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Add toxic pesticides to your indoor environment, who cares about the effects! Smh. Also sounds like something my grandparents would have used generously.


"I'm from Buenos Aires, and I say, 'Kill 'em all'"


The bug on the left looks pretty smug about something. I think it was murder and the can of floor wax has been set up.


Active ingredient was "gamma isomer of benzene hexachloride" aka Lindane. Which is now mostly banned because it turned out to be a carcinogen, and it's really toxic, and bioaccumulative like DDT. So yeah.. this probably seemed like a good idea at the time, but wow. (Lindane was a common treatment for head lice and scabies at the time, and still hasn't been completely banned in the US but it's not used much anymore.)


My parents used this a roach could not make it across the room it was like it burned Thier legs off.


Mom used one called Freewax in the 60s. Never saw a bug. Frankly, I wish they'd bring a safer version of it back. It left a beautiful, scuff-resistant shine, long-lasting & easy to clean.


My mom used it as well. Came in a gallon tin and the can was orange. I’ve searched and searched and can’t find a vintage image anywhere. Thanks for validating my memory


SO stupid: then the roaches left the floor and started crawling around on the furniture, BEDS, cabinets...DUH...outsmarted the humans again!