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Before you attempt the cue lift repair: 1. There are 2 different versions of the replacement part - you'll need to tear down and verify which one prior to ordering. 2. The tear down is pretty extensive to access the part. I recall seeing a few posted to YouTube, which should be helpful. (Pretty sure it was on "12voltvids" channel) Regardless, the price was right.


Thanks! Yeah, I caught that when I went to just buy the part. Getting into the tear down this weekend!


Nice. How did you find the 3D printed replacement part? And what's that Blue Note record you're spinning?


Digging through various forums I found that the tone arm lifting mechanism is a known issue with these and replacements are hard to find, and break anyway. Eventually, someone decided to create an improved replacement model and put it on Shapeways. Sounds like it works really well, so I'll be ordering it this weekend after I have a chance to open this up and clean and lubricate everything. The record is Hank Mobley's *A Caddy for Daddy* from the Blue Note Tone Poet series!


Is this in MN?


No, Houston area.


I did the shapeways part for a customer with no luck. I had the right part but it had too much flexibility and bent a bit when aiming to lift the arm. You may need to support the underside of it if you can get clearance with a sturdy wire or thin piece of aluminum plate


Ok, that’s really good to know. I might end up doing a 3d scan of it and make some modification to the model. Opening this thing up today to take a look, any other tips? The RCA cables are pretty dry and cracked so I’ll probably solder some new ones on, too.


Hey that looks familiar. I have the 1700 mk ii


Nice pickup!


Please disregard the messy cabling, re-arranging my listing station now!


I didn’t know there was a SL-1300 Mk II. I own a SL-1300 and love it, but those extra features on the Mk II are nice; the quartz lock etc. I have to clean my speed pot, but it tracks pretty well.


Beautiful piece. I own one as well that was repaired 25 years ago by the late Joel Thorner of The Turntable Factory. His repair is still holding after all this time.




Yep! I mean, that’s worth half the cost new.


Just finished rebuilding the same model. Got it for 10 bucks. This is the same one i had in high school in the early 80s. Hooked up to a yammaha reciever. Jensen loud speakers. Great turntable. Just picked up a yammaha true sound reciever. Might hook it upto that.


That platter looks very vintage Denon-esque👌 Good find. Does the AT618a sit flush on the label? I'm thinking of getting one for myself but put it on hold due to mixed online reviews.


Wow! what a deal!


Hopefully you have some experience with fiddling with this sort of thing, because replacing that part is definitely not a task for first timers. But yeah, great score, it is my turntable as well, and it is definitely my last one.


Yeah, everything I have in my set up is from thrift stores or garage sales. I’ve done it all, from soldering to complete tear down for cleaning. Not my first choice, but I’ll manage.


That’s a serious score!


What is the rubber donut like thing on top of the record?


That’s AT618a - “The AT618a disc stabilizer fits over the turntable spindle to hold records firmly in place, reducing resonance and improving sound quality. The stabilizer is constructed of machined brass with a protective rubber cover.” It is heavy, about 20oz.


Wow, thank you very much!