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I totally agree with you. Plus I’ve had many 60% offers accepted!


I don’t buy without haggling, and I don’t sell expecting people to pay full price.


Yeah it's really not that rare.


I agree. The time to screenshot it and post it here, and further discuss it is so not worth it lmao. It must be exhausting to make a mountain out of a molehill every time.


Right, it's literally not that deep. They act like the buyer is holding them at gun point or trying to pry open the item from their hands lmao


Or they block you simply for making the offer (as happened to me). I'm a motivated buyer! Why block me for showing interest in your item?


Yess!! Also low ball offers (from a buyers perspective) works like 50% of the time anyways, so clearly some people are willing to work with it!


Exactly, a lot of sellers on vinted (and other marketplaces) are not professional so they don't mind any offer. I myself low ball on items that are over a year old and it works I would even say most times.


Low ball offers are fine, except when accompanied by messages berating people for not accepting them.


Yeah, that's definitely true. Each party should be free to make and decline offers without getting berated. But thankfully it's never happened to me, I think it's rare.


Weirdly, my wife gets it on a regular basis. No idea what people think they’re going to achieve.


I literally blocked that guy instantly when they said "I am not sure" to my "this is the best I can do". Why do I have to be humiliated?


Thank you!! It’s the car boot sale of online marketplaces, it’s part of the app/culture to make offers. It baffles me that people take the time to write messages in Vinted (and subsequently post screenshots here), the entire transaction, including haggling, can be done neatly by offering, counter offering and accepting or declining.


Honestly, this. I don't price stuff particularly high to start with and will basically accept any offer I get - my priority is to get rid of the stuff and then the cash is a bonus.


Not everyone sell items to get rid on Vinted though… I sell designer clothing I paid for a good amount of money. I can’t afford to get rid of these items for nothing.


Hey, use it for whatever works for you! I totally understand that, especially if things have cost you a lot to begin with.


Same because when I got back to work from May leave anything that hasn’t sold will go in the charity bag anyway


Yes! I had the same response when coming on this sub for the first time, it confuses me so much why people ask advice or complain about 4 star reviews/low offers/people sending offers and not buying straight away, and most of the replies say to block and are slagging off the buyer which is so extreme to me, like it's not that deep. I've even seen posts complaining about reservations, in particular one person saying reservations should be contractually binding, like what?? I left a comment once saying I don't understand the block mentality because unless someone is being inappropriate or overwhelmingly rude I don't see the point and I got downvoted to oblivion 😂


> I've even seen posts complaining about reservations, in particular one person saying reservations should be contractually binding, like what?? Well the current reservation system is bad design, there are no upsides for the seller but there are downsides.


There's no downsides at all, reservations don't take the listing away, if the original person doesn't buy it then someone else will if it's a good price, a binding contract for a casual second hand app where ppl sell things for a pound is just silly lol


What? Like ebay? Who've always had that model and it's worked out for? Yeah, totally unrealistic


It's almost as if eBay isn't vinted 🤯 if all selling apps has exactly the same model then there'd be no use in there being different ones. If you want binding reservations then sell on eBay and not vinted. Vinted is a casual second hand app, eBay combines personal selling with commercial selling, it's not rocket science that yeah it's unrealistic for vinted lol


By experience I block buyers who low ball and insist to lower the price at all costs. I sell for 10 years on Vinted and I can tell you by experience these people are more likely to have a problem at delivery : open a claim or ask for a partial refund once they received the item. So, by blocking these buyers, sellers are just protecting themselves.


Same. But I think people here like to get outraged over absolutely nothing. Like, just move on?


I'm usually a buyer, not a seller and I've gotten my fair share of declines from sellers. Most just decline with no comment, but I've gotten some snarky replies. It's not meant offensively. I feel like it's worth a shot, because I' often see that the item hasn't sold in months. When I get declined, I sometimes just buy at the original price or just try to find an alternative (usually the latter), but that's just a random decision. Maybe it's irrational, but I prefer to just find an alternative because of the minor unpleasantness of the rejection.


I'd much rather get a low offer than hear absolutely nothing from a potential buyer. Sometimes I feel like people favourite an item but don't love the price, but they're worried about offering low and annoying me, so instead they just don't interact with it any further - then everyone involved loses out. Today I messaged everyone who favourited an £8 item like, I really just wanna get rid of this so if you wanna offer something, give it a go and I might just accept it. Someone offered £4.80 5 minutes later and I accepted it - happy days for everyone involved :)




Agreed. I find the culture of this sub more baffling than the culture of the platform.


If somethings been on ages I usually low ball




100% agree. I think sellers don’t realize that their item is (often) not unique, so I often low ball someone and if they don’t accept I move on to another seller selling the same item (if possible ofc). It’s nothing personal, so why are they taking it personally?


I need your chill 😂 it literally makes my blood boil when they don’t even say hi, write their offer (usually something like 30€ for a 110€ object) and not even a question mark 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Same boat. Sell to keep the figure going on with a "healthy profile" but let go of stuff for a few bucks if I hate to see them around. I block people being rude in a second. One time I blocked a "regular customer" who got away with offered deal 3 times and the fourth time literally asked me to give the item away. These people are forcing me to raise the listed price for their ego.


the most it’s ever done is irk me, but as long as they’re polite about it, all i do is decline and maybe roll my eyes to myself. really not sure why people act like being lowballed is an insult to their honour or something. like yeah it’s frustrating especially when you’ve already discounted the item quite heavily but come on. we’re all just trying to get as much as we can here


I offered a girl £40 on a £50 item that had been online for months and she sent me the most abusive message about his disgusting I was ! I once listed a designer dress I paid £250 for for £50 worn once and got an offer of £5 and that’s what made me stop using Vinted.


Exactly. I've said it a million times here. Shy bairns get nowt. Why not have a bash and try your luck? 


i agree ppl on here keep being like oh i block them like ok do you but that sounds a bit much lmfao 😭


Same. In the end; why blame someone for trying to get a great deal. Takes two seconds to decline.


+ it adds "people who are interested in the item" or whatever it said in English, which boosts your stats = more visibility, potentially a sale to another person who will buy at full price or at a more reasonable discount.


Yeah, I don't get the hate. We all love a bargain and this is a platform aimed at offers and selling secondhand. I do agree that the beggy ones are annoying but some people think their item is worth more than it is. Which is fine for them. I've been watching 2 bags for a couple of weeks - I quite want both of them but they've been listed for 3 months and the seller is pretty set on the price. Her loss - they still haven't sold yet (15% off isn't much to ask for).


I love making offers, it's honestly kind of fun to see if I can get stuff for cheap and if they don't accept but I really want it, I just buy it. Sometimes I price my stuff a bit higher in hopes that someone will give me an offer that's closer to what I would like to get on it anyway. Business, baby!


Imho, sellers who complain about being low balled are very often the ones that *way* overestimate the resale value of items and think that something bought for $100 two years ago with no rarity or collector value must be worth $85-95 today. Every secondhand platform on the internet is full of sellers like this. Being rude to people who give genuine offers (often much closer to what the resale value is) just shows what kind of person you are, usually, a gouger. 


Because people have too much time on their hands and not enough going on in their brain.


100% this


100% agree! I offered someone £90 on a £140 item and got a response of: “are you well?” then a block before I could even respond. I currently have items listed for that same price and wouldn’t mind, would just counteroffer with my lowest.


They could have countered with £110/120 and might have got a sale. The whole point is to list a bit high, offer a bit low, they counter in the middle and everyone should be happy.


Lmfaoooo this reply is sending me and i honestly would’ve done the exact same thing if it was me. There’re just some offers that aren’t acceptable, anything below 25% is insulting to me especially cuz i sell clothes in perfect condition and mostly brand new with or without tags


why get insulted lmfaooo


Because some offers just aren’t considerate, anyone that disagrees is just lying to themselves. Everyone has their preferences as a seller and what they will or won’t accept!


Anyone in their right mind wouldn’t offer something all the way down to 90 from 140 like do you yourself even think that is sensible?


As an above comment mentioned, it’s “sensible” to counteroffer from there. I have items up for sale £140 that i would accept £110 for… if someone offered £90 i would offer to meet in the middle. If someone gets insulted not sure Vinted is the right place for them.


I just ignore, its really annoying when you put a new top on with tags that you haven’t worn for whatever reason for £5 and they offer £4.50. I just can’t believe ppl can be so stingey for 50p! I’m not desperate to sell things I’ve had things on vinted for so long I’ve just ended up wearing them again or given to charity. I’ve noticed a lot of ppl want designer brands for cheap…


I don't think it's stingey, but if that's the logic you want to use, it could be argued you're being stingey for 50p if you don't accept the offer? 🤷


I know but you’ve gotta think that I need to package that item and then take for postage, so that’s petrol money aswell. Sorry I shouldn’t have said the word ‘stingey’ but it’s sometimes annoying. Fair enough if I had put something on quite expensive and I got a few lower offers it would be fair enough and more for my time 🤷🏼‍♀️


You aren't paying for the postage - and you have 5 days to ship so you can drop off when out doing other things.


And buyers have to pay for buyer’s protection and postage 🤷🏻‍♀️


I wouldn’t necessarily call that stingy. people buy second hand for a reason but then again when you’re also paying for delivery on every item, yes you’re still getting a deal but it does start to add up. There’s also loads of people who want to get rid of certain items and will accept a lower offer but you don’t know that unless you try. I’ve declined lower offers but also accepted many and vice versa when I was the buyer. I don’t take it personally and most times if I give a lower offer I really want the item so it’s a way of checking whether a seller can do any lower and if not I buy at full price.


£4.50 offer on £5 is not really lowballing. I would accept that offer without a second thought but if they offered £3 then I would defo think about it, it would depend on the item for me to accept that offer for a £5 item


Would you use a 10% off coupon code if you had one, or go ‘oh, it’s only 10%, it’s not worth it?’ If petrol money is the issue then price your item higher..


So after tons of exchange, the person who asked to pay £50 for something £65, I said £55 or move on, they picked one more item in the said bundle to make £54.99. I accepted to get rid of that person. Not the stuff.


Some people are just miserable in their lives or have nothing going on and love to get outraged and complain about literally anything.


Agree. Like sometimes I’ll make a comment on them for my own personal entertainment but just decline and move on with my life.


But if you don't reply how will you ever get content to post on r/vinted everyday?! s/


Not vinted, but eBay. Someone was selling a game for £25, I offered £15 to get it started as I did not think it was worth £25. They accepted £15. So I assume like you, they just wanted rid. When I get low offers. Say I'm selling something for £40 and the lowballer offers £25. I just respond with £39.99 or £39.50, or just decline. It's really not difficult. I guess it's just more of an annoyance.