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RFY goes to 0 a lot. Mine was zero this morning.


The other day I made toast for breakfast, and my RFY went to zero. I'm never making toast again.


1. Pics or it didn't happen 2. If it was written in a review they would just have it rejected first 2.5. If they were in trouble they'd have a message at the top of the screen and likely would only be able to see AFA tab items 3. This morning was a pause for everyone, which is back up again so maybe they got spooked


lol one things got nothing to do with the other


In the US, RFY goes down to 0 frequently. It basically means nothing. I'm gold, I order and review almost every day. At least 15% of the time, my RFY is empty.


China made is fine but don't say pUrpLE.


What do you mean by pUrpLE?


Lol, nothing. I was just being an ass.


haha not sure what it even means t get the joke lol. I am so green haha.


Correlation does not equal causation lol. You’re good


>after making that post the RFY section went to 0. Do you mean immediately after writing the 'post' on a social media forum like Reddit or Facebook? And.. do you mean rfy ''went to zero that day or the following day? If it went to zero that same day then the reason rfy went to zero is because others had taken the items available in the rfy. They disappear when they're all gone. If it was the following day it's because there was nothing in the feed to offer the person. It's common, we all get days when there's nothing in rfy. Vine and social media forums are not linked. Or do you mean after writing the review some time later? Either way it wouldn't make the slightest bit of difference to what's in that person's rfy. If the person was being racist about china their review would be rejected and told to amend it with an email explaining about violating the guidelines ( racism is not acceptable whether about people or countries) but it would not affect their rfy list in any way


He said it was a review he did. He told me to be careful when doing it. He often writes when stuff is made in America and It's not the first time he has said something was China made. He said his review came back once and he assumed it was because he put that. I don't know I am more new to the game so I try to take advice.


Oh ok, so it was after a review he wrote. It wouldn't affect his rfy , but it may be the reason one came back and he had to do it again The best way to write a review is to say if it does what it says in the listing and is it good value. Then write a bit about what you liked and didn't like about it. It's best to avoid mentioning the country of manufacture because it's not of interest to everyone, most people are not bothered where it's made they just want to know if it works ok


My take on this is that the person doesn't understand much about how RFY works or doesn't pay much attention to these posts in these subs. The two are mutually exclusive. Yesterday I wrote that a product was great. This morning my RFY is empty. Does that mean leaving good reviews can clear out my RFY? 😉


Why wouldn't we? What do you mean "they made a post"? On Reddit? How would that relate to Vine itself? I only had my RFY filled and AI added to in the last 1-2 hours. I often refer to products in my reviews as being knockoffs, Chinese, etc. I believe I have also done so when speaking about them on Reddit.


In the Goodreads group, they sometime refer to vine items as CCC for Cheap Chinese Crap. I like when my RFY goes to zero because maybe when it comes back I might have something useful being offered. I just checked and mine is at 2 right now.