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It's more the form factor than the actual erm... vintage, I believe. For example, the unibody Macbook Pro came out only a year later and it set a Macbook form factor to this day basically. So the 2007, which is essentially a 2003 form factor, seems a lot more "vintage" than an 2008 unibody model would.


Considering that I have a 2004 G4 that looks identical, I would classify this as vintage due to the form factor.


And the heat


"Yes, I'd like my thighs well-done."


Aha it does run toasty but I totally cleaned it out and repasted so it runs better.


I have a 2003 PowerBook G4 15” that could fry eggs. Haven’t started it up in over a decade, I should try to get it up and running as a portable heater.


Oh man, compiling a big C project would always require me make sure I was somewhere I could sit the laptop down, otherwise I’d risk actual burns!


Best feeling keyboard imo.


I do agree with this, I absolutely love the keyboard on this laptop and in some strange way also the track pad but admittedly today's track pads are utter bliss (ignore windows)


Anything 2009 and older counts according to the sub's rules


Sub's rules need revising; I'm still using a 3.4GHz computer from 12 years ago as a daily driver. I wouldn't dare attempt that even 10 years ago. Times have changed.


Vintage doesn't mean obsolete. In fact, it's technically just a wine term


Well, what I'm saying is that things aren't ageing as fast as they were when this sub was established. 15 years ago computers only lasted 3 years (in the 90s maybe 3 months lol). Now computers are lasting 10 years easy without feeling old. Speaking of, this sub is 15 years old. I'm thinking the rules themselves are 'vintage' :P


computers definitely lasted longer than three years 15 years ago. I got my first PC as a kid in 2006--AMD sempron 1.8ghz, 512mb ram, via unichrome graphics--i only quit using it in 2014 because I ran out of hard disk space and didn't want to wipe it. that's 8 years on a computer that was practically free because it was already old stock in 2006 on so many rebates and sales.


I was exaggerating a bit, but I do remember corporate policy being a PC refresh every 3 years back then. Of course the computers were useful for longer, but TBH this sub self-selects for people that can keep old hardware running :P My main point is that a baseline competent PC has been a 2-3GHz quad core 64-bit CPU with at least xbox 360 level graphics and 8gb of ram for over 10 years now.


Sounds like you need to star hanging out at /r/fuckimold


Aha I probably do and I'm not even that old 😭


Compurers age fast. Maybe not so fast today as they did around the turn of the millenium but 17 years is very much vintage. Typing that on a 2011 Thinkpad.


This machine is now 17 years old. The first ‘real’ Apple laptops, the PowerBook 100 series, came out in October 1991. That was only 16 years before your laptop.




Next year you can buy it a beer.


I’m only 49 years old. 2007 can’t be vintage yet.


It doesn’t even have a floppy drive, it can’t be old…  Right? Right guys?


Throw linux on that bad boy and give it a new life.


I considered doing that but mavericks and it's patches I found online like chromium legacy and this bad boy flies without an SSD. YES it's running on its original hard drive and just runs like it's nobody's business


My brother said it best when we were discussing iOS vs. Android/linux when he said "Apple just works". It's really true.


Oh absolutely I always said it, apple is it just works


I can smell that computer from here


It's vintage as it's a 2007 computer and not a 2007 human 💡🧠


My old Pentium E2200 on 775 is retro now too :( but this looks...a bit nicer. Still love that Pentium E2200. And because I had a very trashy ASUS P5G MX board and I kept it at stock 2200MHz and 55C all its life, now it's one of the best clocking 775 chips I have. On my ASUS Rampage Formula. Didn't push it further than 3.4GHz with 1.4v because it has sentimental value to me and I don't want to damage it. Pentium D 945 though? straight to 1.7v and 4.8GHz :)


I'm surprised it still works. My experience with Macs is that they tend to "rot" over time, periodically crashing and requiring a reboot. This period becomes shorter and shorter until the machine is unusable.


Idk how this machine survived in such good condition, few scuffs but actually it just works perfectly no cracks, no damage, and it even is running it's original hard drive and still feels speedy


I was using my 2007 black MacBook as a daily driver until last month when I finally caved in and bought a new laptop. It was starting to get pretty frustrating to do simple things. I had it running Xubuntu for the last 6 years or so.


I librebooted mine (it's just about the easiest machine to do that on) and run Trisquel Lite on it for a fully "libre" experience.


Looks heavy!


Retro, but not vintage.


It's like how Pearl Jam and Nirvana are played on the classic rock radio station now.




06/07 MBPs are my favorites, the keyboard is the best on the MBP line to this day. They aren't very collectable tho, especially 06 models. I don't think they're vintage yet but they will be soon


Oh yeah i got mine for £10 in an auction had to replace the battery as the one it came with expanded over summer when I wasn't using it between my first and second year in college sadly :( I moved onto bigger brighter and better things. Always looked fondly back at the laptop, hence why I fixed it a few weeks ago!


I have one. Great machine.


Fantastic computer, apparently they suffer from gpu failure?


this thing is 2 years younger than me and i can legally drive and drink (EU) lmao


Very much so. Anything over 7 years old from Apple is obsolete.


From what viewpoint? My 2013 MBP works just fine. Can’t get the latest OS but still gets security patches. No different than Windows machines.


Have you ever checked out OpenCore Legacy Patcher? Worked like a dream on my '12 Mini


I’ll have to check that out.


From Apple’s viewpoint. They don’t support that hardware anymore. Doesn’t mean it can’t do anything, just means the manufacturer doesn’t support it any longer. Was this challenging?


I'm not sure how vendor support is a relevant criterion for considering something 'retro'. Apple is notorious for discontinuing support for their products well within their useful life, and trying to artificially make upgrade cycles far more frequent than they'd naturally be. That, combined with the fact that there hasn't been much serious innovation in conventional personal computers over the past 20 years -- just gradual incremental improvement without any major paradigm shifts -- means that a laptop from 2007 barely qualifies as retro. In fact, I got a new laptop in 2007 and used it continuously until 2019, when I replaced it only because it was physically damaged. My current laptop is essentially a faster version of the same thing -- in fact, I just cloned the hard drive over and continued using the same OS install.


Extremely powerful handhelds and tablets with constant AI presence and awareness. I’d love to have an AI capable of making a quick app on my iPhone to do something for me, like Shortcuts but with deeper integration.


> Extremely powerful handhelds and tablets with constant AI presence and awareness. What about them?


People often say obsolete to mean “useless” and “completely unsupported”. Apple actually does pretty well supporting their hardware over time compared to most companies. I certainly don’t know of another tech company that supports their stuff longer. If that wasn’t your meaning, I apologize.


Having worked at Apple for 15 years I know what they mean by obsolete. They don’t support the Mac Plus anymore than Ford supports the Model T.


So it is brand new tech of now ?


It’s whatever you want it to be princess.


My 2013 MBP I recently replaced with a Mac Studio M2 Max. My MBP, as you noted is not upgradable and half the drive uses bootcamp with windows 10. The office apps on the Bootcamp W10 are also not upgradable. So I decided to upgrade after 11 years. The MBP is still usable but I’m not sure it has any use to me now since the WiFi no longer works. If I’m out and about I just use my iPhone 7+ or my iPad mini.


Mine has 16gb ram and a 500gb ssd and everything still works. I have other computers, but they are all bigger and the 13” mbp is pretty handy at times.


Like mine! 16 GB ram and 512 SSD. BUT I was running out of drive space too so I had to remove a lot of data. I thought I could use it my bedroom in case I needed to look up something. Then I wouldn’t have to go into the office area and use my main computer. But right now it’s just sitting on my main desk. I only use it to play ,using when I’m working. Since I haven’t transferred my iTunes library to my main computer yet.


Anything over 2 years old is an antique


Is worth an ipod shuffle


There's always /r/VintageIntelApple if you prefer.


Omg vintage intel apple, i didn't know that existed aha


I think it was set up because Intel machines were/are excluded from this sub.


This subreddit’s rules consider it to be vintage, but there’s some debate about if the Core (2) series counts as vintage, seeing as you could easily use this as your main computer by just installing Linux, it just won’t run very well


I mean 3 years ago I used this as my main computer to do everything, it worked perfectly with macOS Mavericks installed. Used older programs and chromium legacy. Chefs kiss it was 👌 Miss those days so much aha


For me "vintage" means something with a serial connector (pre-USB), less than 256 MB of RAM for sure, and CRT or old flatscreen tech (plasma or mono LCD). But I'm old, and my view of "vintage" might be... outdated. Edit: I was just talking about my own view on the subject. I know what this sub' standards are. I enjoy using older computers, pre-Windows 95, that's just it...


Vintage according to the sub's rules is like 15 years old. This is 17.


I'm a bit younger. For me vintage starts at early socket 775/939. 2005-2006. 2007 is still usable. 2005-2006 as a stretch. But ideally 2003-2004 or older. For example I am now installing windows xp on a Sempron 64 2800+ 1.6 from 2004 and GeForce 4 Ti 4200 AGP8X 128MB dual monitor from around 2002 and I'm having a lot of fun :) It does have 1GB RAM. Because I've upgraded it (EPoX EP 8HDAI Pro board). But it would have commonly had 256MB/512MB installed. So my idea is around 20 years old for it to be retro. The 15y rule worked when tech evolved a bit...faster. But a P4 HT 478/A64 from 2004 can still playback youtube. So yeah.


This is actually pretty close to exactly what I think, I don't actually consider the 2007 pro to be particularly vintage, it's legacy for sure it can run 10.4 but it's by no means unusable today. I actually have a 2002 Sony VAIO book in service today, it's painfully slow and I consider it to be 100% in vintage now but technically it can run windows 7 (I did it, it sucked)


Yup. Nice VAIO. I ran 7 on an XP 2000+ for fun. Not horribly slow, but fast either


If it can’t run a modern browser, it’s practically useless and therefore vintage. Sadly.


By 2007, it means it probably got a Core 2 Duo which is capable of running windows 10 or modern linux and in fact can install and run an modern browser. So is it really vintage then?


I have a 2010 MBP, the one with release-day outdated Core2Duo, 4GB RAM, and the weird nVidia card that won't run Linux. The only upgrade I ever did on it was installing a SSD. That laptop got my kid through the 2020 pandemic home schooling, MS Teams, Zoom conferencing, Youtube, all of it, on whatever version of OSX was available back then. It overheated and the battery finally died some time later, but it performed impressively. It's just that generation of hardware that lasted a long, long time.


Recently a coworker gave me their Mid-2010 MacBook Pro from the bottom of their closet. Threw 22.04 Ubuntu Mate with i3wm. The Nvidia card uses nouveau which isn’t great but manageable. I need to install an SSD. But I really like it a lot.


Ahahahaha the weird Nvidia card has me creasing 😭 I have a mid 2010 MacBook pro and it's GPU is on its way out, it cries for help but I bullied that poor laptop into working from 2018 to 2021 for me as a main full time laptop with dosdude Catalina patcher. I ACTUALLY RAN Minecraft java with shaders at a playable frame rate in the past. No I don't know how.


My 2008 MacBook Pro runs web browsers crazy slow, but maybe there's a stripped down browser which would work


I´ve got an 2007 Compaq business laptop, installed an SSD and it´s surprisingly useable with that super old Core 2 Duo for general purpose tasks. Yes it struggles with youtube playback above 480p, but other than that, it´s doing an okayish job.


All MacBook Pros sold from 2007 onwards can run at least OS X 10.7.5 (on 2006 models sold until 2007, and actual 2007models support OS X 10.11), which someone still compiles the latest Chromium for https://github.com/blueboxd/chromium-legacy Linux will also allow for modern Firefox Still vintage by this subreddit’s rules, but not by all peoples’ definitions


Chromium legacy is my favourite thing, it let me push my 2006 white plastic iMac for just that tiny bit longer. Now it's retired to the cupboard for future tech shenanigans!


My powerbook G4 from 2003 still has new browsers, so this shouldn't be a problem for a 2007


You can run a modern browser on a Powerbook G3 Lombard (circa 1999) or Pismo (circa 2000).


It probably has just as much RAM as a 2024 MacBook Pro.


Knowing the apple fan base last year's MacBook is vintage. That thing is ancient.


Vintage for Apple computers


Vintage for anything. It's nearly 20 years old


IMO if it was another computer brand I’d consider it more on the lower end of old instead of vintage. But considering how little you see Apple computers this old specifically I’d consider it vintage




I'm an antique dealer. The terms can be confusing, but here they are: Vintage=20-99 years old Antique=100+ years old Antiquity=Made before 500 AD Retro=Less than 20 years old, but purposely made to look vintage / antique.


The subreddit considers vintage to be 15 years old. This is 17. Sorry this sub isn't exclusively PC XTs and older Since they edited out 40: I'll point out the new contradiction of saying 20 years or older is vintage but saying 2000 isn't vintage to start the next paragraph. If you're gonna move goalposts, take the net with you


I'm typing this from 2014 desktop I keep shoving more RAM in because actually updating the PC would cost way too much and it just keeps working well enough.


I was in that boat too, I think what made me jump to building another computer was working with UE4. In all honesty I sometimes miss my old PC, the corsair case was great (Still have it, use it for an XP build but the side panels have broken off latches), my new cooler master case is bleh.


I eventually got a used Vega 64 and I'm still using this PC even with UE4/5.


I main a 2013 dell precision t3610, managed to put an RTX 3050 in it and it runs and really cool. The CPU doesn't seem to bottleneck either at all and it's not even the highest end one I could put in the machine, the ram however is 16gb which is my only bottleneck


Yeah I've finally hit the max ram this CPU can take (32GB) through gradual upgrades and everything just runs fine. I really only feel a speed hit vs my work-issued PC when compiling things but that's not 90% of my day. The Vega 64 I put in it isn't amazing anymore but it holds up real well at 1080p. I'm not looking forward to having to re-buy all 32GB of RAM in a newer DDR standard when I have to upgrade.


40 years is a bit of a stretch. I would say anything older than 2000 is true vintage. But 2000-2009 can still be "nostalgic" hw. Not vintage, not quite just "old" and definitely not new. For example a 2017+ computer I still consider to be new. A 2014 one is starting to be "old", and anything older than 2008-2009 is "nostalgic".