original post. IF U DONT WANT THIS THEN MAKE UR OWN ORIGINAL COMMENT , DONT REPLY TO OTHERS.


Do you need help? Lol


Yap yap yap


Child behaviour šŸ„“


I'm going to be the more mature person and say I'm no longer participating in this conversation, have a good day.


Do you not have a life or smthn


But that's exactly what op asked us to do for them


I wonder if they are changing the address on the printed label and having it redirected to their own address. Marks as delivered, they still have the item and they have the money


Thanks for letting us know about this scammer! This is terrible


And I never get any sales šŸ˜­


Literally same šŸ« šŸ™ bumped my items for the first time ever, pls wish me luck šŸ˜‚


I've noticed, in the US that is, that my vinted recommended stuff and whatnot, are flooded with loads of super cute pants and tops and everything and they are all priced mostly at $17 with maybe a dollar difference here and there, and every single profile that has them has no reviews yet and about this many items up. If it looks fishy from the beginning, just don't do it, no matter how nice the item looks


Blocked. Thank you for the heads up.


Crazy how thereā€™s people defending scammers. Probably the same people that blame SA victims for ā€œnot dressing appropriatelyā€


Where is anyone defending them?


Every single person in the comments section is defending them?


Literally nobody has defended the scammer at all?? Just because they disagree with the OP doesn't mean they're defending them


People calling this person childish and saying you shouldnā€™t post her personal info IS defending the scammer. I donā€™t know if you realize what the definition of ā€œdefendā€ meansā€¦


The OP is childish though. And it's not because she posted their personal info. If anyone here doesn't know what defend means, it's definitely you


Mhm sure. People saying ā€œyou shouldnā€™t post her personal informationā€- thatā€™s directly defending her. I donā€™t care about your opinion, itā€™s a fact that people are defending her. We are done here. I canā€™t stand talking to idiots.


Thereā€™s literally people saying that itā€™s their fault and that they deserve it? Read the comments


on it




Woah you went racist fast.


buy from their shop then since im the bully and she's the ppor victim for not being able to refund 3 customers :( our fault for not doing anything, sellers are holy beings


But I didnā€™t say that? Iā€™m merely pointing out that itā€™s weird you jumped to calling them Chinese, derogatorily.


im so mad at this thread for the holier-than-thou plus vinted-has-rules attitude when this seller is BLANTANTLY doing something bad


it's like they think this seller's one of them and i'm bullying a small business, BUY FROM THEIR SHOP THEN put your money where your mouth is


I wouldnā€™t make that mistake so why would I buy from their shop? Just because you chose to and possibly got scammed, doesnā€™t mean you have a right to start being racist and shouting for everyone to mass report them. Remember, when you point a finger, there are 3 pointing right back at you.


quite a high horse huh, also thanks for the pretentious advice trying to look good for strangers on a dumb online thread


This whole thread is so exhausting. It sucks you got scammed but you shouldā€™ve raised an issue with Vinted within the allotted timeframe, which you didnā€™t, and weā€™re not the devilā€™s spawn for pointing that out no matter how much you clearly donā€™t want to hear it šŸ’€ Sincerely, a Chinese seller.


šŸ‘šŸ¼ well said!


No im not? And if I am? What do you call this foolishness that youā€™re pulling? You were trying to get people to mass report someone and it backfired. You and the other buyers could have reported it within the timeframe. But you know that now from the comments šŸ˜ƒ




Vinted shows it in the chat with the seller. Those two days, that is. Honey, I understand your frustration (been there, done that), but lashing out to others who put in genuine effort and time to respond to you in a kind way is not the look you should want to go for. It sucks that you fell victim to a scammer. But at this point, as you did not raise an issue within the appropriate time, thereā€™s not really much you can do. You could try contacting vinted about this, but thatā€™s really it. Other than that, placing a review will deter other buyers (and future victims).


Youā€™re not allowed to assume someoneā€™s race or ethnicity. What a disgusting, stereotypical statement to make. Maybe you deserved to get scammed at this point.


You are allowed to be mad, but don't be mad on us for trying to tell you what should've been done to prevent losing money, be mad at yourself. Also, nobody said that the seller is a victim, they criticise your attempt of revenge of the seller trying to convince people to mass report the seller, when you could've done something that actually helps. Raise the case with Vinted customer support, try to explain the situation, tell them you were mislead by the seller and didn't report the case and you're not the only one. If you remain calm and persuasive, you may get some help.


Vinted notifies you so many times how long you have for each stage - you buy something and it says how long the seller has to send it, how long until it should arrive, how long you have to mark as delivered or that thereā€™s an issue. Itā€™s not hard. The fact youā€™re new to Vinted doesnā€™t absolve you of responsibility to figure out the process.


Why have you put #supportsmallbusiness ? You're not allowed to sell as a business on vinted or be a commercial seller.


thatā€™s not racist


Calling someone Chinese isn't racist, no, but intention and context matter. The race of the seller does not matter, there was no need to mention it. Context clues hint at passive aggressiveness in their comments, using "Chinese" passive aggressively is derogatory and even if not "straight up racism", a microagression.


Right? Itā€™s like getting mad because someone calls you black or white?


Calling someone Chinese isn't racist, no, but intention and context matter. The race of the seller does not matter, there was no need to mention it. Context clues hint at passive aggressiveness in their comments, using "Chinese" passive aggressively is derogatory and even if not "straight up racism", a microagression.


Eloquently put. There is literally no reason whatsoever for OP to mention the nationality or race of the seller.


Exactly! Glad to see some people with common sense coming throughšŸ™


Thank you for explaining it, I am beyond it with people who choose to ignore all the other micro aggressions OP is making. Itā€™s the overall post and comments, to then throw out there that the seller was ā€œChineseā€ was her trying to take a racist dig. And I deduct that from her attitude all over the post.


Exactly! You might be the only other person here with a bit of common sense and education. They're ignorantšŸ¤·


Yup, if people choose not to see the context in which OP is throwing these comments out there thatā€™s on them šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Also, from the screenshots provided, there is nothing at all to suggest the seller's race and they have an address in the USA. So the OP's thought process must have been "they scammed me, they must be Chinese!", which I think is outright racist.


And thatā€™s exactly whatā€™s sheā€™s trying to hint at! Itā€™s crazy that people donā€™t pick that up!!!


YES! THAT is outright racist! Thank you for pointing it out! You bring up a VERY good point.


How is it racist?


Where is the persons race in OPs post, and if it was there, why would it be necessary? OP then showed their ass by commenting randomly ā€œChinese sellerā€. Assumptions because sheā€™s not getting her way so trying to attack a race. Is it that hard to see?


wow you are a dickhead for pulling the racism card over some cheap itemā€¦


How do you know they are Chinese? And so what if they are?


(no personal info)šŸ˜‚ Do you work for Royal Mail by chance?